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Jurnal Arsitektur ZONASI Vol 5, No 3 (2022): Vol 5, No 3 (2022): Jurnal Arsitektur Zonasi Oktober 2022
Publisher : KBK Peracangan Arsitektur dan Kota Program Studi Arsitektur Fakultas Pendidikan Teknologi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/jaz.v5i3.47965


Abstract: In their culture, Sundanese people recognize the concept of 3 certainty of life as a philosophy of life, which is known as "Tritangtu". The concept of life is interrelated and cannot be separated to achieve a harmonious life between humans and their natural surroundings. This study was conducted using a qualitative descriptive method with a literative study technique and a direct survey. The purpose of this study is to produce a design for a mountainous tourist area as a medium for teaching and developing the noble values of Sundanese culture. The phenomenon of the Indonesian nation today tends to lose its character and sociality, so that the development and teaching of cultural values is very much needed. Teaching with experiential learning methods in a tourist area as a medium, will facilitate understanding of these noble values. Just as the ancestors passed on Sundanese culture to their next generation through direct experience in the form of art, pupuh, pikukuh etc. Only by re-adhering to one's own culture, a harmonious life and character of a nation will be achieved. Keywords: Tritangtu, Culture, Sundanese, Ecotourism Abstrak: Dalam kebudayaannya, orang sunda mengenal konsep 3 kepastian hidup sebagai falsafah hidupnya, yang dikenal dengan nama “Tritangtu”. Konsep hidup yang saling berkaitan dan tak bisa dipisahkan untuk mencapai kehidupan yang harmonis antara manusia dan alam sekitarnya. Kajian ini dilakukan dengan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan teknik kajiannya secara literatif dan survey langsung. Tujuan dari kajian ini adalah untuk menghasilkan suatu rancangan kawasan wisata pegunungan sebagai media pengajaran dan pengembangan nilai-nilai luhur budaya sunda. Fenomena bangsa Indonesia saat ini cenderung kehilangan karakter dan kesosialannya, sehingga pengembangan dan pengajaran nilai budaya sangat diperlukan. Pengajaran dengan metode pembelajaran pengalaman pada suatu kawasan wisata sebagai medianya, akan mempermudah pemahaman akan nilai luhur tersebut. Seperti halnya para leluhur mewariskan budaya sunda ke generasi penerusnya lewat pe-ngalaman langsung berupa kesenian, pupuh, pikukuh dsb. Hanya dengan kembali berpegang pada budaya sendiri, maka kehidupan harmonis dan berkarakter suatu bangsa akan tercapai. Kata Kunci :  Tritangtu, Budaya, Sunda, Ekowisata
IMPLEMENTATION OF SOUNDSCAPE AT RAIL BOUNDARIES, CASE STUDY JL. HAUR JAYA, BOGOR CITY Nyi Raden Ajeng Putri Anggiandari; Mokhammad Syaom Barliana; Diah Cahyani Cahyani
Journal of Architectural Research and Education Vol 4, No 2 (2022): Vol 4, No.2 (2022), Journal of Architectural Research and Education (JARE)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/jare.v4i2.55737


Bogor is an area that accommodates the needs of the capital city of Jakarta (Wilza et al., 2021), this high population rate has contributed to dense settlements to facilitate their lives and activities, for people who have financial limitations choose an alternative to building their homes on the railroad tracks (Prihatiningsih Rahmawati, 2018). The railway line is supposed to function as a 10-meter-wide vacant land where 6 meters of this border is supposed to be used to reduce noise pollution by using a noise barrier to achieve a standardized noise level in settlements of 55Db(A) ( Department of Public Works, 2005). The outdoor acoustic environment is a diversity that is managed and enhanced, to control noise from the environment (Brown, 2010). With the Descriptive Analysis method on Jalan Haur Jaya, Bogor City. Noise data was taken with the SANFIX type WT85B Sound Level Meter instrument with a measurement time of 24 hours carried out 4 times at 4 measurement points. Soundscape is a solution to improve the quality of living comfort by applying the right arrangement of plants to reduce noise pollution, shade, absorb air pollution, windbreaker and view barrier (Syahindra et al., 2014) in this settlement obtained Leq 100.2 dBA, with the applied plant composition able to reduce noise by 48.25 dBA, this settlement meets the standard of residential noise.