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OPTIMALISASI POTENSI DESA DONOMULYO MELALUI DESAIN LAYOUT PERKEBUNAN TEBU DAN MEDIA DIGITAL Muhammad Aris Ichwanto; Mohammad Musthofa Al Ansyorie; Imam Alfianto; Surya Adi Saputra; Nur Ira Mega Maharani; Eviola Sukma Putri; Fariski Ismail Hasan
Jurnal Pengabdian Vokasi Vol 2, No 2 (2021): Nopember 2021
Publisher : Sekolah Vokasi Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (242.907 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jpv.2021.11892


 Donomulyo is one of the villages in Malang district with several potential villages, including plantations, tourism, and religion. Sugarcane plantations are the village's leading commodity with strategic value based on physical considerations regarding soil conditions, water conditions, climate, socio-economics, and the profession of the majority of villagers. The area of the sugar cane plantation reaches around 51 hectares. However, these potentials are not well known by the public. This layout design is used as an illustration of the development of sugarcane plantations in Donomulyo Village. The development of this potential will lead to the creation of educational tourism for cultivation and compost sugarcane. Therefore, making this layout design is an attempt to optimize the village's potency, especially sugarcane plantations, as an introduction to educational facilities for the community and public. The cultivation and compost educational tourism will become a center of the agricultural sector in Donomulyo Village and will certainly provide additional knowledge to the community regarding the cultivation and maintenance of the agricultural and plantation sectors, which are the professions of the majority of villagers. The existence of this educational tourism will also be a way to improve the economy of Donomulyo Village.
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17977/um071v28i12023p%p


Abstrak:Dalam proses pembelajaran, terjadi komunikasi antara guru dan siswa. Guru berperan sebagai pengirim informasi sedangkan siswa berperan sebagai penerima informasi. Proses ini akan berhasil dengan baik jika antara keduanya berjalan dengan lancar, dimana guru mampu menyampaikan informasi dengan baik kepada siswa dan siswa mempunyai kemampuan menerima informasi tersebut dengan baik pula. Untuk menyempurnakan komunikasi antara pemberi dan penerima informasi agar tercipta komunikasi yang efektif diperlukan alat komunikasi atau media. Penggunaan multimedia dalam lingkungan belajar mengajar dapat mendukung perkembangan siswa sebagai pemikir kritis, belajar dengan cepat, dapat memecah masalah, cocok untuk pencarian informasi dan bahkan lebih memotivasi proses belajar mereka. Kurangnya media pembelajaran dapat menyebabkan lingkungan belajar yang buruk. Penerapan modul elektronik ini akan diterapkan penggunaannya terhadap siswa kelas XI Jurusan Teknik Konstruksi Perumahan SMKN 1 Singosari. Tahapan pelaksanaan yang dilakukan yaitu persiapan perencanaan penelitian dan analisis data penelitian dengan metode penelitian dan pengembangan untuk menguji keefektifitasan produk tersebut. Tahap pelaksanaan yaitu pembuatan desain modul elektronik pembelajaran Estimasi Biaya Konstruksi dengan QR Code serta link web video pembelajaran ke Youtube. Tahap akhir yaitu berupa evaluasi dan revisi produk setelah produk diujikan pada Ahli Materi, Ahli Media dan siswa kelas XI Teknik Konstruksi Perumahan SMKN 1 Singosari. Hasil dari kegiatan penelitian ini yaitu berupa produk modul elektronik Pembelajaran Estimasi Biaya Konstruksi Kelas XI Teknik Konstruksi Perumahan SMKN 1 Singosari.Kata-kata kunci: Media Pembelajaran, Modul Elektronik, Estimasi Biaya KonstruksiAbstract: In the learning process, communication occurs between teachers and students. Teachers act as senders of information while students act as recipients of information. This process will work well if the two run smoothly, where the teacher is able to convey information well to students and students have the ability to receive the information well as well. To improve communication between the giver and recipient of information in order to create effective communication, communication tools or media are needed. The use of multimedia in a teaching and learning environment can support the development of students as critical thinkers, learn quickly, can solve problems, are suitable for information seeking and even motivate their learning process. Lack of learning media can lead to a bad learning environment. The application of this electronic module will be applied to class XI students of the Department of Housing Construction Engineering at SMKN 1 Singosari. The stages of implementation are the preparation of research planning and analysis of research data with research and development methods to test the effectiveness of the product. The implementation stage is the design of an electronic learning module for Construction Cost Estimation with a QR Code and a web link for a learning video to Youtube. The final stage is in the form of product evaluation and revision after the product is tested on Material Experts, Media Experts and class XI students of Housing Construction Engineering at SMKN 1 Singosari. The results of this research activity are in the form of an electronic module product for Class XI Construction Cost Estimation Learning Engineering Housing Construction at SMKN 1 Singosari.Keywords: Learning Media, Electronic Module, Construction Cost Estimation