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Lisanul' Arab: Journal of Arabic Learning and Teaching Vol 6 No 1 (2017): Lisanul Arab
Publisher : Program studi Pendidikan Bahasa Arab UNNES

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (359.313 KB) | DOI: 10.15294/la.v6i1.14389


Abstrak ___________________________________________________________________ Penelitian ini berusaha mendeskripsikan model pembelajaran Tamyiz. Model ini hasil karya bukan ?ahli pendidikan bahasa arab? dalam arti formal  oleh sebab itu peneliti istilahkan sebagai model alternatif. Tamyiz berusaha memberikan kontribusi dalam pembelajaran bahasa Arab yang lebih cepat dan komprehensif. Menurut pendukungnya, tamyiz efektif dalam menciptakan kemampuan berbahasa Arab secara kilat. Akan tetapi ?tak ada gading yang tak retak?, setiap model pasti memiliki kelebihan dan kekurangan disamping peluang dan tantangannya. Penelitian ini akan mencoba mendeskripsikannya dan mengambil sisi postif selanjutnya diaplikasikan dalam pembelajaran bahasa Arab yang sesuai dengan pola dan teori ilmiah metodologi pembelajaran bahasa Arab.   Abstract ___________________________________________________________________ This study attempts to describe Tamyiz's learning model. This model of work is not 'Arabic educational experts' in the formal sense therefore the researcher termed as an alternative model. Tamyiz strives to contribute to faster and more comprehensive Arabic learning. According to his supporters, tamyiz is effective in creating Arabic skills in lightning. But "no ivory is not cracked", every model must have advantages and disadvantages in addition to opportunities and challenges. This research will try to describe it and take positive side then applied in Arabic learning in accordance with pattern and scientific theory of learning methodology of Arabic language.
الترجمة معناها وتاريخها Raswan, Raswan
Buletin Al-Turas Vol 19, No 2 (2013): Buletin Al-Turas
Publisher : Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1255.409 KB) | DOI: 10.15408/bat.v19i2.3724


AbstrakTerjemahan adalah fakta kebutuhan kemanusiaan, karena manusia berbicara dalam bahasa yang berbeda antar masyarakat dan Negara yang berbeda. Tenerjemah juga dilakukan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan interaksi antara masyarakat dari berbagai negara dalam bahasa. Demikian juga bahwa manusia diberikan naluri cinta il   mu pengetahun, senang mengkritik dan mencintai ilmu yang berkembang di berbagai penjuru dunia dan untuk menguasaiilmu tersebut maka manusia mau tidak mau harus menguasai bahasa yang digunakan oleh bangsa yang ilmu tersebut berkembang di bangsa tersebut. Terjemah juga merupakan factor utama penentu kemajuan sebuah bangsa dan mayoritas Negara maju di di dunia adalah Negara yang memperhatikan gerakan terjemah di negaranya. Dan terjemah menurut sejarah diawali dengan gerakan terjemah ke dalam bahasa Yunan, gerkan terjemah ke dalam bahasa Suryani, gerakan terjemah ke dalam bahasa Arab di masa khulafau ar-rasyidin (Muawiyyah dan Abbasyiyyah), gerakan terjemah ke dalam bahasa latin, gerakan terjemah ke dalam bahasa Eropa modern, gerakan terjemah modern ke dalam bahasa Arab dan bahasa-bahasa lain di dunia dari bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa yang penuturnya sedang mengalami kemajun. ---AbstractTranslation is the fact humanitarian needs, because people speaking in different languages between communities and different countries. Translations also done to meet the needs of interaction between people from different countries in the language. Similarly, given that the human instinct is love the knowledge, pleasure and love to criticize science developed in various parts of the world and to the human master science inevitably have to master the language used by the nation's science progresses in the nation. Translations are also a major factor determining the progress of a nation and the majority of developed countries in the world is the State that the movement of translation in the country. And translation in history begins with the movement of translation into the language of Yunan, movement translations into Syriac, translation movement into Arabic in the khulafau ar-Rashidun (Muawiyyah and Abbasyiyyah), move into a Latin translation, translation into the language movement modern Europe, modern translation movement into Arabic and other languages in the world of English as the language of the speakers was having to progress.
Al Muhassinat al Lafdziyyah al-Ma'nawiyah Raswan, Raswan
Buletin Al-Turas Vol 18, No 2 (2012): Buletin Al-Turas
Publisher : Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2121.377 KB) | DOI: 10.15408/bat.v18i2.4299


