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Translation of Passive Voice Found in the Novel The Sea of Monster By Rick Riordan and its Translation By Nuraini Mastura Widya, Widya; Ayu, Dewi Mutiara Indah
Lingua Cultura Vol 9, No 2 (2015): Lingua Cultura Vol. 9 No. 2
Publisher : Bina Nusantara University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21512/lc.v9i2.826


This Present research aims at analyzing the translation of passive voice from English into Indonesian and finding out the problem occurring in translating them. The qualitative descriptive method was applied in this research. The data were gathered from the novel The Sea of Monster by Rick Riordan and its Translation by Nuraini Mastura. The analyzed data were limited, that is, simple present tense, past perfect tense, and modal auxiliary. They are analyzed by applying the semantics and grammatical approaches. The findings have shown that the problems can be either semantic and cultural aspect or grammatical system. Despite those obstacles, it is found that the translator is able to produce a good and natural translation. She can transfer message contained in SL into TL. Cultural context and translation shift are getting involved in the process of creating natural translation.
Commerce Register Analysis of Minangkabau Vernacular in a Colloquial Conversation: A Sociolinguistics Studies Nurani, Siti; Widya, Widya; Harared, Nico
UICELL No 1 (2017): UICELL Conference Proceedings 2017
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. HAMKA

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This research aims at identifying register used in the commerce colloquial conversations among sellers and buyers. Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) approach is applied to examine the linguistic features viewed from the aspect of field, tenor and mode of discourse. Findings show that in the field of discourse, registers release the experiential domain of nouns, verbs, idiomatic expression, and word blending. The goal orientation appears to have both short and long term while the social activity results in exchanges among participants. Furthermore, in the field of tenor, participants have an equal agentive role as they have same social function. The social role is non-hierarchic and the social distance is minimal. Finally, in the mode of discourse, both constitutive and ancillary language role formed in present simple, past simple and future simple. The channel is phonic and the medium is spoken with visual contact as it is characterized by the use of back channel signs. The Systemic Functional Linguistics approach employed in this research could be used as the parameter for educators in teaching Sociolinguistics especially in conducting discourse analysis in various colloquial discourse contexts.
Strategi Mengajar Bahasa Inggris secara Daring di Era Pandemi COVID-19 Widya, Widya; Agustiana, Erika
SENADA : Semangat Nasional Dalam Mengabdi Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021): SENADA: Semangat Nasional Dalam Mengabdi
Publisher : Perkumpulan Dosen Periset Indonesia

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Pandemi COVID-19 telah mengubah proses belajar mengajar dari yang awalnya dilakukan dengan tatap muka di dalam kelas ke sistem belajar daring melalui platform-platform yang banyak tersedia saat ini. Suasana belajar yang kurang menyenangkan karena siswa harus diam berhadapan dengan layar komputer, laptop, atau telepon pintar, dan karena tidak bisa berinteraksi dengan leluasa dengan guru dan teman-teman sekelas telah menurunkan motivasi siswa dalam belajar bahasa Inggris. Pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memperkenalkan strategi mengajar bahasa Inggris secara daring yang meliputi metode dan media pengajaran yang akan meningkatkan motivasi siswa untuk belajar bahasa Inggris secara daring. Hasil pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini menunjukkan hasil, yaitu (1) guru mengenal dan memperkaya metode serta media pengajaran bahasa Inggris secara daring; (2) guru dapat menerapkan teknik dan memanfaatkan media pengajaran yang didapat saat pelatihan kepada siswa sehingga tercipta suasana belajar yang lebih menyenangkan; (3) siswa merasakan pengalaman belajar bahasa Inggris yang baru dan lebih termotivasi untuk menguasai pelajaran.