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Ratio Legis Unsur Tanpa Hak Dalam Perundangan Tentang Penggunaan Senjata Tajam Di Indonesia Fendi Anto; Febriana Nur Widyaningsih; Suratman Suratman; Moh. Muhibbin
Nuansa Akademik: Jurnal Pembangunan Masyarakat Vol 7 No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Lembaga Dakwah dan Pembangunan Masyarakat Universitas Cokroaminoto Yogyakarta (LDPM UCY)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47200/jnajpm.v7i2.1328


Law appears in accordance with the political and social configuration of a certain period. This fact indicates that the law continues to require renewal. One of the proofs that the law cannot reach people's lives which continues to develop is the emergence of Emergency Law no. 12 of 1951. The emergency law emerged as a renewal of the Republic of Indonesia Law No. 8 of 1948, and changed the Ordonnantie Tijdelijke Bijzondere Strafbepalingen (sbtl. 1948 No. 17). At certain times the emergency law was the right solution, but now the law that has not been updated can cause problems. One of the problems that arise is the ambiguity of the "without rights" element in the use of sharp weapons. The law does not specify which party has the right or the right to not use sharp weapons. In order for the law to continue to be used, a ratio legis is needed. This study aims to examine (1) the ratio of the elements of "without rights" in Article 2 of Law no. 12 of 1951, and (2) the configuration of the concept of Article 2 of Law no. 12 Year 1951 which is ideal in the future. This research is juridical-normative research with a statutory approach. The technique of analyzing legal materials is done by qualitative descriptive. The results of this study include, (1) the phrase "without rights" needs to be specified so as not to cause multiple interpretations, and (2) Law no. 12 of 1951 is no longer relevant to use.
Jurnal Hukum dan Kenotariatan Vol. 6 No. 3 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33474/hukeno.v6i3.17712


Rendahnya pemahaman masyarakat akan pentingnya pendaftaran tanah untuk pertama kali yang menerbitkan sertifikat tanah, menyebabkan minimnya kepemilikan sertifikat hak atas tanah. Hingga kini tanah yang dimiliki oleh masyarakat sebagian besar belum bersertifikat. Tujuan penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis peran Pejabat Pembuat Akta Tanah dalam pelaksanaan pendaftaran tanah, dan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis pentingnya pendaftaran tanah dalam perpektif teori kepastian hukum. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah yuridis empiris, dengan menggunakan pendekatan yuridis sosiologis. Lokasi penelitiannya di Kantor Pertanahan Kabupaten Malang, jenis datanya adalah data primer dan data sekunder. Analisis datanya dilakukan secara kualitatif. Peran PPAT terkait dengan pendaftaran tanah pertama kali, sangat penting terkait perbuatan hukum peralihan hak atas tanah, pembebanan hak atas tanah, yang dijadikan sebagai dasar pendaftaran hak atas tanah. Dalam perspektif teori kepastian hukum, mendaftarkan tanah adalah penting guna memperoleh kepastian hukum atas kepemilikan tanah. Bidang tanah yang telah terdaftar akan terhindar dari tindakan kesewenang-wenangan. Kata-Kunci: Pendaftaran, Tanah, Kepastian Hukum. A lack of understanding of the importance of land registration for the first time that was issued, lead to a limited ownership of the land certificate of rights. Until now, the land owned by the society are largely uncertified. This study aims to know and analyze the role of the Land Deed Official in the performance of land registration, and also to analyze the importance of land registration in assigning legal theories of certainty. The research method uses empirical juridical, with a sociological juridical approach. The location of the research conducts in the National Land Agency of Kabupaten Malang, using the primary and secondary types of data. The data analysis is qualitative. In the first phase of land registration, the roles of the Land Deed Official are particularly important when it comes to legal transitions of land rights, the imposition of land rights which are used as the basis for land rights registration. In the perspective of a legal certainty theory, listing land is essential in order to obtain legal certainty over land ownership. The land that has been listed will avoid any act of arbitrariness. Keywords: Registration, Land, Legal certainty
Conducting Court Proceedings in Contested Divorce Cases for Persons with Disabilities at Class 1a Malang Religious Court Lia Rosa Fauziah Kilihu; Moh. Muhibbin; Suratman Suratman; Nurika Falah Ilmania
JUSTISI Vol. 10 No. 2 (2024): JUSTISI: Journal of Law (on process)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Sorong

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33506/js.v10i2.3168


: People with disabilities often receive unequal treatment, especially in the justice process. People with disabilities have equal rights in everything, including the legal process. However, there are barriers for persons with disabilities in the Religious Court of Malang. The purpose of this writing is to find out the obstacles and efforts that occur to persons with disabilities during the legal process.  The research method used is empirical juridical, by conducting interviews or observations at the Malang Class 1A Religious Court.  In this study, it was found that the barriers to lawyering in the Malang Religious Court were insufficient facilities for persons with disabilities, such as the use of language in communication for persons with disabilities. The purpose of legal services for persons with disabilities when dealing with the law in the Religious Courts is to realize inclusive religious justice services. The obstacles in Religious Court of Malang continue to be pursued optimally and gradually by the Malang Religious Court through capacity building for human resources to understand disabilities within the scope of the court which is needed as part of excellent service, which aims to provide information and information to parties with disabilities without hesitation. Keywords: People with Disabilities; Judiciary; Religious Court of Malang.