Study of badi has passed through various phases of the term. Badi 'grow and develop into a big lead and then retreating to his study and pragmatic. The first person credited codify badi 'is Ibn Mu'taz, then badi' is analyzed theby the exciting and challenging to Abdu al-an-Nabulisi Ghaniy formulated more than 160 scientific studied on badi'. Subsequent devlopment of science badi' orientation to orientation decreased pragmatic, not unlike just memorizing rules and unable to come to tadzawwuq balaghi.Study of badi'increasingly leaving only a few studies have considered the main pragmatic language in the Koran dive like the one in the book such as al-al-Wadhihah Balaghah, Jawahir al-Balagha, Jauhar al-Maknun etc.. Balaghah studies are still in existence and is considered the primary will be presented in this article.
Ijtihad-ijtihad (Interpretasi) Kebahasaan Tammam Hassan Raswan
Al-Ma‘rifah Vol 12 No 1 (2015): Al-Ma'rifah: Jurnal Budaya, Bahasa, dan Sastra Arab
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (875.397 KB) | DOI: 10.21009/almakrifah.12.01.06


In this article the writer proposes ijtihad-ijtihad Tammam Hassan in the study of nahwu (Arabic grammatical). And ijtihadat lughawiyyah books which is his masterpiece is the climax of ijtihad that have been initiated since long. Among the results of ijtihad are the first, the view that science of nahwu should always be assessed and investigated, because the language had been developed, the study raised should not stop as long as there is progress in the language besides research methods must be reformulated. Second, the view that the Arabic sentences should pay attention to the elements of al-rashf, if not then an Arabic expression would be very difficult to be understood. The more disciplined in following this rule 'rashf' then the sentence will be more easily understood by the reading and listening public. Third, the view that the core purposes of make arrangement 'mabna' meaning is to succeed. in other words the rule 'mabna' could be violated if the meaning is not violated or not be ambiguous/unambiguous.
Dialek Laki-Laki dan Perempuan dalam Konteks Bahasa Arab Raswan Raswan
al Mahāra: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab Vol 5 No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Arab UIN Sunan Kalijaga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/almahara.2019.052.07


