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Aksara Public Vol 2 No 4 (2018): Desember (2018)

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In childhood, physical growth begins to increase both height and weight along with the development of muscle coordination and mental abilities. In that phase, all children would have experienced sick in his life, which mostly caused by pathogenic microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, parasites and fungi. Early detection and treatment of the disease Measles must be done quickly and accurately, because measles can be easily cured but deadly if left untreated. The disease is most common in children, and especially in developing countries such as Africa and some Southeast Asia. Measles can cause children vulnerable to diarrhea, pneumonia, blindness and brain damage. So in need The Expert System for Diagnosing Measles in children a more practical and efficient to the android based mobile devices by utilizing the development of IT technology and knowledge of modern medical world. This expert system using techniques Best First Search and Forward Chaining with a knowledge base derived from a variety of sources related to measles to get the final result of the conclusions and recommendation of treatment.
Penyebaran Fikih Mazhab Syafi’i di Nusantara: Studi Sosio-Historis Masa Kesultanan Palembang Darussalam Adil, Muhammad; Harun, Muhamad
Al-Manahij: Jurnal Kajian Hukum Islam Vol 14 No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah IAIN Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24090/mnh.v14i2.3263


This study explains the spread of the Syafi'i school of fiqh in the Indonesian Archipelago by taking the time of the Palembang Darussalam Sultanate. The dissemination of the Syafi'i school of fiqh was officially carried out through the sultanate institution by the ulama appointed by the Sultan. The official positions in the field of religion are Pangeran Penghulu Nata Agama, Penghulu Nata Agama, and Khatib Imam. This position continued during the colonial period and ended until 1905 as Hoofd Penghulu. In addition, the dissemination of the Syafi'i school of fiqh was also carried out by scholars who had close ties to the sultanate, such as Abdul Samad al-Palimbani, Kemas Fakhruddin, and Syihabuddin al-Misri al-Jawi al-Palimbani. Authentic evidence of the spread of the Shafi'i School of jurisprudence occurred through the translation and copying movement of the Shafi'i School of Islamic scholars, as was done by Sheikh Abdul Samad who wrote and translated books written by Imam Ghazali in the fields of fiqh and Sufism, such as books of Bidāyat al-Hidāyah was translated as Hidāyat al-Sālikīn fī Suluk al-Maslak al-Muttaqīn, and Ihyā 'Ulūm al-Dīn was translated as Sayr al-Sālikīn ilā Ibādat Rabb al-Alamīn. Thus, it can be seen that this model of dissemination has caused the Syafi'i school of jurisprudence to continue to experience its development until now to dominate as a school of law adopted by the community.
Penyebaran Fikih Mazhab Syafi'i di Nusantara: Studi Sosio-Historis Masa Kesultanan Palembang Darussalam Adil, Muhammad; Harun, Muhamad
Al-Manahij: Jurnal Kajian Hukum Islam Vol 14 No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah IAIN Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24090/mnh.v14i2.3263


This study explains the spread of the Syafi'i school of fiqh in the Indonesian Archipelago by taking the time of the Palembang Darussalam Sultanate. The dissemination of the Syafi'i school of fiqh was officially carried out through the sultanate institution by the ulama appointed by the Sultan. The official positions in the field of religion are Pangeran Penghulu Nata Agama, Penghulu Nata Agama, and Khatib Imam. This position continued during the colonial period and ended until 1905 as Hoofd Penghulu. In addition, the dissemination of the Syafi'i school of fiqh was also carried out by scholars who had close ties to the sultanate, such as Abdul Samad al-Palimbani, Kemas Fakhruddin, and Syihabuddin al-Misri al-Jawi al-Palimbani. Authentic evidence of the spread of the Shafi'i School of jurisprudence occurred through the translation and copying movement of the Shafi'i School of Islamic scholars, as was done by Sheikh Abdul Samad who wrote and translated books written by Imam Ghazali in the fields of fiqh and Sufism, such as books of Bidāyat al-Hidāyah was translated as Hidāyat al-Sālikīn fī Suluk al-Maslak al-Muttaqīn, and Ihyā 'Ulūm al-Dīn was translated as Sayr al-Sālikīn ilā Ibādat Rabb al-Alamīn. Thus, it can be seen that this model of dissemination has caused the Syafi'i school of jurisprudence to continue to experience its development until now to dominate as a school of law adopted by the community.
Muamalah Vol 7 No 2 (2021): Muamalah
Publisher : Program Studi Muamalah Fakultas Syariah dan Hukum

