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JHP17 (Jurnal Hasil Penelitian) Vol 1 No 02 (2016)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian Dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya

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DC lamp voltage monitoring by microcontroller ATmega 328P through wireless zigbee is a monitoring tool that uses a DC lamp AVR microcontroller as a data processor, voltage and current sensors on the lights to detect the lamp current and voltage power supply, monitoring DC lights will transmit data to the monitoring in the form of a PC (Personal Computer) with the help of Visual Basic software, data transmission through wireless zigbee. Monitoring lamps DC serves to detect damage to the lamp and power supply, monitoring can be used to monitor street lighting that uses a DC lamp. Monitoring can monitor the DC lamp lights up to 50W and the power supply voltage is 12 VDC and can be informed remotely by using zigbee as a communication medium.Keywords: zigbee, lights, monitoring, ATmega
Rancang Bangun Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Gelombang Air Laut (Pelampung) Kapasitas 100 Watt Al Mursyid, M.Hawarul Aini; Mangkurat, Brandon Bayu; Andriawan, Aris Heri
Elsains : Jurnal Elektro Vol 2 No 1 (2020): Elsains : Jurnal Elektro
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Elektro, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30996/elsains.v2i1.4013


Wilayah bumi didominasi oleh laut. Ombak merupakan gerakan air laut yang turun-naik atau bergulung-gulung. Untuk itu kita akan mencoba menggali informasi tentang tenaga gelombang air laut yang sudah dimanfaatkan oleh banyak negara, termasuk Indonesia. Studi ini membahas tentang cara membuat pembangkit listrik tenaga gelombang air untuk menghasilkan energi listrik. Tujuan pembuatan alat ini adalah pemanfaatan gelombang air laut sebagai energi listrik untuk kebutuhan manusia dan desa-desa pesisir pantai yang belum teraliri listrik. Untuk cara kerja pembangkit listrik tenaga gelombang air laut ini adalah dengan pelampung yang nantinya ketika ada gelombang laut datang pelampung akan terseret mengikuti arah gelombang,otomatis pelampung yang satunya akan terangkat, dan ketika tidak ada gelombang maka posisi pelampung akan kembali seperti semula. Berdasarkan pembuatan alat pembangkit listrik tenaga gelombang laut diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa  putaran Mekanik 744 RPM menghasilkan tegangan dari generator sebesar 30V dan Arus 0.25A, charger controller tegangan 28 V arus 0.37 A,baterai tegangan 12.1 V arus 0.6 A, kemudian inverter DC to AC Tegangan 223 V arus 0.7 A. Dan menghasilkan maksimal beban daya sebesar 130 Watt. Kata kunci : energi alternatif, gear, gelombang air, pelampung.
Rancang Bangun Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Hybrid Gelombang Air Laut Dengan Tenaga Angin untuk Suplay Listrik di Daerah Pantai Tamtama, Yusuf; Wahyuono, Sri; Andriawan, Aris Heri
Elsains : Jurnal Elektro Vol 2 No 2 (2020): Elsains : Jurnal Elektro
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Elektro, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30996/elsains.v2i2.4773


Kebutuhan akan energi listrik di Indonesia mengalami peningkatan dari tahun ke tahun yang sebagian besar bersumber dari energi fosil, sehingga untuk mengantisipasi terjadinya penurunan ketersediaan energi fosil, dilakukan penelitian dengan tujuan untuk membuat desain rancang bangun pembangkit listrik tenaga hybrid gelombang air laut dengan tenaga angin untuk supply listrik di daerah pantai. Penelitian ini dilakukan di pantai Lamongan di mana pembangkit listrik dirancang menggunakan pembangkit listrik tenaga angin, pembangkit listrik tenaga gelombang laut, control hybrid dan baterai. Analisis dilakukan secara berkelanjutan setiap dilakukannya uji coba alat berdasarkan gambar skema dari sistem. Hasil dari penelitian adalah bahwa pembangkit listrik tenaga gelombang laut menggunakan generator 100 watt yang mengalami keadaan beban puncak pada pukul 16.00 dengan menghasilkan tegangan 12.9V, arus 1.6A dan daya 20.64 watt. Sedangkan wind generator yang digunakan sebesar 450W menghasilkan tegangan 17.3 V, arus 0.75A, dan daya 12.975 watt dengan kecepatan angin pada saat pengukuran tertinggi 15.9 m/s. Besaran keluaran yang dihasilkan ke beban maksimal sebesar 450 watt. Saran untuk penelitian selanjutnya adalah agar menghasilkan sumber tegangan yang maksimal maka perlunya pemerhatian pemilihan generator dan kincir terhadap lokasi atau tempat yang akan digunakan baik dari keadaan gelombang laut maupun kondisi angin, serta lebih baik menggunakan baterai dengan arus yang besar untuk mengantisipasi inputan sistem hybrid yang kurang maksimal.
JHP17 (Jurnal Hasil Penelitian) Vol 1 No 01 (2016)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian Dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya

