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SOSIALISASI DAN PELATIHAN PERANGKAT LUNAK MICROSOFT OFFICE DI LINGKUNGAN SEKOLAH DESA CURUG Dwi Putra Espy Bendanu; Anjas Kosasih; Mia Audina; Ardila Putri Nur Karisma Dewi; Angga Kurnia; Unggul Prasetyo Utomo; Bayu Wibowo; Sutarto; Wenang Perdana; Muhammad Adam Febrian
Abdi Jurnal Publikasi Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): November
Publisher : Abdi Jurnal Publikasi

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Microsoft Office applications are very important to use in today's digital era, both for elementary school children to college and even for workers. For this reason, training activities are made in the context of community service, which aims to increase the knowledge and understanding of elementary school (SD) students in using Microsoft Office, especially Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel. , training was made at SD NEGERI CURUG 1 with 30 students attending. Based on the training provided, the results showed that the participants looked very enthusiastic to take part in this training, on the other hand the lack of knowledge and training made elementary school students very difficult to operate it. After the training was carried out there were 90% of students who could understand and practice it, because the method we use is to guide students to practice what we convey. This training is very useful for elementary school students to add insight and knowledge about Microsoft Office Applications.
Analisa Algoritma Fuzzy Mamdani dalam Pengklasifikasian Penyakit pada Tanaman Anjas Kosasih; Angga Kurnia; Tita Mulyana; Unggul Prasetyo Utomo
Journal of Research and Publication Innovation Vol 1 No 3 (2023): JULY
Publisher : Journal of Research and Publication Innovation

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Penyakit pada tanaman merupakan ancaman serius dalam sektor pertanian yang dapat menyebabkan kerugian produksi dan ekonomi. Identifikasi dan pengklasifikasi penyakit pada tanaman dengan akurasi tinggi menjadi penting untuk mengambil tindakan yang tepat dalam penanganan penyakit. Pada tahap awal penelitian, data penyakit tanaman yang terverifikasi dikumpulkan dan fitur-fitur yang relevan diidentifikasi. Selanjutnya, basis pengetahuan fuzzy yang mencerminkan hubungan antara fitur-fitur tersebut dan klasifikasi penyakit dibangun. Algoritma Fuzzy Mamdani diimplementasikan untuk melakukan pengklasifikasi berdasarkan fitur-fitur pengamatan yang diamati pada tanaman yang terinfeksi. Evaluasi kinerja algoritma dilakukan dengan menggunakan metrik evaluasi seperti akurasi, presisi, recall, dan F1-score. Pengujian dilakukan dengan menggunakan data penyakit pada tanaman yang telah diverifikasi oleh para ahli. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa algoritma Fuzzy Mamdani mampu mengklasifikasikan penyakit pada tanaman dengan akurasi yang memadai. Namun, tantangan dalam pengklasifikasi penyakit pada tanaman menggunakan algoritma Fuzzy Mamdani meliputi pemilihan fitur yang relevan, penentuan variabel linguistik, dan fungsi keanggotaan yang tepat. Parameter algoritma juga mempengaruhi hasil pengklasifikasi. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan penyesuaian yang optimal untuk mencapai hasil yang lebih baik. Penelitian ini memberikan kontribusi dalam pengembangan metode pengklasifikasi penyakit pada tanaman dengan menggunakan algoritma Fuzzy Mamdani. Hasil penelitian ini dapat digunakan sebagai dasar untuk pengembangan sistem pakar yang membantu petani dan ahli pertanian dalam mengidentifikasi penyakit pada tanaman secara efektif. Penelitian selanjutnya dapat mengeksplorasi integrasi teknik Fuzzy Mamdani dengan metode lain, seperti machine learning, untuk meningkatkan akurasi pengklasifikasi penyakit pada tanaman.
Rancang Bangun Sistem Booking Foto Studio Berbasis Web Menggunakan Metode Agile Angga Kurnia; Stevianus Imanuel Salangka; Unggul Prasetyo Utomo; Saprudin
Buletin Ilmiah Ilmu Komputer dan Multimedia Vol 1 No 1 (2023): Buletin Ilmiah Ilmu Komputer dan Multimedia (BIIKMA) INPRESS
Publisher : Shofanah Media Berkah

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Photo studio is a place that is sought after by many people to capture important moments in their lives. Along with technological developments, the use of a Booking system is becoming increasingly important to make it easier for customers to book photo schedules, one of which is the Hey Studio photo studio. The photo studio Booking process so far still uses a manual method, when Booking still uses a form by coming directly to the studio, with this website technology it is hoped that it can help customers to book with a range that is far from Hey Studio photo studio. This study aims to develop a Booking system software at a photo studio using the agile method. The software development method used is Agile Scrum, which consists of several stages, such as sprint planning, daily scrum, sprint review, and sprint retrospective. Software development is carried out by considering user needs and business goals, by prioritizing iteration and iterative testing. In addition, the integration of the Booking system with other information systems is also considered. The results of this study are expected to contribute to the development of a Booking system at a photo studio with agile methods. In addition, the results of this research are also expected to help the manager of Hey Studio photo studio in improving their productivity and quality of service.
Rancang Bangun Sistem Booking Foto Studio Berbasis Web Menggunakan Metode Agile Angga Kurnia; Stevianus Imanuel Salangka; Unggul Prasetyo Utomo; Saprudin
TEKNOBIS : Jurnal Teknologi, Bisnis dan Pendidikan Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): TEKNOBIS : Jurnal Teknologi, Bisnis dan Pendidikan
Publisher : Shofanah Media Berkah

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Photo studio is a place that is sought after by many people to capture important moments in their lives. Along with technological developments, the use of a Booking system is becoming increasingly important to make it easier for customers to book photo schedules, one of which is the Hey Studio photo studio. The photo studio Booking process so far still uses a manual method, when Booking still uses a form by coming directly to the studio, with this website technology it is hoped that it can help customers to book with a range that is far from Hey Studio photo studio. This study aims to develop a Booking system software at a photo studio using the agile method. The software development method used is Agile Scrum, which consists of several stages, such as sprint planning, daily scrum, sprint review, and sprint retrospective. Software development is carried out by considering user needs and business goals, by prioritizing iteration and iterative testing. In addition, the integration of the Booking system with other information systems is also considered. The results of this study are expected to contribute to the development of a Booking system at a photo studio with agile methods. In addition, the results of this research are also expected to help the manager of Hey Studio photo studio in improving their productivity and quality of service.