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Jurnal Internasional Bisnis, Humaniora, Pendidikan dan Ilmu Sosial Vol 2 No 1 (2020): International Journal of Business, Humanities, Education and Social Sciences
Publisher : Universitas Teknologi Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46923/ijbhes.v2i1.56


Everyone has problem to solve. Each problem has positive and negative impacts but it makes someone stronger. This research aims to figure out the effectiveness of expressive writing and social media as media to express thought, ideas, and emotion of the users. The arrangement of research is descriptive studies through the examination a number of social media accounts by employing purposive sampling method. Expressive writing is an activity to direct to communication skill through writing for sharing feelings, thoughts, and anything that is wanted by the user without a feeling of being blamed by somebody else. Expressive writing becomes one of curative alternatives to solve traumatic experience and other psychological matters. Expressive writing helps someone to release emotional expression. Expressive writing in the era of technology is not only performed in conventional ways, handwriting but also performed through modern devices. Social media such as facebook, twitter, and path is a product of technology that is popularly used to share problems (expressive writing). This is phenomenology research. It shows that 150 user accounts of facebook, twitter, and path conduct expressive writing to release their emotional expression on problems that they are facing. Based on the research, it is found the impact of social anxiety on the reliance on social media that is significant and positive.
Learning Valuable Things from Words of Poverty in V.S. Naipauls Miguel Street Suryo Sudiro
Journal of Language and Literature Vol 15, No 2 (2015): October
Publisher : Universitas Sanata Dharma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (887.084 KB) | DOI: 10.24071/joll.v15i2.202


In addition to consisting of an interesting story, a novel may consist of lessons to learn. V.S. Naipauls Miguel Street reflected realities of People in Trinidad. The cynical words in the novel tell how people live in poverty. It is not only a story of past events but also a valuable text to see and learn actual realities of education. There are two lessons that readers can learn from the words. First, what adult people do are lessons for the teenagers. When the adult show bad characters teach how to do bad conducts, the teenagers will easily see and do the same things. When the adults resort to violence in their families, the teenagers will resort to the same things outside homes. When the adults drink alcohol and consume drugs, the teenagers will try and do the same, or even, worse. They will run out of their homes and find other places to live. The matters will deteriorate when the teenagers do not have proper education. It is a threat of character education. Second, there are always heroes in communities. Parents are some of them. The heroes provide poor children and teenagers with proper education. They show that there is always a valuable thing to do in poor condition. It shows that poverty does not only supply threats of character education but also opportunities of it. The schools should conduct good education. The schools should educate mind and heart.
Utilizing test items analysis to examine the level of difficulty and discriminating power in a teacher-made test Sayit Abdul Karim; Suryo Sudiro; Syarifah Sakinah
EduLite: Journal of English Education, Literature and Culture Vol 6, No 2 (2021): August 2021
Publisher : Universitas Islam Sultan Agung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (237.565 KB) | DOI: 10.30659/e.6.2.256-269


Apart from teaching, English language teachers need to assess their students by giving a test to know the students’ achievements. In general, teachers are barely conducting item analysis on their tests. As a result, they have no idea about the quality of their test distributed to the students. The present study attempts to figure out the levels of difficulty (LD) and the discriminating power (DP) of the multiple-choice (MC) test item constructed by an English teacher in the reading comprehension test utilizing test item analysis. This study employs a qualitative approach. For this purpose, a test of 50-MC test items of reading comprehension was obtained from the students’ test results. Thirty-five students of grade eight took part in the MC test try-out. They are both male (15) and female (20) students of junior high school 2 Kempo, in West Nusa Tenggara Province. The findings revealed that16 items out of 50 test items were rejected due to the poor and worst quality level of difficulty and discriminating index. Meanwhile, 12 items need to be reviewed due to their mediocre quality, and 11 items are claimed to have good quality items. Besides, 11 items out of 50 test items were considered as the excellent quality as their DP scores reached around 0.44 through 0.78. The implications of the present study will shed light on the quality of teacher-made test items, especially for the MC test.
ENHANCING EFL LEARNERS’ SPEAKING SKILLS THROUGH THE AUDIO-LINGUAL METHOD Muhammad Ashari Putra; Didha Fridayanto; Bayu Prasetyo Aji; Sayit Abdul Karim; Suryo Sudiro
Journey: Journal of English Language and Pedagogy Vol 5 No 1 (2022): Journey: Journal of English Language and Pedagogy
Publisher : IKIP Budi Utomo Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33503/journey.v5i1.1818


