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Pendampingan Potensi Ekonomi Masyarakat Desa Kembang, Kabupaten Pacitan Rizal Al Hamid; Alfin Falah Fehrezy
Journal of Social Empowerment Vol. 6 No. 2 (2021): Journal of Social Empowerment
Publisher : LPPM STKIP PGRI Pacitan

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Kehidupan manusia berkaitan erat dengan ekonomi dan rekreasi atau pariwisata. Ketiganya saling berkesinambungan membangun satu sama lain. Untuk mendukung proses tersebut tentunya potensi-potensi baik dari segi SDM dan SDA perlu digali dan dikembangkan dengan optimal. Pengabdian ini diadakan dengan beberapa pelatihan tentang ekonomi mikro, pengembangan SDM, dan penyuluhan tentang badan usaha milik desa. Pelatihan tersebut dilaksanakan di Desa Kembang, Kabupaten Pacitan yang memiliki potensi besar pada hasil perkebunan, perikanan dan juga pariwisata. Pelatihan-pelatihan tersebut diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat Desa Kembang, Kabupaten Pacitan.
Optimalisasi Nilai-nilai Pancasila Pada Remaja Melalui Organisasi Karang Taruna. Nur Syamsi Romadhon; Rizal Al Hamid
JURNAL SOSIAL Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial Vol. 24 No. 1 (2023): JURNAL SOSIAL
Publisher : Universitas Merdeka Madiun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33319/sos.v24i1.134


Pancasila as the ideology of the Indonesian nation which is the standard of life in the social sphere. It is through this society that will shape one's character or personality. a good personality is always created from a good environment, but people who come from a bad environment do not always have a bad personality. It depends on how a person positions himself. At present there are many problems with young people which will serve as the main pillars of the nation's regeneration. What if the next generation fails to realize the ideals of a progressive nation? Of course this must be minimized in such a way, so that the lofty ideals of realizing the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia are maintained. Therefore it is important for every individual to have high self-awareness in optimizing the practice of Pancasila values. That is how important it is to reconstruct the creativity of youth and society to continue to bring out the spirit of a new ideology. Reconstruction of youth enthusiasm and creativity can be done by updating existing programs, or by adding human resources. Human resources that are more potential and qualified in their fields. This paper uses a qualitative research method with random interview data collection techniques to several youth who are active and not active in youth organizations.
Jurnal Studi Gender dan Anak Vol 5 No 01 (2023): SETARA: Jurnal Studi Gender dan Anak
Publisher : Center of Gender Studies and Child of State Islamic Institute of Metro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32332/jsga.v5i01.6808


Human independence is an important thing for the progress of the welfare state and the balance of human rights in the country. One example of rights that often raises current problems is related to gender issues. Therefore, to analyze these phenomena, it must be analyzed with something development must be kept in mind. Epistemology knowledge collaborates with gender and feminist studies to answer several questions including how is the spirit in Puan Maharani acting as a politician with various issues in the media as well as to see how epistemology becomes a lens to see the background of Puan Maharani as in the previous question. uses qualitative methods by analyzing several previous studies in the form of journals, articles, news, and all kinds of other social media information. It is hoped that this research will be able to shed some light on gender studies in Indonesia. As well as being able to present a new analysis of epistemological developments in the global era. Thus epistemology fortifies knowledge based on certain limits, through deduction and induction processes to reach a truth. Keywords: Freedom, Politics, Gender, Epistemology. Abstrak Kemerdekaan diri manusia menjadi suatu hal yang penting untuk kemajuan negara. Kesejahteraan dan keseimbangan atas hak-hak manusia dalam negara berkembang harus terus diperhatikan. Salah satu contoh hak yang sering memunculkan problem masa kini terkait permasalahan gender. Oleh karena itu untuk mengupas fenomena-fenomena ini harus dianalisis dengan suatu pengetahuan. Epistemologi berkolaborasi dengan kajian gender dan feminis untuk menjawab beberapa pertanyaan di antaranya: Dengan adanya berbagai isu di media, bagaimana semangat dalam diri Puan Maharani berperan sebagai seorang politisi? Serta untuk melihat bagaimana epistimologi menjadi kacamata untuk melihat hal yang melatarbelakangi diri Puan Maharani seperti pada pertanyaan sebelumnya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan melakukan analisis terhadap beberapa penelitian terdahulu baik berupa jurnal, artikel, berita, dan segala jenis informasi media sosial lainnya. Dengan adanya penelitian ini diharapkan mampu sedikit memberi pencerahan terkait kajian gender di Indonesia. Serta mampu menyajikan suatu hasil analisa baru dari perkembangan epistemologi di era global. Dengan demikian epistemologi membentengi pengetahuan berdasar batas tertentu, melalui proses deduksi dan induksi untuk mencapai suatu kebenaran. Kata Kunci: Kebebasan, Politik, Gender, Epistimologi.
Jurnal Prodi Ilmu Politik Vol 2 No 3 (2023): Jurnal Studi Ilmu Politik
Publisher : Prodi Ilmu Politik FISIP Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19109/jsipol.v2i3.18169


ABSTRACT Changes in the world's political climate began to be felt as going hand in hand with the rapid growth of technological advancements. Communication as a means in lives as initial capital is included in political life in the contemporary era. The emergence of various platforms of social media is pointed as a sign of technological success in this contemporary era. Political discourses started to shift from what was then from mouth-to-mouth, now seem to turn into discourses from one account to another. Thereby changed the political strategy from face-to-face meeting, which also made the branding of political parties nowadays be done with more flexible manner via online network that is able to gain access across various social media platforms. However, a topic of discussion that currently has the most frequent critical approach in such a critical manner, while also political issues, can be found with utmost ease and gain public responses critically throughout one of the most popularly accessed, reaching more than billions of interaction in daily use, the social media platfrom with the name Twitter. Keywords: Social media, Twitter, Contemporary Politics, Political Party Branding, Gerindra. ABSTRAK Perubahan iklim dunia politik mulai terasa beriringan dengan pesatnya kecanggihan teknologi. Komunikasi sebagai sarana yang dijadikan sebagai modal awal dalam kehidupan, termasuk dalam kehidupan politik di era kontemporer. Munculnya beragam platfrom media sosial menjadi sebuah tanda kesuksesan teknologi di era kontemporer ini. Perbincangan politik pun bergeser dari yang tadinya dari mulut ke mulut, kini sudah berubah dari akun yang satu ke akun yang lainnya. Strategi politik pun berubah, dari yang tadinya dilakukan secara face to face, kini branding partai politik bisa dilakukan lebih fleksibel di dalam jaringan (daring), diakses secara online diberbagai media sosial. Namun, topik diskusi yang saat ini paling sering menggunakan pendekatan kritis sedemikian kritis, sekaligus isu-isu politik, dapat ditemukan dengan sangat mudah dan mendapatkan tanggapan publik secara kritis melalui salah satu yang paling populer diakses, mencapai lebih dari miliaran interaksi. dalam penggunaan sehari-hari, platfrom media sosial yang digunakan yaitu dengan nama Twitter. Kata Kunci: Media Sosial, Twitter, Politik Kontemporer, Branding Partai Politik, Gerindra.