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Implementasi Convolutional Neural Network Untuk Klasifikasi Covid-19 Asep Arwan Sulaeman; Andy Susilo
Jurnal SIGMA Vol 13 No 2 (2022): Juni 2022
Publisher : Teknik Informatika, Universitas Pelita Bangsa

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Covid-19 is a disease caused by the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARSCo2). Covid-19 is a respiratory disease ranging from mild symptoms such as influenza to lungs such as pneumonia. Some scientists conducted research on Covid-19 by transferring knowledge to computers making this research more precise. One of them is the application of machine learning with deep learning methods. This can be done by building artificial intelligence using a simple Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) algorithm to detect lungs x-ray exposed to Covid-19. The results of data testing can predict the image of the lungs that have been processed to obtain lung predictions in Covid-19 patients. The results show that the Convolutional Neural Network algorithm can produce an accuracy value of 95% for the Covid-19 prediction model with 50 epochs and 94% with 75 epochs. Keywords: Covid-19, machine learning, deep learning, convolutional neural network Algorithm.
Penerapan Metode Vak Pada Game Edukasi Mengenal Huruf Hijaiyah Dengan Algoritma Fisher Yates Berbasis Android Asep Arwan; Yuliano Reismanda
Jurnal SIGMA Vol 13 No 3 (2022): September 2022
Publisher : Teknik Informatika, Universitas Pelita Bangsa

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Religious knowledge, especially hijaiyah for children, is very important as a rovision for the basis of their lives in facing life in the future. One of the benefits of the game is that it can be a medium of learning for children. In order for educational games to be more interesting when played, the authors apply one of the methods of developing the Multimedia Development Live Cycle (MDLC) which includes the concept, design, material collecting, assembly, testing and distribution stages. From the test results using black box, the system in the application works as expected. In this research, a problem is formulated on how to implement the Fisher Yates algorithm. The results of the questionnaire from 10 respondents stated that 92% agreed with the problems that had been described. As a solution to this problem, it is proposed to design an educational game "Knowing Hijaiyah Letters" to help foster children's interest in learning to recognize Hijaiyah letters with fun learning media. The use of multimedia-based educational programs that combine digital sound. In this study, the development of interactive learning media using the Visual Auditory Kinesthetic (VAK) learning approach was carried out. With this approach children can learn with the senses of sight, hearing, and movement. Keywords: Learning Media, Educational Games, Hijaiyah Letters, 2D Games
Industry Xplore Vol 8 No 1 (2023): Industry Xplore
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian pada Masyarakat, Universitas Buana Perjuangan Karawang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36805/teknikindustri.v8i1.5098


Material processing techniques in the manufacturing industry in Indonesia are more dominant in using metal applications as the main raw material in product design in the form of machines. The use of metal materials needs to be studied because before they are used in the industry, their designation must be known first so that these materials can be optimized in their use. The process of processing metal materials must pay attention to their type and properties in advance, especially in the process of forming and behavior during use. So that in its application it can be following the specifications of raw materials in a product that is produced. This study aims to find out and identify how important the role of metal materials is in their application in the world of the Indonesian manufacturing industry. This research method uses a systematic literature review method by collecting 20 articles related to the use of metal materials in various manufacturing industries from several national journals on the Google Scholar database. This research found several dominant articles published in 2020 and focused on the alloy casting industry. The results obtained from the collected data are that the use of metal materials plays an important role in the manufacturing industry in Indonesia. Metal materials are still very much needed as one of the main raw materials in the manufacturing industry because these materials have unique properties that non-metallic materials do not have
Analisa Prediksi Hasil Produksi Popok Bayi Metode Naïve Bayes Edy Widodo; Sifa Fauziah; Asep Arwan Sulaeman
Bulletin of Information Technology (BIT) Vol 4 No 1: Maret 2023
Publisher : Forum Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi (FKPT)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47065/bit.v4i1.504


