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Suplementasi Tepung Kunyit (Curcuma domestica) dalam Ransum Terhadap Karakteristik Organoleptik Telur Ayam Ras Muhammad Iqbal Romadoni; Desia Kaharuddin; Kususiyah
Buletin Peternakan Tropis Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31186/bpt.3.2.129-135


This study aimed to evaluate the effect of turmeric flour supplementation in the ration on the organoleptic characteristics of purebred chicken eggs.  Forty chickens aged 36 weeks were randomly distributed into four treatments, each treatment consisting of 10 tests, with a  Complete Randomized Design.  Treatment (P0) without turmeric flour supplementation, the other treatment was turmeric flour supplementation successively P1: 0.75%;  P2:  1.50% and P3:  2.25%. The variables observed included the color of the yolk, taste, aroma (smell), and texture of the egg that had been boiled. Observation of the organoleptic characteristics of eggs is carried out in the ninth week after the administration of turmeric flour.  The data obtained are tabulated and further discussed descriptively. The results showed that turmeric flour supplementation in the ration against the egg yolk color score ranged from 3.35-3.70, taste 3.18-3.34, smell/aroma 3.14-3.20, and texture 3.08-3.17. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that turmeric flour supplementation (Curcuma domestica) up to the level of 2.25% in the ration is only able to improve the color characteristics of the yolk from a bit like to like but does not decrease the taste characteristics, aroma/smell and texture of purebred chicken eggs after boiling.   Key words: Supplementation, Turmeric Flour, Organoleptic Characteristics    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi pengaruh suplementasi tepung kunyit dalam ransum terhadap karakteristik organoleptik telur ayam ras.  Ayam umur 36 minggu (46 ekor) didistribusikan secara Acak ke dalam empat perlakuan, masing-masing perlakuan terdiri 10 ulangan, dengan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL). Perlakuan (P0) tanpa suplementasi tepung kunyit, perlakuan lainnya adalah suplementasi tepung kunyit berturut-turut  P1: 0,75%; P2 : 1,50% dan P3 : 2,25%. Variabel yang diamati yaitu warna kuning telur, rasa, aroma (bau), dan tekstur telur yang sudah direbus. Pengamatan karakteristik organoleptik  telur dilakukan pada minggu ke sembilan setelah pemberian tepung kunyit. Data yang diperoleh ditabulasi, dibahas secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa suplementasi tepung kunyit dalam ransum terhadap skor  warna kuning telur berkisar 3,35-3,70, rasa 3,18-3,34, bau/aroma 3,14-3,20, dan tekstur 3,08-3,17. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa suplementasi tepung kunyit (Curcuma domestica) sampai level 2,25% dalam ransum hanya mampu meningkatkan karakteristik warna kuning telur dari agak suka menjadi suka tetapi tidak menurunkan karakteristik  rasa, aroma/bau dan tekstur telur ayam ras setelah direbus.  
Wahana Peternakan Vol. 7 No. 1 (2023): Wahana Peternakan
Publisher : Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Tulang Bawang Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37090/jwputb.v7i1.769


