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Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri (STAIN) Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/kr.v5i1.1064


Kelompok lanjut usia beragam merupakan usia, dimana perubahan yang terjadi dalam kehidupan mereka tidak dapat diabaikan. Perubahan  yang menyangkut  aspek fisik, psikis, ekonomi, sosial serta munculnya pandangan bahwa lansia  memiliki  beragam kemunduran dalam  fungsi mental menyebabkan posisi lansia membutuhkan perhatian khusus.  Ketidaksiapan mental para lansia untuk mengahadapi rangkaian perubahan tersebut memicu munculnya sikap mereka yang putus  asa,  merasa kesepian, keterasingan dan tidak dihargai. Kondisi ini menjadi kompleks dan  akan terakumulasi dalam bentuk  gangguan kecemasan (anxiety disorder). Terapi kognitif yang dilakukan bagi penderita kecemasan dalam kelompok remaja dan dewasa membuahkan hasil yang positif,  namun tidak terjadi pada kelompok lansia. Dalam hal ini diupayakan adanya terapi yang lebih efektif dalam menangani kecemasan pada kelompok lansia diantaranya melalui psikoterapi zikir. Efek ketenangan  yang dimunculkan  dari terapi dzikir dapat mengurangi tingkat kecemasan pada lansia. Hal ini akan menumbuhkan  ekspectasi bagi mereka, sehingga akan lebih memandang sisa usianya dengan positif. kata kunci: Lansia, Psikoterapi Zikir, Gangguan Kecemasan REMEMBRANCE AS    PSYCHOTHERAPY  IN    ANXIETY DISORDERS  FOR ELDERLY. Elderly  in the  various  groups  is age, where  the  changes occur in their  lives cannot  be ignored. The changes regarding the aspects of the physical, psychological, economic, social and the emergence of the view that the elderly have various deterioration in mental function causes the position of the elderly need special attention. Mental’ unpreparedness the  elderly to facing a series of changes to trigger the emergence of the attitude of those who despair, feel  lonely,  alienation   and not appreciated. This  condition  is  the complex and will be accumulated are in the form of anxiety disorders (headache  disorder).  Cognitive  therapy  is done  for patients  with anxiety in a group of teenagers and adults yielded positive results, but does not occur in the group of elderly. In this endeavor to the existence of a more effective therapy in dealing with the anxiety in elderly groups including through psychotherapy remembrance. Effect of tranquillity that raised from ourselves occupied therapy  can reduce the level of anxiety in the elderly. This will grow ekspectasi for them, so it will be more looked at the remaining age with positive. Keywords: Elderly, Psychotherapy Remembrance, Anxiety Disorders
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri (STAIN) Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/kr.v4i1.1076


Kehendak untuk maksud kehidupan adalah motivasi fundamental hadir dalam setiap individu. Pemenuhan kebutuhan ini berpunca dari tiga nilai-nilai  which termasuk: nilai- nilai  kreatif,  nilai- nilai experiental, dan nilai-nilai sikap. Sumber makna nilai-nilai hidup akan actualized dengan bantuan peran kualitas spiritual yang berpotensi hadir dalam setiap individu sebagai quetion shape spiritual. Dengan mengadopsi  logoanalisis dasar teoretis dikembangkan oleh Victor E.  Frankl  dalam metode terapis meaningfulness  kehidupan, di  mana  Frankl  percaya bahwa semua aspek-aspek  arti hidup menyimpan.  Arti hidup untuk dapat dicapai akan diwujudkan dengan bantuan quetion rohani yang melekat pada setiap individu. Justru itu, quetion rohani berkontribusi terhadap pencapaian meaningfulness  kehidupan, dalam peran yang dia dapat menjadi media, control dan petunjuk bagi individu dalam dinamika kehidupan, sehingga masing- masing dalam keadaan apa pun dengan tetap menjaga kualitas keberadaan manusia sebagai intelektual, emosi dan rohani agar ia dapat mencapai maksud kehidupan. Kata Kunci: Peran, Kecerdasan Spiritual, Kebermaknaan  HidupTHE ROLE OF THE SPIRITUAL INTELLIGENCE IN THE ACHIEVEMENT OF MEANINGFULLNESS. The will to meaning of life is the fundamental  motivation  present in every individual. The fulfillment of these need system from the three valueswhich include: the creative values, experiental values, and attitudinal  values. The source of the meaning of life values that will be actualized with the help of the role of spiritual qualities that are potentially present in every individual as a shaper of spiritual quetion. By adopting the theoretical basic logo analysis developed by Victor E. Franklin therapeutic methods meaning fulness of life, where Frankl  believes that all aspects of the meaning of life saving. Meaning of life to be achieved will be realized with the help of spiritual quetion inherent in each individual. Thus, spiritual quetion  is contributing  to the achievement of the meaning fulness of life, in which role he was able to become the media, control and guidance for individual sindynamics of life, so that individual under any circumstances while maintaining the quality of humanexistence as intellectually, emotionally and spiritually so that he able to achieve the meaning of life. Keywords: Role, Spiritual Quetion, Meaning of Life
Membangun Konsep Diri Bagi Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus Khoirun Nida, Fatma Laili
ThufuLA: Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan Islam Anak Usia Dini Vol 2, No 1 (2014): THUFULA
Publisher : PIAUD IAIN Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/thufula.v2i1.1422


