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Analisis Penerimaan Kue Kering (Cookies) Tempe Sebagai Makanan Tambahan bagi Ibu Hamil di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Pir Batee Puteh Kecamatan Woyla Barat Kabupaten Aceh Barat Rahayu Utami; Rahmiati; Evi Rahmiyati

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The provision of additional food to pregnant women is very important in order to improve the nutritional status of pregnant women and fetuses. Tempeh as a food source contains minerals such as calcium, iron, magnesium, and zinc. In addition, tempeh also contains water soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K) and water insoluble vitamins (B complex), as well as B12 which is usually only found in animal foods. The purpose of this study was to analyze the acceptance of tempeh cookies as additional food for pregnant women in the working area of ​​the Pir Batee Puteh Public Health Center, Woyla Barat District, West Aceh Regency. This experimental research used organoleptic test with hedonic scale to determine the respondent's level of preference for the characteristics of taste, aroma, color and texture of tempe cookies. A total of 20 pregnant women were recruited purposively. The results of the organoleptic test for treatment A (chocolate-flavored tempeh cookies), the majority of panelists liked the color (50%), slightly liked the smell (40%), slightly liked the taste (50%), and liked the texture (45%). In the organoleptic test of treatment B (cheese-flavored tempeh cookies), the majority of respondents stated that they really like the color (65%), like the smell (55%), really like the taste (55%), and really like the texture (75%). In the organoleptic test of treatment C (original flavored tempeh cookies), the majority of respondents stated that they liked the color (55%), really liked the smell (75%), really liked the taste (50%), and really liked the texture (65%). The results of organoleptic testing showed that the use of different formulas did not significantly affect the texture of the resulting cookies. Cheese-flavored tempeh cookies were the chosen formula because they have a color, taste and texture that were preferred by pregnant women. It is recommended for pregnant women to consume tempeh cookies as an additional food during pregnancy. ABSTRAKPemberian makanan tambahan pada ibu hamil sangat penting guna meningkatkan status gizi ibu hamil dan janin. Tempe sebagai salah satu sumber pangan mengandung mineral seperti kalsium, zat besi, magnesium, dan seng. Selain itu, tempe juga mengandung vitamin larut air (A, D, E, dan K) dan vitamin tidak larut air (B kompleks), serta B12 yang biasanya hanya terdapat dalam pangan hewani Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis penerimaan kue kering (cookies) tempe sebagai makanan tambahan bagi ibu hamil di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Pir Batee Puteh Kecamatan Woyla Barat Kabupaten Aceh Barat. Penelitian eksperimental ini menggunakan uji organoleptik dengan skala hedonik untuk mengetahui tingkat kesukaan responden terhadap karakteristik rasa, aroma, warna dan tekstur cookies tempe. Jumlah responden pada penelitian ini sebanyak 20 orang ibu hamil yang direkrut secara purposive. Hasil uji organoleptik perlakuan A (cookies tempe rasa coklat), mayoritas panelis suka terhadap warna (50%), agak suka terhadap aroma (40%), agak suka terhadap rasa (50%), dan suka terhadap tekstur (45%). Pada uji organoleptik perlakuan B (cookies tempe rasa keju), mayoritas responden menyatakan sangat suka terhadap warna (65%), suka terhadap aroma (55%), sangat suka terhadap rasa (55%), dan sangat suka terhadap tekstur (75%). Pada uji organoleptik perlakuan C (cookies tempe rasa original), mayoritas responden menyatakan suka terhadap warna (55%), sangat suka terhadap aroma (75%), sangat suka terhadap rasa (50%), dan sangat suka terhadap tekstur (65%). Hasil pengujian organoleptik menunjukkan penggunaan formula yang berbeda tidak memberikan pengaruh nyata pada tekstur cookies yang dihasilkan. Cookies tempe rasa keju merupakan formula terpilih karena memiliki warna, rasa dan tekstur yang lebih disukai oleh ibu hamil. Disarankan bagi ibu hamil dapat mengkonsumsi cookies tempe sebagai makanan tambahan semasa kehamilan.