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Ideologi Joko Widodo: Rantai Leksikal dalam Pidato Pembukaan IMF Ardianto, Ardik
Lingua Didaktika: Jurnal Bahasa dan Pembelajaran Bahasa Vol 14, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : English Department FBS UNP

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/ld.v14i2.107388


Makalah ini bertujuan untuk membedah pidato pembukaan IMF yang disampaikan Presiden Indonesia, Ir. Joko Widodo, melalui dua pendekatan, yakni struktur wacana mikro dan makro. Data primer dari penelitian ini berupa transkripsi lengkap dari teks pidato tersebut didapatkan dari Harian Digital Tempo tertanggal 14 Oktober 2018. Hasil temuan menunjukkan bahwa (1) penggunaan rantai identitas referensi dalam bentuk pronomina saya, kami, dan kita digunakan untuk membangun citra dan kredibilitas di hadapan audiensi (unsur ethos dalam retorika Aristoteles); (2) pengejawantahan relasi antara tema dan rima dalam mengonstruksi argumentasi digunakan untuk membentuk simpati baik kepada pemimpin dunia maupun kepada generasi pemilih milenial (unsur pathos dan logos). Penggunaan diksi-diksi perfilman seperti winter is coming, game of thrones dieksploitasi sedemikian rupa sebagai sarana satir atas hubungan diplomasi internasional yang kian merenggang sekaligus sebagai sarana mengekspresikan posisi, gagasan, dan keyakinannya yang cenderung mengedepankan diplomasi internasional.
Gaya kepenulisan Pramoedya: Stilistika atas roman Bumi Manusia Ardik Ardianto
KEMBARA: Jurnal Keilmuan Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pengajarannya Vol. 6 No. 1 (2020): April
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/kembara.v6i1.11688


Novel Bumi Manusia karya Pramoedya Ananta Toer sarat akan penarasian berbagai representasi kolonial, misalnya hegemoni bahasa, dan diskriminasi rasial. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menunjukkan bagaimana diksi suatu kata tidak hanya digunakan sebagai pendukung pelataran tetapi jauh di dalamnya mampu menjadi sarana pengungkap kedua representasi tersebut. Sumber data utama yang digunakan adalah roman Bumi Manusia. Data utama yang ditelaah adalah pilihan diksi Pramoedya, baik berupa kata, frasa, maupun klausa yang kemudian dianalisis berdasarkan beberapa aspek, yakni terminologi, etimologi, dan konteks sosio-historisnya. Beberapa sumber referensi, seperti Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia dan beberapa artikel atau buku penunjang, digunakan sebagai sumber data sekunder. Pemerian hasil temuan yang disajikan dalam makalah ini secara sederhana menunjukkan bahwa diksi bukan merupakan pilihan kata yang netral tanpa ada muatan apa pun di dalamnya; bagaimana diksi yang digunakan oleh sang penulis mampu merepresentasikan hegemoni bahasa, diskriminasi rasial, serta keadaan sosial budaya era Kolonial Hindia Belanda. Bagi mereka yang hidup sebagai zeitgeist (anak jaman) yang hidup dengan situasi, kondisi, dan semangat pada masa kolonial, pertemuan dua budaya atau lebih (yang diwakili oleh peradaban Barat dan Timur) mampu merekonstruksi ulang pola pandang dan nilai budaya, sehingga melahirkan kosakata-kosakata baru bahkan bahasa baru untuk mewakili realitas tersebut. Adapun bagi mereka yang hidup tidak sebagai zeitgeist masa itu, penggunaan kosakata-kosakata baru tersebut mampu menjadi wahana dalam menangkap representasi budaya yang terkandung di dalamnya.
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora Vol. 10 No. 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jish-undiksha.v10i1.23140


This paper aims to contrast the translation of two machine translation systems, Google Translate and Bing Translator, in translating the lexeme in news articles. The approach used in scrutinizing the lexeme's translation correspondence in this study is systemic functional linguistics, especially in both experiential and logical structures. This study was carried out through descriptive comparative analysis. This study's data were 40 constituents that were taken from six BBC World news articles randomly selected. A thorough analysis demonstrates that the two machine translation systems can recognize the three functions of that, i.e., Head, post-modifier, and conjunction. The highest emerging function is post-modifier by 19 times (47.5%), followed by the conjunction function by 17 times (42.5%) on the first machine translation system and 18 times (45%) on the second one. The lowest emerging function is Head by four times (10%) on the first machine translation system and three times (7.5%) on the second one. Furthermore, due to the elliptical variation of that as a relative pronoun and the translation variation of that as a post-determiner, it concludes that the translation outputs of Google Translate are more accurate, semantically acceptable, creative, and contextual than those of Bing Translator.
Translation of Addressing Terms in The Novel This Earth of Mankind Ardik Ardianto
Deskripsi Bahasa Vol 2 No 2 (2019): 2019 - Issue 2
Publisher : Department of Languages and Literature, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, UGM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (878.569 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/db.v2i2.351


