Cahya Yustisia Hasan, Cahya Yustisia
Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Gadjah Mada

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Penatalaksanaan Fraktur Kompleks Zygomatikomaksilaris Sinistra dengan Miniplate Osteosynthesis Bernado, Pedro; Prihartiningsih, Prihartiningsih; Hasan, Cahya Yustisia
Majalah Kedokteran Gigi Indonesia Vol 20, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Majalah Kedokteran Gigi Indonesia

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Wajah terletak lebih ke anterior secara anatomis oleh sebab itu mudah mendapatkan trauma. Os Zigoma merupakan tulang yang menonjol pada wajah dan akan menahan gaya bentur terbesar pada wajah. Tulisan ini melaporkan penatalaksanan fraktur kompleks  zigomatikomaksilaris sinistra dengan miniplate osteosynthesis.Seorang laki-laki 22 tahun dirujuk ke Bagian Bedah Mulut RSUP Dr Sardjito dengan riwayat kecelakaan lalulintas tiga minggu sebelum masuk RS. Pasien mengeluh daerah pipi kiri terasa tebal dan dirasa lebih datar dari pipi kanan. Pemeriksaan klinis terdapat parestesi nervus infraorbita sinistra, displace tulang daerah infraorbital rim sinistra, diskontinuitas regio sinus maksilaris sinistra.  Radiografis CT axial dan koronal serta CT Scan 3D tampak fraktur melibatkan infraorbital rim sinistra, fraktur sinus maksila sinistra, fraktur pada sutura zigomaticofrontalis dan pada sutura zigomatikotemporalis. Penatalaksanaannya dilakukan open reduction internal fixation (ORIF) fraktur kompleks zigomatikomaksilaris dengan miniplate osteosynthesis di bawah anestesi umum. Pasca operasi gejala parestesi berangsur- angsur berkurang, defek infraorbital rim terkoreksi dan pipi kiri tampak kembali prominen. Prognosis kasus ini dubia ad bonam. ORIF dengan miniplate osteosynthesis dapat memulihkan deformitas wajah dengan hasil malar eminensia kembali prominen dan membuat kondisi dekompresi nervus infraorbita sinistra yang mendukung proses pemulihan sensorisnya.ABSTRACT: Management of Zygomaticomaxillaris Sinistra Complex Fractures with Osteosynthesis Miniplate. Face lies in a prominent position so that this area is often susceptible to trauma. Os zygomaticum is an area that holds the heaviest impact on facial trauma. This paper reports one case about zygomaticomaxillary complex fractures management with miniplate osteosynthesis. A 22 years old man was referred to the Department of Oral Surgery Dr Sardjito Hospital with a history of traffic accident three weeks before admission. He felt that his left cheek was thick and flatter than the right one. Clinical examination found that the left infraorbita nerve was paresthesized, the bone on the left infraorbital rim region was displaced and the left maxillary sinus region was discontinued. Radiography examination using CT axial and coronal, and 3D CT scan showed  both of the left infraorbital rim and maxillary sinus were fractured, as well as the zygomaticotemporalis suture and the zygomaticofrontalis suture. An Open Reduction Internal Fixation (ORIF) of the zygomaticomaxillary complex fractures with miniplate osteosynthesis was performed under  general  anesthesia. The  result  showed  that  the  postoperative paresthesia  symptoms  were  gradually  diminished,  the infraorbital rim defects were corrected and the prominent left cheek was recontructed. The prognosis was dubia ad bonam. It can be concluded that ORIF with miniplate osteosynthesis reconstructs the facial deformity, recovers the malar eminence prominency. The nerves decompression will favor the recovery process of the left infraorbita sensory
Quality of life patients after treatment of mandibular fractures with ORIF in oral surgery departement of Dr. Sardjito general hospital Apriza, Edmond; Rahardjo, Rahardjo; Hasan, Cahya Yustisia
Majalah Kedokteran Gigi Indonesia Vol 6, No 1 (2020): April
Publisher : Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/majkedgiind.41145


