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Synthesis and Characterization of Superabsorbent Sodium Alginate-G-Poly (Potassium Acrylate) Hydrogels Prepared By Using Gamma Irradiation Erizal, Erizal; Lukitowati, Fajar; Oktaviani, Intan; Barleany, Dhena Ria; Abbas, Basril; Umar, Sudirman
Jurnal Kimia dan Kemasan Vol. 39 No. 1 April 2017
Publisher : Balai Besar Kimia dan Kemasan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (199.104 KB) | DOI: 10.24817/jkk.v39i1.2727


The aim of this research was to use gamma rays as sources for the preparation of superabsorbent hydrogels through radiation induced copolymerization. A series of superabsorbent hydrogels were prepared from aqueous solution containing partially neutralized acrylic acid (15%) with different sodium alginate (NaAlg) concentrations (0.5% to 1.5%) by ionizing gamma irradiation (10 kGy to 40 kGy) at room temperature. The effect of NaAlg concentration and irradiation doses on the water absorption behavior of the obtained hydrogels was investigated. The structural changes of hydrogels were characterized using Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) whereas the morphologies of hydrogels were examined using Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). The results showed the swelling of hydrogel in water and NaCl solution increases with increasing NaAlg concentration and decreases with increasing irradiation dose up to 40 kGy. The extend of gel fraction increases as a function of NaAlg concentration. The results of FTIR analysis revealed that acrylic acid and sodium alginate had been successfully grafted, while SEM examination showed that the hydrogels demonstrated large numbers of pores.     
Jurnal Teknika Vol 8, No 1 (2012): Edisi Juni 2012
Publisher : Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36055/tjst.v9i1.6682


Poly β-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) merupakan polimer yang paling umum dijumpai dari kelas Polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) dan merupakan jenis plastik dengan sifat 100% biodegradable. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan pengaruh kondisi lysis dan ekstraksi dalam menghasilkan yield PHB di dalam Cupriavidus necator dengan substrat glukosa. Cupriavidus necator ditumbuhkan dalam medium Ramsay dan sumber karbon berupa glukosa menggunakan fermentor sistem batch. Hasil fermentasi dicuci dengan NaCl 0.625%, kemudian dilakukan sentrifugasi sehingga diperoleh pelet sel dan beningan (supernatant). Proses purifikasi dilakukan melalui dua tahap, yaitu lisis dan ekstraksi. Tahap lysis dilakukan menggunakan hidrogen peroksida (H2O2) dengan konsentrasi 5% dan 10% dan variasi temperatur 40 °C dan 80 °C. Ekstraksi PHB menggunakan kloroform (CHCl3) dengan temperatur operasi 30 °C dan 50 °C. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa yield PHB (grPHB/gr sel kering) tidak dipengaruhi secara signifikan oleh masing-masing variabel konsentrasi H2O2, temperatur lisis dan temperatur ekstraksi, tetapi dipengaruhi secara signifikan oleh interaksi ketiga variabel tersebut. Metode ANOVA dengan two-factor factorial design menunjukkan bahwa interaksi antara ketiga variabel didapat nilai Fo(9.482) yang lebih besar dari nilai F 0,05,1,8 (5.32). Yield PHB terbesar diperoleh pada konsentrasi H25%, temperatur lisis 40 °C dan temperatur ekstraksi 50 °C.
Prosiding Semnastek PROSIDING SEMNASTEK 2016
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta

