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Design and Implementation Six-Steps Inverter Using Fuzzy Sugeno in Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines Reza Sarwo Widagdo; Santoso; Izzah Aula Wardah
International Journal of Electrical, Energy and Power System Engineering Vol. 5 No. 3 (2022): The International Journal of Electrical, Energy and Power System Engineering (I
Publisher : Electrical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31258/ijeepse.5.3.67-72


Controlling the speed of the permanent magnet synchronous machines plays an essential role in the industrial process and keeps the permanent magnet synchronous machines running quickly and efficiently. Even if the load changes, the rate speed of the permanent magnet synchronous machines should be adjusted to a constant speed. An excellent permanent magnet synchronous machines speed control system must respond quickly and accurately. However, in practice, rarely find a permanent magnet synchronous machines controlled to achieve a certain speed. This research presents an analysis of fuzzy logic control using seven membership functions for speed control of permanent magnet synchronous machines. Rotor speed control is performed on the rotor voltage by changing the duty cycle value. This voltage change affects the torque of the engine. Adjust the speed by changing the input voltage of the permanent magnet synchronous machines with the six-steps inverter. In the open-loop test (without control), the system cannot reach the desired setting and will only run after input from the throttle. In a closed loop (using fuzzy logic control), the system can achieve the desired setting in 90 seconds even if the setpoint is changed and can move to the setpoint.
Installation of solar power plant as power supply for street lighting in livestock area Reza Sarwo Widagdo; Puji Slamet; Aris Heri Andriawan; Izzah Aula Wardah
Abdimas: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Merdeka Malang Vol 8, No 2 (2023): May 2023
Publisher : University of Merdeka Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26905/abdimas.v8i2.9732


Sajen Village, in Pacet District, Mojokerto, already has a Village-Owned Enterprise (BUMDes) that is primarily involved in the management of livestock and agricultural products because has village treasury land. Farms with cows and goats are administered by cooperatives of farmers. Even though there is always a livestock supervisor on guard, one of the farm locations closest to the village hall uses makeshift lighting and has a low level of security. This is due to the limited electrical energy which is still sourced from the village hall. In addition, human resources in Sajen village also need to improve their soft skills and hard skills to develop the village and keep abreast of current issues. This initiated the idea of building an independent power plant in the livestock area as a useful energy source for village lighting and security. Off-grid system was built in the livestock area and has been successfully utilized to supply energy for the lighting and security sector in the livestock area. Off-grid systems refer to energy sources that are different from those used by the state power utility. Solar power plant also contributes a percentage of clean energy use in village areas and can be a pilot for further development. 
Kajian Teknis Penerangan Jalan Umum di Jalan Akses Bandara Juanda Rizqi Kusumawardana Sunarto; Aris Heri Andriawan; Izzah Aula Wardah
Al-DYAS Vol 2 No 3 (2023): OKTOBER
Publisher : Lembaga Yasin AlSys

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58578/aldyas.v2i3.1303


Juanda Airport Access Road, Sidoarjo Regency, East Java has a length of 3.15km with a width of 6m and there are 73 lighting points with a pole height of 12m and a distance between poles of 44m with a total of 8 single-arm poles and 65 double-arm poles. In addition, the street lighting lamps installed are 72 150 watt LED lamps and 66 250 watt SON-T type lamps. The measurement results are 26.37 lux for a 150 watt LED type lamp and 10.27 lux for a 250 watt SON-T lamp. However, from the many lights that have been installed, the lighting on the access road to Juanda Airport is still not optimal and many blackspots are found in certain areas. Therefore, it is necessary to do a re-analysis so that the road lighting for the Juanda Airport access road can meet the standards. The results of the analysis concluded that by carrying out a simulation on the dialux application according to the conditions in the field, 73 points of lighting poles were needed, the handlebar angle of the ornament was 14.06o with a total of 138 196 watt LED lights with an intensity of 15 lux which was in accordance with the standards of the Indonesian National Standards Agency 7391 : 2008 regarding the specifications for street lighting in urban areas and the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources 2014 for collector road classes for national road status, namely 15 - 20lux.
Analysis and Mitigation of Harmonics Distortion with Optimization Capacitor Banks and Single-Tuned Passive Filters Reza Sarwo Widagdo; Kukuh Setyadjit; Izzah Aula Wardah
Jambura Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Vol 5, No 2 (2023): Juli - Desember 2023
Publisher : Electrical Engineering Department Faculty of Engineering State University of Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37905/jjeee.v5i2.19016


