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Mutu dan Kesukaan Konsumen terhadap Mie Basah Berbahan Dasar Tepung Ganyong dan Tepung Terigu pada Berbagai Taraf Perlakuan Martha Syiviana Sari, Dwi Agustiyah Rosida, Gatot Sargiman Richardus Widodo
AGROKNOW Vol 1, No 01 (2013): Jurnal Agroknow Vol.1 No.1 Februari 2013
Publisher : AGROKNOW

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Abstract. The study examines the utilization of “ganyong” and wheat flour to make wet noodle by testing the quality and consumer’s preference. The use of “ganyong” flour as ingredient to make wet noodle is expected to diversify canna-based products and to reduce wheat imports. The method used is experimental study by applying Random Block Design (RBD) 1 factor that is the combination between wheat flour and “ganyong” flour with 3 levels. G1 is a 10% “ganyong” flour and a 90% wheat flour, G2 is a 20% “ganyong” starch and a 80% wheat flour, and G3 is a 30% “ganyong” flour and a 70% wheat flour. The collected data are analyzed by variance analysis and LSD (Least Significant Difference) test if there is no real difference.From the assessment of quality (chemical test results), it shows that the combination of “ganyong” and wheat flour to make wet noodles shows significant effect differences on the moisture and protein contents (P< 0,05) in which the higher water content, the lower the level of protein produced. There is no significant effect differences for ash content (P>0,05). From the consumer’s preferences, it shows that most consumers do not like its color, taste, and suppleness. To increase consumer’s preferences of wet noodle made from wheat and “ganyong” flour, it is suggested to add gluten or artificial alkali salt to improve firmness. It also needs to soak “ganyong” in sodium metabisulfite powder to get brighter color.Kata Kunci : Mie basah, tepung ganyong 
Aspek Mutu Produk Roti Tawar untuk Diabetesi Berbahan Baku Tepung Porang dan Tepung Suweg Dwi Agustiyah Rosida, Richardus Widodo Setijanen Djoko Harijanto
AGROKNOW Vol 2, No 01 (2014): Jurnal Agroknow Vol.2 No.1 Februari 2014
Publisher : AGROKNOW

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Abstract. One of the more prominent food trend is increasingly exploration of food products that have a low glycemic index, especially for diabetics. Foods that have a low glycemic index is very good for diabetics.Plain bakery products from wheat flour known as food products are high glycemic index. Although there is a trend that more and more Indonesian people consume wheat bread from which raw materials, namely white flour, have to be imported, there are potential flour substitution ingredients native to Indonesia because it has a lower glycemic index than wheat flour. Two flour substitution materials developed as a potential food stock substitution of wheat flour is flour of porang plant (Amorphophallus muelleri Bl) and suweg (Amorphophallus campanulatus BI).The purpose of this study was to determine the optimal composition between wheat flour and flour or flour porang and suweg to be processed into bread low-IG . Benefit from an increase in value -added research is plant porang and suweg that still only sold as a powder, as well as obtaining the functional diversification with cheap raw materials from the local source. This study suggests that the substitution of flour and flour suweg porang till the 10% does not significantly degrade the quality of plain bread both in terms of physical, chemical and sensory.Kata kunci: Roti tawar, diabetesi, tepung porang, tepung suweg
Peran Tenaga Kerja Wanita pada Industri Makanan Ledre Pisang di Kabupaten Bojonegoro Richardus Widodo, Tiurma Wiliana Susanti Panjaitan Wardah
AGROKNOW Vol 1, No 01 (2013): Jurnal Agroknow Vol.1 No.1 Februari 2013
Publisher : AGROKNOW