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The use of renewable energy is needed to reduce the energy crisis,renewable energy is very abundant in the earth of which the sun as a source ofenergy. To support the process of conversion of energy the sun into electricitytakes place either required maintenance and monitoring in order to obtainmaximum energy sources. Among them caused by dust, leaves, exposed to thedust and water, the contamination by dust surface will be disturbed solar cellenergy conversion is generated. The application of intelligence method is oneway to solve these problems. In addition the use of artificial intelligence forverification whether the intelligence methods are more effective and simpler insolving the problem of monitoring. Therefore we need some variables includevoltage, brightness, and time, to support a process that uses artificialintelligence methods. By utilizing the microcontroller ATMega8535 asprocessing for artificial intelligences methods provide a more concrete and theuse of software (Matlab, Proteus) for simulation.Keywords: artificial intelligence
JHP17 (Jurnal Hasil Penelitian) Vol 1 No 01 (2016)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian Dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya

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At this writing, has conducted monitoring and analysis and polycrystelinemonocrysteline Solar cells based on energy efficiency, using experimental data(electricity output parameters) determine the output of the solar cell becomesindispensable if it would be a smart system. So that the data output of the solarcell as a reference for processing by atmega8. Results of the analysis showedthat the measurement clock determine the level of higher energy efficiency. Theoutput of the solar cell variations at 8 (am) to 5 (pm). Device atmega8 harilduty to process the output voltage sensing of the next solar cell is shown in theLCD display.Keywords: solar cell, energy, atmega8.
Pengaplikasian Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Air (PLTA) Tipe Turbin Screw di Desa Sendi, Pacet, Kabupaten Mojokerto Faturrochman, Muhammad Reza; Guntara, Iqbal; Andriawan, Aris Heri; Hartayu, Ratna; W, Izzah Aula; Santoso, Santoso
Elsains : Jurnal Elektro Vol 3 No 2 (2021): Elsains : Jurnal Elektro
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Elektro, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30996/elsains.v3i2.5981


Penelitian ini membahas Tentang Pengaplikasian Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Air (PLTA) tipe turbin Screw di desa Sendi, Pacet, Kabupaten Mojokerto. Alat ini dirancang sebagai efisiensi dalam memanfaatkan potensi aliran air yang berada di desa Sendi, Pacet, Kabupaten Mojokerto . Pembangkit listrik tenaga air tersebut agar dapat mengubah energi mekanik ke energi listrik dengan bantuan dari motor DC. Panjang saluran air turbin tersebut sepanjang 8 meter, potensi debit air 0,488 m³/detik, menghasilkan putaran 550 RPM. Penelitian ini difokuskan untuk menghasilkan energi alternatif yang berkelanjutan.
Optimasi MPPT Menggunakan PID dengan Tuning Modified Firefly Algorithm (MFA) Controller Angga Dwi Atmoko; Ayusta Lukita Wardani; Aris Heri Andriawan
SinarFe7 Vol. 3 No. 1 (2020): Sinarfe7-3 2020
Publisher : FORTEI Regional VII Jawa Timur

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Dalam usaha pengurangan energi dengan bahan bakar minyak sebagai bahan bakar utama dalam pembangkitan tenaga listrik, maka diperlukannya energi baru dan terbarukan sebagai energi pengganti. Panel surya merupakan salah satu alternatif pembangkit listrik sebagai pengganti pambangkit listrik berbahan bakar minyak. Hal ini semakin diperkuat dengan kondisi alam di Indonesia yang selalu mendapat sinar matahari yang cukup sepanjang tahun, dengan potensi sebesar 207,8 GWp. Pemanfaatan panel surya sebagai pembangkit listrik tak lepas dari masalah efisiensi dari panel surya itu sendiri, yaitu sebesar 16%. Sehingga diperlukannya pengontrolan untuk meningkatan efisiensi dari panel surya tersebut, diantara dengan menggunakan perangkat DC-DC konverter juga dikendalikan oleh PWM yang dipengaruhi oleh duty cycle untuk mengatur besar kecilnya konversi terhadap tegangan input. Pengontrolan tersebut dilakukan dengan menggunakan PID dengan penalaan parameter menggunakan algoritma MFA. Pengujian dilakukan pada antara irradiance 250 KWh/m² hingga 900 KWh/m² hasilnya keluaran panel surya dapat di maksimalkan hingga 90% dengan keluaran daya maksimal hingga 115 Watt.
Installation of solar power plant as power supply for street lighting in livestock area Reza Sarwo Widagdo; Puji Slamet; Aris Heri Andriawan; Izzah Aula Wardah
Abdimas: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Merdeka Malang Vol 8, No 2 (2023): May 2023
Publisher : University of Merdeka Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26905/abdimas.v8i2.9732