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Berkurangnya sumber daya fosil dan meningkatnya konsentrasi karbon dioksida di atmosfer telah   memfokuskan   perhatian   pada   pengembangan   plastik   berbasis   bio.         Upaya   tersebut   dilakukan  dengan   memanfaatkan   bahan-bahan   biologis          untuk   dikonversikan   menjadi      polimer   biodegradable ramah lingkungan. Polilaktida (PLA) merupakan polimer yang serbaguna, biodegradable dan berasal  dari  sumber     daya   terbarukan   sehingga   berpotensi     untuk   dikembangkan       sebagai   pengganti    plastik konvensional.     Pembuatan polilaktida (PLA) dari asam laktat dengan metode polimerisasi pembukaan  cincin    dilakukan     menggunakan        3   tahapan    proses    yaitu   polikondensasi,      depolimerisasi     dan polimerisasi.    Polikondensasi       menghasilkan       oligomer    PLA,    depolimerisasi      mengubah      oligomer menjadi senyawa siklik ester (laktida) dan polimerisasi laktida menghasilkan PLA.  Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi         berat molekul PLA adalah optical purity laktida. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mendapatkan  konsentrasi   katalis  optimum  dalam pembuatan  laktida  melalui   tahapan   polikondensasi  dan   depolimerisasi   serta   menghasilkan   PLA   dengan   metode   polimerisasi   pembukaan   cincin   laktida menggunakan   katalis   lipase     Candida   rugosa      1%(b/b).   Tahapan   penelitian   meliputi   polikondensasi                                              o  asam   laktat pada  temperatur 150-180 C selama 4 jam, depolimerisasi berlangsung tanpa  katalis dan                                                                                                    o  dengan variasi konsentrasi katalis SnCl2  0,05; 0,1; 0,2 % (b/b) pada temperatur 210 C, tekanan vakum                                                                                                 o  selama 3 jam serta polimerisasi laktida dengan variasi temperatur 45, 70 dan 90  C. Dari hasil analisa  1HNMR didapatkan spektrum H kuartet dan H doblet dari laktida berada pada pergeseran proton 5,07-  5,02 ppm dan  1,65-1,68 ppm. Spektrum ini menandakan bahwa  laktida yang dihasilkan  mempunyai  optical purity L-laktida. Temperatur polimerisasi mempengaruhi berat molekul PLA yang dihasilkan. Berat   molekul   PLA   yang   dihasilkan  semakin   tinggi   seiring   dengan  semakin   tingginya   temperatur polimerisasi.   Berat   molekul   PLA   yang   dihasilkan   maksimum   sebesar   2833   gr/mol   pada   temperatur                   o polimerisasi 90 C. Kata kunci: laktida, lipase, Candida rugosa, oligomer, polilaktida
Prosiding Semnastek PROSIDING SEMNASTEK 2015
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta

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Tandan kosong kelapa sawit (TKKS) merupakan limbah pertanian dengan kadar selulosa yang tinggi, sehingga berpotensi untuk dikonversi menjadi berbagai macam produk. Salah satu senyawa kimia yang dapat dihasilkan dari selulosa TKKS adalah asam laktat. Asam laktat merupakan bahan baku utama dalam pembuatan polimer biodegradable berupa polilactic acid (PLA). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk  mendapatkan konsentrasi mikroorganisme Lactobacillus acidophilus yang dapat menghasilkan asam laktat dengan konsentrasi yang tinggi. Tahapan penelitian meliputi pretreatment, hidrolisis dan fermentasi. Pretreatment TKKS menggunakan NaOH, Tahap  hidrolisis  selama 48 jam menggunakan Trichoderma reesei 5 % (w/w)  dan   tahap   fermentasi   selama  48 jam   menggunakan   Lactobacillus acidophilus dengan variasi 0.5; 1; 3; 5%. Analisa glukosa menggunakan spektrofotometri dan  asam laktat menggunakan High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Konsentrasi gula reduksi yang dihasilkan dari proses hidrolisis sebesar 16,6-17,9 g/L dan konsentrasi asam laktat tertinggi 0.568 g/L didapatkan dengan penambahan Lactobacillus acidophilus 3%
SOSIALISAI PENCEGAHAN COVID19 DI LINGKUNGAN PONDOK PESANTREN MODERN KULNI BANTEN Denni Kartika Sari; Dhena Ria Barleany; Retno Sulistyo Dhamar Lestari; Endang Suhendi
Martabe : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 4, No 3 (2021): Martabe : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Tapanuli Selatan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31604/jpm.v4i3.706-709


Penyebaran covid  19 yang semakin masif saat ini diseluruh dunia, menjadi perhatian semua pihak Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara yang cukup tinggi dalam infeksi Covid 19. Januari 2021 Indonesia merupakan urutan ke 19 berdasarkan jumlah kasus terinfeksi. Pondok pesantren merupakan salah satu Lembaga Pendidikan beresiko tinggi karena menerapkan pembelajaran langsung dengan fasilitas berasrama . Salah satu upaya yang dapat dilakukan adalah dengan memberikan bantuan terkait dengan alat pencegahan penyebaran covid 19. Sosialisai juga dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kesadaran akan pentingnya pencegahan covid 19. Sosialisasi  dan pencegahan sebaran covid 19 dilakukan dengan memberikan bantuan spanduk, handsanitizer dan  masker      
Synthesis and Characterization Superabsorbent Hydrogels of Partially Neutralized Acrylic Acid Prepared Using Gamma Irradiation; Swelling and Thermal Behavior Erizal Erizal; Basril Abbas; Sulistioso Giat Sukaryo; Dhena Ria Barleany
Indonesian Journal of Chemistry Vol 15, No 3 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (426.809 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/ijc.21197