One of the most psychic elements plays a role in the development of individual personality is the self concept, which is an overall self-concept self image that includes a person’s perception of himself, feelings, beliefs, and values associated with him. The self concept is an important aspect in a person, in which the self concept is a frame of reference to interact with the environment. When people perceive themselves, give meaning and shape abstraction assessment of him means he showed self-awareness and the ability to get out of myself to see him as he did to the world outside himself. The process of development of self-concept often experience problems when should collide with the physical and psychological conditions that do not support. This is as it occurs in the disability children. Barriers that often arise in the process of development for disability children often result in low quality of their self-concept. Negative self-concept in disability children are often influenced by various factors such as the refusal of parents, teachers, friends and society. Then the required education and put more stress on approaches that are emotional in educational services for disability children that can beplayed by educators, psychologists, and community that contribute to the formation of a positive self-concept. The success of disability children in theform of positive self concept will bring opportunities for disability children to be more independent and confident that they are capable of self-actualizationis better in their lives.
Model Bermain Paralel sebagai Media dalam Pengembangan Kreativitas Anak (Sebuah Analisis Metode Pembelajaran Agama Islam) Khoirun Nida, Fatma Laili; Khusna, Nurul
ThufuLA: Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan Guru Raudhatul Athfal Vol 3, No 2 (2015): ThufuLA: Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan Guru Raudhatul Athfal
Publisher : PIAUD IAIN Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/thufula.v3i2.1237


The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze the implementation of the model of learning to play parallel to the Islamic religion as a means of developing children’s creativity. Model selection played as a variable in this study is based on the reality that life is synonymous with the world of children playing while developing creativity is needed at an early age. The study was conducted in RA Tarbiyatul Kesambi Mejobo 2014/2015 school year by using an qualitative approach.The  findings of this study indicate that through the application of models to play parallel to learning Islam can become a vehicle for the development of children’s creativity in RA Tarbiyatul Kesambi Mejobo Kudus. This method also gives many conveniences for children to understand the material contained in the teaching of Islam in view of their very own interest in the instrument used games. Several factors play a role in the implementation of  this model include an atmosphere of learning, their situation that encourages responsibility and independence within the students, as well as the factors that are more personal than the child itself.
EDUKASIA Vol 8, No 2 (2013): EDUKASIA
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/edukasia.v8i2.754


 Pendidikan karakter sangat berperan dalam membentuk kepribadian siswa sebagai agen perubahan.  Banyak pendidik tidak memahami hubungan yang sangat tertutup antara moral dan karakter. Selama ini pendidik hanya mengaktualisasikan konsep pendidikan karakter sebagai produk yang siap digunakan oleh siapa saja, kapan saja dan kepada setiap orang tanpa mendalam memahami teori dasar yang mendasari lahirnya konsep. Selain itu,  tahap  perkembangan moral peserta didik berpartisipasi dalam proses pencapaian sukses dampak besar dari pendidikan karakter. Tulisan ini diharapkan memberikan wawasan pendidik untuk mampu memahami terutama keberadaan aspek moral dan perkembangan,  sehingga melalui pemahaman  ini, mereka akan mendapatkan teknik pendidikan karakter yang efektif dan memiliki relevansi dengan peserta didik. Kajian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kepustakaan. Hasil dari pembahasan didapatkan bahwa pendidik perlu memahami konsep Lawrence Kohlberg pada tahap perkembangan moral, pendidik perlu menerapkan tiga komponen utama pendidikan karakter yang meliputi moral yang mengetahui, perasaan moral, dan perilaku moral sebanding dengan aspek moral dan perkembangan.Kata kunci: pendidikan,  karakter, pengembangan, moralINTERVENTION OF LAWRENCE KOHLBERG’S MORAL DE- VELOPMENT THEORY IN THE DYNAMICS OF CHARACTER EDUCATION. Character  education  is very important  in forming the students’ personality as agents of change. Many educators do not understand the closed relationship between the moral and character. During this period, educators only actualize the character educational concept as a product that is ready to be used by anyone, anytime  and to any person without deeply understanding the basic theory underlying the birth of the concept. Moreover, the learners’ moral development stages participate  in the process of achieving a big impact  success of character  education.  This  article  is expected  that educators  could comprehend  especially the  existence  of moral  and developmental aspects, so that through this understanding , they will get an effective character educational techniques and have relevance to the learners. This study  uses library  research. Te result of this study  is that the educators need to understand  the   Lawrence Kohlberg concept on moral developmental stages, educators are able to implement the three main components of character education.Keywords:  character, education, moral, development
PALASTREN Jurnal Studi Gender Vol 6, No 1 (2013): PALASTREN
Publisher : STAIN Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/palastren.v6i1.982


