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Ta'dib Vol. 12 No. 2 (2022): September 2022
Publisher : IAIN Takengon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54604/tdb.v12i2.199


A person's development is strongly influenced by the conditions of the local social and cultural environment, traditions, values, behavior of both parents, the way parents educate and treat them, various kinds of media, and various kinds of events experienced in their lives. This value places emphasis on forming an attitude of not being hasty or careless, but based on careful reflection and planning, this character is a very important indicator in assessing character and influencing the beliefs of others. This research is a type of qualitative descriptive research whose purpose is to find out how the teacher's efforts to instill quality character in early childhood in Simehate Kindergarten. The research location is in Simehate Kebayakan Kindergarten. The results showed that Simehate Kindergarten instills Quality Character begins. The conclusion of this study is the efforts made by teachers in instilling quality character in early childhood in Simehate Kindergarten, namely by providing guidance and direction in accordance with several aspects of education such as cognitive, psychomotor, socio-emotional, religious and moral. The supporting factor in the process of instilling quality character in early childhood at Simehate Kindergarten is the educational content that has been contained in the school curriculum on character, the supporting infrastructure for the implementation of character education is also adequate. In addition, the main factor that drives children to have quality character is their parents or guardians.
Mengembangkan Kepercayaan Diri Melalui Teknik Role Playing Husrin Konadi; Syarifah Ainy Rambe
JUMPER: Journal of Educational Multidisciplinary Research Vol 1 No 1 (2022): JUMPER: Journal of Educational Multidisciplinary Research
Publisher : LSM Catimore dan Sahabat Jl. Paya Ilang/Pertamina Desa Lemah Burbana, Takengon, Aceh Tengah 24552

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (284.708 KB) | DOI: 10.56921/jumper.v1i1.35


Early age is a golden age for every individual. Early age is the right time to develop all the potential that exists in the individual. Self-confidence is very important for every individual. Confidence should be cultivated to be developed starting from childhood. Self-confidence is a very good provision for the future for early childhood. Self-confidence is the ability of an individual to express his opinion. Role playing is one of the techniques in counseling that is considered capable of developing individual self-confidence. The purpose of this study was to develop students' self-confidence by using role playing techniques. The research subjects in this study were Kindergarten-A children at Asyiyah Kindergarten, totaling 5 people. The results of this study In the fourth categorys almost the same as the third category. On the first day, four students were still in the undeveloped category and one student in the starting category was developing. This can be seen from the number of students who are reluctant to retell their experiences. But on the second day the students in the category began to develop. On the third day, students have developed as expected. And on the fifth day, the students have achieved very good development.