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Cegah Diare Melalui Tutorial Cuci Tangan Pakai Sabun Pada Siswa Sekolah Dasar di Kota Pekanbaru Hetty Ismainar; Syafira Nurullita; Khaeratunnisa Fiyanmi; Mishbahuddin Mishbahuddin
Jurnal Pengabdian Kesehatan Komunitas Vol. 1 No. 3 (2021): Jurnal Pengabdian Kesehatan Komunitas
Publisher : STIKes Hang Tuah Pekanbaru

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25311/jpkk.Vol1.Iss3.1035


Diarrhea is still a global disease that is often experienced by children, especially in developing countries. Based on the 2019 Basic Health Research data, diarrhea is the second leading cause of child mortality. It is necessary to prevent the incidence of diarrhea from an early stage. It trains clean and healthy living behavior through Hand Washing with Soap for students.  Providing health education with the Hand Washing with Soap practice. The location is SD 192, Binawidya Village, Pekanbaru. The media used are videos and leaflets. The assessment indicators use a seven-step CTPS checklist before and after the provision of education. There were 11 students who participated in this activity accompanied by the teacher. The average CTPS practice pre-test score was 32.5% doing it correctly and 67.5% doing it incorrectly. After students were given education about the practice, it was seen that the results of the practice increased. On average, 88.3% have practiced CTPS correctly and only 11.7% have not done it correctly. There is an increase in students' CTPS practice scores by 55.8%. This practice of health educational activity is considered to be able to improve students' understanding of the practice of washing hands with seven steps correctly. ABSTRAK Diare masih merupakan penyakit global yang sering dialami anak terutama dinegara berkembang. Data Riset Kesehatan Dasar tahun 2018, prevalensi diare anak usia 5-14 tahun adalah 7% (182.338 kasus). Perlu upaya pencegahan insiden diare sejak dini. Melatih perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat melalui Cuci Tangan Pakai Sabun (CTPS) pada siswa Sekolah Dasar.Pemberian edukasi kesehatan dengan metode tutorial praktik CTPS. Lokasi di SD 192 Kelurahan Binawidya, Pekanbaru. Media yang digunakan pemutaran video praktik CTPS dan leaflet. Indikator penilaian menggunakan daftar tilik tujuh langkah CTPS sebelum dan sesudah pemberian edukasi. Ada 11 orang siswa yang mengikuti kegiatan ini dengan didampingi oleh wali kelas. Nilai pre-test praktik CTPS rerata 32,5% melakukan dengan benar dan 67,5% tidak melakukan dengan benar. Setelah siswa diberikan edukasi tentang praktik CTPS terlihat peningkatan hasil praktik tersebut. Rerata 88,3% telah melakukan praktik CTPS dengan benar dan hanya 11,7% saja yang belum melakukan dengan benar. Adanya peningkatan score praktik CTPS siswa sebanyak 55,8%. Kegiatan edukasi CTPS ini dinilai mampu meningkatkan pemahaman praktik siswa dalam mencuci tangan dengan tujuh langkah dengan benar.
Analisis Kesiapan Unit Pelaksana Teknis (UPT) Laboratorium Kesehatan Kota Pekanbaru Dalam Penerapan Kebijakan Badan Umum Layanan Daerah (BLUD) Di Kota Pekanbaru Tahun 2020 heriyadi heriyadi; Irwan Muryanto; Arnawilis Arnawilis; Mitra Mitra; Mishbahuddin Mishbahuddin
Jurnal Kesehatan Komunitas Vol 6 No 3 (2020): Jurnal Kesehatan Komunitas
Publisher : STIKes Hang Tuah Pekanbaru

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25311/keskom.Vol6.Iss3.615


The health laboratory is a public service institution that has an important role in improving public health status. With the increasing demands for health laboratories in improving services, many problems have arisen related to the lack of human resources, budgeting, long bureaucratic flows of disbursement of funds, long process of procuring facilities and infrastructure, and financial management regulations that hinder the smooth running of services. Through the Regional Public Service Agency (BLUD), the technical unit (UPT) health laboratory of Pekanbaru city is expected to have flexibility in managing finances independently, increasing professionalism, entrepreneurship, transparency, and accountability that can improve services to the community. The purpose of this study was to analyze the readiness of UPT health laboratory of Pekanbaru city in the Implementation of BLUD policy in Pekanbaru city in 2020. The study was qualitative. 6 informants were consisting of 5 main informants and 1 supporting informant. The triangulation used were the source, method, and data triangulation. The results showed that readiness in terms of input was still lacking in human resources in finance and administration. From a process point of view, the UPT health laboratory of Pekanbaru city has completed all the substantive, technical, and administrative requirements. And in terms of output, the UPT health laboratory of Pekanbaru city is ready to implement the BLUD policy. It is hoped that the UPT health laboratory of Pekanbaru city will immediately submit an assessment of the implementation of BLUD policies. Becoming a BLUD can fulfill their needs independently with a faster process.
Media Kesmas (Public Health Media) Vol. 1 No. 3 (2021): Jurnal Media Kesmas (Public Health Media)
Publisher : Progam Studi Kesehatan Masyarakat STIKes Hang Tuah Pekanbaru

