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Perancangan User Interface Game Angklung dengan Metode User Centered Design (Studi Kasus Saung Angklung Udjo) Wahyu Kurniawan Hartanto; Danang Junaedi; Emil Robert Kaburuan
Indonesia Journal on Computing (Indo-JC) Vol. 4 No. 1 (2019): Maret, 2019
Publisher : School of Computing, Telkom University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21108/INDOJC.2019.4.1.273


Angklung adalah kebudayaan khas Indonesia yang telah diakui UNESCO sejak tahun 2010. Salah satu bentuk pelestarian terhadap kebudayaan angklung, pemerintah kota Bandung menjadikan Saung Angklung Udjo sebagai tempat untuk melestarikan angklung. Seiring perkembangan teknologi, game angklung untuk smartphone sudah banyak dikembangkan. Pada suatu game, aspek usability merupakan salah satu aspek penting penghubung antara user dengan game. Berdasarkan evaluasi usability yang dilakukan menggunakan metode Quality in Use Integrated Measurement (QUIM) kepada beberapa aplikasi dan game angklung diperoleh rata- rata pengujian untuk semua faktor belum memenuhi aspek usability yang mengakibatkan pengguna mengalami kendala dalam menggunakan aplikasi game angklung. Oleh sebab itu perlu dilakukan perancangan user interface terhadap aplikasi game angklung supaya dapat digunakan dalam bermain angklung. Metode yang digunakan untuk perancangan user interface aplikasi game angklung adalah metode user centered design yang berfokus pada characteristics, task, environments dari pengguna. Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi dengan menggunakan QUIM aplikasi game Belajar Bermain Angklung dapat memenuhi kebutuhan dan kemampuan pengguna, hal ini terlihat dari nilai usability terendah sebesar 86% yang artinya sudah memenuhi aspek usability
Waste-to-Energy Potential Using Municipal Solid Waste as One Implementation of Jakarta Smart City Muhammad Rayhan Syahida Ramadhan; Muhammad Ikhsan; Ridha Muhlita Putra; Joni Welman Simatupang; Sealtial Mau; Emil Robert Kaburuan
Jurnal Serambi Engineering Vol 6, No 4 (2021): Oktober 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32672/jse.v6i4.3499


The background of this research is the escalation of DKI Jakarta’s residence which lead to the other two impacting factors, the use of electricity that increase to 5.8% in 2019 and the municipal waste escalation. The objective of this research is to find potential electrical energy that can be produced from waste-to-energy (WTE) technology of IWMS (Integrated Waste Management Site) Bantargebang (Bekasi), where most of the waste come from the people of DKI Jakarta. Furthermore, with the application of WTE, there is also a potential from the smart city implementation in DKI Jakarta. By using the mathematical model and secondary data gathering from the government of DKI Jakarta, we found that the potential of electrical energy that can be produced can reach 8.6 GWh/day, which contributed up to 9% to from the energy distributed to DKI Jakarta. Moreover, by applying WTE, there is also a potential of implementing other indicators of smart city that has been propagated by the government of DKI Jakarta.
Acceptance Analysis of Insurance E-Receipt Information System Using Technology Acceptance Model Andrian Kurniawan Perdana; Emil Robert Kaburuan
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute-Journal (BIRCI-Journal) Vol 5, No 2 (2022): Budapest International Research and Critics Institute May
Publisher : Budapest International Research and Critics University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33258/birci.v5i2.5594


At this time information systems have been widely used by various companies. With the information system, it is hoped that all existing business processes in the company can be helped. However, every newly implemented information system needs an attitude of acceptance from the users in the company, so that the implementation can be successful. As is happening to the government insurance company in Purwasuka (Purwakarta, Subang, Karawang) District. Where the company implements an e-receipt information system that will be used by its employees to record insurance sales. Based on these problems, this paper will analyze the attitudes of application users in the insurance company using TAM. The aspects to be studied are based on perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and attitude toward using.  The results of this study show that users give a positive attitude of acceptance.
Analisis Permasalahan Perangkat Pencetak Menggunakan Metode Algoritma K-Means dan K-Medoids Fadli Aziz Setiawan; Mujiono Sadikin; Emil Robert Kaburuan
Teknika Vol 11 No 2 (2022): Juli 2022
Publisher : Center for Research and Community Service, Institut Informatika Indonesia (IKADO) Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34148/teknika.v11i2.471


