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Aspek Mutu dan Tingkat Kesukaan Konsumen terhadap Surimi Ikan Belut Mokhamad Nasir Salasa, Rini Rahayu Sihmawati
AGROKNOW Vol 2, No 01 (2014): Jurnal Agroknow Vol.2 No.1 Februari 2014
Publisher : AGROKNOW

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Abstract. Indonesia fishery action in globalization era has potential development prospect. This can be seen from food industry of fishery result getting increase and has many kind of product. One of the fishery food product which is developed in Indonesia is surimi. Surimi is fish miofibril protein which has been stabilized and produced through process level continually which contains of squeeze meat, no bones and head., washing,. Decrease of water, cryoprotectant adding, so it has functional function mainly gel forming and water tied. The research goal is know the quality aspect and consumer like of fish surimi according to chemistry test and organpleptic test. This research uses experiment method and group random design in factorial term. Factor one( I) is the adding of tapioca flour( T) with the level of 1 %, 5%, 10%. Factor two ( II) is sugar adding ( G) with the level 1%, 2.5%,4%, 5.5% three times repetition. Chemistry parameter (proximat) with protein test. fat and ash level. While organoleptic parameter for taste test, texture, flavor,colour. The research result shows that each factor shows that there is significant influence to the protein , fat , ash level. There is a significant interaction influence of protein and ash level. While the fat has no significant influence and protein level tends to have linear decrease with more sugar and flour adding. For fat level tends to decrease linier with more tapioca flour but with more sugar , the fat also increases. While the ash tends ro increase liniarly with the adding of tapioca flour and sugar. The best composition in this research match with the chemistry test shows the treatment of T1G1 and T3G1. While the organoleptic test which has been done to the panelis , the best treatment is T3G4 if it is compared to the other treatments , like category 60% in taste , very like 40% in the texture, like 60% in the flavor and like 67% in colour.Kata kunci : perikanan, surimi, ikan belut, tepung tapioka, gula
Analisis Kualitas Kecap Manis Instan dari Daging Sapi Tetelan Ambar Fidyasari, Rini Rahayu Sihmawati Dwi Agustiyah Rosida
AGROKNOW Vol 1, No 01 (2013): Jurnal Agroknow Vol.1 No.1 Februari 2013
Publisher : AGROKNOW

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Abstract. This study aimed to determine the effect of the concentration of the enzyme papain (E) and incubation time (T) on the quality of the “tetelan” beef sauce. The research was conducted in June 2010 at the Faculty of Food Industry University of 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya. The method used is an experimental method using a randomized block design (RBD) factorial pattern that consists of two factors. The first factor is the addition of papain enzyme concentration (E) with level E1 = 7.5% w/w, E2 = 12.5% w/w and E3 = 17.5% w/w. The second factor is the incubation time (T) with a standard T1 and T2 = 24 hours and 48 hours. Observed data include: Water content, water activity (Aw) and protein levels.The results showed variations in the concentration of the papain enzyme and incubation time on making soy “tetelan” beef there are very real differences in the influence of the protein content. Highest protein content in E3T2 treatment is 4.080%, and lowest in E1T1 treatment is 2.163%. Treatment E1T1 to E3T2 treatment meets quality standards soy sauce, if viewed from the protein content, as a minimum protein content is 2%. Judging from the value of nutrition and food preservation E3T2 treatment is the best treatment for a higher protein content (4.080%), moisture content and water activity (Aw) was lower (2.057%, 0.685%).Kata Kunci : Enzim, Mutu kecap daging sapi tetelan 
EVALUASI SIFAT FISIKOKIMIA TEMPE WARNA DENGAN PENGGUNAAN KUNYIT SEBAGAI PEWARNA ALAMI DAN PENAMBAHAN SDB ( Sabouraud Dextrose Broth) Sihmawati, Rini Rahayu; Panjaitan, Tiurma W. Susanti; Rosida, Dwi Agustiyah
Heuristic Vol 14 No 01 (2017)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30996/he.v14i01.1041


