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The Effectiveness of Storytelling Method To Increase Language Development In Early Childhood Ryan Hidayat Rafiola; Dian Anggraini; Vivi Nila Sari
JED (Jurnal Etika Demokrasi) Vol 7, No 3 (2022): JED (Jurnal Etika Demokrasi)
Publisher : Universitas of Muhammadiyah Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26618/jed.v7i3.8140


Language is an effective medium for children in establishing social communication. Children's language development is a combination of social interaction, emotional development, intellectual ability, as well as physical and motor development. Early education has an important role in developing children's potential. Teachers must be able to choose what methods are effective for developing language in children. This study aims to determine the effect of using the storytelling method on the development of language and language skills of early childhood. The research method used is an associative research type. Respondents in this study amounted to 30 children. Data collection techniques used by observation techniques, the research instrument used was an observation sheet in the form of an assessment rubric. The data analysis technique used a simple linear regression test. The results of the simple linear regression test showed that there was an effect of using the storytelling method on the development and language skills of early childhood. Children are able to speak fluently, word choice and sentence structure are also very good. The storytelling method can improve language development and skills in early childhood. Using the storytelling method can help improve language development and skills in early childhood.
The Implication of Teachers’ Politeness Strategy In Teaching on Higher Institution Dian Anggraini; Ryan Hidayat Rafiola; Vivi Nila Sari; Desi Andriani
Jurnal Ilmiah Langue and Parole Vol 6 No 1 (2022): Jurnal Ilmiah Langue and Parole
Publisher : Fakultas Sastra Universitas Ekasakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36057/jilp.v6i1.551


This research aims to explain the types of politeness strategies used by teachers and students in class interactions, how these strategies are manifested in actions in class interactions and pedagogical functions of politeness strategies. The subjects in this study are teachers and students who used politeness strategies as many as 52 students and one teacher in the learning and teaching process. The research is a qualitative research. Data collected through observation and interviews. The results showed that is used by students to talk to the teacher when the meaning of speech is conveyed implicitly. There are four pedagogic functions in politeness strategies, namely giving the distance between teacher and students, atmosphere in class, reducing student tension, and making social interaction between teacher and students.
The Effectiveness of Using Code Switching in Teaching English on Higher Education Dian Anggraini; Asma Alhusna; Vivi Nila Sari; Desi Andriani
JED (Jurnal Etika Demokrasi) Vol 8, No 1 (2023): JED (Jurnal Etika Demokrasi)
Publisher : Universitas of Muhammadiyah Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26618/jed.v8i1.9026


The occurence of using code switching in classroom appears for lecturer to explain topic, it also uses English-Indonesia, the students are difficult to understand when lecturer speaks English. The problem appears for students because of the difficulties to say something. This study aims to determine the factors that influence the use of code switching and the types of code switching used in learning English. The research method is descriptive qualitative. Collecting data by means of interviews, observations and video recordings. Data analysis is used to analyze information related to the use of code switching Indonesian English conversation. The participants of this study were two teachers who had experience of code switching while teaching. This study found five reasons teachers use code switching in teaching and learning English: discussing specific topics, making teaching and learning more practical, managing classes, building social relationships, and encouraging active student participation. From observations found three types of code switching used by teachers. The results showed that the use of code switching in learning English found 3 types of code switching, namely; (1) inter-sentential code switching occurred in 580 data (58%), (2) intra-sentential code switching occurred in 300 data (30%), and (3) Tag-code switching occurred in 127 data (12%). The factors behind the use of code switching in learning English are structural linguistic factors, internal psycholinguistic factors, and external social factors. The most dominant factor behind the occurrence of code switching is the structural linguistic factor, namely students do not master English. The teacher applies code switching to facilitate students to more easily understand the material being presented.
Jurnal Ipteks Terapan (Research Of Applied Science And Education ) Vol. 16 No. 3 (2022): Jurnal Ipteks Terapan (Research Of Applied Science And Education)
Publisher : Lembaga Layanan Pendidikan Tinggi Wilayah X

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (887.829 KB) | DOI: 10.22216/jit.v%vi%i.1330


Background : Higher Education Performance Indicators, the decision of the Minister of Education and culture number 754 / P / 2020 that there are two recommended learning methods, namely the Case learning method which reduces the Case based learning method and the Team Based Project which reduces the Project Based Learning method. Method : This research is motivated by the low writing skills of students and also the lack of strategies in teaching writing, especially writing scientific papers in the form of papers. Students have difficulty in using grammar, cohesion, coherence, paragraph organization, diction, and spelling errors. Result : The data and data sources in this study were students of the Department of Informatics Engineering Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Putra Indonesia University, Yptk Padang. The steps taken in this research are looking at the analysis of student needs, designing and implementing it in the learning process and evaluating the results of assignments. Conclusion : The findings in this research, students can conclude from the results that the application of the team based project model can improve students' abilities in writing scientific papers, especially papers
Meningkatkan Kemampuan Menulis Teks Laporan Observasi Dengan Menggunakan Metode Inquiry Learning Di MAN 2 Padang Noni Febriana; Dian Anggraini; Asma Alhusna
Nasyatuna: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): JURNAL NASYATUNA
Publisher : Mukhlisina Revolution Center

