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Edukasi Mengenai Rasisme Dan Dampak Buruk Penyalahgunaan Narkoba Di Sma Kristen Immanuel Batam Golan Hasan; Edy Yulianto Putra; Michael Setiawan; Viviana Angesty; Enjelita Enjelita; Dedy Cahyono; Maryati Maryati
National Conference for Community Service Project (NaCosPro) Vol 4 No 1 (2022): The 4th National Conference of Community Service Project 2022
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Internasional Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37253/nacospro.v4i1.7195


Di zaman yang sudah serba maju ini, masih sering terjadi rasisme. Rasisme dapat muncul oleh faktor lingkungan atau bahkan faktor individual, sama halnya dengan penyalahgunaan narkoba di kalangan anak muda. SMA Kristen Immanuel merupakan salah satu sekolah kristen yang mayoritas siswa-siswinya beragama kristen. Oleh karena itu, penulis menilai sekolah ini dapat dijadikan lokasi pelaksanaan project pengabdian masyarakat untuk memperdalam keyakinan bahwa walaupun mereka berada di lingkungan yang mayoritasnya beragama kristen, tapi tidak membuat agama lain yang minoritas harus dikucilkan. Selain itu, penulis juga mencoba untuk mengedukasi siswa-siswi akan dampak buruk penyalahgunaan narkoba di kalangan anak muda seperti mereka. Pelaksanaan project ini dilakukan dengan metode sosialisasi secara tatap muka dengan siswa-siswi agar materi dapat tersampaikan dengan lebih baik. Penulis juga berinteraksi secara langsung untuk mengetahui bagaimana pendapat atau pandangan mereka mengenai materi yang disampaikan. Dari project ini, penulis mendapati bahwa setelah selesai dilaksanakannya sosialisasi, siswa-siswi merasa bahwa pemahaman mereka akan materi yang disampaikan jauh lebih baik dibandingkan sebelum dilaksanakan sosialisasi. Pandangan mereka juga menjadi lebih luas, serta termotivasi untuk turut menyebarkan edukasi yang berkaitan dengan materi yang disampaikan ini ke lingkungan sekitar mereka. Penulis berharap project selanjutnya juga akan memberikan manfaat dan dampak baik yang besar bagi siswa-siswi.
Jurnal Ekonomi, Manajemen Pariwisata dan Perhotelan Vol 2 No 1 (2023): Januari : Jurnal Ekonomi, Manajemen Pariwisata Dan Perhotelan
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Trianandra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55606/jempper.v2i1.880


Unemployment and inflation are related problems, common in all countries of the world. This article analyzes the government's policy on inflation-induced unemployment with Indonesia as the object. This article uses quantitative techniques to compare figures from previous years. Poverty rates increase with the number of unemployed, high unemployment rates can lead to lower national incomes in a country. Of course, the crime rate will go up. High inflation is usually caused by large amounts of debt and money in circulation in the country. Inflation also raises the price of commodities and lowers the exchange rate. In 2020, the unemployment rate in Indonesia reached its highest level due to the impact of the new coronavirus infection, which also affected the economic level of Indonesia, and Indonesia experienced a drastic economic decline in 2020.
Analisa Implementasi Manajemen Proyek pada Pengembangan Karung Goni Menjadi Tas yang Bermanfaat Davin Ewaldo; Michael Setiawan; Viviana Angesty; Ronny Firdiansya
El-Mal: Jurnal Kajian Ekonomi & Bisnis Islam Vol 5 No 1 (2024): El-Mal: Jurnal Kajian Ekonomi & Bisnis Islam
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Nasional Laa Roiba Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47467/elmal.v5i1.4121


TasGon is a product made from jute sack waste which is then processed into a useful product. In this project the burlap sack is processed into a bag called TasGon. This TasGon has many benefits, namely it can reduce the waste of burlap sacks that are wasted everywhere. In this study the authors used qualitative and descriptive research methods. This research is continued by analyzing project management, namely Project Integration, Project Scope Management, Project Time Management, Project Cost Management, Project Quality Management, Project Human Resource Management, Project Communication Management, Project Risk Management, Project Procurement Management, Project Stakeholder Management. The results of this study indicate that TasGoni has many benefits that can be felt by many people. Therefore the project undertaken must be in accordance with the quality of the product produced. Keywords: Project Management, Gunny Sack, Waste
Analisa Implementasi Manajemen Proyek pada Pengembangan Karung Goni Menjadi Tas yang Bermanfaat Davin Ewaldo; Michael Setiawan; Viviana Angesty; Ronny Firdiansyah
El-Mal: Jurnal Kajian Ekonomi & Bisnis Islam Vol. 5 No. 1 (2024): El-Mal: Jurnal Kajian Ekonomi & Bisnis Islam
Publisher : Intitut Agama Islam Nasional Laa Roiba Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47467/elmal.v5i1.430


TasGon is a product made from jute sack waste which is then processed into a useful product. In this project the burlap sack is processed into a bag called TasGon. This TasGon has many benefits, namely it can reduce the waste of burlap sacks that are wasted everywhere. In this study the authors used qualitative and descriptive research methods. This research is continued by analyzing project management, namely Project Integration, Project Scope Management, Project Time Management, Project Cost Management, Project Quality Management, Project Human Resource Management, Project Communication Management, Project Risk Management, Project Procurement Management, Project Stakeholder Management. The results of this study indicate that TasGoni has many benefits that can be felt by many people. Therefore the project undertaken must be in accordance with the quality of the product produced. Keywords: Project Management, Gunny Sack, Waste