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Implementasi Program Sertifikasi Guru dalam Peningkatan Mutu Pendidikan ( Study Kasus di Kabupaten Aceh Utara ) Nurhafni, Nurhafni
JKAP (Jurnal Kebijakan dan Administrasi Publik) 2010: JKAP VOLUME 14 NOMOR 1, TAHUN 2010
Publisher : Magister Administrasi Publik (MAP) FISIPOL Universitas Gadjah Mada

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Law No 14/ 2005 on teacher certification is one of the efforts to the government to enhance professionalism of teachers. However, the reality is that the implementation of the program in NAD province has face many obstacles. One of the factor, is the condition on the ground in the wake of the conflict and tsunami disaster, which is still characterized by multiplicity of crises. Findings of the study indicate that teacher certification program has shifted in value. First is initial goal was to increase teacher’s professional development, but today, the objective has shifted to increasing teacher’s welfare. To that end, the main objective of teacher certification program has not been achieved. Thus, the existence of teacher certification program does not have any influence on teacher quality. Moreover, the law on teacher certification, has in part been influenced by political vested interests, which is the why the program is not based on god political will of the government to increase teacher professionalism.
Pro dan Kontra Implementasi Program Sertifikasi Guru dalam Peningkatan Mutu Pendidikan di Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam Hafni, Nur
Jurnal Demokrasi Vol 10, No 1 (2011): Jurnal Ilmiah Politik Kenegaraan
Publisher : Pusat Kajian Civics Fakultas Ilmu-ilmu Sosial Universitas Negeri Padang

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Regulation No. 14 Year 2005 regarding Teacher Certification is one of the government's efforts to improve the professionalism of teachers. In reality, the implementation of teacher certification program faced many obstacles. The finding of this study indicated that the teacher certification program has shifted the value of professionalism to the increased prosperity, so that teacher certification has not influence on quality improvement. The regulation of Teacher Certification still thick with political overtones, and did not reflect the good political will to increase teacher professionalism.   Kata kunci: implementasi, sertifikasi guru, profesionalitas guru, peningkatan mutu pendidikan, peningkatan kesejahteraan
RAMBIDEUN : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 5 No. 1 (2022): Rambideun: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Al Muslim

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51179/pkm.v5i1.865


The solution offered to partners' problems in managing tuna production is an effort to increase partners' income so that they can produce better tuna in quality and quantity. Second, with modern technology in the production of shredded tuna by providing better packaging so that consumers are more interested, the abon processing business can create independent economic income. Problems faced by partners include the lack of processing facilities that meet industrial standards, the need for good business management, and ineffective marketing by partners. The results of this service provide solutions for standard ergonomics that are used, and the processing site must be really comfortable to use and sterile as well as good and sterile tuna processing methods, provide material on business management, including management procedures starting from the process of providing raw materials, processing production and financial management by recording cash inflows and outflows. Furthermore, there is marketing in the sale of shredded tuna by using marketing strategies such as WhatsApp and the web to reach partners based on social media. The results of this service are: the creation of an ideal shredded tuna fish production business; second management (governance) of shredded tuna production, processed fish that meets standards, modern marketing processes, and proper targeted shredded tuna processing, as well as increasing partner income.
Implementasi Program Sertifikasi Guru dalam Peningkatan Mutu Pendidikan ( Study Kasus di Kabupaten Aceh Utara ) Nurhafni Nurhafni
JKAP (Jurnal Kebijakan dan Administrasi Publik) Vol 14, No 1 (2010): May
Publisher : Magister Administrasi Publik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (3453.545 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/jkap.8129


Law No 14/ 2005 on teacher certification is one of the efforts to the government to enhance professionalism of teachers. However, the reality is that the implementation of the program in NAD province has face many obstacles. One of the factor, is the condition on the ground in the wake of the conflict and tsunami disaster, which is still characterized by multiplicity of crises. Findings of the study indicate that teacher certification program has shifted in value. First is initial goal was to increase teacher’s professional development, but today, the objective has shifted to increasing teacher’s welfare. To that end, the main objective of teacher certification program has not been achieved. Thus, the existence of teacher certification program does not have any influence on teacher quality. Moreover, the law on teacher certification, has in part been influenced by political vested interests, which is the why the program is not based on god political will of the government to increase teacher professionalism.
Collaboration of Educational Actors in Formulating Integrated Curriculum Based on Islamic Values in Aceh Nur Hafni; Aiyub Aiyub
Malikussaleh Social and Political Reviews Vol 2, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Master Program of Sociology, Universitas Malikussaleh,

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29103/mspr.v2i1.4975


The Province of Aceh has a robust legal basis and umbrella in implementing an education system based on Islamic values following the mandate of Law No. 11 of 2006 and is described in the provincial and district qanuns of North Aceh. Implementing the special autonomy policy in education gives the Aceh Provincial government the flexibility to develop creative and innovative Islamic-based programs following the characteristics of Aceh's privileges. This study aims to analyze the formulation of Islamic values-based curriculum education policies in primary education and the collaborative actors involved in forming Islamic values-based educational curriculum policies. The research was used the descriptive qualitative method. The informants were determined by purposive sampling. The study found no synergy of cross-actor in collaborative governance in the formulation of Islamic values-based Aceh education curriculum policies. Thus, the implementation of education programs based on Islamic values was interpreted and meant differently among agencies. In addition, the National Curriculum strongly dominated the implementation of Aceh education in primary education, while local policies on Islamic values were few. Therefore, the policies of providing education do not reflect the specificity of Aceh's privileges. Besides that, the Islamic-based education policy program was not explained in a more detailed derivative policy.
Policy Networks in Handling Covid-19 in Lhokseumawe-Indonesia Rauza Utari; Aiyub Aiyub; Nurhafni Nurhafni; Muryali Muryali; Maryam Maryam
Malikussaleh Social and Political Reviews Vol 2, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Master Program of Sociology, Universitas Malikussaleh,