Management of mandibular fracture using open reduction Internal fixation (ORIF) method is one of the ideal treatments for single and multiple mandibular fractures. The aim of this study was to determine the quality of life of patients after the treatment of mandibular fractures with ORIF using miniplate in single and multiple mandibular fractures. This research used case-control by recalling 43 research subjects in the oral surgery department Dr Sardjito general hospital between 2013 and 2017, that consisted of patients suffering from 23 single fractures and 20 multiple mandibular fractures. Each fracture would be examined clinically and subjectively. Clinical examination parameters were conducted using the mandibular mobility index (MMI) consisting of mouth opening assessment, left and right lateral mandibular excursion, and mandibular protrusive movement. Subjective parameters were performed based on general oral health asseesment index (GOHAI) questionnaire to assess physiological aspects, psychosocial aspects, and pain. The results of the chi-square test statistic study showed that the quality of life of a patient with a single mandibular fracture was better than that of multiple mandibular fractures based on MMI and GOHAI examinations. It was concluded that patients with a single mandibular fracture had a younger age, longer time adaptation and have a better quality of life.
Penatalaksanaan Miksoma Odontogenik Periferal Maksila Sinistra pada Penderita Geriatri Pasca Stroke Non Hemoragik dengan Anestesi Umum Anik Khoiriyah; Maria Goreti Widastuti; Cahya Yustisia Hasan
MKGK (Majalah Kedokteran Gigi Klinik) (Clinical Dental Journal) UGM Vol 1, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (410.393 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/mkgk.11982


Miksoma odontogenik tipe periferal adalah miksoma yang berlokasi pada jaringan lunak, tumbuh lambat, kurang agresif dan mempunyai tingkat rekurensi yang rendah dibandingkan dengan miksoma odontogenik tipe sentral. Miksoma odontogenik periferal bisa terjadi pada setiap dekade kehidupan, paling banyak terjadi pada dekade keempat. Tujuan penulisan studi kasus ini adalah melaporkan keberhasilan eksisi miksoma odontogenik periferal yang terjadi pada pasien geriatri pasca stroke non hemoragik. Seorang pasien wanita usia 74 tahun, terdapat benjolan di gingiva rahang atas kiri, timbul sejak 3 bulan yang lalu, tidak sakit, tidak mudah berdarah, tetapi mengganggu pengunyahan. Pasien memiliki riwayat stroke non hemoragik yang terkontrol. Eksisi lesi dan kuretase tulang dilakukan dengan anestesi umum. Hasil pasca operasi, setelah dilakukan follow-up selama 6 bulan, tidak ada keluhan pasien terkait dengan penyakit yang diderita, tidak dehisensi, tidak kambuh dan prognosis baik. Eksisi miksoma odontogenik periferal yang terjadi pada pasien geriatri pasca stroke non hemoragik bisa dilakukan, tetapi harus dengan persiapan perioperatif yang optimal, meliputi konsultasi ke bagian neurologi, kardiologi dan rawat bersama dengan bagian penyakit dalam sub bagian geriatri, untuk meminimalkan interaksi obat-obatan yang diberikan dan mencegah komplikasi pasca operasi.   ABSTRACT: Excision Peripheral Odontogenic Myxoma of the Maxillary Sinistra on Post Stroke Non-Hemorrhagic Patients under General Anesthesia. Peripheral odontogenic myxoma is a myxoma located on soft tissue, growing slowly, less aggressive and owning low recurrency rate compared to central odontogenic myxoma. Peripheral odontogenic myxoma may occur in every decade of life, mostly in the fourth decade. The aim of this report is to expose the successful excision of peripheral odontogenic myxoma on post non-hemorrhagic stroke of geriatric patient. A seventy-four-year-old woman had a pedunculated mass on the left maxillary gingivitis. It had been growing for 3 months, non-tender, non-bleeding but causing chewing inconvenience. She had a controlled non-hemorrhage stroke. An excision of lesion and bone curettage was conducted under general anesthesia. Six months after the operation, the follow-up showed no further complaints concerning her disease, no dehiscence, no recurrence, and the prognosis was good. It can be concluded that the excision of peripheral odontogenic myxoma on post non-hemorrhagic stroke of geriatric patients was feasible. However, it must be conducted under adequate perioperative preparation, which consists of neurology and cardiology consultation and joint treatment between internal department and geriatric sub-department to minimize drug interaction and to prevent post-operative complication.
Tooth exposure using closed eruption modification techniques in orthodontic treatment in postgnatoplasty patients Miftah Dharma Yanthi; Cahya Yustisia Hasan; Bambang Dwirahardjo
MKGK (Majalah Kedokteran Gigi Klinik) (Clinical Dental Journal) UGM Vol 3, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/mkgk.54470


