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Sosialisasi Meningkatkan Minat Baca pada Anak-anak dan Remaja Alfirah; Ananda Hadi Elyas; Muhammad Eka
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): Desember 2022
Publisher : Unity Academy

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Literacy is basically a person's ability to understand, process and communicate information received through reading and writing activities. This ability will then be used to find information in solving problems that exist in everyday life. Literacy ability is very identical with the daily life of society. Starting when a child can recognize various kinds of symbols, pictures, numbers, writing, instructions, until he is able to assemble letters into sentences that contain meaning. This literacy has started in people's lives so it must be brought back so that it does not experience fading and disappears slowly. A country will progress because of knowledge. Adolescents who already have an interest in reading will certainly have broad insights and knowledge. Knowledgeable teenagers will be able to become good successor assets and be able to prosper their environment and even a country. The existence of books for the younger generation at this time is not only as an item to memorize, but also as a form of insight that can help people to know themselves more deeply, understand about social dynamics, to get to know the whole world. With this the community service team intends to hold outreach to increase children's and youth's interest in reading and raise awareness of the importance of the benefits of reading.
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): Desember 2023
Publisher : Unity Academy

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DW Food Court (DFC) is located in Glugur City, West Medan District. Currently, DFC consists of 10 culinary MSMEs run by students who are still actively studying at Dharmawangsa University. As science and technology develop, understanding the cloud catalog and MSME digital marketing features aims to collect data related to the variety of MSME products and the number of students who are entrepreneurs. However, it is considered necessary to provide business assistance supported by training, capital assistance/business facilities, and of course requires a digitalization system that supports operations in marketing their products, both conventionally and digitally. However, of all members of the DW Food Court (DFC), still < 25% are business members. A maximum proposal summary of 500 words containing problems, solutions and output targets to be achieved in accordance with each community service scheme. The summary also contains a careful and brief description of the proposed activity plan. which already has digital marketing features (website, social media, marketplace, cloud catalog) to promote its products. Most DFC members are still comfortable using conventional media, such as waiting for buyers to come to the sales stand and participating in MSME bazaars. For this reason, it is hoped that this Community Service activity will be able to expand the marketing network and increase sales volume on a regular basis and with a digitalization system. This activity was carried out by lecturers and students from the Faculty of Information and Computer Engineering (FTIK) and the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) at Dharmawangsa University. The solutions and output targets offered include products and services, such as training modules and survey forms (pre/post test), business menu designs, business profile videos, social media accounts (Instagram), websites ( and, activity documentation, online news publications and publications.