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59174/nst.v2i2.55


Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) ini adalah salah satu bentuk Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi. PKM ini diusulkan untuk melakukan kegiatan yang bersifat sosialisasi dan edukasi di MAN 2 Padang di Padang Provinsi Sumatera Barat. Kegiatan ini diusulkan untuk. Kegiatan ini diharapkan dapat membantu siswa meningkatkan kemampuan menulis laporan observasi dengan menggunakan metode Inquiry Learning. Teks laporan observasi merupakan salah satu materi ajar yang dapat meningkatkan keterampilan menulis siswa.Teks hasil observasi merupakan suatu bentuk laporan dari hasil pengamatan yang dilakukan oleh siswa dalam kegiatan pembelajaran yang dilakukan di kelas. Dalam pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia, pembelajaran menyusun teks laporan hasil observasi ini menjadi sangat penting karena dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran, siswa dilatih untuk menyusun hasil pengamatan yang telah dilakukan dalam bentuk tulisan dengan menggunakan bahasa Indonesia dengan baik dan benar. Pembelajaran itu tentunya akan sangat bermanfaat bagi siswa dalam implementasinya di kehidupan sehari-hari khususnya dalam kegiatan menulis. Tujuan pengabdian ini diharapkan dapat mendeskripsikan perencanaan pembelajara, peningkatan aktivitas pembelajaran dan peningkatan kemampuan menulis teks laporan observasi dengan menggunakan metode Inquiry Learning di MAN 2 Padang. Metode pelaksanaan pengabdian ini dilakukan dalam beberapa kegiatan yaitu tahap survei yaitu dengan menyusun berbagai hal yang akan disampaikan pada saat kegiatan pengabdian yang akan dilakukan yang meliputi: penyusunan materi yang akan diberikan, penyusunan jadwal pemberian materi, pembagian tugas tim pengabdian dan survei ke lokasi pengabdian. Tahap selanjutnya yaitu sebelum kegiatan pengabdian dilaksanakan terlebih dahulu dilakukan tahap sosialisasi yaitu melakukan silaturahmi dengan kepala sekolah, menyampaikan maksud dan tujuan pengabdian ini. Pada tahap ini juga dilakukan jalinan kerjasama dan menentukan jadwal kegiatan pengabdian.
Meningkatkan Vocabulary Bahasa Inggris Dengan Menggunakan Puzzle Di Sekolah Dasar Buah Hati Asma Alhusna; Noni Febriana; Dian Anggraini
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Indonesia Sejahtera Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): Juni: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Indonesia Sejahtera

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59059/jpmis.v2i2.293


Community Service (PKM) is a form of the Tridharma of Higher Education. This PKM is proposed to carry out activities that are outreach and educational in nature at Buah Hati Elementary School in Padang, West Sumatra Province. This activity is expected to help students improve their English Vocabulary by using Puzzles. Puzzle is a learning method that can improve students' English Vocabulary. In learning English, learning by using this puzzle is very helpful in increasing students' vocabulary in learning English. Because in the implementation of learning, students are trained to arrange several letters to become an English word. The purpose of this service is expected to be able to describe learning planning, increasing learning activities and increasing English Vocabulary using Puzzles. The method of implementing this service is carried out in several activities, namely the survey stage, namely by compiling various things that will be conveyed during the service activities to be carried out which include: preparation of the material to be given, preparation of the schedule for giving the material, division of tasks for the service team and surveys to the service location. The next stage, namely before the service activities are carried out, the socialization stage is carried out first, namely conducting friendship with the school principal, conveying the aims and objectives of this service. At this stage, collaboration is also carried out and determines the schedule of community service activities.
Jurnal Gembira: Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 1 No 06 (2023): DESEMBER 2023
Publisher : Media Inovasi Pendidikan dan Publikasi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) ini adalah salah satu bentuk Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi. PKM ini diusulkan untuk melakukan kegiatan yang bersifat sosialisasi dan edukasi untuk meningkatkan perkembangan bahasa melalui metode story telling pada anak tunagrahita di panti sosial Bina Grahita Harapan Ibu di kota Padang. Kegiatan ini diharapkan dapat membantu Anak-anak tunagrahita Meningkatkan Perkembangan Bahasa melalui Metode Story Telling yang mengalami gangguan kognitif sehingga memiliki kecenderung kesulitan dalam pelafalan kosakata. Penyuluhan ini menggunakan media audio-visual untuk menarik perhatian anak sehingga mereka dapat memahami pelajaran dengan mudah. Tujuan pengabdian ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan perkembangan kosakata atau bahasa pada anak tunagrahita atau berkebutuhan khusus melalui metode story telling. Metode pelaksanaan pengabdian ini dilakukan dalam beberapa kegiatan yaitu tahap survei yaitu dengan menyusun berbagai hal yang akan disampaikan pada saat kegiatan pengabdian yang akan dilakukan yang meliputi: penyusunan materi yang akan diberikan, penyusunan jadwal pemberian materi, pembagian tugas tim pengabdian dan survei ke lokasi pengabdian. Tahap selanjutnya yaitu sebelum kegiatan pengabdian dilaksanakan terlebih dahulu dilakukan tahap sosialisasi yaitu melakukan silaturahmi dengan pimpinan yayasan Bina Grahita Harapan Ibu kota Padang, menyampaikan maksud dan tujuan pengabdian ini. Pada tahap ini juga dilakukan jalinan kerjasama dan menentukan jadwal kegiatan pengabdian.