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Kearifan Ekologis dalam Cerita Rakyat Kalimantan Tengah: Kajian Ekokritik Muhammad Rizal; Shabrina An Adzhani; Wildi Adila
SUAR BETANG Vol 17, No 2 (2022): December 2022
Publisher : Balai Bahasa Kalimantan Tengah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26499/surbet.v17i2.394


This article discusses the relationship between folklore originating from Central Kalimantan and the natural surroundings. Taking the object of two folklores entitled “Legenda Batu Bagaung” and “Dohong dan Tingang”. The article will question how the influence of this folklore in Central Kalimantan. The theory used is the ecocriticism theory by Endraswara. This theory examines how the narrative in the story will be relevant to the living environment in the area where the folklores originate. This article also uses ecocriticism as a method. Through this method, the author will discuss the relationship between folklore in Central Kalimantan and the natural surroundings. From the question and theory presented, the writer concludes that “Legenda Batu Bagaung” and “Dohong dan Tingang” as folklores have a position as a reminder for people to always protect their nature. In addition, these folklores are also considered to have no influence at all on the local community where the narrative of reminders to protect nature is ultimately ignored.AbstrakArtikel ini membahas hubungan cerita rakyat yang berasal dari Kalimantan Tengah dengan alam sekitar. Mengambil objek dari dua cerita rakyat dengan judul “Legenda Batu Bagaung” and “Dohong dan Tingang”, artikel ini mempertanyakan bagaimana pengaruh cerita rakyat tersebut terhadap daerah di Kalimantan Tengah. Teori yang digunakan adalah teori ekokritik sastra yang diusung oleh Endraswara. Teori itu mengulas bagaimana narasi dalam cerita akan relevan dengan lingkungan hidup yang ada di daerah tempat cerita rakyat berasal. Artikel ini juga menggunakan metode ekokritik. Melalui metode ini, peneliti akan membahas hubungan antara cerita rakyat di Kalimantan Tengah dan alam sekitar. Dari pertanyaan dan teori yang dipaparkan, penulis menyimpulkan bahwa “Legenda Batu Bagaung” dan “Dohong dan Tingang” sebagai cerita rakyat mempunyai posisi sebagai pengingat warga agar selalu menjaga alamnya. Di samping itu, cerita rakyat itu juga dianggap tidak mempunyai pengaruh sama sekali terhadap masyarakat lokal ketika narasi pengingat untuk menjaga alam pada akhirnya juga diabaikan.
Widyaparwa Vol 51, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Balai Bahasa Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26499/wdprw.v51i1.1178


Post-humanism concept refers to human or entities which are in a position outside the boundaries of human beings. Post-humanism appeared based on humanism. If humanism means understanding that prioritizes the value and position of humans as criteria in everything, post-humanism then inquires the primacy of humans and the need for humans as criteria. Therefore, the article will track the values of tolerance from the point of view of humanism and post-humanism through films. Film Ex Machina (2014) and Artificial Intelligence (2001) are considered able to translate how the values of tolerance present in the post-human world. This article uses Robert Pepperell's perspective on post-humanism. The research method used is the descriptive analysis. The analyzed data is taken from dialogue and visual scene, which are proven by screen captures, in the film. As result, article shows the inability of humans to be tolerant in the posthuman world. These results show that humans are actually surrounded by posthuman elements such as robots, but their frame of mind still revolve around “humans will always be perfect creatures”.Konsep poshumanisme mengacu pada pengertian bahwa manusia atau entitas berada dalam posisi di luar batas-batas yang dimiliki manusia. Poshumanisme lahir atas dasar humanisme. Jika humanisme berarti paham yang mengedepankan niai dan kedudukan manusia sebagai kriteria dalam segala hal. Maka poshumanisme justru mempertanyakan keutamaan manusia dan perlunya manusia sebagai suatu kriteria tersebut. Dari pemahaman ini, artikel akan melacak nilai-nilai toleransi dalam berkehidupan dengan cara pandang poshumanisme melalui film. Film seperti Ex Machina (2014) dan Artificial Intelligence (2001) dianggap mampu menerjemahkan bagaimana nilai toleransi akan hadir dalam dunia poshumanisme. Penelitian ini akan dilakukan dengan menggunakan cara pandang Robert Pepperell mengenai poshumanisme. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif analisis. Data yang dianalisis diambil dari penggalan dialog dan visual, yang dibuktikan dengan tangkapan layar, dalam film. Hasilnya, artikel menemukan ketidakmampuan manusia dalam bersikap toleran di dunia poshuman. Penemuan ini menunjukkan bahwa manusia memang secara nyata dikelilingi oleh elemen-elemen poshumanisme seperti robot, namun kerangka pemikiran mereka masih berkutat pada “manusia akan selalu menjadi makhluk yang sempurna”.
Improving Digital Literacy on Business for Adolescents in SMP Muhammadiyah Daarul Arqom Klaten Hidayatul Nurjanah; Nur Asiyah; Robith Khoiril Umam; Muhammad Rizal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62411/ja.v6i3.1565


This community service (PKM) objectives are to discover how these adolescents utilize digital platforms and their obstacles for their businesses and to find out how to improve digital literacy on business for adolescents in SMP Muhammadiyah Daarul Arqom Klaten . This activity employs qualitative research using four steps in collecting the data; observation and interview, preparation of material, implementation of activities, and evaluation. This community service (PKM) was held from March 11-13, 2023 in SMP Muhammadiyah Daarul Arqom Klaten with the total of 40 adolescent participants. The first result, the majority students use internet and social media for entertainment and pleasure, not business interest. Second, the students faced obstacles in improving digital literacy and starting business using digital media. Third, the community service (PKM) team create solution to improve digital literacy on business for adolescent such as increasing the knowledge of digital literacy and its utilization, arranging schedules for individual target or business, learning more about the product strategy and marketing, upgrading and escalating new information every day, finding networks to level up their spread of communication, and being confident and independent, especially on financial life.