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Indonesian Journal of Devotion and Empowerment Vol 3 No 1 (2021): June 2021
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/ijde.v3i1.45723


Pemerintah menetapkan wabah Covid-19 sebagai bencana nasional sejak bulan Maret 2020. Pandemi merupakan kondisi yang tidak diharapkan dan harus direspons dengan cepat, tepat, dan tanggap sehingga tidak menimbulkan mudarat yang lebih buruk di masa sekarang maupun yang akan datang. Di antara dampak nyatanya adalah pada sektor ekonomi, baik menimpa secara perorangan maupun secara kelembagaan. Pondok Hajjah Nuriyah Shabran memiliki mahasiswa mondok dari berbagai daerah di Indonesia. Karenanya, perlu upaya untuk membentuk ketahanan ekonomi di lembaga tersebut, misalnya dengan berwirausaha. Wirausaha merupakan aktivitas yang tidak hanya berkaitan dengan untung-rugi dalam dunia bisnis. Lebih dari itu, mahasiswa mondok dapat menjadikan wirausaha sebagai upaya mengembangkan bisnis secara mandiri dan menjadi media dakwah bil-hal. Mindset tersebut perlu dibina dan dipahamkan kepada mahasiswa. Kegiatan pembinaan bertujuan untuk memberikan wawasan, arahan, dan motivasi kepada mahasiswa mondok di Pondok Hajjah Nuriyah Shabran tentang pentingnya berwirausaha dan korelasinya dengan dakwah sehingga mampu menghadapi Pandemi Covid-19 secara bijak, responsif, dan bernilai ibadah. Metode pembinaan dilakukan dengan cara ceramah dan diskusi aktif. Pembinaan diikuti oleh sepuluh mahasiswa mondok. Kegiatan berlangsung lancar dengan antusias peserta yang aktif bertanya sehingga tercipta suasana diskusi yang komunikatif. Tindak lanjut dari kegiatan pembinaan ini adalah perlu diadakan pelatihan atau pendampingan untuk memproduksi makanan atau barang yang terjangkau oleh mahasiswa mondok. The government has designated the Covid-19 outbreak as a national disaster since March 2020. Pandemic is an unexpected condition and must be responded quickly, appropriately, and responsively so as not to cause worse harm in the present and in the future. Among the real impacts are on the economic sector, both individually and institutionally. Pondok Hajjah Nuriyah Shabran has mondok students from various regions in Indonesia. Therefore, it is necessary to make efforts to establish economic resilience in the institution, for example by entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship is an activity that is not only related to profit-loss in the business world. Moreover, mondok students can make entrepreneurship as an effort to develop the business independently and become a medium of da'wah bil-hal. The mindset needs to be fostered and understood to students. The coaching activity aims to provide insight, direction, and motivation to students at Pondok Hajjah Nuriyah Shabran about the importance of entrepreneurship and its correlation with da'wah so as to be able to face the Covid-19 Pandemic wisely, responsively, and worth worship. The coaching method is done by means of lectures and active discussions. Coaching was followed by ten mondok students. The activity went smoothly with enthusiastic participants who actively asked questions so as to create a communicative discussion atmosphere. The follow-up of this coaching activity is that there needs to be training or mentoring to produce food or goods that are affordable to mondok students.
Leasing dalam Perspektif Fatwa Dewan Pengawas Syariah Majelis Ulama Indonesia Fathurrohman Husen
Lisyabab : Jurnal Studi Islam dan Sosial Vol 1 No 1 (2020): Lisyabab, Jurnal Studi Islam dan Sosial
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LPPM) Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Mulia Astuti (STAIMAS) Wonogiri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58326/jurnallisyabab.v1i1.9