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Penelitian ini berjudul Implementasi Surat Edaran Bupati Nomor /dagperin/ tentang HET dan Pemakaian Gas LPG 3 Kg di Kabupaten Musi Banyuasin dalam perspektif prinsip-prinsip Hukum Ekonomi Syariah yang mana latar belakang dari penelitian ini dikarenakan kelangkaan yang terjadi dalam penyediaan Gas LPg 3 Kg disebabkan penurunan produksi gas bumi, sedangkan permintaan konsumsinya yang terus meningkat, kemudian dalam penyebaran gas LPG Kg yang diperuntukan oleh kalangan menengah kebawah, ternyata masih saja tidak tepat sasaran di wilayah Kabupaten Musi Banyuasin bahkan masyarakat masih sulit mendapatkan gas LPG Kg bersubsidi dikarenakan masih ada permainan oknum di lapangan. Adapun penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian lapangan (field research) yaitu suatu penelitian yang dilakukan secara sistematis dengan menyangkut data yang ada dilapangan dengan menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif penelitian ini menjaring informasi mengenai implementasi dari surat edaran Bupati Musi Banyuasin nomor /dagperin/ tentang HET dan Pemakaian gas LPG Kg di kabupaten Musi Banyuasin dari kondisi sewajarnya untuk dirumuskan menjadi suatu generalasi yang dapat diterima oleh akal sehat manusia. Kesimpulan dari hasil penelitian yang didapatkan yakni dalam pengimplementasian surat edaran tersebut yakni dalam penyaluran LPG 3 Kg bersubsidi ini dirasa sudah dilaksanakan dengan menyalurkan LPG 3 Kg sesuai sasarannya yang dilakukan oleh pihak agen dan pangkalan kepada masyarakat miskin dan usaha mikro saja. Untuk wilayah Ibu Kota Kabupaten itu sendiri sudah memadai untuk infrastruktur pendukung dalam pengalokasian LPG 3 Kg ke masyarakat miskin dan usaha mikro, namun untuk wilayah terpencil jauh dari Ibu Kota Kabupaten masih kurang infrastruktur pendukung pendistribusian LPG 3 Kg bersubsidi yakni dalam penyediaan pangkalan sehingga memicu permainan harga jual melebihi HET yang ditentukan oleh pihak pemda yang dilakukan oleh oknum tidak bertanggung jawab, dalam respon yang diberikan oleh pelaksana kebijakan juga didapatkan respon positif yang mendukung dengan adanya kebijakan tersebut. Kemudian dalam pandangan prinsip-prinsip hukum ekonomi syariah dalam penentuan dan pengimplementasian kebijakan tersebut haruslah dilaksanakan dengan adil dan benar, melihat respon para pelaksana kebijakan yang setuju dan merasa tidak dirugikan maka dalam Islam diperbolehkan dalam pengimplementasian surat edaran tersebut.Kata kunci : Implementasi Kebijakan, Surat Edaran Bupati Musi Banyuasin, LPG Kg
Nurani: Jurnal Kajian Syari'ah dan Masyarakat Vol 13 No 2 (2013): Nurani
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19109/nurani.v13i2.121


Abstract:  Terrorism has become a part of the extra-ordinary crimes which damage the economic system, the integrity of the country, innocent civilians as well as other public facilities in the context of the law against all significant. Sheltering terrorists as agents of political offenses or political purpose made with purpose of violence in which the action is intended to create a shock or intimidation to governmental authority or resulting to the public by innocent.ملخص: وقد أصبح الإرهاب جزءا من الجرائم غير العادية التي تتلف النظام الاقتصادي، وسلامة البلاد، المدنيين الأبرياء، فضلا عن غيرها من المرافق العامة في إطار القانون ضد كل كبير. إيواء الإرهابيين وكلاء من جرائم سياسية أو غرض سياسي المصنوع من هدف من العنف الذي يقصد العمل لخلق صدمة أو الترهيب للسلطة حكومية أو الناشئين للجمهور بواسطة الأبرياء.Kata kunci: kriminalisasi, terorisme, pemerintah.
Nurani: Jurnal Kajian Syari'ah dan Masyarakat Vol 16 No 2 (2016): Nurani
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19109/nurani.v16i2.935


Orientation to establishment of Islamic law with a variant of the method is to achieve human welfare. To achieve the benefit of this, not just human authorized by God to made through His mind, but also God determine through His Word, so that in Islamic law, there are two sources of law, namely “naqliy” and “aqliy” always follow the development of human civilization has implications for the emergence of new problems the rule of law is not regulated in the passage, then the method “maslahah al-mursalah” into one of the alternative solutions oriented to the good of man. In other words, let alone at the level of Allah and the Massenger (via maslahah al-mu'tabarah) as a legal resident, on human writing even if the benefit to be achieved as the "fruit" of authoritative of law through “maslahah al-mursalah”. In regard to the philosophy of the value of the good, the methods of “al-maslahah” have embodied the virtues intuisisme, universalistic hedonism, utilitarianism and religiosisme.
Muqaranah Vol 4 No 2 (2020): Muqaranah
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (506.547 KB) | DOI: 10.19109/muqaranah.v4i2.7932


