Ridwan Idris, Ridwan
Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan UIN Alauddin Makassar

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Lentera Pendidikan Vol 16, No 1 (2013): Jurnal Lentera Pendidikan
Publisher : UIN Alauddin Makassar

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 Abstrak: Tulisan ini akan membahas tentang perubahan sosial di Indonesia, proses pendi- dikan di Indonesia, masyarakat Indonesia seutuhnya dan peranan pendidikan sebagai agen perubahan sosial. Saat sekarang ini, pendidikan kita masih jauh untuk dapat  dikatakan  menjadi  agen  perubahan.  Hal  tersebut  dikarenakan  variatifnya tantangan seperti; masalah mutu pendidikan, relevansi pendidikan, akses pendidikan,  manajemen  sistem  pendidikan  nasional,  sumber  pembiayaan,  perbedaan prioritas pengelolaan pendidikan antar-kabupaten/kota sebagai konsekuensi otonomi daerah. Tantangan mesti dihadapi untuk dapat mewujudkan manusia Indonesia yang; religius dan bermoral, menguasai ilmu pengetahuan dan keterampilan, sehat jasmani dan rohani, berkepribadian dan bertanggung jawab. Untuk mewujudkan  masyarakat  Indonesia  seutuhnya,  pendidikan  harus  relevan  dengan empat  pilar  belajar  yaitu;  learning  to  know,  learning  to  do,  learning  to  live  together, dan learning to be. Abstract: This paper discusses about social change in Indonesia, the process of education in Indonesia, the complete Indonesian people and the role of education as an agent of social change. Nowadays, our education is still far to be called as an agent of change.  That  is  because  of  the  varied  challenges  such  as  problems  of  education quality,  relevance  of  education,  access  to  education,  national  education  system management, financing sources, differences in management priorities inter regency/city as a consequence of regional autonomy. Challenges must be overcome to realize  the  Indonesian  people;  which  are  religious  and  moral,  master  of  science and skills, have physically and mentally healthy, have good personality and have responsiblity.  To  realize  the  complete  Indonesian  society,  education  should  be relevant to the four pillars of learning, namely: learning to know, learning to do, learning to live together, and learning to be.  
The Implementation of Tri Dharma of Higher Education In Strengthening MSMEs Sector During The Covid-19 Pandemic Nursita, Lisa; Idris, Ridwan
International Journal of Research in Education Vol 4, No 1 (2024): Issued in January 2024
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26877/ijre.v4i1.15353


This study aims to investigate the contribution of the implementation of tri dharma of UIN Alauddin Makassar in the context of strengthening the MSMEs sector during the Covid-19 pandemic. The data analysis technique employed was a qualitative method using an analytical instrument of Likert scale, categorization with three criteria, tracing and analyzing documents of the implementation of researches and services carried out by UIN Alauddin Makassar. In this study, the sample was MSMEs in collaboration with UIN Alauddin Makassar. The research findings indicated that MSMEs were facing a decline in revenue and required support to adapt to the pandemic situations. Meanwhile, the form of empowering MSMEs through implementing research results and community services carried out by the academic communities of UIN Alauddin Makassar was still very few or in the adequate category. The implementation of tri dharma ended with the preparation of outputs, but the outcomes were still few. The implementation of the tri dharma of higher education, namely education, research, and community service, must develop MSMEs and be directed to be more responsive to the needs of contemporary society
Descriptive Analysis of Questions in the 2013 Curriculum Textbook (2018 Revised Edition) for Grade IX SMP/MTs Mathematics Lessons in Terms of the 2019 TIMSS Cognitive Domain Lira, Qualan Ma’ruf; Tayeb, Thamrin; Idris, Ridwan; Halimah, Andi; Nursalam
Alauddin Journal of Mathematics Education Vol 6 No 1 (2024): MEI
Publisher : Department of Mathematics Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/ajme.v6i1.46599


This study aims to determine the proportion of questions in the 2013 curriculum student book for Mathematics grade IX SMP/MTs that are categorized in the TIMSS cognitive domains compared to the proportion of TIMSS 2019 standards. This type of research uses descriptive qualitative research. The research instrument used was the assessment framework guidelines that have been provided in the TIMSS 2019 book. The research process began with an analysis of the questions contained in the Mathematics student book for grade IX SMP/MTs which was conducted independently by the researcher. The results showed that from 344 valid items contained in the Mathematics student book for grade IX SMP/MTs, the percentage of “knowing” cognitive domain in the book was 37.68%, compared to the standard set by the TIMSS 2019 assessment criteria of 35%. Then, the percentage of “applying” cognitive domain in the book is 52.21%, compared to the standard set by TIMSS 2019 assessment criteria of 40%. Meanwhile, the percentage of “reasoning” cognitive domain in the book was 10.11%, compared to the standard set by the TIMSS 2019 assessment criteria of 25%.
Studi Literatur Pemanfaatan Teknologi Chat GPT dalam Pendidikan Iriyani, Sri Astuti; Patty, Elyakim N.S; Akbar, Abu Rizal; Idris, Ridwan; Priyudahari, Bhujangga Ayu Putu
Upgrade : Jurnal Pendidikan Teknologi Informasi Vol 1 No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Pendidikan Teknologi Informasi Universitas Bumigora

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30812/upgrade.v1i1.3151


The aim of the research is to analyze the development of publications related to the use of GPT Chat technology in the field of education. The research method is a literature study with bibliometric analysis. A total of 919 articles were used from the Google Scholar database. The results of research publications on the use of GPT Chat technology in education have increased from year to year in the 2018-2022 period. The presentation of research development is known to be 2018, namely 1%, 2019 4%, 2020 17%, 2021 33%, and 2022 45%. There are 6 clusters namely cluster 1 (15 items), cluster 2 (14 items), cluster 3 (13 items), cluster 4 (12 items), cluster 5 (10 items), and cluster 6 (6 items). GPT Chat research network mapping in education topics that are often researched are GPT, System and Chatbot, while the topics that become new themes are Xlnet, Elmo, NLP, Deep Learning, and Dialog Response Generation, so that the keywords with the new theme can be used as a reference in do further research.