This research is determining the impact of adding natural dyes turmeric and Sabouraud Dextrose Broth (SDB) against physicochemical of tempeh. Benefits of the research is to support the food security program through increased value-added tempeh using natural dyes. This research was conducted by the method of experimental design was completely randomized. The first treatment is concentration of turmeric (K) and the second is the concentration of SDB. The first consists of three concentration levels (0.5% , 1% and 1.5%), and the second also consists of three concentration levels (1% , 2% and 3% ) and repeated 3 times. The test results chemically the protein , fat and ash contents between the tenth treatment showed not significant (P> 0.05), the test results of water content between the ten treatments of at least two show difference (P <0.05), also carbohydrate (P <0:01).Keywords: physicochemical, colored tempeh, turmeric, natural dyes, SDB
EVALUASI MUTU MIE BASAH DENGAN SUBSTITUSI TEPUNG PORANG DAN KARAGENAN SEBAGAI PENGENYAL ALAMI Sihmawati, Rini Rahayu; Dwi Agustiyah Rosida, Dwi Agustiyah Rosida Dwi Agustiyah Rosida; Panjaitan, Tiurma Wiliana Susanti
Heuristic Vol 16, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30996/he.v16i1.2485


Mie merupakan produk pangan yang terbuat dari tepung terigu dan  disukai masyarakat serta telah menjadi salah satu  pangan alternatif pengganti nasi di Indonesia. Porang  merupakan  tanaman lokal Indonesia yang kaya akan  pati dan karbohidrat sehingga dapat dijadikan bahan baku pangan pokok sebagai tepung yang dapat dikembangkan sebagai bahan baku substitusi tepung terigu, dan dapat digunakan sebagai bahan dasar mie. Sementara itu  karagenan merupakan senyawa hidrokoloid yang diekstraksi dari rumput laut merah jenis Eucheuma cottonii yang  berperan penting sebagai stabilisator (pengatur keseimbangan), bahan pengental, pembentuk gel, pengemulsi dan lainnya sehingga karagenan yang ditambahkan kedalam produk mi akan meghasilkan produk yang lebih lentur dan tidak mudah patah. Perlakuan yang dilakukan yaitu kombinasi antara tepung porang dan tepung karagenan dengan perbandingan  P1K1 : 60%  : 2% : 38%  (tepung terigu:  karagenan:tepung porang), P2K2 : 60% : 4%: 36% (tepung terigu :  karagenan: tepung porang), P3K3 : 60% : 6% : 34% (tepung terigu :  karagenan: tepung porang), P4K4 : 60% : 8%: 32% (tepung porang : tepung karagenan: tepung terigu). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa  perlakuan P4K4  lebih disukai panelis untuk parameter tektur,aroma dan rasa. Sedamgkan untuk para,meter warna, panelis cenderung memberikan penilaian yang sama untuk semua perlakuan.Kata Kunci : Mie, Subsitusi, Porang, Karagenan, Pengenyal alami
Heuristic Vol 11 No 01 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30996/he.v11i01.609


A more tight and high business competition in domestic as well as international marketencourage the company gain better quality product. Consequently, it needs continous improvingeffort toward the process capability, human, machine and environment. It is realized by PT.Timur Selatan at Pare Kediri for it product. The frequent problems emerged are whether theproduct quality including widt, lengt and moisture content according the spesification, whetherthese are delinquencies then what action in needed for good quality.The Aim of this research are : 1). To know whether the product quality ( width, lengthand moisture content) fulfills the specification 2). to know whether is delinquency happened fromcontrol limit. 3). What action are needed for the delinquency improvment. While the purposedhypothesis is the product quality has fulfill the specification and statistic controlling limit.The research is conducted at PT. Timur Selatan Pare kediri, the research methodology isusing the primary data from direct observation and secondary data from company. The dataanalysis is done by applying Statistical Quality Control which uses control X and R chart.The result shows that for the width and moistureContent are in the specification except the length. While for the satistical control shows in controllimit for the length and moisture content except width. The process capability is low for length (0,5479) and mioisture content (0,4018), so it is necessary to increase the process capability.Besides the variable quality is also caused by human factor, machine and equipment.Kata kunci : laminating board, quality control, Control X and R chart
Heuristic Vol 11 No 02 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30996/he.v11i02.619