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Abstract. Small enterprises have good sustainability against economic changes occured in Indonesia recently. For the reason the development of small enterprises is very necessary since these enterprises still have many basic problems. The problems are including fund problem, specially working fund, marketing, distribution, raw material, and lack of human resources. Now days, 60% of about 30 million of small and medium entrepreneurs are female. One case is small enterprises of Ledre Pisang in Kabupaten of Bojonegoro. Most of them are carried out by housewives as an effort to support family income. As related to the female nature as entrepreneur, beside the responsibility for household issues, there are some more factors must be considered, such as pregnancy, give birth, and feed the children, where such roles can not be replaced by male. This research’s purpose is to describe the role of female entrepreneur in sustainability and production of small ledre pisang industries.  This research also investigates the effect of availability of raw material, price of raw material, fund, and product price to the sustainability of small ledre pisang industries in Kabupaten of Bojonegoro. The result of the research shows the role of female entrepreneur is very important in ledre pisang industries because of their skill can not be substituted by other family members. The income of female entrepreneur from these industries can support their family daily need. During carrying out the business, it is shown that female nature such as pregnancy period, gives birth, and feed the children, affects the sustainability of ledre pisang production. Among all the respondent, 79% of them say production time reduced during that condition and 8% of them say they do not produce at all temporary. Statistic analysis of factors affecting the sustainability of industry shows that availability of raw material, price of raw material, and product price do not show significant affect to the sustainability of the industries.Kata kunci: tenaga kerja wanita, usaha kecil menengah
Evaluasi Mutu Fisikokimia Roti Berserat Tinggi Berbahan Baku Kulit Biji Kedelai dan Bekatul H. Wahyudi, Richardus Widodo
AGROKNOW Vol 1, No 01 (2013): Jurnal Agroknow Vol.1 No.1 Februari 2013
Publisher : AGROKNOW

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Abstract. Along with increased knowledge and awareness of the health of the food consumed, people now consume safe food is very important. Food products not only work satiate and satisfy any taste but also be safe and healthy. One food trend that is increasingly looking more and more prominent functional food products. Among many functional foods, the more prominent is food that can lower high cholesterol in the blood, ie by increasing consumption of soluble fiber that can not be digested. One source of food fiber product which is popular in the community began to bread wheat, which is bread made from grain (whole wheat bread). Unfortunately, wheat seeds in Indonesia are mostly imported products. It required local products that can replace the function of wheat seeds in the manufacture of fiber-rich bread. Two potential sources of food fiber are removed the seed coat of soybean and rice bran. Research conducted using Completely Randomized Design (CRD) which is repeated as many as 3 (three) times. As the primary treatment is weight ratio of flour and a mixed source of fiber, with the substitution level fiber sources (soy skin or rice bran) at 5%, 10% and 15% and plus one control treatment (C) 100% wheat flour. The parameters tested were: the physical properties of bread (the texture and specific volume), the chemical (proximate test and crude fiber content), and hedonic sensory test Scoring Scale (color, flavor, taste, tenderness, uniformity of pores). The results showed that the substitution of soybean seed coat or bran may affect the quality of bread produced by either physical (volume type and texture), chemical (water content) and organoleptic (flavor and taste). Volume tends to decrease the type of bread, harder texture and distinctive flavor and taste of soy and rice bran that tend to not like by panelists.Kata kunci : roti tawar, kulit biji kedelai, bekatul, pangan fungsional
Heuristic Vol 14 No 01 (2017)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30996/he.v14i01.1040


