Astried Priscilla Cordanis
Program Studi Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian, Fakultas Pertanian dan Peternakan, Universitas Katolik Indonesia Santu Paulus Ruteng

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Analisis Pemasaran Sayuran di Pasar Inpres Ruteng Kabupaten Manggarai Ronaldus Don Piran; Polikarpus Payong; Astried Priscilla Cordanis
Forum Agribisnis Vol 12 No 2 (2022): FA VOL 12 NO 2 SEPTEMBER 2022
Publisher : Magister Science of Agribusiness, Department of Agribusiness, FEM-IPB University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/fagb.12.2.151-160


Vegetable production is still relatively low in Manggarai Regency. This is a challenge because they have to bring in vegetable products from outside the region. This study identifies vegetable marketing channels and assesses the efficiency of vegetable marketing channels by focusing on tomatoes, beans, mustard greens, and kale, as are often found in the Inpres Market in Ruteng City. The analytical techniques used are marketing margin analysis, farmer acceptance percentage analysis (F's) and marketing efficiency analysis (Ep). Vegetable marketing channels at the Ruteng Inpres Market consist of Farmers - Consumers, Farmers - Retailers - Consumers, Farmers - Middlemen - Retailers - Consumers. Based on the difference (difference) in prices at farmers and prices at consumers, marketing of tomatoes using channel II is more efficient, while marketing of mustard, beans and kale using channel III is more efficient. Marketing of tomatoes, beans and kale using channel II is more efficient when viewed from the large percentage of farmers' income compared to marketing mustard greens. Based on the profit margin percentage, marketing channel II is more profitable for retailers than channel III, because middlemen take a larger percentage of profits than retailers in marketing channel III. Based on the comparison of marketing costs with selling prices, marketing of tomatoes, mustard greens and beans in channel III is more efficient than channel II, except for marketing of kale. Tomato, chickpea and kale farmers are advised to apply marketing channel II. The middleman in marketing channel III needs to reduce the percentage of profit taking so that the retailer is able to get a profit that approximates the profit of the middleman. Farmers and other marketing institutions need to use standard weight measuring devices in marketing their products at the Ruteng Inpres Market.
PEMANFAATAN LIMBAH BOTOL BEKAS SEBAGAI MEDIA TANAM HIDROPONIK Wensislaus Arman Ndau; Astried Priscilla Cordanis; Paulus Every Sudirman
JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri) Vol 7, No 5 (2023): Oktober
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/jmm.v7i5.17502


Abstrak: Pertumbuhan penduduk yang pesat akan menyebabkan peningkatan produksi limbah, termasuk limbah plastik. Salah satu jenis limbah plastik yang banyak dihasilkan adalah botol bekas, yang seringkali menjadi sumber pencemaran lingkungan. Salah satu cara untuk mengatasi hal tersebut adalah dengan memanfaatkan limbah botol untuk dijadikan media tanam secara hidroponik. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pengetahuan kepada mahasiswa tentang pentingnya pemanfaatan limbah botol plastik untuk dijadikan media tanam hidroponik. Metode pelaksanaan dilakukan melalui pelatihan dan penyuluhan kepada 90 orang mahasiswa sebagai mitra. Metode evaluasi yang digunakan yaitu dengan melihat jumlah semua unit persemaian dan jumlah botol yang disiapkan sesuai sehingga tidak ada yang terbuang. Dari semua hasil persemaian menunjukan bahwa setiap unit yang disiapkan, semua unit terpakai dan terlihat tumbuh segar. Kegiatan ini juga membawa dampak yang positif bagi mahasiswa. Sebagian besar mahasiswa memahami dan menyadari tentang pentingnya pemanfaatan limbah plastik dalam rangka mengurangi pencemaran lingkungan dan juga tetap bisa produktif dalam hal membudidayakan tanaman sayuran.Abstract: Rapid population growth will lead to increased waste production, including plastic waste. One type of plastic waste that is widely produced is used bottles, which are often a source of environmental pollution. One way to overcome this is to use bottle waste to be used as hydroponic planting media. This activity aims to provide knowledge to students about the importance of utilizing plastic bottle waste to be used as hydroponic planting media. The implementation method is carried out through training and counseling to 90 students as partners. The evaluation method used is to look at the number of all seedbed units and the number of bottles prepared accordingly so that nothing is wasted. From all the seedbed results show that every unit prepared, all units are used and look fresh growing. This activity also has a positive impact on students. Most students understand and realize the importance of utilizing plastic waste in order to reduce environmental pollution and also remain productive in terms of cultivating vegetable crops. 
PENGENALAN KONSEP NILAI TAMBAH DAN PELATIHAN PEMBUATAN SAMBAL TOMAT PADA SISWA SEKOLAH MENENGAH KEJURUAN PERTANIAN Paulus Every Sudirman; Ester Nurani Keraru; Maryance Vivi Murnia Bana; Maria Salestina Ngoni; Astried Priscilla Cordanis; Rizki Adiputra Taopan
JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri) Vol 7, No 5 (2023): Oktober
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/jmm.v7i5.17551


Abstrak: Kecamatan Wae Rii merupakan wilayah penghasil hortikultura untuk disuplai ke Kabupaten Manggarai. Produk yang dihasilkan sebagian besar dalam bentuk produk mentah. Potensi tersebut dapat dimanfaatkan untuk menghasilkan produk bernilai tambah dengan memanfaatkan sumber daya manusia yang memadai. Kegiatan PkM ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pengenalan konsep nilai tambah dan praktik pengolahan tomat menjadi sambal kepada para siswa di SMKN Restorasi Timung. Metode yang digunakan meliputi pembelajaran di kelas mengenai pengenalan konsep nilai tambah dan pelatihan pembuatan sambal tomat yang melibatkan 30 orang siswa di SMKN Restorasi Timung. Evaluasi kegiatan dilakukan melalui Pre-test dan Post-test. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan bahwa kedua tujuan kegiatan PkM telah tercapai yang ditunjukkan dengan adanya peningkatan nilai rerata tes sebesar 26% antara sebelum dan sesudah kegiatan. Pada aktivitas pelatihan, seluruh peserta diikutsertakan secara aktif melalui pembagian kelompok kerja sehingga dapat mengalami secara langsung proses perubahan nilai suatu komoditi. Melalui kegiatan ini diharapkan pihak sekolah dapat menindaklanjuti produk sambal ini sebagai produk unggulan.Abstract: Horticulture is produced in Wae Rii District for Manggarai Regency. Most of the output consists of raw materials. This potential can be leveraged to add value product if adequate people are employed. The goal of this PkM activity is to introduce the concept of added value and the production of tomato sauce to the students at SMKN Restorasi Timung. The techniques utilized included teaching 30 students by introducing the idea of added value and how to make tomato sauce. The activity is evaluated using the Pre-test and posttest. The activity's results show that the goals have been achieved. The activity findings reveal a 26% rise in the average test score between before and after the activity. All participants are actively involved in training activities through the creation of work groups, allowing them to directly experience the process of changing the value of a commodity. It is hoped that the school will continue to promote this as an outstanding product.