Amido Makmor Tulus Sejati merupakan perusahaan distributor multifunction printer merek Kyocera di Indonesia. Evaluasi kinerja teknisi diperlukan untuk mempertahankan kepuasan customer terhadap penggunaan multifunction printer Kyocera. Proses penilaian kinerja teknisi masih dilakukan secara manual yang mengakibatkan hasil evaluasi kinerja teknisi yang diberikan kurang akurat atau kurang maksimal, sehingga perlu dilakukan suatu teknik pengolahan data secara cepat dan lebih akurat. Salah satunya dengan mempergunakan teknik data mining dengan menggunakan metode algoritma clustering. Metode algoritma clustering dipergunakan untuk mengelompokkan problem yang sering terjadi berdasarkan tipe mesin multifunction printer Kyocera. Pada penelitian ini diterapkan algoritma clustering K-Means dan K-Medoids, yang kemudian dilakukan uji clustering yang optimal dengan mempergunakan Metode Elbow dan Silhouette Score. Data yang dipergunakan dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 1.620 instan yang merupakan Data Kuantitatif. Proses untuk mencari nilai clustering yang optimal dilakukan dengan mencari rata-rata Silhouette Score dan Nilai Kemurnian dengan sisi luar dari algoritma K-Means dan K-Medoids. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa jumlah cluster optimal adalah 2 (dua) untuk algoritma K-Means dengan nilai Silhouette Score 0,606 dan jumlah cluster optimal 4 (empat) untuk algoritma K-Medoids dengan nilai Silhouette Score 0,240.
Analisa Penerimaan Aplikasi Mobile DapurQ pada PT XYZ Emil Robert Kaburuan; Achmad Riesky Abrorry
Syntax Literate Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia
Publisher : CV. Ridwan Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (791.453 KB) | DOI: 10.36418/syntax-literate.v7i7.9036


DapurQ adalah sebuah aplikasi mobile food commerce social media yang didirikan oleh PT XYZ yang dapat membantu menghubungkan pemiliki usaha kecil dan industri rumahan dengan para pembeli untuk melakukan sharing dan transaksi jual beli makanan. DapurQ sebagai mobile food commerce social media yang diincar oleh para penggunanya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan mencari, sharing, dan transaksi jual beli makanan secara online. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisa faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi penerimaan aplikasi mobile DapurQ dengan menggunakan model TAM. Variabel yang digunakan Informastion Quality, System Quality, Service Quality, Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, Behavioral Intention, dan Actual System Use. Jumlah sampel yang diambil sebnayak 205 responden. Metode statistik yang digunakan dengan SmartPLS. Hasil analisis empiris menunjukkan bahwa variabel Information Quality tidak memiliki pengaruh terhadap Perceived Usefullness dan Perceived Ease of Use. Sedangkan variabel Service Quality memiliki pengaruh terhadap Perceived Usefullness dan Perceived Ease of Use, variabel System Quality memiliki pengaruh terhadap Perceived Usefullness dan Perceived Ease of Use dan variable Perceived Ease of Use memiliki pengaruh terhadap Behavioral Intention, dan variabel Behavioral Intention memiliki pengaruh terhadap Actual System Use.
Implementasi OCR dengan Metode Autoencoder pada Aplikasi Bukutamu berbasis WEB Muhamad Aldi Rizaldi; Emil R. Kaburuan
Jurnal Komputer Terapan  Vol. 8 No. 2 (2022): Jurnal Komputer Terapan
Publisher : Politeknik Caltex Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (737.978 KB) | DOI: 10.35143/jkt.v8i2.5420


A guestbook is a tool to record the identities of visitors who come to a place or event such as weddings, birthday celebrations, parties etc. Not just recording, the guestbook also functions as evidence and traces to avoid something unwanted. So it is not surprising that in some places it is required to submit an identity card such as a KTP when filling out a guestbook to be allowed to enter the place. KTP itself is an identity card that contains data such as name, place, date of birth etc. The data contained in the KTP can be utilized in the guestbook filling process so that officers only need to take a picture of the KTP and visitor data will be filled in automatically with the help of optical character recognition (OCR). To get a good OCR result, an image with clear words is needed, its position is not tilted and its size is not too small. Therefore, various preprocessing steps are needed before performing the OCR process, one of which is by applying denoise using the Autoencoder which has succeeded in making the image cleaner and the OCR results become more accurate.
Sentiment Analysis on Product Reviews from Shopee Marketplace using the Naïve Bayes Classifier Emil R. Kaburuan; Yunita Sartika Sari; Ika Agustina
Lontar Komputer : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Informasi Vol 13 No 3 (2022): Vol. 13, No. 3 December 2022
Publisher : Institute for Research and Community Services, Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/LKJITI.2022.v13.i03.p02