Dalam dinamika manajemen kependudukan, masuknya perempuan sebagai akseptor lebih dominan daripadalaki-laki. Namun, tidak diragukan lagi, berbagai masalah muncul dari perempuan sebagai akseptor. Masalah yang timbul sebagai akibat dari keterlibatan mereka dalam menjalankan perannya terkait dengan pembatasan jumlah anak menyebabkan berbagai dampak fisik, psikologis dan sosial. Ironisnya, kondisi masih tidak mengubah peran perempuan sebagai target utama dalam dinamika program keluarga berencana. Banyak faktor yang melemahkan posisi perempuan untuk memiliki daya tawardalam kehidupan reproduksi, terutama terkait dengan dinamika kontrasepsi, seperti kesenjangan penyebaran program kontrasepsi di kalangan perempuan (istri) dan laki-laki (suami), dan peran yang kurang optimal dari pemerintah dalam pelayanan kepada masyarakat baik secara edukatif serta medis sebagai konsekuensi daripelaksanaan program keluarga Berencana.kata kunci: Keluarga Berencana, Hak reproduksi Perempuan In dynamics of population management, the inclusionof women as acceptors is more dominant than men.It means that women’s involvement in the program isabsolute. However, no doubt, a variety of problems arisesfrom the women as the acceptors. The problems thatarise as a result of their involvement in carrying out its role related to the restriction of the children number getvarieties of physical, psychological and social impacts.Ironically, the condition still does not change the role ofwomen as the main target in the dynamics of the familyplanning program. Many factors weaken the position ofwomen to have the bargaining power to reproductivelife, especially related to the dynamics of contraception,such as the gap dissemination of contraception programsamong women (wives) and men (husbands), and lessoptimal role of government in service to the communityboth educativelly as well as medically as a consequence ofthe implementation of the family planing program. Keywords: Family Planning, Women’s reproductionrights
TADBIR : Jurnal Manajemen Dakwah Vol 1, No 2 (2016): Tadbir Jurnal Manajemen Dakwah
Publisher : TADBIR : Jurnal Manajemen Dakwah

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Islam sebagai agama dakwah terus dihadapkan pada beragamtantangan dalam dinamika perkembangan aktifitas dakwahnya.Salah satu tantangan terbesar dalam dakwah islam adalah ketikaharus dihadapkan pada fenomena masyarakat yang memilikikeragaman dalam budaya maupun agama. Sikap intoleran danradikal yang dimiliki pelaku dakwah di tengah kelompok masyarakatyang multicultural akan memicu munculnya disintegrasi baikdalam kehidupan social maupun kehidupan beragama. Lebihjauh kondisi tersebut akan menciptakan fitnah bagi Islam yangpada dasarnya sebagai agama yang humanis. Eksistensi organisasidakwah sebagai wadah yang mampu melakukan pengawasanterhadap dinamika dakwah sangat dibutuhkan. Kekuatan peranorganisasi dakwah dalam mewujudkan dakwah yang humanisakan bertumpu pada kemampuan organisasi dakwah dalammelakukan kegiatan manajerial dari organsiasi dakwah tersebutyang meliputi; planning,organizing, actualizing dan controlling.Desain yang ideal bagi manajmen organsasi dakwah dalammenciptakan dakwah yang humanis dapat mengadopsi prinsip prinsip yang terdapat dalam pendekatan dakwah antar budaya dimana pendekatan tersebut mampu menonjolkan kekuatan nilai-nilai islam sebagai agama yang dekat dengan pesan kedamaian, kesetaraan, kasih sayang, dan keadilan.
Mewujudkan Kebermaknaan Hidup Melalui Kegiatan Wirausaha Khoirun Nida, Fatma Laili
Community Development: Jurnal Pengembangan Masyarakat Islam Vol 1, No 1 (2016): Community Development Jurnal Pengembangan Masyarakat Islam
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/cdjpmi.v1i1.2576


Mewujudkan Kebermaknaan Hidup Melalui Kegiatan Wirausaha