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Psycholinguistic Analysis on the Development of English Learning Maharanny Setiawan Poetri; Tryana Tryana; Rizky Tazkiyatul Ummami; Denok Sunarsi
International Journal of Education, Information Technology, and Others Vol 5 No 4 (2022): International Journal of Education, information technology and others
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Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7102594


This study aims to explain the analysis of psycholinguistic theory in the development of learning English. With this analysis, it will open up our space in understanding the concept of language used by humans as a communication tool. Therefore, understanding language will enable researchers to understand forms of human understanding. Language is a medium for humans to think abstractly which allows factual objects to be transformed into abstract symbols. In general, the language used by humans in any part of the world is the same because language is universal. The difference lies in the language variation. Language acquisition in humans begins when children learn to speak
Speech Disorder in Children: Stuttering Disfluency in Selected Video Muhamad Sandi Alfikri; Tryana Tryana; Rizky Tazkiyatul Ummami; Maharanny Setiawan Poetri; Denok Sunarsi
International Journal of Education, Information Technology, and Others Vol 5 No 5 (2022): International Journal of Education, information technology and others
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Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7430591


This study aims to present language disorder that is happened in stuttering symptoms in human language and speech. This study uses qualitative method that collects the data from selected YouTube video entitled Stuttering: For Kids, By Kids and other sources from books that are selected from some theories. The object of the study is in English that provides some children who have stuttering in their speaking skill
Language Acquisition Approach and Theory Nabila Suci Ramadhina; Tryana Tryana; Rizky Tazkiyatul Ummami; Maharanny Setiawan Poetri; Denok Sunarsi
International Journal of Education, Information Technology, and Others Vol 5 No 5 (2022): International Journal of Education, information technology and others
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Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7430619


This study aims to present differences of children’s abilities in acquiring language. This study uses a qualitative method by collecting sources from various journal articles and books. The object of the study is experiences that prove several theories related to language acquisition. This journal describes several language acquisition approaches which are reinforced by theories from an expert as well as examples of language acquisition experienced by the author.
PENGABDIAN SOSIAL Vol 3, No 1 (2023): Jurnal Pengabdian Sosial
Publisher : Universiitas Pamulang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32493/.v3i1.28223


ABSTRACT The purpose of this Community Service activity is to help parents to acquire the ability to speak English in different context tenses and help children with English assignments. PkM activities take place at Majlis Taklim Al-Fattah which is located in Serpong Terrace in South Tangerang; participants are members of associations in religious activities. There were 25 participants who had difficulties in helping children complete English assignments related to English grammar and the desire to speak English. The method to be applied is qualitative which is directed at elaborating the PkM results which are descriptive in nature. After the training process, we found two positive points, namely participants were able to recount their daily activities, past activities, and plans they would do in a short and correct way. They are able to arrange randomly arranged sentences into correct sentences according to the context they have studied. In addition, the results of the questionnaire show that parents are able to help their children's schoolwork in terms of grammar such as present and future tense. In the present simple, parents still have difficulty in distinguishing between -s and -es affixes. The rest, for the past simple, parents do not show significant ability due to the weakness of identifying the first and second verbs. Keywords: grammar, English children acquisition, speaking          
Pelatihan Vocabulary yang ada di Ruang Publik Bagi Guru SLB PGRI Cisaat Rizky Tazkiyatul Ummami; Astari Amalia Putri; Sinta Oktaviani Safitri
Acitya Bhakti Vol. 3 No. 2 (2023): ACITYA BHAKTI
Publisher : Universitas Pamulang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32493/acb.v3i2.30091


Kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat ini, dilaksanakan dengan tujuan untuk mengenalkan kosa kata yang ada pada ruang publik yang biasanya dituangkan dalam bentuk sign/signage bagi siswa-siswi dengan kebutuhan khusus di Yayasan SLB PGRI Cisaat.  Penggunaan sign/signage di tempat umum kini banyak sekali yang menggunakan kosa kata berbahasa Inggris, sedangkan, pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris yang ada di SLB PGRI Cisaat dari tingkat SD, SMP, hingga SMA masih berpusat pada pengenalan warna, angka, huruf, maupun nama-nama binatang, dan belum menyadari akan pentingnya mengenal sign/signage untuk menunjang mobilisasi kehidupan keseharian.  Kegiatan PkM ini berpusat pada pelatihan untuk para guru dengan tujuan agar para pengajar memiliki pengetahuan baru mengenai sign/signage yang ada di ruang publik yang selanjutnya bisa disampaikan kepada para siswa-siswi SLB PGRI Cisaat dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar di kelas. Metode penyampaian menggunakan metode problem-based learning melalui pertemuan daring dengan para guru SLB PGRI Cisaat. Kegiatan inti dimulai dengan pre-test sebelum penyampaian materi pelatihan pengajaran, dan diakhiri dengan post-test menggunakan flash card. Hasil dari kegiatan PkM ini menunjukkan bahwa nilai guru-guru pada post-test meningkat jauh dibandingkan dengan pre-test, membuktikan bahwa pelatihan ini berhasil membuat para guru mengenal dan memahami makna dan fungsi dari kosa kata yang disertai maupun yang tidak disertai gambar yang ada di ruang publik.
Jurnal Pengabdian Sosial Vol 3, No 1 (2023): Jurnal Pengabdian Sosial
Publisher : Universiitas Pamulang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32493/.v3i1.28223


ABSTRACT The purpose of this Community Service activity is to help parents to acquire the ability to speak English in different context tenses and help children with English assignments. PkM activities take place at Majlis Taklim Al-Fattah which is located in Serpong Terrace in South Tangerang; participants are members of associations in religious activities. There were 25 participants who had difficulties in helping children complete English assignments related to English grammar and the desire to speak English. The method to be applied is qualitative which is directed at elaborating the PkM results which are descriptive in nature. After the training process, we found two positive points, namely participants were able to recount their daily activities, past activities, and plans they would do in a short and correct way. They are able to arrange randomly arranged sentences into correct sentences according to the context they have studied. In addition, the results of the questionnaire show that parents are able to help their children's schoolwork in terms of grammar such as present and future tense. In the present simple, parents still have difficulty in distinguishing between -s and -es affixes. The rest, for the past simple, parents do not show significant ability due to the weakness of identifying the first and second verbs. Keywords: grammar, English children acquisition, speaking          
Meningkatkan Kosakata Dan Pelafalan Bahasa Inggris Siswa TK Menggunakan Metode Suggestopedia Astari Amalia Putri; Sinta Oktaviani Safitri; Rizky Tazkiyatul Ummami; Almas Garapuri; Aditya Muhammad Akbar; Ahmadi Rahman; Alvi Siti Hanafiah; Dhimas Syamsari
ALKHIDMAH: Jurnal Pengabdian dan Kemitraan Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 4 (2023): Oktober : Jurnal Pengabdian dan Kemitraan Masyarakat
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Syariah Nurul Qarnain Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59246/alkhidmah.v1i4.537


Curriculum changes are a common occurrence to test the development of a country's education level. The Kurikulum 2013 (lit. 2013 Curriculum, K-13 or Kurtilas) brings significant changes to the learning curriculum, one of which is the loss of English language learning at the elementary school (SD) level. This has led to many private Kindergarten (TK) educational institutions emphasizing English language learning in their schools to make up for the absence of English language lessons at a higher level. This is also what Aufa Saif Kindergarten, North Serpong, does. Having students with different backgrounds due to its strategic location, Kindergarten Aufa Saif Islamic School tries to unite the mindset of children from different environmental backgrounds with one lesson that can be accepted by various groups. By considering the characteristics of these partners, the community service team ran a community service activity solution for the educational aspect of English learning for kindergarten children, namely by implementing teaching and learning activities using the Suggestopedia method. We consider this method to be the most appropriate for kindergarten children because it is entertaining and does not make them bored. This method is expected to instill a sense of interest in speaking English in kindergarten children, especially in Aufa Saif Islamic School Kindergarten students as partners of this service activity. Applying positive thinking in learning English is the main focus of the community service program this time, which is adapted to current issues.