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Pemetaan Lokasi Fishing Ground dan Status Pemanfaatan Perikanan di Perairan Selat Madura Muhsoni, Firman Farid; Efendy, Mahfud; Triajie, Haryo
Jurnal Fisika FLUX Vol 6, No 1 (2009): Jurnal Fisika Flux Edisi Februari 2009
Publisher : Lambung Mangkurat University Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/flux.v6i1.3049


This research aims at finding the map of waters quality to predictfishing ground, examining the determinant of modeling parameter of fish catchingregion, analyzing catch unit effort (CpUE) and status of fish utilization. Mappingwaters quality parameter is constructed with method of field sample datainterpolation. Besides, the mapping of surface temperature and chlorophyll isextracted from satellite image Landsat. ETM+. In addition, the mapping ofcatching region is resulted in scoring and weighting factors. Accuracy test isdone by method of RMSE. Fishery utilization status is acquired from method ofapproaches holistic (production surplus model). Map waters salinity at straitsMadura ranges between 27 ppm - 46 ppm, pH range from 8-9, brightnessranges from 0-2 m. Sea level temperature from image landsat in dry seasonranges from 24,1 0C - 27,3 0C in rainy season between 24,7 0C - 28,6 0C.Optimum temperature in rainy season is lower than in dry season. Chlorophyll indry season ranges between 0 mg/m3 - 19,6 mg/m3, in rainy season between -0,02 mg/m3 - 41,95 mg/m3. In dry season, the most appropriate catching regionis 58,04 %, appropriate region 36,99% and inappropriate region 4,96 %, while inrainy season, inappropriate region achieves 94,44 %, appropriate 2,89 % andinappropriate 2,65 %. Sea level temperature accuracy test gets RMSE 2,32 andfor chlorophyll content 2,31. Fishery estimation result pelages get CpUE 0.10ton/trip with utilization status indicating over-fishing in tahun1997 and fisherydemersal CpUE 0.03 ton/trip with utilization status indicating a surplus incatching in last three year.
Pemetaan Lokasi Fishing Ground dan Status Pemanf aatan Perikanan di Perairan Selat Madura Efendy, Mahfud; Muhsoni, Firman Farid; Triajie, Haryo; Syah, Achmad Fachruddin
Rekayasa Vol 1, No 2: Oktober 2008
Publisher : Universitas Trunojoyo Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1036.01 KB) | DOI: 10.21107/rekayasa.v1i2.2181


This research aims atfinding out map of water quality spreading to predict fishing ground, determine catching region map, test determinant parameter modeling offish catching region, analyzefish product per catching unit (Cp UE) andfish utilization status. Method used in map water quality parameter is interpolation analysis in wide sample data, map surface temperature and chlorophyll from extract satellite image landsat. Area of catching is conducted by modeling with the application of scoring and weighting factors, accuracy test with method of RM SE. Fishery utilization status is gathered with method of holistic approach (production surplus model). Map water salinity at straits Madura is between 27 ppm - 46 ppm, pH rangefrom 8-9, brightness ranges from 0-2 m. Sea level temperature from image landsat in dry season rangesfrom 24,1 OC - 27,3 OC in rainy season between 24,7OC -28,6 OC. Optimum temperature in rainy season lower is compared in dry season. Chlorophyll in dry season between 0 mg/m3 - 19,6 mg/m3, in rainy season between -0,02 mg/m3 - 41,95 mg/m3. Map Fish catching region in season gets region very appropriate at 58,04 %,appropriate region 36,9!1% and region inappropriate 4,96 %.inappropriate region rainy season achieves 94,44 %, appropriate 2,89 % and inappropriate 2,65 %. sea level temperature accuracy test gets RM SE 2,32 and for chlorophyll pregnancy 2,31. Fishery estimation result pelagis gets CpU E 0.10 ton/trip with utilization status in indication of over-fishing in tahun1997 and fishery demersal CpU E 0.03 ton/trip with utilization status becomes surplus catches in lasl three year.
Rekayasa Vol 3, No 1: April 2010
Publisher : Universitas Trunojoyo Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (279.984 KB) | DOI: 10.21107/rekayasa.v3i1.2286


