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Journal of Geoscience Engineering & Energy (JOGEE) VOLUME 1, NOMOR 2, AGUSTUS 2020
Publisher : Universitas trisakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1930.129 KB) | DOI: 10.25105/jogee.v1i02.7684


Sumur eksplorasi LYS dan KYS merupakan dua sumur pertama yang dibor di Blok Bdg, daratan Sulawesi Barat oleh kontraktor Wilayah Kerja Eksplorasi. Beberapa analisis dan evaluasi geokimia dilakukan pada sampel sumur LYS dan KYS, yaitu analisis karbon organik total (TOC), rock eval pyrolysis (REP), reflektansi vitrinit (VR), jenis kerogen, kromatografi gas (GC), dan kromatografi gas/spektrometri massa (GC/MS). Untuk mengilustrasikan perbedaan dalam sejarah pembenaman dan kematangan thermal antara sumur LYS dan KYS, pemodelan sejarah pembenaman dan kematangan thermal telah dilakukan pada kedua sumur ini. Sumur LYS-1 merupakan sumur darat dangkal yang hanya melakukan penetrasi hingga Miosen Awal, yang secara thermal belum matang, sedangkan sumur KYS menembus hingga Eosen. Sedimen berumur Eosen diasumsikan matang lebih awal (sekitar 10Ma), karena adanya sedimen berumur Oligosen dan Miosen yang lebih tebal. Berdasarkan nilai TOC, VR, Tmax, profil kematangan, dan pemodelan sejarah pembenaman dan thermal dari sampel sumur LYS dan KYS, diasumsikan bahwa sampel sumur KYS lebih matang dibandingkan sampel sumur LYS.
BIBLIOMETRIC ANALYSIS ON NUMERICAL LITHOFACIES IDENTIFICATION FOR RESERVOIR CHARACTERIZATION IN THE PERIOD OF 1980 -2021 Imam Setiaji Ronoatmojo; Muhamad Apriniyadi; Rosmalia Dita Nugraheni; Cahyaningratri Prima Riyandhani; Cahaya Rosyidan Rosyidan; Yarra Sutadiwiria
PETRO:Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Perminyakan Vol. 11 No. 4 (2022): DESEMBER
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Perminyakan Fakultas Teknologi Kebumian dan Energi Universitas Trisakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25105/petro.v11i4.14424


The term "electrofacies" was introduced in 1980 by Serra and Abbott, it had been developed promptly since 2009. The development was triggered predominantly by wireline logging technology and artificial intelligence technology. The electrofacies categorization was intended to facilitate the study of reservoir characterization. However, it is difficult to formulate deterministically, due to the uniqueness of the depositional environment and geological processes that involve many physical properties. At least, there are 369 articles which were obtained from Scopus sources in the period of 1980 - 2021. In this bibliometric analysis, we regrouped the articles into four groups, i.e. “pattern recognition” “facies analysis”, “objectives” and “quality”. This grouping was attained on the methods of co-occurences, co-authorship, citation analysis and bibliographic coupling using VOSviewer software. The distance and coupling between themes will determine the level of quality and quantity of discussion between them. The quality of the objective resides in the certainty value of the lithology controlled by transportation or diagenetic events. For example, sand and shale which are siliciclastic lithology will have a higher degree of certainty than carbonate rocks. Therefore, the wide gap occurred during the application of artificial intelligence, especially for complex facies and uncertain geological conditions. The application of artificial intelligence is not solely functional without involving geological analysis. The implication is some researchs are still needed from this point of view, so the electrofacies role cannot be independent without developing models of the diagenetic process.
ANALISIS GEOKIMIA HIDROKARBON SUMUR “FLP” CEKUNGAN JAWA TIMUR UTARA: GEOCHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF HYDROCARBON WELL "FLP" BASIN NORTH EAST JAVA Filipus Armando Armando Ginting; Yarra Sutadiwiria; Cahyaningratri Prima Riyandhani; Muhammad Burhannudinnur; Imam Setiaji Ronoatmojo; Novi Triany
Journal of Geoscience Engineering & Energy (JOGEE) VOLUME 4, NOMOR 1, FEBRUARI 2023
Publisher : Universitas trisakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25105/jogee.v4i1.14415


Daerah riset terdapat pada Blok Madura, Cekungan Jawa Timur Utara berupa dua sumur FLP-1 dan FLP-2. Analisa dilakukan agar mengetahui karakteristik batuan induk, material organic, biomarker, dan potensi batauan induk(source rock). FLP-1 diketahui terdapat Formasi Tuban dan Formasi Tawun, pada sumur FLP-2 diketahui Formasi Kujung dan Formasi Tuban.indikasi batuan induk potesial (tipe kerogen II) potensi mengenerasikan hidrokarbon jenis utama berupa gas, asal material tumbuhan tingkat tinggi dan lingkungan pengendapan organik fluvio-deltaic. Sumur FLP-2 Formasi Kujung Indikasi batuan induk efektif. (tipe kerogen II/III) potensi menggenerasikan hidrokarbon jenis minyak dan gas, asal material alga dan tumbuhan tingkat tinggi dan fasies organik marine-deltaic.