Perusahaan leasing popular di Indonesia sebagai perusahaan sewa guna usaha. Kegiatan usahanya bergerak di bidang pembiayaan untuk keperluan barang-barang modal yang diinginkan oleh lease. Perusahaan leasing akan memberikan fasilitas persewaan barang atau pembelian barang leasing secara kredit kepada lease sesuai dengan perjanjian yang diseapkati. Konsep Islam mengenal istilah akad ijarah dalam kajian muamalat, yaitu jenis akad untuk mengambil manfaat dengan kompensasi. Pokok persoalannya, bagaimana kesesuaian leasing dalam perspektif hukum Islam. Penulis mengkaji persoalan tersebut dengan metode library reaserch dengan pendekatan yuridis (fatwa DSN-MUI). Analisa yang digunakan adalah diskriptif-analitik. Kesimpulanya, Menurut jenisnya, leasing yang tergolong dalam operating lease tidak ada pertentangan dengan prinsip ijarah. Namun dalam finance lease terdapat unsur gharar yang terjadi. Yaitu, ketidak jelasan akad (hak opsi) di akhir pembayaran rente, yang termasuk ke dalam gharar dan dilarang oleh syariat Islam. Bagi yang beranggapan finance lease itu haram karena tergolong shafqatain fi al shafqah, maka Solusi untuk menghilangkan gharar dalam finance lease dilakukan dengan akad IMBT (Ijarah Muntahiya Bi Tamlik). Yaitu, hak opsinya diganti dengan wa’d diawal kontrak. Wa’d tersebut adalah janji lessor kepada lesse untuk menghibbahkan atau menjualnya, dengan catatan harga sewa atau harga jualnya sudah disepakati di awal kontrak.
Sekolah Kebhinnekaan: Potret Kebijakan Internal SMA Negeri di Mataram Fathurrohman Husen; Azaki Khoirudin
Jurnal Dialog Vol 45 No 1 (2022): Dialog
Publisher : Sekretariat Badan Litbang dan Diklat Kementerian Agama RI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47655/dialog.v45i1.570


Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kebijakan internal sekolah yang menunjukkan inklusivitas karakter toleran pada peserta didik yang majemuk. Fokus penelitian pada kebijakan inklusif dalam arti keadilan, kesetaraan, dan sikap positif terhadap kemajemukan agama. Sekolah berperan untuk memenuhi hak peserta didik dalam keberagamaan. Menjadi masalah, jika lembaga sekolah diskriminatif atau tidak memfasilitasi pendidikan kerohanian pesesrta didiknya. Studi kasus penelitian adalah SMAN 1 Mataram dan SMAN 5 Mataram. Penelitian ini adalah field research dengan teknik penggalian data observasi kegiatan peserta didik yang mencakup: organisasi, kerohanian, aturan hari libur agama, ketersediaan tempat ibadah; dan wawancara mendalam kepada peserta didik, guru, dan pelaku kebijakan sekolah. Hasilnya, kedua sekolah tersebut menerapkan institusionalisasi ide menjadi kebijakan. Di antara kebijakan tersebut: melaksanakan kegiatan imtaq (iman dan taqwa) sesuai agama peserta didik; memberikan izin pembentukan organisasi rohani; fasilitas tempat maupun alat ibadah multi-agama; memfasilitasi guru rohani di setiap agama yang dipeluk oleh peserta didik; dan kebijakan libur fakultatif. Pemahaman masyarakat di wilayah sekolah tentang keberagaman suku, bahasa, dan agama yang praksis (tidak teoritis) menjadikan modal penting dalam kelangsungan toleransi di sana. Meskipun kedua sekolah tersebut tidak mewakili kebhinnekaan dalam hal suku dan etnis, setidaknya agama peserta didik yang berbeda-beda mewakili cerminan dari Indonesia yang beragam. Kata Kunci: sekolah kebhinnekaan, kebijakan internal sekolah, karakter toleran, Mataram This article aims to analyze the school's internal policies that show the inclusiveness of the tolerant character of diverse learners. The research focuses on inclusive policies in terms of justice, equality, and positive attitudes towards religious pluralism. Schools play a role in fulfilling the rights of students in religion. It becomes a problem if school institutions are discriminatory or do not facilitate the spiritual education of their students. The research case studies are SMAN 1 Mataram and SMAN 5 Mataram. This research is field research with data mining techniques for observing student activities which include: organization, spirituality, rules for religious holidays, availability of places of worship; and in-depth interviews with students, teachers, and school policy actors. As a result, both schools implemented the institutionalization of ideas into policies. Among these policies: carry out imtaq (faith and taqwa) activities according to the religion of the students; granting permission to form a spiritual organization; facilities for places and tools of multi-religious worship; facilitate spiritual teachers in each religion embraced by students; and facultative holiday policies. The understanding of the community in the school area about the practical (non-theoretical) ethnic, linguistic and religious diversity is an important asset in sustaining tolerance there. Although the two schools do not represent diversity in terms of ethnicity and ethnicity, at least the different religions of the students represent a reflection of the diversity of Indonesia. Keywords: diversity school, school internal policy, tolerant character, Mataram
Psychological Factors of Religion Traveler and Decision to Visit Bashori Filmi; Ade Yuliar; Fathurrohman Husen
JURNAL ILMIAH SYI'AR Vol 22, No 1 (2022): June 2022
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29300/syr.v22i1.5142