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29103/mspr.v2i1.4914


This study examined the dimensions of the policy networks in handling Covid-19. This research used a qualitative approach with data collection techniques through interviews, observation and documentation. While data analysis techniques used was an interactive analysis model. The results showed that: 1). the composition of the policy network for handling COVID-19 is still dominated by government elements; 2) the function of the policy network in the context of communication has been established between actors but miscommunication is still found in dealing with Covid-19. 3) The level of network institutionalization in the policy for handling Covid-19 is high 4) there are still inconsistencies in the activities of handling Covid-19 in the field, and 5) The private sector plays an active role in supporting facilities and needs in the network for handling COVID-19.
The Construction of MSMES by the Agency of Industry, Trade and Cooperatives of North Aceh Regency Muryali Muryali; Nurhafni Nurhafni; Aiyub Aiyub; Ahmad Yani
Malikussaleh Social and Political Reviews Vol 2, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Master Program of Sociology, Universitas Malikussaleh,

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29103/mspr.v2i2.6066


MSMEs in North Aceh Regency are very instrumental in helping to overcome problems of poverty and unemployment. The role of the government in the empowerment of MSMEs is expected through coaching. Each MSME has its own potential in developing its business. This MSME needs to be built with the aim to motivate new and old entrepreneurs to be creative in accordance with their respective business fields. This research aims to find out how the construction and obstacles are experienced by the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Cooperatives of North Aceh Regency. In this study use qualitative with deskriftive methods. Research was conducted in North Aceh Regency, the informant was determined by purposive sampling. Data collection with wawancar, documentation studies and skilling. The results showed that the development of MSMEs in North Aceh Regency by the relevant Agency had not been carried out in accordance with expectations, this was due to the lack of professionals owned by the agency. Less participation from MSMEs in improving the ability related to ways to run their business in the modern and digital era.
Actor Interventions in Influencing Education Policy Formulation: A Case Study on Integrated Curriculum Formulation Nur Hafni; Aiyub Aiyub; Ainol Mardhiah; Muryali Muryali; Fauzi Fauzi
Edukasi Islami : Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol 11, No 02 (2022): Edukasi Islami: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Al Hidayah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30868/ei.v11i02.2413


This study analyzes the education policy process formulated by the actors. The specific purpose of this research seeks to reveal and analyze how the official actors (state actors) and informal actors (non-state actors). The research method used is a qualitative method with a study case approach. The results show that the problem of intervention by formal actors is still very serious to persuade integrated curriculum, it affects the synergy of collaboration between formal and informal actors, so that the integrated curriculum programs are formulated give rise to different interpretations and meanings between implementing agencies. A policy of providing education does not reflect the privileges of Acehnese education. The research findings indicate that there is no derivative policy that regulates the formulation of an Islamic values-based curriculum in more detail. Actor analysis and typology of political strategy, namely positional strategy; power; player; and perception strategies, are used in this research. In addition, this research is expected to overcome the ignorance of various parties regarding the process behind the formation of a policy and the implications of the unrealized implementation of Islamic values-based Aceh education.
Factors for Implementation of Qanun in Aceh Education Nur Hafni
Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Indonesia Vol 6 No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Program Pascasarjana Universitas Ibrahimy

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35316/jpii.v6i1.350


The purpose of this study was to analyze the implementation of the Qanun on the implementation of Islamic values-based education and to interpret the obstacles and supports for implementation. Implementation referred to the content concept and context of Grindle's policies. The research method used a case study approach that was explanatory, with the type of research being descriptive qualitative data analysis. The research findings were: (1)—the implementation of the Qanun based on the principles of national policy. The specific policies of Aceh still guided it, and these principles were squeezed into educational goals and curricula. (2) the supporting factors for implementing the contents of the Qanun represent the interests of the target group, the types of benefits obtained, the type of change desired, and the elite actors in power. In contrast, the obstacles to implementation were the lack of adequate resource support, the absence of derivative policies, the degree of change that had not provided significant results, and the low compliance and responsiveness of implementing agencies.
Factors for Implementation of Qanun in Aceh Education Nur Hafni
Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Indonesia Vol 6 No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Program Pascasarjana Universitas Ibrahimy

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35316/jpii.v6i1.350


The purpose of this study was to analyze the implementation of the Qanun on the implementation of Islamic values-based education and to interpret the obstacles and supports for implementation. Implementation referred to the content concept and context of Grindle's policies. The research method used a case study approach that was explanatory, with the type of research being descriptive qualitative data analysis. The research findings were: (1)—the implementation of the Qanun based on the principles of national policy. The specific policies of Aceh still guided it, and these principles were squeezed into educational goals and curricula. (2) the supporting factors for implementing the contents of the Qanun represent the interests of the target group, the types of benefits obtained, the type of change desired, and the elite actors in power. In contrast, the obstacles to implementation were the lack of adequate resource support, the absence of derivative policies, the degree of change that had not provided significant results, and the low compliance and responsiveness of implementing agencies.