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (98.237 KB) | DOI: 10.25311/kesmas.Vol1.Iss3.173


Perencanaan kebutuhan obat adalah suatu proses yang sangat penting dalam tersedianya obat di Rumah Sakit dimana permintaan yang dilakukan harus sesuai dengan kebutuhan yang ada agar tidak terjadi kekurangan bahkan kelebian obat. Perencanaan kebutuhan obat di RSIA Eria Bunda pada dasarnya sudah efektif dan sesuai dengan empat tahap prosedur proses perencanaan kebutuhan obat di RSIA Eria Bunda yaitu masalah dimana permintaan obat yang dilakukan di Rumah Sakit Instalasi Farmasi Kota Pekanbaru tidak sesuai dengan obat yang diterima baik dalam hal jumlah maupun jenis (item) obatnya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah diketahuinya proses perencanaan kebutuhan obat di RSIA Eria Bunda. Penelitian ini dilakukan di RSIA Eria Bunda Kota Pekanbaru. Subyek penelitian yaitu Kepala Instalasi Farmasi, Petugas Gudang Instalasi Farmasi, Petugas Instalasi Rawat Inap. Pengumpulam data dilakukan dengan wawancara mendalam menggunakan perekam suara, kamera, observasi dan penelusuran dokumen. Penelitian ini termasuk dalam jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa: pemilihan obat di Rumah Sakit ditentukan dari pola penyakit, rekapan resep-resep obat, penyakit terbanyak/10 besar penyakit. Kompilasi pemakaian obat dapat dilihat dari data catatan pemakaian, LPLPO dan kartu stok obat. Perhitungan kebutuhan obat dilakukan dengan metode konsumsi ditambah buffer stok 10%, dan tahap proyeksi kebutuhan obat dilakukan dengan menetapkan stok akhir  Planning a drug is a a very important aspect in the availability of medicine in Hospital where demand done to be in accordance with the needs existing to prevent any deficiency in fact excess of medicine. Planning the needs of medicine in RSIA Eria Bunda basically already effectively and in accordance with four steps procedure needs a drug, the planning process but researchers see there is another problem in planning the needs of medicine RSIA Eria Bunda and that problem where demand a drug that sone Hospital to pharmacy installation not in accordance with a drug that received both in terms of the number an type (items) the cure. The aim of this research is aware of the planning process needs of medicine in RSIA Eria Bunda. The study is done at RSIA Eria Bunda Pekanbaru City. Respondent Hospital, head of pharmacy installation, pharmaceutical installation warehouse officer, inpatient installation officer.An interview conducted by collecting data recorder, deep use sound the camera, observation and tracing of documents. This research included in the kind of research qualitative by means of descriptive analysis. This research result indicates that: election of medicine in Hospital determined from a pattern of disease, copy resipes medicine, most diseases 10/ large disease. Acompilation the use of the drug can be seen from discharging, data notes lplpo and cards stock of drugs. Requirement calculation drug done by means of a method of consumption plus 10% a buffer stock and phase projection needs a drug done by assigning stock, the end of a drug counting the design needs a drug a period of years to come, counting the budget for the total needs of the appropriation needs as well as drug persumber the budget. Expected RSIA Eria Bunda to be more may care for the data and data LPLPO, the use of drugs so  it does not happen again the reception of a drug that does not fit.
Analysis of Separation of Organic and Inorganic Waste at the Agus Salim People's Market in Pekanbaru City in 2022: Analisis Pemilahan Sampah Organik Dan Anorganik Di Pasar Rakyat Agus Salim Kota Pekanbaru Tahun 2022 Yoza Rismelia; Djasmudin Djalal; Kamali Zaman; Mishbahuddin Mishbahuddin; Benny Yulianto
Jurnal Olahraga dan Kesehatan (ORKES) Vol. 1 No. 3 (2022): Edisi Desember 2022
Publisher : Badnur Medisa Group

