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Model dan Strategi Pentingnya Perencanaan Keuangan untuk Menghadapi Masa Pensiun pada Era Industrialisasi 4.0 di Kota Surakarta Tetuko Rawidyo Putro; Riwi Sumantyo; Hery Sulistio Jati Nugroho Sriwijanto
KUAT : Keuangan Umum dan Akuntansi Terapan Vol 4 No 2 (2022): Edisi November
Publisher : Politeknik Keuangan Negara STAN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31092/kuat.v4i2.1769


Kegiatan Program Kemitraan Masyarakat (PKM) Model dan Strategi Pentingnya Perencanaan Keuangan untuk Menghadapi Masa pensiun pada Era Industrialisasi 4.0 di Kota Surakarta yaitu pemahaman tentang perencanaan keuangan dan implementasi dari layanan digital keuangan dan online trading di pasar modal bagi masyarakat khususnya karyawan/pegawai instansi pemerintah maupun non pemerintah di Kota Surakarta. Kegiatan PKM ini didasarkan pada permasalahan: (1) Masyarakat Kota Surakarta banyak yang belum paham dalam membuat perencanaan keuangan. (2) Masyarakat Kota Surakarta masih banyak yang belum memahami tentang investasi di sektor keuangan. Biasanya, masyarakat lebih familiar terhadap investasi riil dalam bentuk tanah, gedung, atau membuka usaha.  (3) Masyarakat Kota Surakarta banyak yang belum pernah mendapatkan pelatihan tentang layanan digital keuangan dan cara menggunakan aplikasi perdagangan online untuk jual beli saham. Kegiatan PKM ini menerapkan tiga metode. Pertama, tahapan persiapan pengembangan konseptual dan teknik operasional yang membahas tips dan trick dalam membuat rencana keuangan, serta bagaimana sistem dari layanan digital keuangan dan melakukan jual/beli saham secara daring (dalam jaringan). Kedua, tahapan pelatihan penggunaan layanan digital keuangan dan transaksi saham di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI). Lalu, tahapan selanjutnya adalah tahapan evaluasi. Hasil yang ditargetkan dari kegiatan PKM ini yaitu masyarakat khususnya karyawan/pegawai instansi pemerintah maupun non pemerintah di Kota Surakarta mampu membuat perencanaan keuangan maupun transaksi di pasar modal. Kegiatan ini juga ditargetkan mampu menambah pengetahuan dasar dan keterampilan masyarakat Kota Surakarta untuk membuat perencanaan keuangan, melakukan transaksi di layanan digital keuangan, maupun melakukan perdagangan saham di pasar modal sehingga dapat mencapai tujuan keuangan yaitu kebebasan finansial (financial freedom) di masa pensiun.
Strategy for Increasing Farmers' Welfare through Capacity Building for Organic Fertilizer Production Technology in Japeledok Village, Rembang Regency Hery Sulistio Jati; Tetuko Rawidyo Putro*; Lukman Hakim; Mulyanto Mulyanto; Siti Aisyah Tri Rahayu; Riwi Sumantyo; Johadi Johadi; ARIYANTO ADHI NUGROHO; Muhammad Bagus Sistriatmaja; Andri Prasetyo
JIM: Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Pendidikan Sejarah Vol 8, No 4 (2023): Agustus, Social Religious, History of low, Social Econmic and Humanities
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/jimps.v8i4.26579


Farmers of food crops, especially rice commodities in Rembang Regency, face the main challenge, namely the increase in the cost of agricultural production. Even though the productivity of rice commodities has increased, the high production costs have affected the income levels of farmers and have had an impact on the welfare of farmers. The stagnation of Farmers' Terms of Trade (NTP) for food crops from 2014-2019 amid an increase in the productivity of food crop agriculture shows that agricultural production costs are the main obstacle to increasing farmer welfare. Efforts to reduce agricultural production costs are a factor in encouraging the welfare of farmers in Rembang Regency. The self-sufficiency of organic fertilizers is one of the cost-efficiency solutions for producing agrarian food crops. Increasing the independence capacity of farmers' fertilizers, especially organic fertilizers, is a strategy to reduce agricultural production costs. There are at least four steps taken to increase farmer capacity: 1) preparation of a theoretical framework for change; 2) counseling on the benefits of organic fertilizers; 3) organic fertilizer production training, and 4) evaluation. The results of this capacity building show an increase in farmers' knowledge and skills in producing organic fertilizer in Japeledok Village, Rembang Regency. Farmers then use knowledge and skills to increase the cost efficiency of fertilizer production to improve the welfare of farmers. 
Journal of Applied Economics in Developing Countries Vol 7, No 1 (2022): Journal of Applied Economics in Developing Countries
Publisher : MESP–FEB UNS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/aedc.v7i1.79424


This study aims to determine the effect of trust, perceived ease of use, and perceived usefulness on repurchasing intention of financial technology. Respondents in the study were Sebelas Maret University students who had used financial technology. The data used in this study is primary data, derived from questionnaires that have been distributed to respondents. Test equipment used in research instruments is validity test and reliability test. The analysis of the data used is multiple linear regression analysis processed using SPSS version 22. In this study the independent variables are trust, perceived ease of use, and perceived usefulness. While the dependent variable is repurchase intention. The results of this study indicate that the variable trust and perceived ease of use significantly influence the repurchase intention of financial technology. While the variable of perceived usefulness does not have a significant effect on the repurchase intention of financial technologyKeywords: Students; Repurchase Intention; Financial Technology
Pelatihan Pelayanan Prima di KSPPS BMT KUBE COLOMADU SEJAHTERA Tetuko Rawidyo Putro; Muhammad Bagus Sistriatmaja; Siti Aisyah Tri Rahayu; Lukman Hakim; Hery Sulistyo Jati N S; Riwi Sumantyo; Mulyanto; Johadi; Ariyanto Adhi Nugroho; Muhammad Yusuf Indra Purnama
Beujroh : Jurnal Pemberdayaan dan Pengabdian pada Masyarakat Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): Beujroh : Jurnal Pemberdayaan dan Pengabdian pada Masyarakat
Publisher : Yayasan Sagita Akademia Maju

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61579/beujroh.v2i1.74


This service aims to improve the quality of human resources and the performance of KSPPS BMT KUBE COLOMADU SEJAHTERA employees by providing excellent service training to KSPPS BMT KUBE COLOMADU SEJAHTERA employees. The focus of the training is on efforts to improve employee performance so that they can provide an understanding of the importance of excellent service in internal and external interactions, Equip participants with an understanding of consumers as individuals who have many desires and perceptions about a product (service), Equip participants with the ability to provide excellent service, and be able to know the factors that influence consumer satisfaction and various methods of measuring excellent service. Enabling participants to be able to handle various complaints, access to financial institutions, both conventional and sharia, as well as financial technology. The approach used in this activity is to carry out training activities for employees to significantly improve the performance of BMT employees. It is hoped that the results of the training will be able to motivate and provide the skills needed for employees to provide excellent service to their customers. Excellent service to BMT customers will increase customer comfort and loyalty to BMT Kube Colomadu