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Implikasi Pencegahan ke Luar Negeri bagi WNI yang Terlibat Persoalan Hukum berdasarkan Perspektif Hak Asasi Manusia Rachman Maulana Kafrawi; Bambang Ariyanto; Kamarudin
Perspektif Hukum VOLUME 21 ISSUE 1
Publisher : Faculty of Law Hang Tuah University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30649/ph.v21i1.24


The function and role of Indonesian immigration is to prevent, as a traffic controller people enter or leave the territory of the Republic of Indonesia in accordance with what is stated in the Law Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 6 of 2011 concerning Immigration. This legal research focused on knowing the implications of prevention abroad for Indonesian citizens abroad based on a human rights perspective. The research method used is normative juridical. This research concludes that the regulations in Indonesia which regulate the prevention of Indonesian citizens abroad is in accordance with the values and norms contained in the in the state ideology, namely Pancasila and the state Constitution, namely the 1945 Constitution prevention carried out by immigration officers to people suspected of being involved in cases The law that will go outside the territory of the Indonesian state is in accordance with the applicable rules. Then related to prevention, it is also not a form of limiting human rights, because human rights are Indonesia is a human rights balance with its human obligations as a member of society. The use of human rights in Indonesia cannot be carried out without paying attention to human rights obligations, in other words, human rights cannot be used absolutely.
Tinjauan Yuridis Pembubaran Organisasi Kemasyarakatan Bambang Ariyanto
Perspektif Hukum VOLUME 15 ISSUE 2
Publisher : Faculty of Law Hang Tuah University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30649/ph.v15i2.33


Law No. 8 of 1985 only recognizes two forms of legal entity for the social organizations i.e. associations and foundations; while pursuant to Law No. 17 of 2013 on Social Organizations, there are four legal entity forms of the social organizations, namely (1) social organizations with legal entity of associations, (2) social organizations with legal entity of foundations, (3) social organizations with legal entity of foreign foundations, and (4) social organizations that are not legal entity. Four forms of the legal entity have different procedures for establishing, requirements, validating. The legal issue is whether the differences of the legal entity will affect the procedures for dissolving the organizations. Through normative research it is found that dissolving the organizations pursuant to Law No. 17 of 2013 is held through the legal procedures. The organizations may be dissolved by a binding court decision. The procedures for dissolving the organizations are also not simple. The first punishment is given as a written warning for three times. If it is ignored, then the punishment could be a suspension of grants, temporary suspension of the activity. The temporary suspension is conducted for 6 months and shall be permitted by the Supreme Court. If a verdict has permanently been published, a status of the legal entity can be revoked. The revocation is held within 30 days.
Reformasi Struktur Parlemen, Langkah Penguatan DPD Bambang Ariyanto
Perspektif Hukum VOLUME 20 ISSUE 1
Publisher : Faculty of Law Hang Tuah University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30649/ph.v20i1.80


The formation of the Regional Representative Council (DPD) as a representative body that has an equal position with the House of Representatives (DPR) is designed to accommodate regional interests in decision making at the central level. With this kind of design, the implication will be that there will be a change in the structure of parliament to move towards a bicameral parliamentary structure. However, every country that wants to adopt a representative system of both one chamber and two chambers must consider three sides, namely the function of representative institutions, membership of representative institutions, and the process of establishing laws in representative institutions. In this connection, the duties, functions, and authority of the DPD become an important issue in reviewing the parliamentary structure in force in Indonesia. Whether strengthening the parliamentary structure in the representative system in Indonesia will have implications for the functions owned by the DPD. Through normative juridical research with the legislation and conceptual approach, it is known that strengthening the parliamentary structure must be accompanied by strengthening DPD functions, specifically the legislative function, the budget function, and the supervisory function.
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Pesisir VOLUME 1 NOMOR 1
Publisher : Universitas Hang Tuah Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30649/jpmp.v1i1.77


Usaha perikanan di Desa Campurejo, Kecamatan Panceng, Kabupaten Gresik sebenarnya sudah bertumbuh cukup baik. Namun, usaha-usaha perikanan ini belum dikelola secara maksimal berkaitan dengan legalitas badan usahanya. Badan usaha yang berbadan hukum kini menjadi tuntutan yang harus dipenuhi agar usaha nelayan di Desa Campurejo mendapatkan hak, kewajiban dan perlindungan hukum dari pemerintah. Apalagi pemerintah baru saja menetapkan Undang-Undang Nomor 11 Tahun 2020 tentang Cipta Kerja yang memberikan kemudahan bagi masyarakat untuk berusaha. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini bagi pemerintah desa adalah meningkatkan pelayanan di Desa dalam hal pemberian kelengkapan perizinan. Bagi nelayan di Desa Campurejo kegiatan ini diharapkan: Pertama, menumbuhkan motivasi bagi nelayan untuk melengkapi badan usahanya sesuai dengan hukum yang berlaku. Kedua, meningkatkan kapasitas dan pengetahuan untuk melakukan proses perizinan secara mandiri atas legalitas badan usahanya. Sasaran dari kegiatan ini adalah para nelayan, baik nelayan pemilik alat produksi dan buruh nelayan. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode ceramah, dengan menggunakan video and power point. Hasil pengabdian ini adalah peningkatan pengetahuan dan pemahaman nelayan di Desa Campurejo agar mempunyai kesadaran untuk membentuk badan usaha berbadan hukum. Sistem perizinan badan usaha melalui sistem Online Single Submission sangat membantu para nelayan untuk melakukan perizinan berusaha.