Keunggulan tepung porang (Amorphophallus konjac) adalah memiliki kandungan serat tinggi, terutama pembubaran serat. Selain itu, tepung ini memiliki kemampuan menyerap air dan bisa membentuk gel yang bisa meningkatkan kelenturan pada mie basah. Rumusan masalahnya adalah bagaimana jika tepung porang digunakan sebagai ramuan dalam pembuatan mie basah, apakah mie basah yang terbuat dari tepung porang lebih disukai oleh konsumen? Penggantian tepung porang ternyata memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kandungan air, protein, lemak, karbohidrat dan abu mie basah. Mie dengan lebih banyak tepung porang tersubstitusi, maka kadar air, kadar lemak dan kadar abu meningkat, sementara kadar protein dan karbohidrat menurun. Hasil uji organoleptik yang menggambarkan tingkat preferensi konsumen terhadap mie basah yang dimasak yang dihasilkan, menunjukkan bahwa tepung substitusi porang sampai 15% tekstur dan warna lebih disukai oleh konsumen. Untuk penyedap, substitusi tepung porang 10% masih disukai konsumen dengan frekuensi 40%, sedangkan tepung substitusi porang di atas 10% hanya beberapa negara bagian seperti aroma mie basah yang dihasilkan.Kata kunci: Tingkat kesukaan, mie basah, tepung porang
Dough Development, Texture and Organoleptic of Steamed Bread Addition with Moringa Leaf Flour Firdausy, Haris Maulana; Widodo, Richardus; Panjaitan, Tiurma W Susanti
Food Science and Technology Journal (Foodscitech) Vol 3 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Dr Soetomo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (230.18 KB) | DOI: 10.25139/fst.v0i0.2640


Steamed breads are economic hawker that can be enjoyed by all people. Steamed bread fortified with moringa leaves will make relatively low nutritional products raised in nutritional standards. It produces products that are not only filling but also steamed buns are also highly nutritious.  Moringa leaves contain many nutrients and benefits, and their use has not been maximized. This study aims to determine the aspects of texture, dough development capacity, and the level of organoleptic acceptance of steamed bread with the addition of moringa leaf flour. Texture testing is done using a penetrometer and getting P1 to be the softest product compare to others mixtures (P0, P2, P3) with an average value of 223 mm/50g/10s. Measurements of the dough expandability show that P1 can expand by 53.8%. Furthermore, in terms of organoleptic, P1 treatment is preferred by most (60%) panellists for the colour category. The addition of moringa leaf flour by 5% (P1) and 10% (P2) is preferred by 40% and 45% for the aroma category. In contrast for taste, 40% of panellists favour steamed bread without the addition of moringa leaf flour (P0). Then, the more addition of Moringa leaf flour, the less number of panellists who like it.
Heuristic Vol 18, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30996/heuristic.v18i1.5329


Cairan yang terkandung dalam batang galing-galing (Cayratia trifolia) memiliki kandungan anti bakteri, anti oksidan, anti virus untuk menjaga luka, yang membantu mengatasi infeksi pada luka, dapat mengurangi nyeri serta meningkatkan sirkulasi darah yang memberi kontribusi pada proses penyembuhan. Cairan galing-galing juga merangsang tumbuhnya jaringan baru, sehingga mengurangi timbulnya parut atau bekas luka pada kulit. Diharapkan cairan galing-galing dapat menyembuhkan luka bagi para penderita diabetes.  Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendapatkan karakteristik kadar gula dalam darah sebelum dan setelah dilakukan terapi cairan galing-galing terhadap penyembuhan luka diabetes. Desain penelitian menggunakan pra eksperimental dengan pendekatan one-group pre-post test. Populasi penelitian adalah pasien yang menderita luka diabetes di Kelurahan dr. Sutomo, Kecamatan Tegalsari Surabaya, sampel diambil di RW 05 Kelurahan dr. Sutomo, Kecamatan Tegalsari Surabaya dengan menggunakan teknik non probability sampling dengan pendekatan purposive sampling. Setelah dilakukan pengukuran kandungan gula dalam darah sebelum dan sesudah dilakukan terapi cairan galing-galing, serta diuji dengan Uji Rank Wilcoxon didapatkan bahwa terapi cairan galing-galing memang dapat menurunkan kandungan gula dalam darah bagi pasien diabetes.
Dough Development, Texture and Organoleptic of Steamed Bread Addition with Moringa Leaf Flour Firdausy, Haris Maulana; Widodo, Richardus; Panjaitan, Tiurma W Susanti
Food Science and Technology Journal (Foodscitech) Vol 3 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Dr Soetomo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (230.18 KB) | DOI: 10.25139/fst.v0i0.2640


