Ibnu Dwi Lesmono - AMIK BSI Purwokerto Ibnu Dwi Lesmono - AMIK BSI Purwokerto
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Pengaruh Penggunaan E-Commerce Bagi Pengembangan Usaha Kecil Menengah (Ukm) Dengan Pendekatan Technology Acceptance Model Ibnu Dwi Lesmono - AMIK BSI Purwokerto
Evolusi : Jurnal Sains dan Manajemen Vol 3, No 1 (2015): Jurnal Evolusi 2015
Publisher : Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (660.062 KB) | DOI: 10.31294/evolusi.v3i1.622


Abstract   In the current era of globalization, the SME sector is required to be able to compete in the market their business. Empowerment of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to be very strategic, because great potential in moving economic activities, and at the same time become the foundation source of income most people to improve their welfare. SMEs are required to make changes in order to increase their competitiveness. One way to compete in the competition in this era of globalization is to utilize information technology in the form of Internet media Internet provides many advantages for businesses, such as the capability of reaching a new segment, which can sell products not only for the local market, but also for the global market . One form of information technology that can be applied by the Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to expand its business is to maximize the use of e-commerce.   Keywords: Business, E-Commerce, Internet.
Tata Kelola Teknologi Informasi Dengan Metode Cobit 4.1 (Studi Kasus : PT.IMI) Ibnu Dwi Lesmono - AMIK BSI Purwokerto; Denny Erica - AMIK BSI Jakarta
SPEED - Sentra Penelitian Engineering dan Edukasi Vol 10, No 1 (2018): Speed 2018
Publisher : APMMI - Asosiasi Profesi Multimedia Indonwsia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55181/speed.v10i1.209


Abstract - Progress in every field can not be separated from technology as its supporting, especially information technology. However, it must be balanced with the existence of an evaluation or audit of the information system so that threats or losses can be avoided or prevented. This study discusses the importance of Information Technology Governance, because the increasing role of Information Technology should be directly proportional to the investment issued. Investment Information technology usually spends huge sums of money. That is why there is a need for good governance governance of Information Technology in a company, so the investment issued is not in vain and provide benefits desired by the company. This study aims to determine the extent to which the performance of administrative logistics information systems at PT.IMI and provide recommendations governance improvement after knowing the gap between the current governance with the expected governance or standards expected of the company on business processes in accordance with the framework used. The framework used in this research is COBIT version 4.1 specifically on the Deliver and Support (DS) domain. Data collection techniques are done by observation, questionnaires and interviews with resource persons who have been determined in accordance with the domain and Control Objective used. Methods of data analysis performed several stages, namely the determination of the domain, determining the control process, determining the indicators and mapping the level of maturity. The results of this study is to determine the level of maturity (maturity level) on business processes running in PT.IMI specifically on the Domain DS, which is at level 4 which means it is measurable and integrated between processes that take place.Keywords: audit information system, logistic administration, COBIT Abstrak – Kemajuan disetiap bidang tak lepas dari teknologi sebagai penunjangnya, terutama teknologi informasi. Akan tetapi hal tersebut harus dimbangi dengan adanya sebuah evaluasi atau audit terhadap sistem informasi sehingga ancaman atau kerugian dapat dihindari ataupun dicegah. Penelitian ini membahas tentang pentingnya Tata Kelola Teknologi Informasi, karena peningkatan peran Teknologi Informasi nantinya harus berbanding lurus dengan investasi yang dikeluarkan. Investasi Teknologi informasi biasanya mengeluarkan uang dalam jumlah besar. Untuk itulah diperlukan adanya tata kelola tata kelola Teknologi Informasi yang baik pada suatu perusahaan, agar investasi yang dikeluarkan tidaklah sia-sia dan memberikan manfaat yang diinginkan oleh perusahaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui sejauh mana kinerja sistem informasi administrasi logistic pada PT.IMI dan memberikan rekomendasi tata kelola perbaikan setelah mengetahui kesenjangan antara tatakelola saat ini dengan tatakelola yang diharapkan atau standard-standard yang diharapkan perusahaan pada proses bisnisnya sesuai dengan framework yang digunakan. Framework yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah COBIT versi 4.1 khusus pada domain Deliver and Support (DS). Teknik pengumpulan datanya dilakukan dengan observasi, kuesioner dan wawancara  dengan narasumber yang telah ditentukan sesuai dengan domain dan Control Objective yang digunakan. Metode analisis data dilakukan beberapa tahap, yaitu penentuan domain, penentuan proses kontrol, penentuan indikator dan pemetaan tingkat kematangan. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat kematangan (maturity level) pada proses bisnis yang berjalan di PT.IMI khusus pada Domain DS, yaitu berada pada level 4 yang berarti sudah terukur dan terintegrasi antar proses yang berlangsung.Kata kunci: audit sistem informasi, administrasi logistic, COBIT