Regina Nurul Sakinah
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

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Jurnal Kewarganegaraan Vol 5 No 1 (2021): 1 Januari - 30 Juni 2021

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (279.291 KB) | DOI: 10.31316/jk.v5i1.1432


AbstrakPada tahun 2045, ketika Indonesia berusia genap 100 tahun, akan terjadi revolusi besar pada Negara ini. Kemajuan dan perkembangan terjadi di semua aspek kehidupan masyarakat. Baik bidang ekonomi, sosial, budaya, politik, pendidikan, dan masih banyak lagi. Dan jika ditinjau dari masa ini, Indonesia memiliki populasi warga Negara dengan usia produktif atau kisaran usia 15-65 tahun terbesar di dunia. Dimana dengan populasi sebanyak itu, dan potensi yang dimiliki warga Negara produktif, maka Indonesia akan mampu menjadi Negara maju pada tahun 2045 nanti. Lalu hal yang harus disiapkan oleh pendidik untuk membekali para generasi muda dalam menghadapi era revolusi industial 4.0 nanti adalah menanamkan nilai-nilai pancasila pada karakter anak bangsa sejak dini. Karena dengan mengamalkan dan mengimplementasikan nilai-nilai pancasila pada kehidupan sehari-hari, pasti generasi muda ini akan menjadi agen perubahan yang mampu bersikap jujur, adil, kritis, revolusioner, dengan berlandaskan iman dan taqwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa.Kata Kunci: Negara maju, generasi muda, revolusi industrial 4.0, nilai-nilai pancasila AbstractIn 2045, when Indonesia turns 100 years old, there will be a big revolution in this country. Progress and development occur in all aspects of community life. Both in the fields of economy, social, culture, politics, education, and many more. And when viewed from this period, Indonesia has the largest population of citizens with productive age or age range 15-65 years in the world. Where with such a large population and the potential of productive citizens, Indonesia will be able to become a developed country in 2045. Then the thing that must be prepared by educators to equip the younger generation in facing the industrial revolution era 4.0 later is to instill Pancasila values in the character of the nation's children from an early age. Because by practicing and implementing Pancasila values in everyday life, surely this young generation will become agents of change who are capable of being honest, fair, critical, revolutionary, based on faith and piety in God Almighty.Keywords: Developed countries, young generation, industrial revolution 4.0, Pancasila values
Pengaruh Positif Fenomena K-Pop Terhadap Karakter Generasi Muda di Indonesia Regina Nurul Sakinah; Syofiyah Hasna; Yona Wahyuningsih
Journal on Education Vol 5 No 1 (2022): Journal on Education: Volume 5 Nomor 1 Tahun 2022
Publisher : Departement of Mathematics Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/joe.v5i1.653


Along with the development of technology in the era of globalization, people can access information very easily. One of them is access to the growing world of K-pop. Korean cultural products include film, music, drama, fashion, lifestyle, and industrial products. It has begun to color the lives of people in various parts of the world, especially in Indonesia. Indonesia is one of the countries that is the main target for the spread of Korean culture. The continuous spread of Korean culture encourages a love of Korean culture, and subsequently the formation of Korean culture in Indonesia. This study aims to determine the positive impact of Korean popular culture on the habits of the younger generation in Indonesia. The research method used is a qualitative approach with literature study and using descriptive methods. The data in this study were collected from the results of library research from journals and articles. The improvement of the development of this wave newspaper really needs to be discussed and must be considered by parents in seeing the character of their children. In this journal the author discusses the factors that cause the younger generation to like K-Pop and the positive impact of this K-Pop development on the character of the younger generation in Indonesia.