Testosteron sebagai hormon steroid merupakan hormon yang bersifat anabolik dan androgenik. Sifat androgenik lebih menonjol karena sangat berpengaruh terhadap pertumbuhan organ reproduksi, organ seksual sekunder dan kelenjar aksesoris kelamin. Teripang mengandung zat bioaktif berupa senyawa steroid. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui tingkat kandungan testosteron pada juvenile udang galah terhadap keberhasilan mendapatkan jantan fenotif. PPeerrllaakkuuaann pemberian ekstrak teripang pada juvenil udang galah dengan metode perendaman (dipping), menggunakan empat perlakuan dosis yaitu 0, 10, 15, dan 25 mg/L dan 3 ulangan dengan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dan dua kontrol positif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa dengan perendaman ekstrak teripang berpengaruh terhadap kandungan testosteron dalam haemolymph udang windu. Kata kunci: Testosteron, teripang, udang galah AbstractTestosterone as a steroid hormone is a hormone that has anabolic and androgenic. Androgenic properties are more prominent because it influences the growth of reproductive organs, secondary sexual organs and accesory genital glands. Sea cucumbers contain bioactive substances in the form of steroid compounds. This study aimed to identify levels of testosterone in juvenile prawns to the success of getting male phenotypes. Treatment of extract of sea cucumber in juvenile prawns with immersion method (dipping), using a four-dose treatment of 0, 10, 15, and 25 mg / L and 3 replications with a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) and two positive control. The result showed that the extract of sea cucumber soaking effect on testosterone content in shrimp haemolymph. Keywords: Testosterone, sea cucumbers, prawns
Rekayasa Vol 5, No 2: Oktober 2012
Publisher : Universitas Trunojoyo Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (227.452 KB) | DOI: 10.21107/rekayasa.v5i2.2118


Garam merupakan salah satu kebutuhan yang merupakan pelengkap dari kebutuhan pangan dan merupakan sumber elektrolit bagi tubuh manusia. Walaupun Indonesia termasuk negara maritim, produksi garam belum mencukupi. Produksi garam nasional hanya dapat memasok  sekitar 60 persen tingkat kebutuhan nasional. Ketidakcukupan tersebut baik dari segi jumlah maupun kualitasnya. Di lain pihak untuk memenuhi kebutuhan garam dalam negeri banyak diimpor dari luar negeri, terutama untuk pasokan garam beryodium serta garam industri. Selain itu cuaca merupakan faktor yang paling dominan dalam proses pembuatan garam. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendapatkan formulasi campuran bahan-bahan aditif dengan hasil (kuantitas dan kualitas) paling baik dalam waktu yang singkat dan diperolehnya metode standar produksi garam dengan menggunakan bahan aditif beserta cara mengaplikasikannya. Rancangan penelitian ini menggunakan RAL dengan 6 perlakuan yang diulang sebanyak 3 kali yakni : P0 = air tua (kontrol positif); P1 = air tua + aditif formulasi 1 + Polibag hitam; P2 = air tua + aditif formulasi 2 + Polibag hitam; P3 = air tua + aditif formulasi 3 + Polibag hitam; P4 = air tua + aditif formulasi 4 + Polibag hitam; dan P5 = air tua + aditif formulasi 5 + Polibag hitam. Dari perlakuan tersebut akan didapatkan 18 perlakuan. Kesimpulan yang didapat yakni perlakuan tidak berpengaruh terhadap kecepatan proses kristalisasi tetapi berpengaruh terhadap berat garam yang dihasilkan dan terbaik adalah pada P3 sebesar 271 g/L (arang aktif rumput laut : arang aktif sekam padi : tepung cangkang 1:1:2) dengan kandungan NaCl tertinggi yakni 98,4%.