The teaching method is one of the contributing factors to successful English language learning. The appropriate use of a teaching method is one of the ways to enhance learners’ speaking skills. The present study aims at reviewing the use of the Audio-Lingual Method (ALM), one of the teaching methods to enhance EFL learners’ speaking skills. The present study employs library research to delineate the use of ALM to enhance learners' mastery of speaking skills. The data were obtained from documentation study and previous research findings and further analyzed qualitatively. Therefore, it reviews the brief of ALM, the purposes of ALM. Moreover, it scrutinizes the strategies used in ALM, the benefits of using and the implication of using ALM in classroom teaching. Finally, some important points on the use of ALM are highlighted in the conclusion part.
US CIVIL WAR MENURUT FORREST CARTER Suryo Sudiro; Sayit Abdul Karim; Juhansar Juhansar
Adabiyyāt: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra Vol 4, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/ajbs.2020.04106


A novel may reflect the political interests and actions of the author. The author can make a story that is purposed to alter common consciousness. This article uses historicism as an interpretation theory. Historicism is used to avoid careless interpretation. With historicism, the story written in the novel is matched with historical events written in some history books. Forrest Carter writes a lot about US Civil War. He, in purpose, does not write about slavery that is commonly read as the cause of the US Civil War. He writes a lot about the murder of women and children by the northern US army soldiers in southern districts. He also writes a lot about the cooperation of his white character with a Cherokee. Above all written by Forrest Carter, the influence of his life and his political interests are seen. 
Tenth Grade Students’ Ability in Writing Descriptive Text Using Magic Card Nurhayati Nurhayati; Sayit Abdul Karim; Budiarti Budiarti; Suryo Sudiro
Acitya: Journal of Teaching and Education Vol 4 No 1 (2022): Acitya: Journal of Teaching and Education
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Kalimantan Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (527.895 KB) | DOI: 10.30650/ajte.v4i1.3207


English language teachers nowadays are challenged to present interesting and innovative ways of teaching English in order to motivate their students to learn. Magic card can be used as an alternative learning medium toward the students’ ability to write descriptive text. The present study attempts to figure out students’ ability in writing descriptive text utilizing magic card and to describe the students’ perceptions about the use of magic card in writing descriptive text. Therefore, a quantitative descriptive research design was applied. Furthermore, to obtain the data needed, a set of test and questionnaire were administered to 36 participants (29 females and 7 males) of the tenth-grade students. The findings revealed that the total mean of students’ ability was categorized into good criteria (84%). It means that the students’ ability in writing descriptive text is significantly improved. Moreover, the results of questionnaire showed that students like using magic card because magic card is an interesting medium which would make students enjoy in studying, active in writing and creative in thinking. Besides, magic card can enrich students’ vocabulary as it promotes students’ creativity.
Students’ Perceptions on the Use of Group Discussion Method towards English Speaking Proficiency Suryo Sudiro; Putri Lisa Anggraini; Metyana Setyorini; Aditama Bagus Antasari; Juhansar Juhansar
Acitya: Journal of Teaching and Education Vol 4 No 2 (2022): Acitya: Journal of Teaching and Education
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Kalimantan Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1133.02 KB) | DOI: 10.30650/ajte.v4i2.3273


The researchers place a great deal of emphasis on the Group Discussion Method since it is necessary for students towards their communication proficiency. Communication is an important element to achieve better understanding among communicators. Therefore, this present study aims to discover students’ perception of using the Group Discussion Method towards their proficiency in English speaking. This research relays on a quantitative descriptive research design using a questionnaire to collect data. The questionnaire was distributed online to thirty-four respondents. The respondents are fifth-semester students of the English Language Education Department of Universitas Teknologi Yogyakarta who has learned English speaking using the Group Discussion Method. Data were analyzed using quantitative descriptive perceptions presentation. The research findings indicate that 80% of respondents state that Group Discussions Method is an interactive, friendly, innovative, and interaction-built approach between teacher and students. Besides, it also increases their English speaking proficiency since they are learning in a group where they are required to talk and discuss in English. This research is limited to small-scale respondents; thus, further researchers are recommended to conduct research with wide-scale respondents.
Enhancing Vocabulary Mastery Through English Songs: In the Eyes of EFL Students Sayit Abdul Karim; Suryo Sudiro; Dina Rizki Annisa; Hana I Khairunnisa; Dyah Ayu Rahmawati
Ethical Lingua: Journal of Language Teaching and Literature Vol. 9 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Cokroaminoto Palopo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30605/25409190.439


