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Perbandingan Agregat Halus terhadap Kuat Tekan Mortar Antara Pasir Awang Bangkal dan Pasir Barito Khairil Yanuar; Abdul Hafizh Ihsani; Muhammad Arya Anugerah; Ruspiansyah Ruspiansyah; Suwaji Suwaji
Jurnal Syntax Admiration Vol. 3 No. 9 (2022): Jurnal Syntax Admiration
Publisher : Ridwan Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46799/jsa.v3i9.479


Kemajuan bangunan konstruksi yang berkembang di Negara kita mempengaruhi banyaknya fungsi-fungsi bangunan yang beragam sehingga mengakibatkan kuantitas bangunan, percepatan bangunan yang diinginkan dan tuntutan akan kualitas konstruksi semakin tinggi. Mortar adalah suatu campuran yang terdiri dari Semen, Agregat Halus dan Air. Bahan perekat pada mortar dapat berupa Tanah Liat, Kapur, maupun Semen. Agregat Halus (Pasir) pada campuran mortar berfungsi sebagai bahan pengisi (Bahan yang direkat) baik dalam keadaan dikeraskan ataupun tidak dikeraskan. Penelitian Tugas Akhir ini dilakukan di Laboratorium Struktur dan Bahan Politeknik Negeri Banjarmasin.Pengumpulan data dengan cara yang dipakai untuk menghimpun, menelaah dan pengumpulan data-data atau sumber-sumber yang berhubungan dengan topik yang diangkat dalam suatu penelitian. Studi bisa didapat dari berbagai sumber, seperti jurnal, makalah, laporan, buku dokumentasi, internet (browsing) dan pustaka. Hasil kuat tekan terhadap umur mortar Pada umur 3 hari Semen Gresik Pasir Barito 6,05 Mpa, Pada umur 7 hari Semen Gresik Pasir Barito 6,05 Mpa, Pada umur 14 hari Semen Gresik Pasir Awang Bangkal 8,66 Mpa, Pada umur 28 hari Semen Gresik pasir Awang Bangkal 10,68 Mpa. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa Pasir Barito termasuk dalam zona IV dan Pasir Awang Bangkal termasuk dalam zona II. Berdasarkan hasil rata – rata kuat tekan mortar didapatkan hasil : Pasir Barito pada umur 3 hari sebesar 6,05 Mpa, umur 7 hari 6,05 Mpa, umur 14 hari 7,68 Mpa, dan umur 28 hari 9,56 Mpa, Pasir Awang Bangkal pada umur 3 hari sebesar 4,14 Mpa, umur 7 hari 4,75 Mpa, umur 14 hari 8,66 Mpa, dan umur 28 hari 10,68 Mpa.
Comparison of Fine Aggregate to Mortar Strength Between Sand Awang Bangkal and Sand Barito Khairil Yanuar; Abdul Hafizh Ihsani; Muhammad Arya Anugerah; Ruspiansyah Ruspiansyah
Journal of Business Social and Technology Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): Journal of Business, Social and Technology
Publisher : Politeknik Siber Cerdika Internasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (644.094 KB) | DOI: 10.59261/jbt.v4i1.116


The progress of building construction that is developing in our country affects the number of diverse building functions resulting in the quantity of buildings, the acceleration of the desired building and the demand for higher quality construction. Mortar is a mixture consisting of Cement, Fine Aggregate and Water. The adhesive in the mortar can be in the form of clay, lime, or cement. Fine Aggregate (Sand) in the mortar mix serves as a filler (glued material) either in a hardened or unhardened state. This final project research was conducted at the Structure and Materials Laboratory of the Banjarmasin State Polytechnic. Data collection was carried out by the method used to collect, study and collect data or sources related to the topic raised in a study. Studies can be obtained from various sources, such as journals, papers, reports, documentation books, internet (browsing) and libraries. The results of the compressive strength on the age of mortar At the age of 3 days Semen Gresik Pasir Barito is 6.05 Mpa, At the age of 7 days Semen Gresik Pasir Barito is 6.05 Mpa, At the age of 14 days Semen Gresik Pasir Awang Bangkal is 8.66 Mpa, At the age of 28 days Semen Gresik sand Awang Bangkal 10.68 MPa. It can be concluded that Pasir Barito is included in zone IV and Pasir Awang Bangkal is included in zone II. Based on the results of the average compressive strength of the mortar, the results obtained were: Barito sand at the age of 3 days was 6.05 Mpa, at 7 days old was 6.05 Mpa, aged 14 days was 7.68 Mpa, and aged 28 days was 9.56 Mpa, Pasir Awang Bangkal at the age of 3 days was 4.14 Mpa, the age of 7 days was 4.75 Mpa, the age of 14 days was 8.66 Mpa, and the age of 28 days was 10.68 Mpa.