The aim of the study was to evaluate egg production performance and egg quality of Ketarras chickens in  battery and umbaran rearing system. The study used 100 female Ketarras chickens aged 20 weeks; divided into 2 groups of maintenance systems, namely 50 in the battery cage and 50 in the umbaran rearing. The research was conducted at the Commercial Zone and Animal Laboratory (CZAL) Department of Animal Husbandry, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Bengkulu. Variables of production performance include: feed consumption, egg weight, percentage of egg production, egg mass production and feed conversion, while egg quality variables include: sample egg weight, egg index, yolk color, yolk weight, albumen weight, egg shell weight and shell thickness egg. Sampling for observation of egg quality was 100 eggs in each rearing system. Production performance data is discussed descriptively, while egg quality data is analyzed using the t test. The results of the evaluation of production performance showed that feed consumption and feed conversion in battery cages were lower with egg weight, egg production percentage and egg mass production being higher than in umbaran rearing system. The results of the t test showed that the rearing system had no significant effect (t count<t table) on all egg quality variables. It can be concluded that the egg production performance of Ketarras chickens in battery cages is better than in umbaran rearing system without any difference in egg quality. Keyword : Ketarras Chicken, Rearing System, Performance, Egg Quality
Oksidasi, Daya Buih, dan Sifat Organoleptik Telur Ayam Ras yang Direndam dalam Ekstrak Daun Belimbing Wuluh (Averrhoa bilimbi L.) Dina Amelia; Suharyanto; Desia Kaharuddin; Edi Soetrisno
Journal of Livestock and Animal Health Vol. 6 No. 1 (2023): February
Publisher : Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Payakumbuh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32530/jlah.v6i1.12


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh perendaman telur ayam ras dalam ekstrak daun belimbing wuluh (Averrhoa bilimbi L.) (DBW) terhadap tingkat oksidasi, daya buih, dan karakteristik organoleptik telur ayam ras. Telur yang digunakan adalah telur ayam ras yang berumur maksimal 24 jam sejak ditelurkan. Esktraksi dilakukan dengan cara merebus DBW dalam air dengan suhu 85 ºC selama 10 menit, air rebusan kemudian disaring dan digunakan untuk penelitian. Perlakuan yang diaplikasi adalah P0 = tanpa perendaman (kontrol), P1 = perendaman dalam akuades, P2 = perendaman dalam ekstrak DBW 15%, P3 = perendaman dalam DBW 30%, dan P4 = perendaman dalam ekstrak DBW 45%. Tiap perlakuan diulang 3 kali dengan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL). Data dianalisis dengan ANOVA dan uji lanjut DMRT (Duncan’s Multiple Range Test) dengan α = 0,05. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perendaman telur dalam larutan ekstrak DBW konsentrasi 15% sudah dapat menekan oksidasi, daya buih yang tidak berubah dan kestabilan buih yang lebih tinggi; skor kecerahan warna yolk, skor bau telur, dan skor tingkat kesukaan yang lebih tinggi tanpa merubah sifat tekstur dan rasa. Kesimpulannya adalah bahwa telur ayam ras memiliki karakteristik fungsional dan organoleptik terbaik pada perendaman dalam ekstrak daun belimbing wuluh dengan konsentrasi 15% serta mampu menekan tingkat oksidasi.
Wahana Peternakan Vol. 7 No. 1 (2023): Wahana Peternakan
Publisher : Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Tulang Bawang Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37090/jwputb.v7i1.769


The aim of the study was to evaluate egg production performance and egg quality of Ketarras chickens in  battery and umbaran rearing system. The study used 100 female Ketarras chickens aged 20 weeks; divided into 2 groups of maintenance systems, namely 50 in the battery cage and 50 in the umbaran rearing. The research was conducted at the Commercial Zone and Animal Laboratory (CZAL) Department of Animal Husbandry, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Bengkulu. Variables of production performance include: feed consumption, egg weight, percentage of egg production, egg mass production and feed conversion, while egg quality variables include: sample egg weight, egg index, yolk color, yolk weight, albumen weight, egg shell weight and shell thickness egg. Sampling for observation of egg quality was 100 eggs in each rearing system. Production performance data is discussed descriptively, while egg quality data is analyzed using the t test. The results of the evaluation of production performance showed that feed consumption and feed conversion in battery cages were lower with egg weight, egg production percentage and egg mass production being higher than in umbaran rearing system. The results of the t test showed that the rearing system had no significant effect (t count<t table) on all egg quality variables. It can be concluded that the egg production performance of Ketarras chickens in battery cages is better than in umbaran rearing system without any difference in egg quality. Keyword : Ketarras Chicken, Rearing System, Performance, Egg Quality