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56466/orkes/Vol1.Iss3.51


Based on data from the National Waste Management Information System (SIPSN) in 2019, the waste generation in Pekanbaru City was 378,324.91 tons and the daily waste generation was 1,036.51 tons. Meanwhile, in 2020 there was an increase in waste generation in the city of Pekanbaru as much as 400,461.54 tons and waste generation per day as much as 1,097.15 tons. In 2021, the waste generation in Pekanbaru City is 323,032.45 tons and 885.02 tons per day. The purpose of this study is to determine the sorting of organic and inorganic waste at Pasar Rakyat Agus Salim in Pekanbaru City in 2022. This type of research is qualitative with a descriptive design, the informants in this study amounted to 6 people, namely 1 key informant, 2 main informants. and 3 supporting informants. The results of this study indicate that there is no prior separation between organic and inorganic waste before the waste is disposed of, organic and inorganic waste is combined in one place. The infrastructure used for waste sorting is inadequate, there are no trash bins for organic or inorganic waste, the cleaners do not wear masks, gloves, boots when transporting garbage. The regulations that apply at the Agus Salim market such as do not mix organic and organic waste, and also don't litter, traders have not complied with the regulations that have been set. There is no training for janitors to increase the knowledge of janitors regarding organic and inorganic waste sorting. Berdasarkan data dari Sistem Informasi Pengelolaan Sampah Nasional (SIPSN) Pada tahun 2019 timbulan sampah di Kota Pekanbaru sebanyak 378,324.91 ton dan timbulan sampah perharinya sebanyak 1,036.51 ton. Sedangkan pada tahun 2020 terjadi kenaikan timbulan sampah di kota Pekanbaru sebanyak 400,461.54 ton dan timbulan sampah perharinya sebanyak 1,097.15 ton. Pada tahun 2021 timbulan sampah di Kota Pekanbaru sebanyak 323,032.45 ton dan perharinya sebanyak 885.02 ton. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui Pemilahan sampah organik dan anorganik di Pasar Rakyat Agus Salim di Kota Pekanbaru tahun 2022. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan desain yang digunakan adalah deskriptif, informan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 6 orang yaitu 1 orang informan kunci, 2 orang informan utama dan 3 orang informan pendukung. Hasil Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tidak dilakukan pemilahan terlebih dahulu antara sampah organik dan anorganik sebelum sampah dibuang, sampah organik dan anorganik digabung didalam satu tempat. Sarana Prasarana yang di gunakan untuk pemilahan sampah belum memadai, tidak ada tempat sampah untuk sampah organik ataupun anorganik, petugas kebersihan tidak memakai masker, sarung tangan, sepatu bot saat mengangkut sampah. Peraturan yang di berlakukan di pasar agus salim seperti jangan mencampur sampah organik dan organik, dan juga jangan buang sampah sembarangan, pedagang belum mematuhi peraturan yang telah ditetapkan. Tidak ada pelatihan untuk petugas kebersihan untuk menambah pengetahuan petugas kebersihan terakit pemilahan sampah organik dan anorganik.
Menara Medika Vol 5, No 2 (2023): VOL 5 NO 2 MARET 2023
Publisher : Fakultas Kesehatan Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31869/mm.v5i2.3889


Latar Belakang: Pada tahun 2020 UPT Puskesmas Balai Makam mengalami masalah terjadinya kekosongan obat. Berdasarkan laporan ketersediaan obat dan vaksin esensial Puskesmas dari Dinkes  Kab. Bengkalis  dari 17 Puskesmas yang terdapat di Kabupaten Bengkalis, UPT Puskesmas Balai Makam menempati urutan ketiga dengan ketersediaan obat dan vaksin sebesar 68,33 %Tujuan: menganalisa perencanaan dan pengadaan persediaan farmasi dan Bahan Medis Habis Pakai (BMHP) di UPT Puskesmas Balai Makam. Metodologi: Jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan desain deskriptif menggunakan Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) dan Borda. Metode pengambilan data dengan wawancara mendalam kepada 8 (delapan) orang informan terpilih yang dinilai sebagai ahli (expert). Hasil:  Analysis  Hierarchi  Process  (AHP) diperoleh  kriteria yang terpilih adalah SDM sebesar 46 %, kriteria ini sebagai support management dalam kegiatan perencanaan dan pengadaan sediaan farmasi dan BMHP. Alternatif pemecahan masalah SDM melalui monitoring dan evaluasi kinerja SDM. Diskusi: kriteria dengan bobot prioritas tertinggi adalah Sumber Daya Manusia dan alternative pemecahan masalah yang mendapat  bobot  rangking  tertinggi  adalah  monitoring  dan  evaluasi  kinerja Sumber Daya Manusia secara berkala. Perlu peningkatan evalusi internal dari pihak UPT Puskesmas Balai Makam serta pihak Dinas Kesehatan Kab. Bengkalis.