Electrical system power supplies always require a completely sinusoidal voltage signal. But for a variety of reasons, utilities often struggle to maintain these desired conditions. Deviations of voltage and current waveforms from a sinusoidal form are called harmonic distortions. Harmonic distortions in power networks are increasing due to the widespread use of non-linear loads. In this article we will analysis at a single-tuned passive filter and optimization using a capacitor bank. Load-current analysis determines the efficiency of the filter application by calculating the load bus voltage and total harmonic distortion (THD). To simulate the work, the Electrical Transient Analyzer Program (ETAP) software was used. This system was created specifically for this simulation and does not represent a real system. This model tests the effects of injecting harmonic currents into a power grid through a variable speed drive (VFD). The filter is attenuated with a capacitor bank.
Jurnal JE-UNISLA : Electronic Control, Telecomunication, Computer Information and Power System Vol 8 No 2 (2023): JE-UNISLA
Publisher : Universitas Islam Lamongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30736/elektro.v8i2.1119


UPT Balai Yasa Surabaya Gubeng has electrical equipment with non-liner load characteristics, which may affect power rating in accordance with PLN and IEEE 519 – 2014 standards. Non-linear loads result in non-compliant power quality parameter values ​​such as voltage, power factor, frequency, and harmonics. The efficiency of the transformer is also determined. due to the generated power from the transformer to the load. This study was conducted by collecting and processing data from LVMDP. It was found that several parameters did not comply with PLN standards. The power factor of LVMDP 1 MVA and LVMDP 200 KVA are 0.8 and 0.7 respectively. Meanwhile, all voltage and frequency ​​of 1 MVA and 200 KVA LVMDP are still according to PLN standards. Whereas, the harmonics of LVMDP 1 MVA THDi R phase (26.18%), S phase (18.83%), THDv T phase (8.86%), and LVMDP 200 KVA THDv T phase (5.58%) are not in accordance with IEEE 519 – 2014 standards. Thus, single tuned filter were simulated which reduce the harmonics of the systems and increase the efficiency of the transformator.
Identifikasi Kematangan Jenis Buah Pisang Menggunakan Modul Kamera, Image Processing dan Algoritma SOM Lutfi Agung Swarga; Kukuh Setyajdit; Izzah Aula Wardah
Innovative: Journal Of Social Science Research Vol. 3 No. 5 (2023): Innovative: Journal of Social Science Research
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/innovative.v3i5.5121


Tanaman Pisang merupakan salah satu hasil agrikultur strategis yang dapat memberikan kontribusi signifikan terhadap perekonomian Indonesia. Jenis pisang yang baik dihasilkan di daerah-daerah tertentu. Kualitas kematangan pisang sangat ditentukan oleh waktu panen, lokasi penyimpanan dan waktu kematangan. Akan tetapi, cara untuk bisa mengetahui kematangan pisang tersebut masih dengan cara manual atau menentukan warna matang pada buah pisang. Cara tersebut memerlukan waktu yang lama dan harus menunggu jika pisang tersebut belum matang. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini menganalisis dan mengidentifikasi kematangan jenis buah pisang menggunakan modul kamera sebagai pengambilan gambar. Data-data hasil pengukuran tersebut kemudian diproses menggunakan Image Processing dan algoritma Self Organizing Map (SOM) sebagai metode identifikasi untuk mengetahui kematangan jenis buah pisang tersebut. Hasil dari percobaan menunjukkan bahwa sistem ini dapat mendeteksi dan mengidentifikasi empat kematangan jenis pisang dengan akurasi sebesar 90%. Kata Kunci : Aglikultur, Image Processing, Modul Kamera, Pisang, SOM.