Cleft lip, alveolar cleft, and cleft palate are the most common disorder of all congenital abnormalities of the face, with an incidence of 65%. The initial treatment for this patient are labioplasty and palatoplasty that can affect the growth and development of the jaws. The next treatment are alveolar cleft closure and orthodontics treatment that are needed to obtain optimal results. Orthodontics treatment of patient with cleft lip, alveolar cleft, and cleft palate is difficult due to the lack of growth in the vertical and anteroposterior direction, abnormal shape and position of the teeth, impacted and disability of the teeth to erupt spontaneously. Thus, surgical treatment to support the success of orthodontics treatment is needed. Twelve year old female patient with a history of cleft lip, alveolar cleft, and cleft palate was presented. A labioplasty, palatoplasty, and gnatoplasty surgery (alveolar cleft closure procedure) was performed in 2013, when a bone graft from the patients’ iliac bone was placed on the alveolar cleft area. Radiographic examination showed transposition of canine (23) with premolar (24) thus spontaneous eruption was impossible. Surgical intervention of tooth exposure using closed technique modification to move the canine into the expected place was performed. The canine was successfully erupted and moved to its mesial position. This predictable result was found 6 months after surgery
Penatalaksanaan Fraktur Kompleks Zygomatikomaksilaris Sinistra dengan Miniplate Osteosynthesis Pedro Bernado; Prihartiningsih Prihartiningsih; Cahya Yustisia Hasan
Majalah Kedokteran Gigi Indonesia Vol 20, No 2 (2013): December
Publisher : Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (861.924 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/majkedgiind.7954


