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Sentiment Analysis User Ajaib Application Using Naïve Bayes Algorithm Suwanda Aditya Saputra; Beni Rahmatullah; Pungkas Budiyono
JISICOM (Journal of Information System, Informatics and Computing) Vol 6 No 2 (2022): JISICOM: December 2022
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer Jayakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52362/jisicom.v6i2.964


There are many advantages if everyone can invest in stock investments that are well known to the public. To facilitate and increase the interest of investors in storing shares in securities, a technology application is needed to assist investment transactions. Ajaib Application is one way to invest in both stocks and mutual funds. To provide information to the public, it is necessary to have a sentiment analysis on how the opinion of Ajaib application users uses the Naïve Bayes method with the results of scraping reviews on Google Play as many as 400 reviews. then the text processing stage is carried out to the classification stage, so that it gets an accuracy value of 89.00%, a recall value of 93.50%, a precision value of 86.36%, and an AUC value of 0.570 and the top 5 words include application words 186 repeated, magic words 77 repeated, good words 76, investment words 72 repeated and 72 easy words repeated. From the results, it can be said that there are more positive sentiments than negative sentiments in the Ajaib Application.
Jurnal Ilmu Komputer Vol 4 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Ilmu Komputer (JIK)
Publisher : LPPM-STMIK Pranata Indonesia

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Transportasi merupakan kebutuhan yang paling digunakan dalam aktifitas sehari-hari dalam bekerja,berbelanja dan kegiatan yang lainnya. Transportasi online menjadi pilihan masyarakat. Aplikasi seperti Gojek danGrab saat ini yang paling banyak diminati. Saran dan kritik dari pelanggan guna memperbaiki sistem dan pelayananyang diberikan. Dalam hal ini penulis memperoleh data dari komentar di twitter dan menggunakan algoritma NaiveBayes, Support Vector Machine dan K-Nearest Neighbor sebagai perbandingan akurasi yang dihasilkan. Ketigaalgoritma tersebut menggunakan salah satu fitur seleksi Particle Swarm Optimization. Hasil akurasi yang didapatmembuktikan dengan fitur seleksi Particle Swarm Optimization lebih tinggi dan akurasi yang paling tinggi olehAgoritma Support Vector Machine (PSO) dengan Akurasi 98 % dan AUC 0.988.
Sistem Pendaftaran Peserta Didik Baru (PPDB) Berbasis Desktop Pada Tingkat SMP/MTS dan SMU/SMK/STM Pungkas Budiyono; Beni Rahmatullah; Suwanda Aditya Saputra
Jurnal Ilmu Komputer Vol 5 No 1 (2022): Jurnal Ilmu Komputer (JIK)
Publisher : LPPM-STMIK Pranata Indonesia

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Pada pendaftaran peserta didik baru disetiap sekolahan pada dasarnya memiliki model yang sama .akan tetapi pada proses yang dilakukan sangatlah bervariasi atau berbeda. Mulai dari proses yang dilakukan secara manual sampai proses yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan bantuan program komputer, yang kemampuan masing-masing program atau softwarenya tentu memiliki metode yang berbeda. Dengan Adanya sistem yang diusulkan pada penelitian ini akan memudahkan para peserta didik baru dalam proses pendaftaran dan mengetahui terlebih dahulu alur proses inputnya yang meliputi “Input Data Orang Tua, Data Siswa, Asal Sekolah, Daftar Ulang, Riwayat Pendidikan, Nilai Mata Pelajaran, dan Sekolah Yang Dituju”. Maka Pada penelitian ini kami berusaha mencoba untuk membuat Sistem Pendaftaran Peserta Didik Baru Berbasis Desktop dengan menggunakan Bahasa pemrograman java.
Pelatihan Microsoft Powerpoint bagi Pengurus dan Staf Pengajar TPQ Nurul Jihad Tanjung Priuk Gesti Essa Waldhani; Rahayu Ningsih; Beni Rahmatullah; Suwanda Aditya Saputra
Journal Of Computer Science Contributions (JUCOSCO) Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023): Januari 2023
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian, Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat dan Publikasi Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31599/qv9ztz94


In the current era, almost all learning requires the use of computer applications. Technological developments, especially computer applications, are currently helping in the manufacture of teaching materials, so that learning can generate new motivation and interest in students. One of them is making teaching materials at TPQ Nurul Jihad which requires supporting applications so that the displayed learning can be understood because currently some of the teaching materials displayed are still using conventional methods, using applications Microsoft Powerpoint in making TPQ teaching materials it is still not maximally used because some TPQ educators still don't understand the use of the applications used, so the service team make training Microsoft Powerpoint. This is intended so that educators are more familiar with the use of the application Microsoft Powerpoint for presentation purposes. The method used in providing education about the use Microsoft Powerpoint is a lecture to provide an explanation of theory and simulation, questions and answers as well as evaluation tests for practical methods. The results of this community service stated that the beginning of the teacher meeting had several obstacles in moving and changing sizes text box as well as shape because they are not used to using the laptop keypad. However, after being guided by the service team, these obstacles were minimized until finally the educators were able to work with text and shape. So, it can be said that this service goes according to the target of the service team.