A series of superabsorbent hydrogels were synthesized from partially neutralized acrylic acid with varying degree of neutralization (0-1) using gamma radiation. The effects of degree neutralization of acrylic acid on swelling ratio were studied. DSC measurement was performed to understand the type of end products resulting from irradiation. The morphologies of the hydrogels were examined using SEM. The chemical changes of the hydrogels were characterized using FTIR. At optimum conditions (10 kGy, 15 min), the hydrogels with neutralization degree 0.5 exhibited rapid swelling with the highest swelling ratio ~1000 g/g. The results of DSC studies confirmed the possible formation of the type hydrogels from irradiated partially neutralized acrylic acid, and the hydrogels showed large numbers of pores from SEM examination.
Effect of Starch and Chitosan Addition on Swelling Properties of Neutralized Poly(Acrylic Acid)-Based Superabsorbent Hydrogels Prepared by Using γ-Irradiation Technique D. R. Barleany; H. Heriyanto; H. Alwan; V. Kurniawati; A. Muyassaroh; E Erizal
Atom Indonesia Vol 48, No 2 (2022): August 2022
Publisher : PPIKSN-BATAN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17146/aij.2022.1171


Superabsorbent hydrogels are polymers with a 3D network that have attracted the attention of scientists and industrialists because of their fantastic ability to absorb and retain water and aqueous solutions. The most widely used and commercially available superabsorbent hydrogels are synthetic K-acrylate materials. In this novel study, superabsorbent hydrogels have been developed using natural ingredients to have more biodegradable properties. Superabsorbent hydrogels were synthesized from acrylic acid, cassava starch, and chitosan using the γ-irradiation method under different experimental conditions. The γ-irradiation technique was chosen to produce hydrogels free of residues that may remain when chemical crosslinkers are used. The effects of irradiation dose, acrylic acid composition, and the amount of cassava starch and chitosan on the characteristics of produced hydrogels were analyzed. The resulting polymers were further characterized by fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and scanning electron microscope (SEM) to evaluate the structure. The thermal behavior of superabsorbent products at different neutralization doses was tested with differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). FTIR data indicated that the grafting reaction was successfully implemented in this work. SEM analysis showed that the hydrogel produced from this study was porous and there was a reduction in pore size with the addition of starch and chitosan. It can be concluded that the addition of cassava starch and chitosan affects the acrylic acid-based superabsorbent properties, which are pore size, thermal behavior, gel content, antibacterial activity, and swelling capacity in water, salt, and urea solutions. The best hydrogel was obtained by adding 0.25 g of cassava starch and 0.25 g of chitosan, using 50 % acrylic acid neutralization and 5 kGy γ-irradiation doses. The graft polymers possess the maximum swelling capacity of 670 g/g for distilled water, 520 g/g for NaCl solution, and 767 g/g for urea solution (relative to the dry weight). These products were sterile from Escherichia coli bacteria and had the potential to be applied as superabsorbent resins for various fields.
Hydrogel Preparation from Shrimp Shell-Based Chitosan: The Degree of Crosslinking and Swelling Study Dhena Ria Barleany; Jayanudin Jayanudin; Nasihin Nasihin; Mela Widiawati; Meri Yulvianti; Denni Kartika Sari; Akbar Gunawan
ASEAN Journal of Chemical Engineering Vol 23, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Department of Chemical Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/ajche.73716


Chitosan is a natural polymer derived from different starting materials such as fish scales, crab and shrimp shells. Due to the advantages like biocompatibility and biodegradability, chitosan has been widely used in hydrogel development. This current study aims to make chitosan from shrimp shells, synthesize hydrogel from chitosan, and observe the effect of various chitosan preparation treatments on the properties of the hydrogel. The preparation of chitosan was carried out through demineralization, deproteinization, and deacetylation process. HCl concentration during demineralization and NaOH concentration during deproteinization were varied (1; 1,5; 2) M and (1; 1,5; 2) M, respectively. Chitin deacetylation was conducted using 60% (w/v) of NaOH at the temperature of 90oC for 120 min, and chitosan was resulted. Chitosan based hydrogel was then synthesized with the addition of alginate and glutaraldehyde. The effect of HCl and NaOH concentrations during demineralization and deproteinization on the deacetylation degree of chitosan was observed. The effect of deacetylation degree of chitosan on the degree of crosslinking and swelling property of the hydrogel were also evaluated. Chitosan resulted from this study has the optimum degree of deacetylation at 57.28 %, resulting from demineralization by using HCl 2M and deproteinization with NaOH2 M. Higher deacetilation degree of chitosan causing the increase of the degree of cross-linking and decrease of the swelling capacity of the hydrogel. The highest degree of cross-linking is 78.85 %, and the swelling capacity is 47 %.