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Jurnal Teknologi Vol 5 No 2 (2012): Jurnal Teknologi
Publisher : Jurnal Teknologi, Fakultas Teknologi Industri, Institut Sains & Teknologi AKPRIND Yogyakarta

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Kemajuan teknologi Wireles LAN sudah sangat banyak digunakan publik sebagai media komunikasi dan banyak diaplikasikan di berbagai tempat, mulai dari kampus, pertokoan, perkantoran bahkan tempat-tempat umum. Teknologi wireless LAN dengan memanfaatkan nilai RSS (Received Signal Strength) yang diperoleh dari acces point (AP) yang sudah ada bisa di aplikasikan untuk estimasi lokasi objek dalam ruangan . latar belakang Hal ini yang mendasari untuk estimasi lokasi objek dalam ruangan dengan metode fingerprint. Penelitian ini difokuskan pada pemanfaatan RSS mengunakan 5 acces point dan lokasi penelitian dilakukan di lantai 3 gedung JTETI UGM. Pengambilan data fingerprint dilakukan dengan grid 1 x 1 meter bertujuan untuk mendapatkan tingkat akurasi yang tinggi. Memprediksi lokasi objek ini dengan metode fingerprint mengunakan algoritma k-Nearest Neighbor (kNN) dan Naïve Bayes. Dari fase off-line hasil Visualisasi pada peta fingerprint menunjukan bahwa kekuatan sinyal yang diterima disetiap grid pengukuran berbeda. fase on-line rata-rata kesalahan jarak terhadap estimasi lokasi algoritma Naïve Bayes lebih baik dibanding dari algoritma kNN.
IMPLEMENTASI TEKNOLOGI IBEACON (BLOETOOTH LOW ENERGI BLE) 1 DI POLITAMA Taufik Nurhidayat; Harjono Harjono; Sugiarto Sugiarto; Taman Ginting
Prosiding SNST Fakultas Teknik Vol 1, No 1 (2018): PROSIDING SEMINAR NASIONAL SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI 9 2018
Publisher : Prosiding SNST Fakultas Teknik

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Perkembangan teknologi kini sudah berkembang untuk sistem pemandu dan pencarian loaksi objek di dalam dan diluar gedung. BLE atau Bluetooth Smart adalah sebuah teknolgi yang dapat dikembangkan untuk sistem lokasi, BlE memiliki daya renda yang dikembangkan oleh Apple dengan nama iBeacon. iBeacon adalah sebuah modul atau perangkat keras yang memancarkan sinyal informasi berupa Tx Power, RSSI (Received Signal Strenght Indicator) dan distance (jarak) Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengimplementasikan teknologi BLE/ ibeacon di Politeknik Pratama Mulia Surakarta untuk layanan terhadap tamu atau pengunjung dalam mendapatkan informasi kampus. Pengembangan penelitian dikembangkan dengan metode  fingerprint  dengan   klasifikasi  dan  algoritma  array dengan cara ibeacon ditempatkan di di setiap lantai gedung ada di POLITAMA dengan jumlah  6 ibeacon. Hasil dari  penelitian nilai RSSI rata rata-rata adalah 89,44 dbm  dan  jarak rata- ratadari setiap pengambilan data adalah  4,387  meter. Kanta kunci : BLE, IBeacon, Teknologi, Politama
Analisa Implementasi Technology Mobile Berbasis Bluetooth Android Untuk Smart Home Taman Ginting; Didik Purwadi
Politeknosains Vol 19 No Edisi Khusus (2020): Jurnal Politeknosains Volume 19 Edisi Khusus - Juli 2020
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LPPM) Politeknik Pratama Mulia Surakarta

