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CURRENT: Jurnal Kajian Akuntansi dan Bisnis Terkini Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): CURRENT : Jurnal Kajian Akuntansi dan Bisnis Terkini
Publisher : Program Studi Akuntansi Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31258/current.3.2.176-190


This study aims to empirically examine the utilization of information technology, human resources competency, government financial accounting system, functional supervision, and internal control system for the effectiveness of financial management of BLUD. This research was conducted using a survey method through a questionnaire. The sampling technique used purposive sampling. The analysis technique used is multiple linear regression to examine the effect of using the variables. The results of this study indicate that: first, the use of information technology affects the effectiveness of the financial management of BLUD. Second, human resource competencies affect the effectiveness of the financial management of BLUD. Third. government financial accounting systems affect the effectiveness of financial management of BLUD. Fourth, functional supervision affects the effectiveness of the financial management of BLUD. Fifth, the government's internal control system affects the effectiveness of the financial management of BLUD
Pengaruh Kegiatan Class Teamwork Terhadap Kemampuan Gotong Royong Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun Di TK Melayu Fathrizk Kids Pekanbaru Zahratul Aini; Ria Novianti; Nurlita Nurlita
Innovative: Journal Of Social Science Research Vol. 3 No. 4 (2023): Innovative: Journal Of Social Science Research
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/innovative.v3i4.4213


Penelitian ini di latar belakangi oleh melemahnya sifat gotong royong dan hubungan sosial yang bersifat individual.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan gotong royong pada anak usia 5-6 tahun di TK Melayu Fathrizk Kids. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian eksperimen dengan metode kuantitatif. Dengan subjek penelitian adalah peserta didik.  Sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 21 orang anak. Adapun teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu sampel jenuh. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan melalui tes objektif. Hasil penelitian dari perhitungan hipotesis dalam penelitian ini di uji dengan uji “t” pada taraf signifikan 0,05. Dari data perhitungan thitung = 32,715 > dari ttabel =2,086 dengan demikian Ho = ditolak dan Ha= diterima. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa adanya pengaruh kegiatan class teamwork terhadap kemampuan gotong royong anak usia 5-6 tahun di TK Melayu Fathrizk Kids Pekanbaru.
Komunikasi Terapeutik Orang Tua Dalam Membentuk Karakter Positif Anak Sindrom Down Di Kenegerian Teluk Kuantan Riau Zahratul Aini; Evawani Elysa Lubis
SABER : Jurnal Teknik Informatika, Sains dan Ilmu Komunikasi Vol. 1 No. 4 (2023): Oktober : Jurnal Teknik Informatika, Sains dan Ilmu Komunikasi
Publisher : STIKes Ibnu Sina Ajibarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59841/saber.v1i4.320


Therapeutic communication is communication that has the aim of healing. Down syndrome is a chromosomal abnormality that is inherited from birth. This research aims to determine the process of therapeutic communication, therapeutic communication techniques and barriers to therapeutic communication carried out by parents in shaping the positive character of children with Down syndrome in Kenegerian Teluk Kuantan. The phenomenon raised began with observations made by researchers. This interest arose because of the differences in positive characteristics possessed by Down syndrome children in Kenegerian Teluk Kuantan. The differences in the positive characteristics of children with Down syndrome in Kenegerian Teluk Kuantan, Riau, are a unique and interesting phenomenon to study. Differences in age and parenting patterns of Down syndrome children in Kenegerian Teluk Kuantan can shape the character they have. The similarities they have make them unique. This research uses descriptive qualitative methods. The subjects of this research were 12 people, namely children with Down syndrome, parents or guardians and neighbors around where the children with Down syndrome lived in Kenegerian Teluk Kuantan. Taking place in Kenegerian Teluk Kuantan, Riau. The data collection techniques used in this research were observation, interviews and documentation. This research lasted 7 months starting from September 2022 to February 2023. The results of this research show that therapeutic communication carried out by parents can shape the positive character of children with Down syndrome in terms of their independence. The independence of Down syndrome children in Kenegerian Teluk Kuantan includes politeness towards others, such as being able to say sorry, thank you and please. Independence in taking care of yourself, such as being able to shower yourself, iron your own clothes, wash your own clothes. Can treat others well. Smartphones are the best friends for children with Down syndrome in Kenegerian Teluk Kuantan, Riau. Parenting styles play an important role in the development of children with Down syndrome. The development of Down syndrome children also makes the age difference a benchmark for the independence of Down syndrome children in Kenegerian Teluk Kuantan.