This paper is an attempt to approach the translational stylistics, aiming at identifying the equivalence and translation procedures used in translating the Toer’s authorial style from the Indonesian language to the English language in the novel This Earth of Mankind. A translational stylistics model proposed by Malmkjær was used to contrast the target text (TT) and the source text (ST), primarily focusing on the stylistic shift. Further, as to the model of translation procedures, it specifically employed Vinay and Darbelnet’s methodology for translation. Data used in this study were addressing terms found in two novels, the Indonesian novel Bumi Manusia and its translation This Earth of Mankind. The rigorous analysis demonstrated how the translation of addressing terms involved a wide range of aspects, such as sociocultural and historical values (including social identity and social strata) and power and solidarity relation. Therefore, it raised a number of noteworthy translation issues, i.e., its equivalence, stylistic shift, and translator’s strategies. Through the increasing awareness of ‘cultural turn’ in translation studies, the concept of equivalence is supposedly perceived not as an absolute assessment but as a mediating attempt to accommodate and transpose the inferred or perceived meaning from the ST to the TT as much as possible. However, the findings are not set out to appraise the translator’s ethical attitude, considering the limited data used in this study and numerous factors that are not yet taken into account, e.g. the power play of the translation industry, and culture-mediating agenda in the receiving culture.
Animal Metaphors in Indonesian and English Ardik Ardianto
HUMAYA Jurnal Hukum Humaniora Masyarakat dan Budaya Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): DECEMBER
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Terbuka

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33830/humayafhisip.v2i2.3949


This paper is a contrastive semantic analysis exploring the concept of animal metaphors in Indonesian and English by means of three contrastive elements, i.e., the universality of form and meaning, the universality of meaning albeit different forms, and the element of distinctiveness or idiosyncrasy of each language. All data were obtained from Indonesian Idioms and Expressions, Oxford Dictionary of Idioms, Indonesian Proverbs Dictionary, and Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia. The data were classified and analysed based on the three contrastive elements. Subsequently, each element was scrutinised in terms of the rationality embedded therein. The results of careful analysis show that the universality of the form and meaning of animal metaphors in both languages (i.e., Indonesian and English) reflects the common thread of harmonisation of language expressions—although in some other points, the perception is completely of difference between Indonesian speakers and English ones and hence creates contrasting forms of linguistic expression. The distinctive element of metaphors in each language illustrates that other extra-linguistic elements, e.g., history, values, norms, customs, and to name a few, contribute greatly to the process of constructing language expressions.
Konfigurasi Kontekstual Ujaran Kontroversial Tampang Boyolali: Analisis Linguistik Forensik pada Pidato Prabowo Subiyanto Ardik Ardianto
Jurnal Sinestesia Vol. 12 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : Pusat Studi Bahasa dan Publikasi Ilmiah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Penafsiran terhadap bahasa, baik itu berupa ujaran lisan ataupun tulisan, selalu beragam dan berbeda-beda; dan karenanya tak jarang distorsi, mispersepsi, dan misinterpretasi muncul di dalam ruang keberagaman tersebut. Salah satunya yang masih membekas dalam benak kita akhir-akhir ini adalah polemik yang terjadi di ruang publik karena ujaran kontroversial tampang Boyolali. Ujaran ini disampaikan oleh Prabowo di sela-sela narasi pidatonya yang ia sampaikan di atas mimbar kampanye politik di Kota Boyolali. Melalui dua pendekatan sekaligus, yakni pendekatan semantik dan pragmatik dalam bentuk konfigurasi kontekstual, penelitian ini bertujuan menelisik: 1) makna semantis dan pragmatis dari ujaran tampang Boyolali yang disampaikan dalam pidato; 2) fungsi konfigurasi kontekstual ujaran tersebut; dan 3) mendudukkan fungsi tersebut terhadap pasal delik aduan yang dijeratkan. Hasil temuan menunjukkan bahwa 1) ujaran kontroversial tampang Boyolali tidak dimaksudkan untuk merendahkan atau menghinakan kehormatan penduduk Boyolali pada umumnya; 2) ujaran tersebut dimaksudkan sebagai sarana humor (jokes) untuk menciptakan ruang interaksi antara Prabowo dan seluruh audiensi; dan 3) UU No. 19 Tahun 2016 tentang ITE tidak memenuhi syarat untuk menjerat ujaran kontroversial tersebut. Meski demikian, sebagai seorang tokoh politik, figur masyarakat, sekaligus orator yang handal, Prabowo seharusnya mampu menangkap konsekuensi-konsekuensi yang akan muncul ketika menggunakan diksi-diksi yang mudah sekali diasosiasikan dengan SARA, sehingga bisa lebih berhati-hati dalam menggunakan diksi atau register di setiap narasi pidatonya.
REFORMASI Vol 13, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33366/rfr.v13i1.4367