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Bluetooth Android has emerged as a viable choice of technology control for smart home for Light switch control uses an Android Smartphone communication media using Bluetooth. This system control can be used to support human needs in controlling its electronic equipment. This tool uses microcontroller technology, Android smartphones and Bluetooth. Bluetooth was initially developed as a cable replacement technology but properties such as low cost and high availability has led to the development of several control systems relying on Bluetooth signals. The characteristics of the Bluetooth device’s RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indication) value were analyzed in preliminary experiments. The best results of testing of algorithms to generate distance 1m greatest accuracy. From . Bluetooth and Smartphone can be seen that the maximum distance of Bluetooth can be connected without obstacles is 14 meters. The wall barrier has a thickness of 15 cm with a maximum distance of 10 meters. The data shows the level of barrier density affects the connection distance.From the results of the study note the effect on measurements include fingerprint grid size, algorithm and the amount of data from the location of the fingerprint data measurement area. From the results of the study with 10 m2 got 10.6 m results and 20 m2 with the results of 20.04 from the results of measurements and tests, it is known that the results of better light control in the range of 10 m2 or closer to the object / lamp.
Aplikasi Bursa Kerja Khusus Berbasis Delphi 7 Menggunakan Barcode (Studi Kasus di SMK Negeri 2 Karanganyar) Muklis; Cicilia Puji Rahayu; Taman Ginting
Politeknosains Vol 18 No 1 (2019): Jurnal Politeknosains Volume 18 Nomor 1 - Maret 2019
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LPPM) Politeknik Pratama Mulia Surakarta

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The phases of making a special job market application for SMK Negeri 2 Karanganyar based on Delphi 7 with barcode began with designing and creating a database using Microsoft Access 2007. The database created is a student database, login database, database card, databease registration, database selection, company database, database permission search and database. Next to design and make the program using Delphi 7. In this application program there is a login form, main form, registration form, selection form, search form, company form, student database form, user form manager and permission form. The next stage is designing the registration report, selection report, permit report, registration card report and the last trial and implementation program. This program is implemented in the special job market of SMK Negeri 2 Karanganyar and according to the results of respondents' assessment that this program is very helpful for special job market officials to be more efficient in data collection and processing, and to help smooth officers in the input and management of registrant data.
Klasifikasi K-NN dan Naive Bayes Terhadap Pelacakan Ujung Jari Berbasis Camera Smartphone Sudarno; Agus Kristianto; Taman Ginting
Politeknosains Vol 16 No 1 (2017): Jurnal Politeknosains Volume 16 Nomor 1 - Maret 2017
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LPPM) Politeknik Pratama Mulia Surakarta

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Research vision and computer graphics, motion tracking fingertips of video image sequences automatically has been a very interesting study to be developed. Good tracking method should be able to find back the ends of the finger after the obstacle no longer exists and is also able to predict the fingertips are hindered by the position information of the fingertips that are not obstructed. In practice, there are two ways to track the movement of an object. The first approach is called the approach-by-detection tracking. In this approach, to track an object the object detection performed on each frame of moving pictures or videos are observed, in order to determine the position of the object in each frame. The second approach is referred to as a detection approach-by-tracking. From the results of tracking the movement of a hand camera-based smartphone will use a method of classification algorithm k-Nearest Neighborhood (k-NN) and Naive Bayes (NB). From the research results will be known influence on the movement of fingertips, and penagkapan fingertips as well as the classification method to obtain the arrest of the movement of a fingertip accuracy, algorithms and data from a tracking number will be tested for accuracy. The best results of testing of the algorithms will be the result and purpose of this research.
Positioning dengan Teknologi Bluetooth Mengunakan Naïve Bayes Algoritma Yusuf Eko Rohmadi; Taman Ginting; Didik Warasto
Politeknosains Vol 15 No 1 (2016): Jurnal Politeknosains Volume 15 Nomor 1 - Maret 2016
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LPPM) Politeknik Pratama Mulia Surakarta

