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Penguatan Karakter Anti Korupsi pada Pembelajaran Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan di Perguruan Tinggi Berbasis Keislaman Raka Ramandita; Ahmad Luqman Hakim; Isa Fauzan Anshory; Aulia Sholichah Iman Nurchotimah
Jurnal Kewarganegaraan Vol 6 No 3 (2022): October 2022

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (239.402 KB) | DOI: 10.31316/jk.v6i3.3124


Abstrak Tidak dapat dipungkiri, bahwa pada saat ini banyak negara di dunia tidak lepas dari yang namanya korupsi. Hal tersebut disebabkan rusaknya moral dan kurangnya penanaman karakter anti korupsi pada seseorang. Artikel ini menggali lebih dalam tentang betapa pentingnya penanaman karakter anti korupsi pada pembelajaran Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan dan juga penerapannya pada tingkat perguruan tinggi yang berbasis keislaman. Artikel ini menggunakan metode kajian pustaka, dengan mereview sumber-sumber ilmiah kemudian mengembangkan ide-ide yang ada pada sumber-sumber tersebut. Hasil dari penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa karakter anti korupsi sangatlah penting ditanamkan pada diri seseorang, terutama pada civitas akademika perguruan tinggi yang merupakan generasi penerus bangsa ini dalam mengisi pemerintahan. Penerapannya melalu pembelajaran Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan dan juga keikutsertaan para mahasiswa dalam menolak korupsi yang penerapannya pada penyelanggaraan acara-acara kegiatan sebagai bentuk penolakan korupsi di negeri. Hal tersebut sebagai bentuk kampanye besar-besaran sebagai bentuk penguatan karakter anti korupsi, penolakan terhadap tindak pidana korupsi, dan yang paling utama adalah untuk menghilangkan para koruptor dari negara ini, guna menciptakan sebuah negara dan lembaga pemerintahan yang bersih, serta menciptakan lingkungan masyarakat yang aman dan damai. Kata Kunci: Karakter Anti Korupsi, Korupsi, Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan.   Abstract It is undeniable, that at this time many countries in the world can not be separated from the name of corruption. This is due to moral damage and lack of planting anti-corruption character in a person. This article delves deeper into the importance of planting anti-corruption characters in Civic Education Learning and also its application at the level of Islamic-based universities. This article uses the literature review method, by reviewing scientific sources and then developing ideas that exist in these sources. The results of this study states that the character of anti-corruption is very important instilled in a person, especially in the academic community of higher education which is the next generation of this nation in filling the government. Its application is through Civic Education Learning and also the participation of students in rejecting corruption whose application is in the organization of activity events as a form of rejection of corruption in the country. This is a form of large-scale campaign as a form of strengthening the character of anti-corruption, rejection of corruption, and the most important is to eliminate the corruptors from this country, in order to create a clean state and government institutions, and create a safe and peaceful community environment. Keywords: Anti-Corruption Character, Corruption, Civic Education.
Urgensi Adaptasi Teknologi bagi Masyarakat Profesi di Era Society 5.0 Raka Ramandita; Anwar Sanusi; Wulandari Wulandari; Andri Azis Putra; Fuad Nawawi
Gunung Djati Conference Series Vol. 21 (2023): The 1st Nurjati Conference
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


This research aims to discuss the urgency of technological adaptation in the era of society 5.0. This research uses a qualitative approach by applying descriptive-analytical methods. The results and discussion in this study show that for people who are not yet technologically literate, they should be literate as soon as possible to adapt, mingle, and cooperate with technology in this day and age. Because if it is not done as soon as possible, it will cause further backwardness in following the development of this era, which is one of the causes of someone's difficulties in living life. Whereas literally, technology itself was created to facilitate human life. Broadly speaking, this research concludes that there are many digital media platforms such as; Facebook Market Place, Instagram Shop, Tik Tok Shop, Shopee, Tokopedia, Lazada, Fiverr, Open Sea, Gojek, and also Grab that can widely market products and services today. Therefore, this study recommends that professional societies who are not yet technologically literate should be technologically literate as soon as possible to adapt to the times, and make innovations and solutions in developing and marketing through digital media that are being widely used in the era of society 5.0.