Rita Purnama Sari
Universitas Malahayati

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Pemberian Air Kunyit terhadap Nyeri Akut Akibat Dispepsia pada Lansia di Dusun 07 Mutun Kabupaten Pesawaran Rahma Elliya Elliya; Setiawati Setiawati; Rita Purnama Sari
Jurnal Kreativitas Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) Vol 5, No 10 (2022): Volume 5 No 10 Oktober 2022
Publisher : Universitas Malahayati Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33024/jkpm.v5i10.7353


ABSTRAK Pada tahun 2020 menurut World Health Organization sudah di prediksi bahwa prevalensi angka sakit 59% serta prevalensi angka mortalitas penyakit yang tidak menular (PTM) bisa terjadi kenaikan menjadi 72% diberbagai Negara. Sedangkan Negara SEARO (South East Asian Regional Office) ditahun 2020 memiliki prevalensi angka kesakitan disebabkan penyakit yang tidak menular akan terjadi kenaikan 42% serta angka mortalitas terjadi kenaikan menjadi 50% (Octaviana & Anam, 2018). Tujuan:  melakukan intervensi pemberian air kunyit terhadap nyeri dyspepsia pada lansia sehingga nyeri bisa berkurang atau hilang. Metode: pemberian air kunyit dilakukan selama 2x sehari dalam waktu 3 hari sebanyak 4 rimpang kunyit dan air hangat sebanyak 60ml. Hasil: didapatkan hasil bahwa nilai mean skala nyeri sebelum diberikan penerapan terapi 6 sedangkan sesudah dilakukan penerapan terapi skala nyeri 6. Skala nyeri hari kedua sebelum dilakukan penerapan 6 sesudah dilakukan terapi 5. Skala nyeri hari ketiga sebelum dilakukan penerapan terapi skala nyeri 5 sedangkan setelah dilakukan penerapan terapi skala nyeri 4. Kesimpulan: penerapan pemberian air kunyit terhadap nyeri dyspepsia pada lansia terbukti efektif dikarenakan tanaman kunyit memiliki dampak terapeutik guna penurunan asam lambung dikarenakan adanya kandungan curcumin yang ada di dalam kunyit. Kata Kunci: Kunyit, Nyeri, Dyspepsia.  ABSTRACT In 2020 the World Health Organization has predicted that the proportion of morbidity will be 60% and the proportion of mortality due to non-communicable diseases (NCD) will increase to 73% in the world, while for SEARO (South East Asian Regional Office) countries in 2020 it is predicted that morbidity because non-communicable diseases will increase by 42% and the mortality rate will increase to 50% (Octaviana & Anam, 2018). Purpose: to intervene giving turmeric water to dyspeptic pain in the elderly so that pain can be reduced or lost. Methods: giving turmeric water twice a day for 3 days with 4 turmeric rhizomes and 60 ml of warm water. Results: it was found that the mean value of the pain scale before the application of therapy was 6 while after the application of therapy the pain scale was 6. The pain scale on the second day before the application was 6 after the therapy was carried out 5. The pain scale on the third day before the application of therapy was the pain scale 5 while after the treatment was carried out application of pain scale therapy 4. Conclusion: the application of turmeric water to dyspepsia pain in the elderly has proven to be effective because turmeric has a therapeutic effect for gastric disease through the curcumin compounds contained in it. Keywords: Turmeric, Painful, Dyspepsia.