The present study attempts to explore EFL students’ perceptions of utilizing English songs to enhance students’ vocabulary mastery. The present study employs a qualitative descriptive research design and the data were gathered by administering an online survey using a questionnaire through Google Forms as the research instrument. 56 (39 females and 17 males) EFL students from Universitas Teknologi Yogyakarta were involved in the present study.Apart from the questionnaire, an online semi-structured interview with 6 respondents using the Whatsapp application was also conducted to further explore their views about how English songs could improve their vocabulary mastery. Furthermore, there are five questions that respondents should be filled out in the online google form using the 4 Likert Scale, ranging from the lowest point 1 (strongly disagree) to the highest point 4 (strongly agree). The interview was conducted to further explore their perceptions of how the English songs enrich their vocabulary mastery. The findings revealed that 46,6% of respondents strongly agree and 44,6% agree that they would look up the meaning of the song's lyrics given. Furthermore, 50% of the respondents strongly agree and 41.1% of them agree about English songs facilitate them to learn English. Meanwhile, 42,9% of the respondents strongly agree and 41,1% agree about English songs as an interesting media of learning, therefore, they utilized the songs to enhance their vocabulary achievement. The results of the interview respondents revealed six respondents (MZ, KF, PL, AF, SF, and GT) perceived that the utilization of songs in their learning brings a positive impact on their English language vocabulary development. However, two respondents, DL and GT viewed that English songs have both advantages and disadvantages for some reasons.
EFL Students’ Perceptions on the Use of Storytelling towards English Speaking Proficiency Budiarti Budiarti; Juhansar Juhansar; Dyah Ayu Rahmawati; Kikin Feby Alamsyah; Angella Muna Mawar; Suryo Sudiro
Edumaspul: Jurnal Pendidikan Vol 6 No 2 (2022): Edumaspul: Jurnal Pendidikan
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Enrekang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (656.98 KB) | DOI: 10.33487/edumaspul.v6i2.3308


In this modern era, where everything is entirely technological, storytelling can still be found everywhere, not only in children's reading books or school books but also on the internet, for learning media. In Indonesia itself, there are a plethora of storytellings. Storytelling as a medium for teaching speaking is also expected to improve EFL students' language skills. Using storytelling as a method to teach speaking is also one of the ways that teaching speaking activity becomes enjoyable. In this study, the research aims to know EFL students’ perception of storytelling and their proficiency in English speaking skills using storytelling. This research is conducted using a quantitative method. The data are collected by questionnaire to determine their understanding of storytelling and test; the scoring method employs a speech to text application; we grade three aspects: pronunciation, fluency, and accuracy. The sample of this research is UTY English education EFL students in 2020 and 2021. This research shows that using storytelling can improve EFL students speaking skills. Storytelling to teach speaking to EFL students is hoped that EFL students will be able to hone their speaking skills consciously and use storytelling strategies. In this study, it is known that storytelling is possible to teach speaking skills in the classroom.
A Closer Look At The EFL Students’ Grammatical Errors In Writing Descriptive Text Alifah Maudia Rizqullah; Suryo Sudiro; Sayit Abdul Karim
Ethical Lingua: Journal of Language Teaching and Literature Vol. 10 No. 1 (2023): volume 10 No 1 2023
Publisher : Universitas Cokroaminoto Palopo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30605/25409190.559


EFL students found some difficulties in writing descriptive texts because they have to observe the language features, and generic structure of such genre carefully to produce a good paragraph. Students made some errors in their writing and experienced difficulties dealing with the grammatical rules. The objectives of the present research are to identify the errors types that students might encounter in writing descriptive text and to describe what errors are dominantly made. Therefore, a descriptive qualitative research design was applied to describe students’ type of errors as proposed by Dulay (1982) and to figure out errors that dominantly occur in students’ writing, the present study used Ellis’s theory (1994), namely error collection, error identification, error description, and error explanation. The respondents were 30 students (5 males and 25 females) in English Language Education Study Program at Universitas Teknologi Yogyakarta. The research data was taken from students’ works and analyzed qualitatively. The findings revealed that students made four types of errors, ranging from the highest to lowest, namely omission, misformation, addition, and misordering. Of 174 errors, 60 errors dominantly occurred in the omission part, and 51 errors were in the misformation part. Meanwhile, 47 errors occurred in the addition part, and 16 errors occurred in the misordering part.