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Journal of Social Sustainability Management Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): Oktober 2022
Publisher : Journal of Social Sustainability Management

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This study aims to analyze the quality of the results of the practice of men's shirts in menswear courses. Analysis of the results of men's shirt practice seen from several aspects including stitching, size, shape, pressing. For the stitches to be analyzed, namely neat stitches, not wavy, good seams with balanced tension of the bottom thread and top thread, the size of the men's shirt must fit between the stitches with an error tolerance pattern of approximately two mm, the shape referred to in this study is the symmetrical shape between right and left collar, right and left shoulder and right and left side, the collar must be sharp and neat, pressing must be done carefully because if it is not done according to the procedure it can cause the material to be pressed by attaching hard cloth or flicelin to wavy. The results of learning to make men's shirts are reviewed from various aspects including aspects of stitching, size, shape, pressing and material selection. Regarding the results of research on making men's shirts in fourth semester students of the Fashion Design Vocational Education Study Program in learning to make men's shirts as a whole, they were in a good/appropriate position, namely 47.05%. This shows that most students have good abilities in understanding any material given by lecturers in practice. This is proven by the practical work that is done, the results are very satisfying, the results are neat stitches, appropriate patterns, and good designs. The learning process for making men's shirts has gone quite well and smoothly, this is shown from the results of the practicum conducted by students. However, it still has to carry out development and improvement in order to improve the quality of learning outcomes.
Analysis of Steaming Ecoprint Techniques on Various Fabrics Purwosiwi Pandansari; Rina Purwanti; Dessy Ayu Alfianti
Formosa Journal of Social Sciences (FJSS) Vol. 1 No. 4 (2022): Desember 2022

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/fjss.v1i4.2049


Experimental analysis research is an effort to test textile materials that are suitable for making textile motifs with the stem eco print technique in order to find good quality textile materials. The development of fashion has had a major impact on one's creativity in processing and developing its products. The ecoprint technique is an option in making product variations. Textile materials suitable for stem techniques and raw materials to produce unique fabric motifs. This type of research is descriptive qualitative to observe the color results of the same type of leaves on different types of fabrics. The eco print results from three fabric materials, namely, ero, mori, and cotton, there are significant differences, the influence of the raw material for leaves as the media looks the best for ecoprint media, there are 2, namely cotton. Mori Cotton and Japanese Cotton for clothing materials. While the calico cloth is for household linen
Manufacture of Modified Children's Clothing with Shantung and Cotton Fabrics Rina Purwanti; Prajna Paramita
Formosa Journal of Social Sciences (FJSS) Vol. 1 No. 4 (2022): Desember 2022

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/fjss.v1i4.2060


This study aims to determine the process of making children's clothing from cotton and shantung, starting from making the clothing design, measuring the model's body, making patterns and breaking patterns to sewing techniques. It is hoped that the specifications of the product that have been made are that the clothing model is made comfortable and a little loose by applying a collar, sleeveless tops on tops are also modified using shantung materials for variation and mixed and matched with trousers. The materials used are plain cotton with modified shantung motifs. The type of research used is descriptive using a qualitative approach, the focus group discussion method is used to analyze clothing models and the application of fabrics in the manufacture of casual children's clothing. The Focus Group Discussion (FGD) team is a team of panelists who carry out the discussion process during data collection
Pelatihan Kewirausahaan Bidang Fashion Pada Pelajar SMK Bhakti Nusantara: Seni Lukis Kain Purwosiwi Pandansari; Rina Purwanti; Irsal Fauzi
JMM - Jurnal Masyarakat Merdeka Vol 5, No 2 (2022): NOVEMBER
Publisher : Universitas Merdeka Pasuruan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51213/jmm.v5i2.116


Abstract: The target and outcome of this community service activity are to provide skills training using cloth painting techniques that can be practiced easily, with the finished product being t-shirts that can be used daily, and have selling power as a business product. The training approach uses simulation and practicum methods, as well as discussions on fashion themes that will be applied to clothing. After the training activities, Student XI of the Vocational High School of SMK Bhakti Nusantara, showed their interest and talent in the fashion field, combined by a good knowledge of painting techniques on cloth media.
Peningset Making Training in an Effort to Increase the Creativity of PKK Women in Langensari Village Rina Purwanti; Purwosiwi Pandansari
Asian Journal of Community Services Vol. 1 No. 6 (2022): December 2022