PT. Elleair Interantional Manufacturing Indonesia is a company engaged in the field of manufacturing baby diapers. With the increasing market demand causing an increase in the production process, what is often experienced is that there is often a lack of finish good product to meet consumer de mand due to delays in the production process. To make it easier for companies to look for factors that can increase production result, the authors coduct research with data mining using the naïve bayes method. In this study the training data and testing data were tested using the RapidMiner application with the naïve bayes algorithm where the tested data were 500 data. Testing is done by calculating the value of precision, recall, AUC dan accuracy using the RapidMiner Application and using Microsoft Excel and calculating the final probability of each class to calculate predictions of product result. With the naïve bayes method we can calculate predictions of production result based on data from the previus year as training data to anticipate shortages in production due to factors that can hider the production process. From the results of the analysis obtained factors that affect production result, namely, the number of materia used for the production of 318 data. The human error factor with the category of “No” as much as 305 data also influences because the less the occurrence of human error the production results are also high. Stop delivery factor with the category “No” as many as 299 data, with fewer cases of stop delivery, the more finish good product that can be sold
Penerapan Pembelajaran Website Pelayanan Desa Untuk Meningkatkan pengetahuan Teknologi Bagi Perangkat Desa Teluk Buyung Ismasari Nawangsih; Adi Rusdi Widya; Asep Arwan Sulaeman; Agus Suwarno; Antika Zahrotul Kamalia
Jurnal Pelita Pengabdian Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Januari
Publisher : DPPM Universitas Pelita Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37366/jpp.v1i1.1563


Abstrak E-desa merupakan sistem informasi online yang di gunakan sebagai wadah pelayanan kepada masyarakat. Desa Telukbuyung, Pakis Jaya Karawang. Rata – rata masyarakat berprofesi sebagai petani. Tata letak kantor desa yang strategis dari masyarakatnya. Mempunyai kendala bagi perangkat desa dalam memberikan informasi kepada masyarakatnya. Bila ada info penting mereka juga turun langsung ke rumah masyarakat. Terkadang masyarakat tesebut tidak dapat bertemu. Karena masyarakat sibuk bekerja sehingga informasi tidak tersampaikan. Untuk masyarakatnya mempunyai kendala dalam mendapatkan informasi bantuan desa, kegiatan, jadwal dan informasi desa harus datang ke kantor desa setempat. Informasi yang mereka dapatkan di lihat dari papan pengumuman. Bila tidak ada informasi masyarakat kembali pulang. Hal ini sangat membuang waktu dan mendapatkan informasi yang tidak pasti. Maka untuk meningkatkan Kualitas Pelayanan desa, Tim Dosen mengadakan pengadian kepada masyarakat dengan memberi pelatihan berupa website e-desa kepada perangkat desa. Agar mereka mengerti tentang teknologi serta mempercepat cara kerja pelayanan kepada masyarakat dan program – program desa terkontrol dan informasi terupdate secara langsung. Kata Kunci: Pelatihan, E-desa, Perangkat desa
Edukasi Keselamatan Berkendara di Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Terpadu Baitul ‘Aini Untuk Membentuk Budaya Tertib Lalu Lintas Agus Suwarno; Ismasari Nawangsih; Adi Rusdi widya; Antika Zahrotul Kamalia; Asep Arwan Sulaeman
Jurnal Pelita Pengabdian Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): July
Publisher : DPPM Universitas Pelita Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37366/jpp.v1i2.2538


Kecelakaan lalu lintas yang sering terjadi akibat ketidakpatuhan terhadap aturan lalu lintas, seperti melampaui batas kecepatan yang dianjurkan, menggunakan telepon seluler saat berkendara, serta melanggar rambu-rambu lalu lintas. Sikap seperti ini juga dil akukan oleh pendidik dan pekerja di Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Terpadu Baitul ‘Aini. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan edukasi keselamatan berkendara di Yayasan tersebut dengan fokus membentuk budaya tertib lalu lintas. Penelitian ini melibatkan tenaga pendidik dan pekerja dari dua lokasi Yayasan. Hasilnya menunjukkan peningkatan pemahaman tentang aturan lalu lintas, kesadaran akan pentingnya keselamatan berkendara, dan pemahaman mengenai bahaya dari pelanggaran aturan. Diharapkan melalui kegiatan edukasi berkala, kesadaran dan budaya tertib berlalu lintas dapat ditingkatkan secara berkelanjutan, membantu menciptakan lingkungan yang lebih aman dan nyaman bagi pengguna jalan, serta meningkatkan identitas Yayasan dalam tanggung jawab sosial terhadap keselamatan berlalu lintas.