This study aims to determine the effect of psychological factors on the decision to visit. The decision to visit is the dependent variable, while motivation, perception, learning, and belief are independent variables. The method used in this research is quantitative research methods. This study used primary data using research data collection techniques and online questionnaires through Google Forms. Using Roscoe's theory, this study uses a purposive sampling technique to determine the number of respondents. The sample in this study was 100 respondents. The analysis was used using a multiple linear regression test through the SPSS 25 program. The analysis shows that factors of motivation, perception, learning and belief together influence the decision of tourists to choose tour religion. However, partial, the fourth-factor perception and belief, has influence significant and dominant decision visit tourists in choosing religious tourism.
Millenial Netiquette In Doing Muamalah And Warding Off Hoaxes On Social Media Based On MUI Fatwa Number 24 Of 2017 Puput Yanita Senja; Ade Yuliar; Fathurrohman Husen
Masjiduna : Junal Ilmiah Stidki Ar-Rahmah Vol 5, No 1 (2022): Juni 2022
Publisher : Sekolah Ilmu Dakwah dan Komunikasi Islam (STIDKI) Ar Rahmah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52833/masjiduna.v5i1.93


MUI Fatwa Number 24 of 2017 contains The Laws and Guidelines for Doing Muamalah Through Social Media. The MUI Fatwa can be applied to social networking ethics (netiquette). The millennial generation has excellent power in countering hoax narratives. The research purpose was to determine netiquette of the millennial generation in doing muamalah and warding off hoax in social media based on MUI Fatwa. The design of this study is qualitative research using an online qualitative survey. Netiquette as a guideline based on the MUI Fatwa focuses on discussing guidelines for doing muamalah on social media and creating and disseminating related content/information in countering hoaxes by the millennial generation from the four existing guidelines. Millennial's netiquette in doing muamalah on social media should be done properly and correctly, not violating the Shari'a and regulations (MUI Fatwa and others), and responding well to each other's content. The content shared is positive and not a hoax. Millennials sort out contents that will be disseminated on social media by studying, understanding, confirming, then following. The netiquette for millennials in warding off hoaxes is to ensure that the content is appropriately verified, helpful, not provocative and does not contain hoaxes, slander, backbiting, bullying, gossip, and other forbidden things. Millennials avoid spreading hoax content on social media by limiting accounts, avoiding and discontinuing, seeking truth from trusted sources, following the Indonesia Anti Hoax page, reporting harmful content through content complaints websites, or directly using the block and report features on social media. If this is not possible, they choose to remain silent, skip, and not share that hoax content. 
KINESIK Vol. 9 No. 2 (2022): August
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Tadulako

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22487/ejk.v9i2.394


One of the tourism potentials of Surakarta City which is quite affected by the pandemic is the Taru Jurug Animal Park (TSTJ) Surakarta. Therefore, it is necessary to have a strategy in the implementation of communication and promotion from TSTJ Surakarta in order to continue to exist. The purpose of this study was to describe the marketing communication strategy of TSTJ Surakarta in order to increase tourists during the pandemic. This type of research is descriptive qualitative, with data collection through interviews, observation, and documentation. The results of the research show that the marketing communication strategy of TSTJ Surakarta is carried out with several criteria, including: implementing health protocols in tourist visits, socializing non-cash payments in the tourism process, optimizing education about flora and fauna through the use of the Instagram social media account @jurugsolozoo, and several supporting activities introduced in the TSTJ Surakarta tourist visit, such as: gowes tours, fun fishing, and animal care tickets. In addition, TSTJ Surakarta also provides merchandise as an effort to introduce tourism potential, as well as provide additional information about what is available at TSTJ Surakarta to tourists.
How does Religiosity and Tourist's Perception Play a Role to Attract Visiting Halal Tourism Destination? Fathurrohman Husen; Nurkholish Majid
JISE: Journal of Islamic Studies and Education Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): Journal of Islamic Studies and Education
Publisher : Presscience

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


This study aims to look at the influence of religiosity and tourists' perceptions of halal tourism on their intention to visit halal tourist destinations. With the quantitative method, the research respondents were 100 tourists who had visited halal tourist destinations. Data was collected through a questionnaire and then processed using the Partial Least Square method to analyze the validity of the data and test the hypothesis. The results of the study show that perceptions of halal tourism are able to attract visits to halal tourist destinations. However, religiosity (moderating variable) is not able to attract interest in visiting and is unable to moderate the increase in visitor perceptions of halal tourist destinations.