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Corry Handayani
Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Nasional Jambi

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Jurnal Inovator Vol 4 No 1 (2021): Optimalisasi Kinerja
Publisher : LPPM Politeknik Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37338/ji.v4i1.157


ABSTRAK Kualitas pelayanan merupakan faktor dan akar yang sangat penting yang mampu kepuasan kepada nasabahnya.Tujuan penelitan ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor – faktor yang menentukan service quality (servqual) terhadap kepuasan nasabah pada PT.Bank Sinarmas Tbk Kcp. Jambi Tebing Tinggi dan mengetahui service quality (servqual) terhadap kepuasan nasabah pada PT.Bank Sinarmas Tbk Kcp. Jambi Tebing Tinggi. Penelitian ini menggunakan data primer yang bersumber dari observasi langsung dan kuesioner yang disebarkan langsung yang dan selanjutnya dianalisis menggunakan uji servqual dan uji regresi linear berganda. Hasil penelitian bahwa kepuasan nasabah dipengaruhi oleh area parkir, kelengkapan fisik yang dimiliki, penampilan karyawan, fasilitas keamaan, pelayanan yang cepat kepada nasabah, pengetahuaan karyawan terhadap produk bank, perhatian pribadi kepada nasabah dalam hal pelayanan dan kepekaan karyawan untuk mengetahui minat nasabah (reality) dan untuk mengetahui service quality (servqual) terhadap kepuasaan nasabah yaitu reliability, responsiveness , assurance dan empaty sedangkan penilaian nasabah yang tidak puas yaitu tangible.
Jurnal INOVATOR Vol. 2 No. 2 (2019): Peningkatan Kemanfaatan Produk
Publisher : LPPM Politeknik Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37338/inovator.v2i2.123


Simulasi tanggap darurat kebakaran adalah satu upaya untuk menjaga keperdulian karyawan terhadap kecelakaan yang dapat terjadi pada saat bekerja. Kualitas simulasi tanggap darurat dapat ditingkatkan dengan memperhatikan kualitas faktor pendukungnya. Faktor yang dapat meningkatkan kualitas simulasi tanggap darurat kebakaran adalah pelatihan (training) dasar pemadam kebakaran dan pertolongan pertama serta pengarahan (sosialisasi) mengenai bagaimana prosedur simulasi tanggap darurat kebakaran. Nilai koefisien regresi pelatihan dasar pemadam kebakaran dan pertolongan pertama (X1) sebesar 0,516 sedangkan pengarahan/sosialisasi simulasi tanggap darurat kebakaran (X2) sebesar 0,334.  Dengan hasil ini maka dengan meningkatkan kualitas pelatihan simulasi tanggap darurat kebakaran sebesar 0,516 persen lebih besar dibandingkan dengan pengarahan atau sosialisasi yang hanya 0,334 persen.
Analisa Dampak Intensitas Kebisingan Terhadap Operator Mesin Penggiling Kacang Tanah Corry Handayani; Lilia Trisyathia Quentara; Hardianto
Jurnal INOVATOR Vol. 3 No. 1 (2020): Uji Performa Mesin
Publisher : LPPM Politeknik Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37338/inovator.v3i1.127


Indonesia there are many abundant produce mainly the agriculture not dependent with one example is peanuts.The fields are in need of peanuts as a raw material for the manufacture of cheese, butter, oil, jam, candy or other food.To facilitate the work of the man in the beans then grind in a grinder machine make peanuts.At this point has created peanut grinder machine automatic movements using electric motor.This research was conducted to find out perbedan the intensity of noise and impact on the impact of the use of the old engines with new engines.The data obtained from the measurement of the intensity of the noise using the android application and filling the questionnaires by respondents.Based on statistical tests Paired Sample t-Tests on the get that there was a decrease in the intensity of the noise of 33.60%.Test validity and reliability the questionnaire stated 7 questions (old machine) and 13 questions (new machine) in kuesiner is valid because r count > r tables, and the results of Chronbach's > 0.60 Alpha so in say reliability.From the comparison of the data of the questionnaire can be seen with the new engines occurred quite a significant difference in the comfort of the operator's wor
Implementasi Service Quality (Servqual) Terhadap Kepuasan Nasabah Pada PT. Bank Sinarmas Tbk Ranti Anjelia; Asfia Fitri Aras; Corry Handayani
Jurnal INOVATOR Vol. 4 No. 1 (2021): Optimalisasi Kinerja
Publisher : LPPM Politeknik Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37338/inovator.v4i1.240


Service quality is a very important factor and root that is capable of satisfying its customers. The purpose of this research is to determine the factors that determine service quality (servqual) on customer satisfaction at PT. Bank Sinarmas Tbk Kcp. Jambi Tebing Tinggi and knowing service quality (servqual) on customer satisfaction at PT. Bank Sinarmas Tbk Kcp. Jambi Tebing Tinggi. This study uses primary data that comes from direct observation and direct distributed questionnaires which are then analyzed using the servqual test and multiple linear regression tests. The results showed that customer satisfaction is influenced by the parking area, physical equipment owned, employee appearance, security facilities, fast service to customers, employee knowledge of bank products, personal attention to customers in terms of service and employee sensitivity to know customer interests (reality) and to determine service quality (servqual) to customer satisfaction, namely reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy, while the assessment of unsatisfied customers is tangible
Perancangan Alat Spinner Ergonomis (Study Kasus PT. Baasithu, Floating Storage and Offloading Petrostar) Diana Chandra Dewi; Corry Handayani; Irfan Heru Prasetyoa
Jurnal INOVATOR Vol. 2 No. 1 (2019): Teknologi Bahan Baku
Publisher : LPPM Politeknik Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37338/inovator.v2i1.113


Snack foods have become an integral part of people's lives. Food snacks arevery many kinds and vary widely in the form of necessities and prices. Fried is afrying process using cooking oil. Cooking oil is very closely for our health.Repeated oils can lead to degradation even in health hazards. With anappreciation of health factors, there are often complaints in PT.Baasithu clientabout oil content in processed fried foods. Given this question has actually founda solution that is by using a spinner. Small industries will not be able to reachprices that are not in accordance with the amount of production.The purpose of this design is to create an ergonomic spinner capable ofreach by small industries. The design of this tool using anthropometry theory toproduce the size of the tool in accordance with the size of the employees of PT.Baasithu. Phase completion of anthropometry data conducted on employees, bodydimensions required are: 1. Reach far, 2. Wide grip. The data will be processedwith data adequacy test, uniformity test, and percentile calculation, then do thedesign process of spinner. This ergonomic oil slicer uses a centrifugal force todrain oil. The way the processed food of fried food will be rotated in the slicer sothat the oil will be sliced and out through the hole in the slicer.