Akad nikah menurut istilah hukum Islam merupakan akad yang ditetapkan syara’ untuk membolehkan bersenang-senang antara laki-laki dan perempuan dan menghalalkannya. Salah satu penyebab putusnya perkawinan adalah disebabkan oleh li’an, yaitu sumpah seorang suami yang menuduh istrinya berzina. Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi adanya perbedaan para ulama terkait masalah ini. Jenis Penelitian yang digunakan adalah Library research. dengan pendekatan yuridis normatif. Sumber bahan hukumnya dari bahan hukum primer dan bahan hukum sekunder. Teknik pengumpulan datanya menggunakan teknik study dokumen lalu dianalisis secara deskriftif-komperatif yakni dengan menjelaskan dan menggambarkan masalah secara jelas dan menyeluruh kemudian dilakukan perbandingan antara kategori satu dengan kategori lainnya. Kesimpulan dari penulisan ini diantaranya adalah bahwa konsep li’an dalam kitab Bidayatul Mujtahid dibagi kedalam lima pasal: Jenis tuduhan yang mengharuskan dijatuhkannya li’an, sifat kedua pelaku li’an, sifat li’an, hukum penolakan salah satu pihak, hukum yang menjadi keharusan bagi terpenuhinya li’an. Dan dalam konsep Fiqh Sunnah: Bentuk praktik li’an, landasan disyariatkannya li’an, syarat li’an, hukum li’an, pihak yang memulai li’an, dan hukum menisbahkan anak kepada ibunya. Kemudian akibat hukum sumpah li’an dalam kitab Bidayatul Mujtahid dan Fiqh Sunnah: li’an terjadi jika suami menuduh istrinya berzina dan mengingkari anak, perceraian terjadi jika suami telah melakukan li’an, nasab anak yang diingkari kembali kepada ibunya. Kata Kunci: Li’an, Bidayatul Mujtahid, Fiqh Sunnah
Penyebaran Fikih Mazhab Syafi'i di Nusantara: Studi Sosio-Historis Masa Kesultanan Palembang Darussalam Muhammad Adil; Muhamad Harun
Al-Manahij: Jurnal Kajian Hukum Islam Vol 14 No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Sharia Faculty of State Islamic University of Prof. K.H. Saifuddin Zuhri, Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1289.739 KB) | DOI: 10.24090/mnh.v14i2.3263


This study explains the spread of the Syafi'i school of fiqh in the Indonesian Archipelago by taking the time of the Palembang Darussalam Sultanate. The dissemination of the Syafi'i school of fiqh was officially carried out through the sultanate institution by the ulama appointed by the Sultan. The official positions in the field of religion are Pangeran Penghulu Nata Agama, Penghulu Nata Agama, and Khatib Imam. This position continued during the colonial period and ended until 1905 as Hoofd Penghulu. In addition, the dissemination of the Syafi'i school of fiqh was also carried out by scholars who had close ties to the sultanate, such as Abdul Samad al-Palimbani, Kemas Fakhruddin, and Syihabuddin al-Misri al-Jawi al-Palimbani. Authentic evidence of the spread of the Shafi'i School of jurisprudence occurred through the translation and copying movement of the Shafi'i School of Islamic scholars, as was done by Sheikh Abdul Samad who wrote and translated books written by Imam Ghazali in the fields of fiqh and Sufism, such as books of Bidāyat al-Hidāyah was translated as Hidāyat al-Sālikīn fī Suluk al-Maslak al-Muttaqīn, and Ihyā 'Ulūm al-Dīn was translated as Sayr al-Sālikīn ilā Ibādat Rabb al-Alamīn. Thus, it can be seen that this model of dissemination has caused the Syafi'i school of jurisprudence to continue to experience its development until now to dominate as a school of law adopted by the community.
Corporate Social Responsibility Programs In the Principles of Sharia Economic Law Fauziah Fauziah; Muhamad Harun; Resty Okta Iman Sari
Nurani: Jurnal Kajian Syari'ah dan Masyarakat Vol 22 No 2 (2022): Nurani
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19109/nurani.v22i2.14148


Limited Liability Companies a role in economic development and must be responsible for the surrounding environment in its business activities, known as CSR. Thus, it is necessary to know the arrangements regarding the CSR program. Reviewing the CSR program from the point of view of sharia economic law is also necessary. Therefore, researchers conducted research related to the CSR program to examine the program based on the principles of Islamic economic law. This research is qualitative research using secondary data. Data was collected through a documentation study. Data analysis technique was carried out in qualitative descriptive. This study found that arrangements regarding CSR programs must pay attention to ethical, moral, and mandatory principles for Limited Liability Companies. This principle is compatible with the principles of sharia economic law, such as the principle of permissibility, the principle of freedom of contract, the principle of agreement, the principle of binding promises, the principle of balance, the principle of benefit, and the principle of justice. CSR in the perspective of Sharia Economic Law, is a consequence of Islamic teachings. It means that a company must not be concerned with itself but must also pay attention to the surrounding environment.