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/ajcs.v1i6.2063


The Covid outbreak has caused the community's economy to decline. This condition has motivated researchers to organize training that can improve the skills of people affected by Covid. the training that will be carried out is to make deliveries, especially those that have a selling value that can be utilized by residents of the Langensari Village. Through Peningset training, residents are expected to have skills and be able to open self-employment independently. This training was held to provide Peningset skills. The empowerment method used in this service is using the PAR (Participation Action Research) method. The scope of this service activity is PKK mothers. The service team is directly involved in the field as a teacher and companion.
Aesthetics of Written Batik Motif “Chongyang” Identix Batik Ari Eko Budiyanto; Rina Purwanti
Formosa Journal of Sustainable Research Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): January, 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/fjsr.v2i1.2889


Batik is a work of art made using canting and wax. Hand-drawn batik is made by manually attaching cantings to cloth. The Chongyang batik motif is taken from a traditional fermented drink typical of Semarang. This motif is an interesting design to study. The research aims to reveal the aesthetics of written batik with the chongyang motif. The approach used is aesthetics which includes Unity, Dominance, and Balance. This research uses descriptive analysis method. The data source for this research is the “chongyang” motif. Samples were taken from the literature and then analyzed with an aesthetic approach. The results show that the Chongyang batik motif has beauty and contains three aesthetic elements. Chongyang motifs, tropical plants, and balanced color combinations add to the aesthetic impression and originality of works using manual techniques, namely by hand
Kewirausahaan Di Era Globalisasi: Dropshiper SMK Bhakti Nusantara Salatiga Meida Rachmawati; Abdul Aziz; Irsal Fauzi; Rina Purwanti; Purwosiwi Pandansari
Jurnal Pustaka Mitra (Pusat Akses Kajian Mengabdi Terhadap Masyarakat) Vol 3 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Pustaka Mitra (Pusat Akses Kajian Mengabdi Terhadap Masyarakat)
Publisher : Pustaka Galeri Mandiri

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Seiring kemajuan peradaban dunia turut mempengaruhi pola kerja manusia, dahulu yang semula sistem jual beli dilaksanakan secara konvensional yaitu penjual dan pembeli melakukan transaksi jual beli secara langsung namun perkembangan teknologi membuat system transaksi jual beli semakin di permudah melalui platform digital. Perkembangan teknologi di abad ini ditandai dengan banyak bermunculan ecommerce-ecommerce yang menawarkan berbagai macam kebutuhan manusia, dengan ecommerce tersebut mampu mempermudah transaksi jual beli. Munculnya ecommerce semakin membuka peluang bagi para perintis usaha yang memiliki modal kecil dan bahkan tidak memiliki modal untuk dapat berwirausaha melalui platform ecommerce dengan cara dropshiper. Sistem dropshiper yang di tawarkan penyedia dropshiper sangat membantu para pelaku wirausaha kecil untuk dapat merasakan animo kemunculan ecommerce pada abad ini untuk dapat memperoleh keuntungan didalamnya sebagai usaha sampingan untuk mendapatkan pemasukan tambahan. Focus dari pengabdian kali ini yaitu untuk menjelaskan pemanfaatan ecommerce sebagai peluang berwirausaha dengan modal minim namun mampu memberikan keuntungan yang signifikan bagi pelaku usaha yang menggelutinnya dengan sungguh-sungguh.
Pengaruh Matakuliah Kewirausahaan Terhadap Minat Berwirausaha Pada Mahasiswa Pendidikan Vokasional Desain Fashion Universitas Ngudi Waluyo Rina Purwanti; Jaya Ramadey Bangsa
Maeswara : Jurnal Riset Ilmu Manajemen dan Kewirausahaan Vol. 1 No. 6 (2023): DESEMBER : Maeswara
Publisher : Asosiasi Riset Ilmu Manajemen dan Bisnis Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61132/maeswara.v1i6.415