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Bluetooth has emerged as a viable choice of technology in indoor positioning systems due to the increase in the number of Bluetooth-enabled devices over the last decade. Bluetooth was initially developed as a cable replacement technology but properties such as low cost and high availability has led to the development of several indoor positioning systems relying on Bluetooth signals. The characteristics of the Bluetooth device’s RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indication) value were analyzed in preliminary experiments. According to the results of these experiments, the proposed method combines processing using RSSI value threshold and handling of instantaneous variation of RSSI value. Fingerprint data retrieval is done with each grid size 1m x 1m and 2m x 2m. RSSI measurements performed at room Politeknik Pratama Mulia Surakarta. Determination of the estimated location of the object is determined using Naïve Bayes algorithm From the research known influence on the measurements include a fingerprint grid sizes, algorithms and extensive amount of data from the fingerprint data measurement locations. The best results of testing of algorithms to generate distance 1m greatest accuracy. From the results with 1 meter got the result of 1.6 meters and 2 meters with 2:04 to scenario 2 results will be the first got the result 1.85m m2 and 2 m2 with the results of 2.06 The test results of unknown size on the grid one meter better than 2-meter grid.
Android Bluetooth-Based Mobile Technology Analysis for Smart Home Taman Ginting; Didik Purwadi
Journal of Telecommunication Control and Intelligent System Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): Monograph Book of Telecommunications
Publisher : PTTI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59247/jtcis.v1i1.65


Bluetooth Android has emerged as a viable choice of technology control for smart home for Light switch control uses an Android Smartphone communication media using Bluetooth. This system control can be used to support human needs in controlling its electronic equipment. This tool uses microcontroller technology, Android smartphones and Bluetooth. Bluetooth was initially developed as a cable replacement technology but properties such as low cost and high availability has led to the development of several control systems relying on Bluetooth signals. The characteristics of the Bluetooth device’s RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indication) value were analyzed in preliminary experiments. The best results of testing of algorithms to generate distance 1m greatest accuracy. From . Bluetooth and Smartphone can be seen that the maximum distance of Bluetooth can be connected without obstacles is 14 meters. The wall barrier has a thickness of 15 cm with a maximum distance of 10 meters. The data shows the level of barrier density affects the connection distance.From the results of the study note the effect on measurements include fingerprint grid size, algorithm and the amount of data from the location of the fingerprint data measurement area. From the results of the study with 10 m2 got 10.6 m results and 20 m2 with the results of 20.04 from the results of measurements and tests, it is known that the results of better light control in the range of 10 m2 or closer to the object / lamp.
Jurnal Teknomatika Vol 7 No 2 (2015): TEKNOMATIKA
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik dan Teknologi Informasi, Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani Yogyakarta

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Keakuratan dalam penentuan posisi merupakan bagian yang penting untuk aplikasi-aplikasi dalam kajian ubiquitous computing. Teknologi penentuan posisi yang umumnya dikenal adalah Global Positioning System (GPS). Pada lokasi-lokasi tertentu penerima GPS dapat memberikan informasi posisi yang akurat. Keadaan ini bertolak belakang ketika GPS digunakan di dalam gedung dan lingkungan perkotaan yang padat. Jika digunakan di lokasi-lokasi tersebut tidak memberikan kinerja yang baik. Pada penelitian ini, penentuan posisi objek dalam gedung dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknologi Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM). GSM dipilih karena mempunyai beberapa keuntungan diantaranya cakupan GSM lebih luas dan mampu bekerja didalam ruangan. Nilai dari RSS yang berasal dari CELL- ID yang terpasang di lokasi penelitian di gunakan untuk menyimpulkan lokasi dari pengukuran RSS-based menggunakan metode machine learning dengan algoritma k-Nearest Neighborhood (kNN). Dari hasil penelitian akn diketahui pengaruh terhadap pengukuran antara lain ukuran grid fingerprint, algoritma dan jumlah data dari luas lokasi pengukuran data fingerprint. Hasil terbaik pengujian dari algoritma akan menjadi hasil dan tujuan dari penelitian ini. Luaran dari Penelitian ini adalah publikasi ilmiah dalam jurnal untuk pengembangan materi berbasis GLOBAL SYSTEM FOR MOBILE COMMUNICATION (GSM)