Online shopping has become a popular shopping method ever since the number of internet users increased. Online shopping activities have become very easy and flexible because they can be completed anywhere and anytime. The products provided are also complete. The products sold often do not always match the actual conditions because the product can only be seen through pictures. Users who have purchased a product can share their opinions using the review feature. However, the products purchased thousands or millions of times have many reviews. To take an overview of the product, it is essential to go through every positive and negative review, which takes a lot of time and effort. Reviews of products from the Shopee marketplace will be classified into positive or negative sentiments towards women's home wear clothing or house dress in this study. The research starts with data crawling, text preprocessing, training data, testing, and evaluation model and then concludes with a general description based on the most frequently discussed topics in the reviews for each sentiment class. Classification is done using the Naïve Bayes Classifier algorithm. The accuracy obtained is 90,03%. The total dataset is 2907 data.
Sentimen Analisis Review Aplikasi Digital Korlantas Pada Google Play Store Menggunakan Metode SVM Emil R Kaburuan; Nanda Ressq Setiawan
Jurnal Sisfokom (Sistem Informasi dan Komputer) Vol 12, No 1 (2023): MARET
Publisher : ISB Atma Luhur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32736/sisfokom.v12i1.1614


Layanan perpanjangan SIM familiar dengan proses pelayanan yang rumit. Mengatasi keluhan di masyarakat, Korlantas Polri memfasilitasi pelayanan online yang cepat dan mudah melalui aplikasi digital layanan SINAR Korlantas Polri. Namun rating yang disertai berbagai ulasan negatif dan positif menunjukkan bahwa pelayanan yang diberikan belum sepenuhnya memenuhi harapan dari pengguna aplikasi tersebut. Agar dapat mengetahui seberapa optimal aplikasi Digital Korlantas Polri dapat diketahui dengan menganalisis sentimen ulasan pengguna. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengimplementasikan sentimen analisis review Aplikasi Digital Korlantas pada Google Play Store menggunakan Metode SVM. Data ulasan pengguna aplikasi Digital Korlantas Polri yang didapatkan melalui website Google Play dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 1200 data ulasan. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini dengan cara crawling data menggunakan library google-play-scrapper. Metode pengujian menggunakan confusion matrix. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa algoritma SVM dapat melakukan analisis sentimen pada ulasan aplikasi digital korlantas dengan hasil 598 sentimen positif dan 511 sentimen negatif. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian model SVM memiliki kinerja yang baik pada skenario rasio data 90:10 dengan nilai akurasi sebesar 0.82 dan model SVM dengan kinerja terburuk ada pada skenario rasio data 80:20 dan 60:40 yakni dengan akurasi sebesar 0.74.
Design of Business Process Management in Waste Bank Application Based on BMC and SWOT Analysis Irfan Fandi; Emil Kaburuan
CommIT (Communication and Information Technology) Journal Vol. 17 No. 1 (2023): CommIT Journal (In Press)
Publisher : Bina Nusantara University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21512/commit.v17i1.8205


Waste is one of the world’s problems that is challenging for a country or a city to do good waste management. Currently, many waste bank application providers are running to produce benefit and value for the community. However, many of them do not run optimally due to improper business processes. The research discusses the design and development of a waste bank application provider using a Business Model Canvas (BMC) and Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) analysis as tools to help design a waste bank application for the provider company. The research applies a qualitative descriptive research with a qualitative approach. The sample data are taken from the waste bank application provider, PT Kompis Creative Solution using direct interviews with managers of waste bank application providers. Then, observation of the waste bank system, identification of problems, and literature studies are aimed to find information and references related to the research. The analysis indicates that the waste bank business process can be included in the BMC which can provide a neat picture for PT Kompis Creative Solution. Each of the BMC block can be the starting point for the company to determine the most important criteria. Then, the company can develop a digital waste bank strategy using the SWOT matrix to design a future strategy and minimize the risks. With the role of the waste bank application, it is expected that it improves the bank’s business processes and increases public enthusiasm to know and contribute to the mutually beneficial waste bank business.