Wajah terletak lebih ke anterior secara anatomis oleh sebab itu mudah mendapatkan trauma. Os Zigoma merupakan tulang yang menonjol pada wajah dan akan menahan gaya bentur terbesar pada wajah. Tulisan ini melaporkan penatalaksanan fraktur kompleks  zigomatikomaksilaris sinistra dengan miniplate osteosynthesis.Seorang laki-laki 22 tahun dirujuk ke Bagian Bedah Mulut RSUP Dr Sardjito dengan riwayat kecelakaan lalulintas tiga minggu sebelum masuk RS. Pasien mengeluh daerah pipi kiri terasa tebal dan dirasa lebih datar dari pipi kanan. Pemeriksaan klinis terdapat parestesi nervus infraorbita sinistra, displace tulang daerah infraorbital rim sinistra, diskontinuitas regio sinus maksilaris sinistra.  Radiografis CT axial dan koronal serta CT Scan 3D tampak fraktur melibatkan infraorbital rim sinistra, fraktur sinus maksila sinistra, fraktur pada sutura zigomaticofrontalis dan pada sutura zigomatikotemporalis. Penatalaksanaannya dilakukan open reduction internal fixation (ORIF) fraktur kompleks zigomatikomaksilaris dengan miniplate osteosynthesis di bawah anestesi umum. Pasca operasi gejala parestesi berangsur- angsur berkurang, defek infraorbital rim terkoreksi dan pipi kiri tampak kembali prominen. Prognosis kasus ini dubia ad bonam. ORIF dengan miniplate osteosynthesis dapat memulihkan deformitas wajah dengan hasil malar eminensia kembali prominen dan membuat kondisi dekompresi nervus infraorbita sinistra yang mendukung proses pemulihan sensorisnya.Management of Zygomaticomaxillaris Sinistra Complex Fractures with Osteosynthesis Miniplate. Face lies in a prominent position so that this area is often susceptible to trauma. Os zygomaticum is an area that holds the heaviest impact on facial trauma. This paper reports one case about zygomaticomaxillary complex fractures management with miniplate osteosynthesis. A 22 years old man was referred to the Department of Oral Surgery Dr Sardjito Hospital with a history of traffic accident three weeks before admission. He felt that his left cheek was thick and flatter than the right one. Clinical examination found that the left infraorbita nerve was paresthesized, the bone on the left infraorbital rim region was displaced and the left maxillary sinus region was discontinued. Radiography examination using CT axial and coronal, and 3D CT scan showed  both of the left infraorbital rim and maxillary sinus were fractured, as well as the zygomaticotemporalis suture and the zygomaticofrontalis suture. An Open Reduction Internal Fixation (ORIF) of the zygomaticomaxillary complex fractures with miniplate osteosynthesis was performed under  general  anesthesia. The  result  showed  that  the  postoperative paresthesia  symptoms  were  gradually  diminished,  the infraorbital rim defects were corrected and the prominent left cheek was recontructed. The prognosis was dubia ad bonam. It can be concluded that ORIF with miniplate osteosynthesis reconstructs the facial deformity, recovers the malar eminence prominency. The nerves decompression will favor the recovery process of the left infraorbita sensory
Pleomorfik Adenoma pada Palatum Cahya Yustisia Hasan; Muhammad Masykur Rahmat
Majalah Kedokteran Gigi Indonesia Vol 19, No 1 (2012): August
Publisher : Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1392.334 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/majkedgiind.15652


Latar Belakang: Pleomorfik adenoma (mixed tumor) adalah tumor kelenjar ludah yang paling sering terjadi (65%) pada kelenjar ludah mayor dan minor. Lokasi intraoral yang paling sering ditemukan adalah palatum. Tujuan: membahas gambaran klinis dan penatalaksanaan pleomorfik adenoma pada platinum. Kasus: dilaporkan 2 buah kasus pleomorfik adenoma pada palatum. Kasus pertama seorang laki-laki usia 29 tahun dengan benjolan pada palatum kanan ukuran 3x2 cm, konsistensi kenyal, berbatas tegas, warna seperti jaringan sekitar dan tidak nyeri. Pasien pernah menjalani operasi pada palatum kanan pada tahun 2005, dan kira-kira 3 tahun setelah operasi benjolan tersebut kambuh di tempat yang sama. Hasil biopsi aspirasi jarum halus adalah mixed tumor. Kasus kedua seorang wanita 22 tahun dengan benjolan pada palatum kiri ukuran 2x1,5 cm, timbul sejak 3 tahu yang lalu, warna seperti jaringan sekitar, konsistensi kenyal, dan tidak nyeri. Riwayat pesien menggunakan kontrasepsi hormonal. Hasil biopsi condong pada adenoma pleomorfik dengan bagian onkositik adenoma dan clear sel adenoma. Penatalaksanaan: dilakukan eksisi luas di bawah anestesi umum pada kedua kasus tersebut, dengan batas 1 cm dari tepi lesi pada jaringan sehat. Kesimpulan : telah dilakukan eksisi luas untuk penanganan kedua kasus pleomorfik adenoma dan palatum. Tidak di temukan rekurensi 1 tahun setelah operasi (kasus 1) dan 2 tahun setelah operasi (kasus 2). Blackground: pleomorphic adenoma (mixed tumor) is the most common tumor of the salivary glands (65%) of the major dan minor salivary glands. Palatum is the most common site in intraoral. Purpose: to elaborate clinical feature and management of pleomophic adenoma of palate. Cases: we reported 2 cases pleomorphic adenoma of palate. The first case was a29 years old male patient with a swelling at the right side of the palate, 3x2 cm sized mass, rubbery in consistency, well demarcated, pinkish in color, and pain less. He had undergone an operation at the right palate in 2005, but 3 years after the operation he got reccurence. The result of fine needle aspiration biopsy was mixed tumor. The second case was fermale 22 years old patient with a swelling at the left side of palate, 2x1,5 cm sized mass, was present 3 years before coming to the clinic, pinkish color, rubbery consistency and painless. She has been using hormonal contraception. The result of incisional biopsy was pleomorphic adenoma with the oncocityc adenoma part and clear cell adenoma. Management: widw exicion was performed under general anesthesia in both cases, with a limit 1 cm clinical margin at its periphery. Conclusion: both patients with pleomorphic adenoma ao palate were treated by wide excision. No recurrence were observed in 1 year (firs case) and 2 years (second case) after the surgery.
CHA-collagen implantation to increase alveolar bone density Dody Setiawan; Poerwati Soetji Rahajoe; Cahya Yustisia Hasan
Majalah Kedokteran Gigi Indonesia Vol 6, No 2 (2020): August
Publisher : Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/majkedgiind.41142