Making nata de coco is one of the way to use waste from coconut water which can not be used so that it can decrease the environment polution . Mango is the fruit which can be found in Indonesia , with high nutrition that can be used for many variation of foods. One of them is fruit juice, that can be added from making nata de coco so that it can be hoped to increase the nutrition value of nata de coco by using Acetobacter xylinum bacteria.The purpose of the research is increasing nata de coco nutrition value with phisical factor ( texture and thickness),also the chemistry factor ( pH and vitamine C content) and sensoric factor / organoleptic ( taste, colour, and flavour).The reseach design which is used for complete random design which consist of 3 treatments using mango juice 6 trial test. The first treatment ( S1) = 15%, the second treatment (S2) = 30%, the third treatment (S3) = 45%.The research result showed that the adding treatment of fruit juice to the pH accid degree, vitamine C , and the nata thickness showed significant influence. For sensoric test / organoleptic in the taste result and flavour showed significant influence while in the colour test there is no influence.Kata kunci: air kelapa, sari buah mangga, nata de coco, Acetobacter xylinum
Heuristic Vol 12 No 01 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30996/he.v12i01.625


The aim of this research was to know the effect of glucose syrup and albumen to quality of pineapple softcandy in physical, chemical and organoleptic and to know the right glucose syrup and albumen concentration of the making pineapple softcandy.The research used Completely Randomized Block Design, with consist of 3 level with 3 times repeat , the glucose syrup ( G) ( 35%,50%, 65%) and albumen ( A) ( 2%, 4%, 6%).Chemical properties of the test include water content, reducing sugar and physic properties such as texture and sensory testing include flavor and color. Obtained data were tested using ANOVA followed by BNT if it showed the real difference in treatment and used DMRT if there were interaction between two factor. The results of this research showed that the addition of glucose syrup and egg albumen real effect on reducing sugar levels and no real effect on the moisture content and texture of pineapple softcandy . The average sugar content is highest reduction in treatment G3A3 (35 .107%) and the lowest in treatment G1A1 (34 163%). Differences in execution time trial showed no significant differences in effect on all parameters tested. Organoleptic test results showed the majority of panelists do not like to color soft confectionery pineapple. As for the taste of the most preferred in the treatment G3A3.Kata kunci : kembang gula lunak, sirup glukosa, putih telur, buah nanas
JPM17: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 1 No 02 (2015)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30996/jpm17.v1i02.546


chips Household Industry in Wonodadi Kulon-Pacitan village has a good prospect, it is because in the area and its surroundings have quite abundant raw materials. Long enough household businesses was developed by a group of villagers, but the development of this business is still very slow, it is possible because the business is run as a sideline. With a variety of approaches and provides an insight into this business opportunity, through IbM program, partners started running this business more seriously, and to make this effort as part of family activities for their livelihood. The group wants to spread to a wider market, then the team IbM provide assistance in terms of business management, financial and marketing. On the other hand, the team IbM provide additional technology is the method of cooking vacuum (vacuum frying). This technology is appropriate given with respect to the amount of fruit that has a fairly expensive price such as mango, pineapple, papaya, durian and bark generated this area. With the harvest is abundant and it price is cheap, then the partner is expected to help farmers to receive the crops which is then processed into fruit chips which have a higher selling price. To support the sales and make consumers more interested, then the appearance of the product to be one of arable IbM team. Therefore, IbM team gave a training to make packaging labels. Similarly, in order to products marketed accountable, trustworthy, and safe for consumption, then the team IbM assisting partners to do an assessment and permits PIRT.Keywords: Chips Industrial, Vacuum Frying Machine, Label Products, PIRT 
Analisis Proksimat Abon Bonggol Pisang Dengan Fortifikasi Tepung Tempe Dan Lesitin Rini Rahayu Sihmawati; Dwi Agustiyah Rosida
STIGMA: Jurnal Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Unipa Vol 13 No 01 (2020)
Publisher : FMIPA : Universitas PGRI Adi Buana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36456/stigma.13.1.2416.1-7


