Ramli Ramli
Program Studi Bahasa Inggris, Program Pascasarjana, Universitas Bosowa

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Analyzing Errors on The Use of Past Tense in Argumentative Writing of Tenth Grade Students At SMAN 2 Fakfak West Papua Wa Nursila; Ramli Ramli; Sudirman Sudirman
Jounal of Primary Education Vol 1 No 1 (2020): Bosowa Journal of Education, Desember 2020
Publisher : Postgraduate Bosowa University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (360.189 KB) | DOI: 10.35965/bje.v1i1.613


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi jenis kesalahan menulis karangan argumentasi dengan menggunakan kata lampau di SMAN 2 FakFak. Klasifikasi jenis kesalahan dalam penelitian ini berdasarkan pada prosedur yang dibuat oleh Dulay dan analisis kesalahan menggunakan prosedur yang dibuat oleh Ellis. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan analisis deskripsi dalam menjelaskan dan menganalisis kesalahan data yang diperoleh. Data peneltian diperoleh berdasarakan hasil tes siswa pada penggunaan kata lampau. Sampel penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X SMAN 2 FakFak periode akademik 2020/2021, Kelas X IPA 1 terdiri dari 12 siswa. Analisis data dilakukan dengan mengidentifikasi dan menganalis hasil tes siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hampir semua siswa melakukan kesalahan dalam menulis karangan argumentasi dengan menggunakan kata lampau. Siswa kurang memahami dan memperhatikan perubahan kata kerja dan bentuk masa lalu yang berkelanjutan. Mereka membuat kesalahan di bagian tambahan, kelalaian, kesalahan informasi dan salah urus. Oleh karena itu disarankan kepada siswa untuk lebih giat lagi menulis sehingga dapat meminimalisir kesalahan dalam penulisan karangan argumentasi. The objective of this study was to identify types of errors in the use of past tense in an argumentative writing at SMAN 2 FakFak. The classification of the types of errors in this study was based on procedure made by Dulay and the error analysis procedure made by Ellis. This study used descriptive analysis method to describe and analyse the errors of the data collected. The data were collected from students’ tests in the use of Simple Past Tense. The sample of this study was tenth grade students of SMAN 2 FakFak, academic year 2020/2021, the class of X IPA 1 consisting of 12 students. Data analysis was done by identifying and analysing the students’ tests. The results show that most of students made an error when writing an argumentative writing using past tense. They did not understand and pay attention on verb changes in past tense and past continuous. The students also made errors in addition parts, omission, malformation and disordering. Therefore, it is suggested for students to frequently practice in argumentative writing in order to minimize mistakes
Using The Jakarta Post (Daily News) To Improve Academic English Vocabulary of The United English Forum (UEF) Members In Makassar Munawwarah Munawarah; Ramli Ramli; Sudirman Sudirman
Jounal of Primary Education Vol 1 No 1 (2020): Bosowa Journal of Education, Desember 2020
Publisher : Postgraduate Bosowa University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (377.061 KB) | DOI: 10.35965/bje.v1i1.614


The objective of this research is to discover whether using The Jakarta Post newspaper could improve the academic vocabulary of UEF members in Makassar or not. The population was 100 with 40 samples. Samples were determined using random sampling technique. I used quasi experiment design where 20 members were in the control class and 20 were in the experimental class. Members of UEF Makassar in control class did not receive a treatment while those in experimental class were treated up to three meetings and given an extra article to study at home. The tests consist of 20 questions from rearranging words to translating sentences. The result shows that using English newspaper from The Jakarta Post can improve academic vocabulary of UEF members in Makassar. It can be seen from the average test scores of students before and after given treatments. The improvement was quite significant from 47.75 to 81. It was proven by the result of the statistical analysis of the significant level, p= 5% dan p= 1%, with degree of freedom (df) = 38 indicating that the t-test value of the students’ academic vocabulary (3,246) was higher than t-table value (2,02 and 2,71) or 2,02 < 3,246 > 2,71.
The Effects of Teachers’ Interpersonal Behaviors On Efl Students’ Achievement Galuh Prameswari Nuswantoro; Ramli Ramli; Sudirman Sudirman
Jounal of Primary Education Vol 1 No 1 (2020): Bosowa Journal of Education, Desember 2020
Publisher : Postgraduate Bosowa University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (398.929 KB) | DOI: 10.35965/bje.v1i1.615


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana sikap interpersonal guru mempengaruhi pencapain siswa dan persepsi siswa tentang sikap interpersonal guru di SMA Plus Budi Utomo (Boarding School). Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif dengan menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa SMA Plus Budi Utomo Makassar. Ukuran sampel sebanyak 124 siswa ditentukan berdasarkan table Isaac dan Newton. Teknik pengambilan sampel adalah proportionate stratified random sampling. Data dikumpulkan dengan angket dan dokumentasi. Analisi data dilakukan dengan analsis deskriptif dengan bantuan perangkat lunak SPSS versi 20. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa perilaku interpersonal guru yang positif dapat memberikan efek positif pada hasil belajar siswa baik ranah kognitif maupun ranah afektif. Tiga perilaku itu adalah kepemimpinan, membantu / ramah, dan pengertian. Perilaku kepemimpinan secara dominan berkontribusi pada prestasi siswa. Dalam ranah kognitif, aktivitas dan motivasi belajar siswa tergantung pada perilaku guru di kelas, karena guru adalah stimuli yang diharapkan dapat meningkatkan aktivitas dan motivasi belajar siswa. Peningkatan hasil belajar siswa akan tercapai seiring dengan meningkatnya aktivitas dan motivasi belajar siswa. Dalam ranah afektif, sikap interpersonal guru juga dapat memiliki pengaruh positif. Persepsi siswa yang positif tentang perilaku interpersonal guru akan mengarahkan mereka untuk mencapai kinerja yang baik. Hasil belajar yang baik akan terwujud bersama kinerja yang baik. Dalam penelitian ini, sebagian besar siswa menganggap bahwa guru mereka adalah pemimpin yang baik, hampir setengah dari seluruh sampelsiswa menganggap bahwa guru mereka membantu / ramah, dan pengertian The aim of this study was to know to what extent the teachers’ interpersonal behaviors on students affected students’ achievements and students’ perception about teachers’ interpersonal behaviors at SMA Plus Budi Utomo (Boarding School). This study was descriptive using quantitative approach. The population was all students of SMA Plus Budi Utomo Makassar. The sample size were 124 students, determined based on the Isaac and Newton tables. The sampling technique was proportionate stratified random sampling. Data were collected by means of a questionnaire and documentation. Data analysis was performed using descriptive analysis with the help of SPSS software version 20. The results of this study show that positive teachers’ interpersonal behavior can have positive effect on student learning outcomes both cognitive and affective domains. The three behaviors were leadership, helpful/friendly, and understanding. The leadership behavior dominantly contributes to students’ achievement. In the cognitive domain, student learning activities and motivation depends on the teachers’ behavior in the classroom because the teachers are stimuli who are expected to increase student learning activities and motivation. The increasing of student learning outcomes will be achieved along with the increase in student learning activities and motivation. In the affective domain, the teacher's interpersonal attitude can also have a positive influence. Positive student perceptions of the teacher's interpersonal behavior will lead them to achieve good performance. Good learning result will come along good performance. In this study, majority students perceive that their teachers are good leaders, almost half of the whole sample perceive that their teachers are helpful/friendly, and understanding.