Abstract This article aims to analyze the difference between male and female dialects in Arabic-speaking. The result is that the difference between the two, that men tend to speak with a high tone, a rather sharp voice, to the point, clear, quick response and not afraid to debate and give contention for things that do not fit him. The voices of women are sharper and shrilly, clear in pronunciation, and more ambitious to recite the vocabulary and sentence correctly than that of men. In addition, usually, women use some vocabulary that is not used by men. Among other things, women use a large number of colors, such as muf, tarkawaz, bij, zuhri and bunai that are typical for women and rarely used by men and men have distinctive colors as well for them. Furthermore, male language shows more the power of rationale while female language reveals more power of taste. The form of sound (women usually change the sound of letters into other letters typical of women), the selection and use of words, the use of forms of address, the forms of sentences and meanings as well as the way of delivering the language itself (pragmatic) which is reflected in the caution while using the language even in the use of signs by body language. There is a language that is typical of women and men. If it is not used by the right gender, others will mock them in respond to the language they use. However, there are also those who say that what is meant by men is not gender but what in psychological terms is known as masculine. And woman is meant as feminine. Therefore, differences always arise, and femininity is always considered lower compared to masculine. It is almost a fact that it occurs in all languages in the world even in countries that have parental systems such as America and Europe. The differences that occur are caused by biological, sociological and cultural factors which overshadow the existence of the language. In learning a language, it is recommended to pay attention to aspects of male and female dialects. Keywords: Dialect, Language, Male, Female. Abstrak Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perbedaan antara dialek laki -laki dan perempuan dalam berbahasa Arab. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah bahwa perbedaan pada keduanya, bahwa laki-laki cenderung berbicara dengan nada yang tinggi, suara yang agak tajam, to the point, jelas, cepat tanggap dan tidak takut mendebat serta memberikan sanggahan atas hal-hal yang kurang pas baginya. Suara perempuan lebih tajam dan lebih tinggi (melengking), lebih jelas dalam pelafalannya, lebih berambisi melafalkan dengan benar kosakata dan kalimat dari pada laki -laki. Di samping itu, biasanya, perempuan menggunakan beberapa kosakata yang tidak dipakai oleh laki-laki. Antara lain, perempuan menggunakan sejumlah besar warna, seperti muf, tarkawaz, bij, zuhri dan bunai yang khas untuk wanita dan jarang dipakai oleh laki-laki dan laki-laki memiliki warna yang khas juga untuk laki-laki. Selanjutnya bahasa laki-laki lebih menunjukan kekuatan rasio sementara bahasa perempuan lebih mengungkap kekuatan rasa. Bentuk suara (perempuan biasa merubah suara huruf menjadi huruf lain khas perempuan), pemilihan dan pemakaian kata, pemakaian bentuk panggilan, bentuk kalimat dan makna serta cara penyampaian bahasa itu sendiri (pragmatis) yang tercermin dalam kehati-hatian dalam berbahasa bahkan dalam penggunaan isyarat anggota tubuh. Ada bahasa yang khas perempuan dan ada laki-laki, jika dipakai bukan oleh jenis kelamin yang tepat maka akan menimbulkan olok-olok orang lain. Namun tentunya ada juga yang mengatakan bahwa yang dimaksud dengan laki-laki bukan jenis kelamin melainkan apa yang dalam istilah psikologi dikenal dengan nama maskulin. Sebaliknya wanita yang dimaksud adalah feminim. Jadi perbedaan itu selalu muncul, dan bahwa feminim selalu mendapatkan posisi di bawah dibandingkan dengan maskulin adalah hampir merupakan fakta yang terjadi di semua bahasa di dunia bahkan di negara yang menganut sistem parental sekalipun seperti Amerika dan Eropa. Perbedaan yang terjadi disebabkan oleh faktor biologis, sosiologis dan budaya yang menaungi keberadaan bahasa tersebut. Dalam pembelajaran disarankan memperhatikan aspek dialek laki-laki dan perempuan. Kata Kunci: Dialek, Bahasa, Laki-laki, Perempuan.
Arabi : Journal of Arabic Studies Arabi : Journal of Arabic Studies | Vol. 2 No. 2 December 2017
Publisher : IMLA (Arabic Teacher and Lecturer Association of Indonesia)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (895.234 KB) | DOI: 10.24865/ajas.v2i2.41


This research was aimed to develop syllabus of Arabic Learning Planning course. The syllabus to be developed is a syllabus that enables the students to develop good planning in learning Arabic language based on both the theory of unity (All in One System / نظرية الوحدة) and branch theory (نظرية الفروع). The design of learning is essentially a skill; therefore the learning should be activity-based. If not, the students who study development will not be proficient. This paper discussed a syllabus model that is able to develop Arabic learning designs for madrasah, schools and pesantren in which Arabic language is taught and activity-based.
The Implementation of Contrastive Analysis-Based Arabic Learning Raswan Raswan
Jurnal Alsinatuna Vol 4 No 1 (2018): December 2018
Publisher : Arabic Education Program IAIN Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28918/alsinatuna.v4i1.1597


As well as other learning process, the successful Arabic learning can be achieved through several steps. This study aims to explain those steps, and it uses library research. Method of this study covers finding data and sources related to the contrastive analysis in Arabic learning; analyzing the data as well as the sources; and drawing conclusion. The approach used in the learning process can be categorized as a learning difficult foreign language, if it is considered as the perspective in understanding the material. The difficult language is particularly the one that has different systems/subsystems with mother tongue. On the other hand, if the approach is considered as a belief, the successful key to achieve is the use of contrastive analysis. We have to work hard to overcome students' learning difficulties by doing contrastive approach and analysis firstly. However, the most significant part is the goal using contrastive analysis. As the result of this study, hopefully learning Arabic occurs progressively, and absolutely the teaching materials and learning steps need teachers’ ability in mastering the contrasted languages. That is the main factor in achieving the learning to be developed further in using this approach.
Arabiyat : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab dan Kebahasaaraban Arabiyat : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab dan Kebahasaaraban | Vol. 5 No. 1 June 2018
Publisher : Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University of Jakarta, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1260.554 KB) | DOI: 10.15408/a.v5i1.7007