The aim of this research was to evaluate a proximate test (protein, fat, water content and carbohydrate) shredded banana corm with tempeh flour and lechitin fortification. This research is an experimental study using a completely randomized design factorial pattern. The first treatment was: Tempe soybean flour (T) with a level of T1 (5%), T2 (10%) and T3 (15%). The second treatment was lecithin (L) with levels of L1 (3%), L2 (5%) and L3 (7%) so that 9 treatment combinations were obtained. The collected data were analyzed with a 2-way classification variance test (analysis of variance). If there is a difference between treatments followed by LSD test. Proximate test results on the protein content of shredded banana corm showed that the addition of tempeh flour (T) had a very significant effect on protein content (P <0.01), while the addition of lecithin (L) was not significant (P> 0.05) both tempeh flour and lechitin did not significant on fat content and water content (P> 0.05). Tempeh flour (T) has a very significant effect on carbohydrate content (P <0.01), while the addition of lecithin (L) is not significant (P> 0.05). Keywords: banana corn, shredded, tempeh flour, lecithin, proximate test
Peningkatan Performans Produksi Dan Kualitas Daging Pada Ayam Broiler Periode Finisher Yang Diberi Fitobiotik A. Wardah; Rini Rahayu Sihmawati
STIGMA: Jurnal Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Unipa Vol 13 No 02 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36456/stigma.13.02.2857.1-15


The use of phytobiotics which can improve production performance and quality of broiler chicken meat continues to be done. The use of herbs that contain metabolic components is a very important strategy. This study aims to evaluate the production performance and quality of broiler chicken meat given phytobiotic drinks in the finisher period. The study was conducted experimentally using a completely randomized design with 4 treatments of phytobiotic drinks 0, 30, 60, and 90% in broiler chickens aged 25-40 days and repeated 5 times. The liquid phytobiotics used in the form of a mixture of Curcuma domestica powder are known as antioxidants, antimicrobials and anti-inflammatory properties. Curcuma domestica: Zingiber officinale: Kaempferia galanga: Curcuma zanthorrhiza: Syzygium polyanthum with a ratio of 1:1:1:1:2. The results showed that giving phytobiotics significantly (P <0.05) increased body weight, carcass weight and broiler feed consumption. The provision of 30% phytobiotics resulted in body weight, carcass weight and feed consumption significantly (P <0.05) compared to giving 0, 60 and 90% phytobiotics. The results of the analysis of the fat and cholesterol content of broiler meat that were given phytobiotics were significantly (P <0.05) lower than the fat content of broiler meat that was not given phytobiotics. The provision of 60% phytobiotics was significantly (P <0.05) lower than the provision of 0, 30 and 90% phytobiotics. While the results of the analysis of protein content of broiler meat given 60% phytobiotics were significantly (P <0.05) higher than those given 0, 30 and 90% phytobiotics. The results of this study can be concluded that the provision of phytobiotics can affect the production performance and quality of broiler chicken meat in the finisher period. Giving 30% phytobiotics can increase as much as 20% body weight, carcass weight and feed consumption. Meanwhile, giving 60% phytobiotics increased 78.58% of meat protein content and decreased 70.54% of meat fat and 75% of meat cholesterol. Keywords: Broiler chicken; finisher; production; meat quality.