Tooth extraction is the common procedure in dentistry. This procedure causes a wound in teeth socket. Thus, the socket had to be secured to prevent over resorption of alveolar bone. This study used the third molar as a model to examine the third molar mandibular odontectomy routine procedure in oral and maxillofacial surgery. The new bone formation could be evaluated by radiographic examination. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of CHA-collagen implantation on the third molar mandibular bone density using 3D-CBCT to determine bone quality. The research was conducted by comparing extraction socket after the third molar mandible odontectomy, before and after graft material implantation. The subjects were divided into two groups. Group A consisted of six non-implanted subjects and group B consisted of six subjects with CHA-collagen implanted socket. Three dimensional CBCT evaluated alveolar bone density using pixel intensity at the socket area after odontectomy procedure and 10 weeks after. The result of t-test showed that CHAcollagen implanted socket had significantly higher pixel intensity than non-implanted group (p=0,046) until 10 weeks. Spearman test showed that the implanted CHA-collagen had a positive correlation with the increase of alveolar bone density (p=0.028; r=0.860) until 10 weeks. In brief, implantation of CHA-collagen increased bone density until 10 weeks.
Quality of life patients after treatment of mandibular fractures with ORIF in oral surgery departement of Dr. Sardjito general hospital Edmond Apriza; Rahardjo Rahardjo; Cahya Yustisia Hasan
Majalah Kedokteran Gigi Indonesia Vol 6, No 1 (2020): April
Publisher : Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/majkedgiind.41145


Management of mandibular fracture using open reduction Internal fixation (ORIF) method is one of the ideal treatments for single and multiple mandibular fractures. The aim of this study was to determine the quality of life of patients after the treatment of mandibular fractures with ORIF using miniplate in single and multiple mandibular fractures. This research used case-control by recalling 43 research subjects in the oral surgery department Dr Sardjito general hospital between 2013 and 2017, that consisted of patients suffering from 23 single fractures and 20 multiple mandibular fractures. Each fracture would be examined clinically and subjectively. Clinical examination parameters were conducted using the mandibular mobility index (MMI) consisting of mouth opening assessment, left and right lateral mandibular excursion, and mandibular protrusive movement. Subjective parameters were performed based on general oral health asseesment index (GOHAI) questionnaire to assess physiological aspects, psychosocial aspects, and pain. The results of the chi-square test statistic study showed that the quality of life of a patient with a single mandibular fracture was better than that of multiple mandibular fractures based on MMI and GOHAI examinations. It was concluded that patients with a single mandibular fracture had a younger age, longer time adaptation and have a better quality of life.
Local application of biphosphonate as a biochemical barrier against bone graft resorption in mandibular reconstruction Romzi Hanif; Muhammad Masykur Rahmat; Cahya Yustisia Hasan
Majalah Kedokteran Gigi Indonesia Vol 5, No 3 (2019): December
Publisher : Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/majkedgiind.45096