This research is aimed to know the effect of learning method’s towards Arabic Achievement of the Fifth Grade Students of Islamic Elementary School Pembangunan Islamic State University Sharif Hidayatullah Jakarta 2009/2010. The research questions were: is there any difference in Arabic learning achievement as a whole between a group of students who have been given intiqâiyyah methods and another group of students who have been given conventional methods. This research was an experimental study using randomized control group design. The influencing factorial variable are learning methods on Arabic. The Arabic learning achievement was used to know the students’ skill or capability Arabic learning. In experimental class, intiqâiyyah methods as experiment methods, and conventional methods as control methods. This research concluded that there was any difference between students Arabic achievements of group of students who have been given intiqâiyyah methods and group of students who have been given conventional methods.
Arabiyat : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab dan Kebahasaaraban Arabiyat : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab dan Kebahasaaraban | Vol. 2 No. 1 June 2015
Publisher : Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University of Jakarta, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1034.801 KB) | DOI: 10.15408/a.v2i1.1300


This article is result of research on the validity of the college entrance test. College entrance test including programs of study must have the characteristics of a good test especially predictive validity. Entrance test study program Master of Arabic Education (PBA) FITK UIN Jakarta consists of four types of tests; the Academic Potential Test (TPA), TOAFL, TOEFL and interviews, the four must be able to predict exactly when the students join the program. That is, students who earn higher test scores should be able to follow the course as evidenced by the value of IP and or higher GPA compared with the results of the entry test lower. Similarly in predicting students graduate on time, which requires in addition to success in the lecture was also successful in the final project / Thesis which some students a frightening specter. Its mean that students with higher admission tests should be faster in completing the study compared with the lower value of the entry test. If not, then it must be held meta-evaluation of the instruments and implementation of entrance tests which have already become standards.DOI: 10.15408/a.v2i1.1300
Hisāb Ikhtibār al-Lughah al-‘Arabiyyah ‘Alā al-Mustawa al Wathany li L-Madāris as-Tsānawiyyah al-Islāmiyyah fī Indonesiā Raswan Raswan
Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol 3, No 1 (2017): Jurnal Pendidikan Islam
Publisher : The Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training associated with PSPII

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/jpi.v3i1.1129


يهدف هذا البحث إلى الكشف عن نوعية الاختبار النهائي على المستوى الوطني للسنة الدراسية 2012/2013م للمدارس الثانوية الإسلامية في إندونيسيا. والمراد بالنوعية هنا جودة أسئلة الاختبار من حيث كميتها ونوعيتها. وطريقة التقويم في هذا البحث هي طريقة كيفية بقيام المناقشة والملاحظة العميقة والنقدية حول الأسئلة في الاختبار النهائي على المستوى الوطني في السنة الدراسية 2012/2013م للمدارس الثانوية الإسلامية بإندونيسيا. وكذلك القيام بمناقشات المجموعة المركزة مع الخبراء في تقويم اللغة العربية وأيضا مع مدرسي اللغة العربية للمدارس الإسلامية وخاصة هم الذين تخرجوا في قسم اللغة العربية لكونهم مستوعبين على تقويم الاختبارات الجيدة وغير الجيدة.  و نتائج البحث هي أنه من ناحية مستوى نوعية الاختبار كيفيا مازال في الاختبار نقصان وأخطاء وهي في كتابة الأرقام التي ما زالت مكتوبة بطريقة خاطئة، وأيضا في توازن الخيار الصحيح بين الخيارات البديلة. ومن ناحية توفير الاختبار العناصر الواجبة في اختبار اللغة العربية.