Sajen Village, in Pacet District, Mojokerto, already has a Village-Owned Enterprise (BUMDes) that is primarily involved in the management of livestock and agricultural products because has village treasury land. Farms with cows and goats are administered by cooperatives of farmers. Even though there is always a livestock supervisor on guard, one of the farm locations closest to the village hall uses makeshift lighting and has a low level of security. This is due to the limited electrical energy which is still sourced from the village hall. In addition, human resources in Sajen village also need to improve their soft skills and hard skills to develop the village and keep abreast of current issues. This initiated the idea of building an independent power plant in the livestock area as a useful energy source for village lighting and security. Off-grid system was built in the livestock area and has been successfully utilized to supply energy for the lighting and security sector in the livestock area. Off-grid systems refer to energy sources that are different from those used by the state power utility. Solar power plant also contributes a percentage of clean energy use in village areas and can be a pilot for further development. 
Kajian Teknis Penerangan Bengkel Produksi Kapal Perang Di PT. PAL Indonesia Wahyu Ramadhan Cahaya Firdaus; Aris Heri Andriawan
Jurnal Teknik Mesin, Industri, Elektro dan Informatika Vol. 2 No. 3 (2023): September : JURNAL TEKNIK MESIN, INDUSTRI, ELEKTRO DAN INFORMATIKA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55606/jtmei.v2i3.2029


PAL Indonesia is one of the construction companies in the maritime industry that focuses on producing above and below the surface ships which the Indonesian government highly relies on, therefore the safety system there is very strict, including safety lighting. With good lighting, objects can be seen clearly, so that the operation of production equipment and work in the workshop is optimal. However, the company PT. PAL Indonesia has a problem, namely in the warship production workshop, workers often complain because the lighting in the workshop is not bright enough, which causes workers to experience red, watery and sore eyes. Therefore, researchers are interested in analyzing whether the existing lighting standard is in accordance with SNI 03-6197-2000, namely 350lux. From the research that has been done, it is found that the PT PAL workshop with an area of 2700m2 has an average light intensity measurement of 82.22lux, so re-planning is needed to produce a light intensity that is in accordance with the standards. Based on the results of calculations according to standards, 42 light points are obtained with an average lighting of 354 lux which is simulated using the dialux application. The addition of these light points had an impact on increasing electricity bill rates, which were initially IDR 624,575.34 per month to IDR 2,186,013.69 per month.
Kajian Teknis Perencanaan Penggantian Lampu Penerangan Jalan Umum Lampu Son-T Ke Led Di Jalan Jenggolo Asri - Randu Asri Sidoarjo Gia Edu Fialdy; Aris Heri Andriawan
Jurnal Teknik Mesin, Industri, Elektro dan Informatika Vol. 2 No. 3 (2023): September : JURNAL TEKNIK MESIN, INDUSTRI, ELEKTRO DAN INFORMATIKA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55606/jtmei.v2i3.2037


Street lighting is a safety infrastructure on the highway. However, currently most of the public street lighting lamps do not comply with the provisions of the Indonesian National Standards Agency (BSNI). It is necessary to plan for lamp replacement by using lamps that are appropriate to field conditions, so that the light intensity produced is in accordance with established standards. Jalan Jenggolo Asri - Randu Asri in Sidoarjo is an example of a road that requires planning for lighting changes. This road is a type of secondary collector road with a length of 2500 meters and a road width of 6 meters. The lighting on this road does not meet the standards set by BSNI 7391: 2008 caused by several lights that go out and the power of the lights used is not optimal. Planning for replacing public street lighting is needed on this road by recalculating the maximum light intensity requirements. The method that can be done is to replace the lamp used with an LED lamp. In the current initial conditions, street lighting on this road uses 250W SON and 150W LED lamps. After planning, the lights will be replaced with 100W LED lights. The planning results show that by using a 100W LED lamp, a handlebar ornament angle of 14.06° will be produced, the light intensity is Candela, the lighting intensity is 6.77 Lux, and the power required per day is 26.4 kWh. Comparison with the use of 250 Watt SON lamps shows that the use of 100W LED lamps is more efficient in energy consumption by 51.76%. The results of this planning have met the standard requirements for secondary collector roads. Thus, by replacing the lights according to the plan, it is hoped that street lighting on Jalan Jenggolo Asri - Randu Asri Sidoarjo can meet the standards set by BSNI 7391:2008 and provide optimal light intensity with more efficient energy use.