Mandibular reconstruction to restore functions and aesthetics after mandibular resection remains a major surgical challenge. This type of reconstruction using non-vascularized autogenous bone graft harvested from iliac bone has been popular given that this bone is numerous and donor site morbidity can be minimized, however, it is highly resorbable. Local application of bisphosphonate by immersing bone graft in biphosphonate manages to inhibit bone graft resorption prior to the formation of new bone to support the osteogenesis and osteointegration of bone grafts. This paper aimed at examining the positive results of iliac bone graft osteogenesis and osteointegration following local application of bisphosphonate in mandibular reconstruction. A 22-year-old female patient came with a complaint of painless right cheek mass that has swollen slowly since 2 years. Radiographic examination showed cloudy radiolucent images in the right mandibular corpus to the right mandibular ramus, while histopathological examination indicated ossifying fibroma. Patient underwent mandibular resection followed by iliac bone graft-based mandibular reconstruction. Bone graft was immersed with bisphosphonate (zoledronate acid 0.005 mg /ml) for 3 minutes, then rinsed with saline for 3 minutes, followed by fixing bone graft on the reconstruction plate. Postoperative follow up in the 36th week showed no signs of infection and dehiscence in the surgery site, and the radiographic examination indicated signs of osteogenesis and osteointegration of mandibular bone graft. Local application of biphosponate on bone graft promotes favorable results of osteogenesis and osteointegration in mandibular reconstruction.
The Effect Application of Low Intensity Pulse Ultra Sound on Wounds Healing and Angiogenesis of Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 Rat Model Budi Susilo; Cahya Yustisia Hasan; Bambang Dwi Raharjo; Tri Wahyu Pangestiningsih
Bioscientia Medicina : Journal of Biomedicine and Translational Research Vol. 5 No. 8 (2021): Bioscientia Medicina: Journal of Biomedicine & Translational Research
Publisher : HM Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32539/bsm.v5i8.338


Wound healing disorder are often found in people with diabetes mellitus. Low Intensity Pulse Ultrasound (LIPUS) therapy was developed to accelerate the wound healing process. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of LIPUS on wound closure and angiogenesis after skin excision in rats model diabetes mellitus type 2.Twenty-four Sprague dawley rats that match the inclusion criteria were made into type 2 diabetes mellitus by injecting Nicotinamide and Streptozotocin, then devided into six group: DM3, DM7, DM14, DML3, DML7, DML14, with 4 rats each. All rats were made excision wound with punch biopsy in the back area. DML group receive LIPUS therapy in the wound area (frequency 3 MHz, intensity 0,5 W/cm 2 , duty cycle 20%, duration 3 minutes every day) for three days (DML3), seven days (DML7) and fourteen days (DML14). Wound area was measured and the tissue was staineing with hematoksciline eiosin to observe the density of angiogenesis.Two Way ANOVA used to to analyze the differences in the variable wound area and angiogenesis density, Post Hoc LSD to analyze the differences in variables between groups and the day of observation, showed the area of the wound in the DML was lower than in the DM group significant on day 3 and 7, whereas the density of the angiogenesis in DML group was higher than DM group significant on day 7 and 14. The Pearson test showed a correlation between the wound closure and the angiogenesis density (p = 0,000; r = -0,785). Conclusion: LIPUS therapy accelerate wound closure on day 3 and 7and increase the density of angiogenesis on day 7 and 14.