Utilization of tools and adoption of technology-based work systems (ICT) in the midst of the wide reach of remote tertiary institutions (PTJJ) and the high number of resources is still not optimal. This research uses qualitative methods with a phenomenon-based approach. Narrative reviews of literature studies are the main approach in writing reviews by applying systematic, empirical, and evidence-based protocols. The data and information included is credible, transparent and accountable as a source of research. The object of study is the flexible working space practice at the Ministry of Finance which is then placed in the framework of the PTJJ institution, namely the Open University. The results of the study show that optimizing the use of tools and adopting technology-based work systems (ICT) through the telework hubs framework has the opportunity to drive several performance variables for PTJJ institutions such as work ability, motivation, working conditions and cooperation/collaboration. Some of these variables are important variables in the framework of educational industry competition and the dynamics of challenges in resource management at PTJJ institutions, both managing resources or managed resources. The novelty of this study is research on work flexibility schemes which have not been widely studied, especially in PTJJ institutions in Indonesia. The main implications of the research are preparation recommendations in the context of optimizing the use of tools and the adoption of technology-based work systems (ICT) in PTJJ.AbstrakPemanfaatan tools dan pengadopsian sistem kerja berbasis teknologi (ICT) di tengah luasnya jangkauan lembaga perguruan tinggi jarak jauh (PTJJ) dan tingginya jumlah sumber daya masih belum optimal. Penelitian menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan berbasis fenomena. Tinjauan naratif dari studi literatur menjadi pendekatan utama dalam penulisan kajian dengan menerapkan protokol sistematis, empirik, dan berbasis bukti. Data dan informasi yang dicantumkan merupakan data-data kredibel, transparan, dan mampu dipertanggungjawabkan sebagai sumber kajian. Objek kajian berupa praktik flexible working space di Kementerian Keuangan yang kemudian diletakkan pada kerangka kerja lembaga PTJJ yakni Universitas Terbuka. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa optimasi pemanfaatan tools dan adopsi system kerja berbasis teknologi (ICT) melalui kerangka telework hubs berpeluang mendorong beberapa variabel kinerja lembaga PTJJ seperti kemampuan kerja, motivasi, kondisi kerja dan kerjasama/kolaborasi. Beberapa variabel tersebut merupakan variabel penting dalam rangka kompetisi industri pendidikan dan dinamika tantangan pengelolaan sumber daya pada lembaga PTJJ, baik sumber daya pengelola atau sumber daya yang dikelola. Kebaruan kajian ini adalah penelitian tentang skema fleksibilitas kerja yang masih belum banyak diteliti khususnya pada lembaga PTJJ di Indonesia. Implikasi utama penelitian yakni rekomendasi persiapan pada konteks optimasi pemanfaatan tools dan pengadopsian sistem kerja berbasis teknologi (ICT) di PTJJ.
Leksema: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra Vol. 8 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22515/ljbs.v8i1.6176


Noun phrases, in either language in general or English in particular, are one of the pivotal topics in formal linguistics. This paper aimed to contrast the similarities and differences of the patterns of ideational structure and syntactic functions of noun phrases in two different text genres. It employed systemic functional linguistic approach using both Ideational structure analysis and syntactical analysis of noun phrases in narrative texts and news articles. The findings of this study show that noun phrases in narrative texts tend to be shorter and simpler, especially as they occupy the subject and object functions. The forms of pre-modifiers used also tend to be simpler (ranging from the use of one or two pre-modifiers only).  The same case occurs in post-modifier forms as well. In contrast, news articles tend to use complex phrase structures (two or even three pre-modifiers at once) which are coupled with other complex information in the post-modifiers. Appositives appear several times as post-modifiers to complete the information in the noun phrases. In conclusion, these differences prove that the determinism of writing style in each genre has a significant share in determining the pattern complexity of the noun phrase structures therein.