Steamed breads are economic hawker that can be enjoyed by all people. Steamed bread fortified with moringa leaves will make relatively low nutritional products raised in nutritional standards. It produces products that are not only filling but also steamed buns are also highly nutritious.  Moringa leaves contain many nutrients and benefits, and their use has not been maximized. This study aims to determine the aspects of texture, dough development capacity, and the level of organoleptic acceptance of steamed bread with the addition of moringa leaf flour. Texture testing is done using a penetrometer and getting P1 to be the softest product compare to others mixtures (P0, P2, P3) with an average value of 223 mm/50g/10s. Measurements of the dough expandability show that P1 can expand by 53.8%. Furthermore, in terms of organoleptic, P1 treatment is preferred by most (60%) panellists for the colour category. The addition of moringa leaf flour by 5% (P1) and 10% (P2) is preferred by 40% and 45% for the aroma category. In contrast for taste, 40% of panellists favour steamed bread without the addition of moringa leaf flour (P0). Then, the more addition of Moringa leaf flour, the less number of panellists who like it.
Heuristic Vol 12 No 02 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30996/he.v12i02.631


Marine beef is a meat product that has been fat dissolved so that the protein is a major part of the product. Marine beef dry form solid and hydrophilic, has a different performance from the base ingredients, but still contains nutrients according to the characteristics of the original. Weakness marine beef products is shaped in the form of flour so it does not allow for direct consumption. Suweg addition of flour mixture and emulsifier in the manufacturing process can serve as a regulator of the water content, hardness and adhesion to produce a final product that is more compact and high taste. This study aims to determine how optimal levels suweg flour and Na-CMC can be added to marine beef in order to obtain dry products based marine beef with the physical properties, the speed of rehydration and sensory properties that aroma, flavor and texture is good and acceptable to consumers. Treatment of dry meatballs are rich in protein from marine beef with the addition of flour suweg 15% and 1% Na-CMC is the best treatment with the shortest rehidrated pace with time 130 seconds at a temperature of boiling water and the scent of the most preferred by the panelists organoleptic test.Key word: marine beef, protein rich meatballs, suweg, Na-CMC
Heuristic Vol 11 No 01 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30996/he.v11i01.613


Mung bean (Phaseolus radiatus L.) is one kind of nuts that have been widely knownthroughout the community. Mung beans contain high nutrient value, so it has the potential to bedeveloped into refined products such example is a highly nutritious vegetable milk. This studyaims to determine the effect of age of sprouts and Na-CMC concentration on the quality of milkproduced mung bean sprouts. The research method using a randomized block design (RBD),which consists of two factors and factorial arranged. The first factor is the age of sprouts (K)which sprouts 12 hours, 24 hours and 36 hours. While the second factor is the concentration ofNa-CMC (N) of 0.2%, 0.3% and 0.4%. From each treatment was repeated three times. Analysisthat used to milk mung bean sprouts are the levels of protein, vitamin C, fat content, viscosity andorganoleptic test consists of aroma, flavor and color.The results showed that there was no significant interaction between the two levels of afactor. At the age of sprouts showed treatment differences were highly significant effect on levelsof protein, vitamin C and viscosity, but did not show significant differences in the effects on fatcontent. While treatment concentrations of Na-CMC manunjukkan no significant difference in theeffect of the protein content, vitamin C, fat content and viscosity, but the addition of Na-CMCconcentration can increase the viscosity of milk. Organoleptic assessment results showed that thetreatment of the aroma that gets the highest percentage was K1N1 (sprouts aged 12 hours at aconcentration of 0.2% Na-CMC), treatment K1N3 (sprouts aged 12 hours at a concentration ofNa-CMC 0.4%) received the highest percentage the flavor while for the color treatment that getsthe highest percentage was K1N3 (age sprouts 12 hours with concentrations of Na-CMC 0.4%)and K2N3 (age sprouts 24 hours with concentrations of Na-CMC 0.4%).Kata kunci: kacang hijau, susu kecambah kacang hijau, umur kecambah, kosentrasi Na-CMC