The aim of this research is to determine the influence of entrepreneurship courses on students' interest in becoming entrepreneurs in the Fashion Design Vocational Education study program. This research is important because research on the influence of entrepreneurship courses on students' interest in entrepreneurship in the Fashion Design Vocational Education study program is the first to be conducted. Entrepreneurship courses are one of the courses that students must take. The respondents selected and used in this research were students of the Fashion Design Vocational Education study program. This research was conducted using a survey method using a list of questions (questionnaire) as the main instrument in collecting primary data. From the results of the research and discussion, it can be concluded that entrepreneurship courses have an influence on interest in entrepreneurship among students in the Fashion Design Vocational Education study program at Ngudi Waluyo University, because by taking entrepreneurship courses students gain insight into the concept of entrepreneurship and train entrepreneurial skills which include entrepreneurial characteristics, motivation, business plan, human resources, production and marketing which can increase interest in entrepreneurship and gain experience which can change students' mindset and behavior so that they have an interest in entrepreneurship
Manajemen Strategi Pada Lembaga Kursus Dan Pelatihan (LKP) Dessy Kecamatan Bergas Rina Purwanti; Purwosiwi Pandansari
Lokawati : Jurnal Penelitian Manajemen dan Inovasi Riset Vol. 1 No. 4 (2023): Juli : Jurnal Penelitian Manajemen dan Inovasi Riset
Publisher : Asosiasi Riset Ilmu Manajemen dan Bisnis Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61132/lokawati.v1i4.280


This research is a type of qualitative descriptive research, because in this research it will describe the condition of the object and the researcher plays the role of being the key instrument that will process the data. This research was carried out naturally, this research chose to focus on the conditions existing at the Dessy Course and Training Institute (LKP), Bergas District. The data collection technique in this research uses 3 data collection techniques, namely semi-structured interviews, documentation and triagulation. The data sources in this research are subject sources who have the information needed to support this research, namely managers, teachers, employees, members and alumni of LKP Dessy. LKP is a form of non-formal education unit organized for people who need knowledge, skills, life skills and attitudes to develop themselves, develop their profession, work, do independent business and/or continue their education to a higher level. In carrying out the LKP, good management is also required, namely in the selection of management strategies by the management. Strategic management is a series of managerial decisions and actions that determine company performance in the long term. Strategic management includes long-term planning, strategy implementation, evaluation and control. This research aims to qualitatively describe strategic management at LKP Dessy, Bergas District. The results of the analysis show that strategic management at LKP Dessy can be described using one of the stages in company development, namely strategic management whose components include environmental observation, strategy formulation by determining the LKP program plan, LKP program planning, strategy implementation, evaluation and control.
Pemanfaatan Teknik Ecopounding sebagai Peluang Wirausaha di PKK Kelurahan Beji Kecamatan Ungaran Timur Rina Purwanti; Swantyka Ilham Prahesti; Purwosiwi Pandansari; Irsal Fauzi
ABDI UNISAP: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): ABDI UNISAP: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : UPT Publikasi dan Penerbitan Universitas San Pedro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59632/abdiunisap.v1i1.59


Tim Pengabdian Fakultas Komputer dan Pendidikan prodi Pendidikan Vokasional Desain Fashion melaksanakan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat di Kelurahan Beji Kecamatan Ungaran Timur, Kabupaten Semarang. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk Ibu –ibu PKK sebagai wanita aktif dalam berorganisasi untuk memotivasi agar bisa berwirausaha dengan menawarkan pelatihan ketrampilan ecoprint teknik pounding, wawasan tekstil dalam botani dan memberikan wawasan berwirausaha di bidang fashion agar peserta dapat memperoleh ketrampilan agar mendapatkan tambahan penghasilan. Adanya kegiatan pengabdian didukung oleh peserta ibu-ibu PKK RW 03 Citra Asri 3 Kelurahan Beji agar mendapatkan pengalaman baru dalam ketrampilan membuat ecoprint dengan teknik pounding serta wawasan baru mengenai botani dalam pemilihan media tanaman yang sesuai mengunkan teknik pounding yang ada di sekitar linkungan tempat tinggal. Proses pengabdian dilakukan dalam 3 tahap (1) persiapan, (2) pelatihan, dan (3) evaluasi. Kegiatan tersebut telah diikuti oleh ibu-ibu PKK RW 03 sebanyak 13 orang. Hasil dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah peserta mampu melakukan teknik ecopaunding berbahan dasar tumbuhan terutama daun yang ada di sekitar lingkukan rumah RW 03 Citra Asri 3. Produk eco-print yang dihasilkan berpontensi menjadi produk fashion seperti tas kain, mukena, hiasan lenan rumah tangga, serta pelatihan wirausaha.