Hatta Fakhrurrozi
State Islamic University Datokarama Palu

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Sakaya: Balia Tradition Transformation in The Kaili Tribe Community of Palu, Central Sulawesi Hatta Fakhrurrozi; Saepudin Mashuri; Ilham Dwitama Haeba; Ulfun Khoirotun
el Harakah: Jurnal Budaya Islam Vol 24, No 2 (2022): EL HARAKAH
Publisher : UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18860/eh.v24i2.17238


The social changes of the Palu community after the 2018 disaster affected the values, attitudes, behaviors, and perspectives of some religious groups in society, which in turn forced the Balia tradition to transform as an adaptive step. This qualitative research aims to find the transformation of Balia by using an ethnographic approach. The research location was in the cities of Palu and Sigi. The sample was determined twice using the snowball technique and convenience sampling, which resulted in five respondents. Data was collected using depth interviews and analyzed using triangulation. This study found that Balia has transformed into a new form adapted to the community's needs and demands, called Sakaya. The term Sakaya is intended for someone who can be a medium or a means of communication with supernatural beings. Sakaya is not a colossal ritual but a personal ritual. The transformation occurs in the second aspect of Balia and does not leave the primary aspect. As a result, these rituals have become more effective, efficient, inexpensive, and easily accessible to the public. Another finding of this research is that the function of the Sakaya is extended beyond Balia, which includes economic, social, and political aspects, which makes it more acceptable in the social life of the Kaili tribal community.  Perubahan sosial masyarakat Palu pasca bencana 2018 berdampak pada nilai, sikap, perilaku, dan cara pandang sebagian kelompok agama di masyarakat, yang pada gilirannya memaksa tradisi Balia bertransformasi sebagai langkah adaptif. Penelitian kualitatif ini bertujuan untuk menemukan transformasi Balia dengan menggunakan pendekatan etnografi. Lokasi penelitian berada di kota Palu dan Sigi. Penentuan sampel dilakukan sebanyak dua kali dengan teknik snowball dan convenience sampling, yang menghasilkan lima responden. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara mendalam dan dianalisis menggunakan triangulasi. Kajian ini menemukan bahwa Balia telah menjelma menjadi bentuk baru yang telah disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan dan tuntutan masyarakat, yang disebut Sakaya. Istilah Sakaya ditujukan untuk seseorang yang mampu menjadi media atau sarana komunikasi dengan makhluk gaib. Sakaya bukanlah ritual kolosal, melainkan ritual pribadi. Transformasi terjadi pada aspek sekunder Balia dan tidak meninggalkan aspek primer. Alhasil, ritual-ritual tersebut menjadi lebih efektif, efisien, murah, dan mudah dijangkau oleh masyarakat. Temuan lain dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa fungsi Sakaya diperluas di luar Balia, yang meliputi aspek ekonomi, sosial, dan politik, yang membuatnya lebih dapat diterima dalam kehidupan sosial masyarakat suku Kaili.
Paedagogia: Jurnal Pendidikan Vol 12 No 1 (2023): PAEDAGOGIA: Jurnal Pendidikan
Publisher : Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan IAIN Palu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24239/pdg.Vol12.Iss1.391


Religious education in schools is expected to have a significant impact on the development of students' religious and social character so as to prevent them from immoral social behavior. This research tries to identify extracurricular activities that help improve the social and religious character of students. This research uses qualitative methodologies, with in-depth interviews providing as data collecting technique. The data were subsequently analysed utilising triangulation techniques by modifying existing theories. According to the findings of this study, the school offers an Islamic tarbiyah programme as an extracurricular activity from Saturday through Sunday. Every day, a programme called tawjihat murabbiyat is used to control Islamic tarbiyah activities. In addition to extracurricular activities, the improvement of students' religious and social character is accomplished by the incorporation of religious principles into subject matter and the entrenching of appropriate behaviour in school culture. Developing social character involves working on a variety of skills, including discipline, respect for others, serving both parents, tolerance, humility, and caring for others and the environment. Concerning the religious attitudes fostered by the program, such as the practise of congregational prayer, the wearing of the veil, and become a Mutamayyiz Muslims.
Integration of Islamic Education Curriculum to Enhance the Social Character of Vocational High School Students Hatta Fakhrurrozi; Masturah Minabari; Fatimah Saguni; Sitti Nadirah
Ta'dib Vol 26, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Mahmud Yunus Batusangkar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31958/jt.v26i1.7237


Adolescence's middle years are fraught with problems that force them to make good or bad decisions in their social interactions. Schools play an important role in guiding students' development in the right direction. The purpose of this research is to investigate a model for integrating the Tarbiyah Islamiyah curriculum in order to improve the character of students. The vocational high school Bina Potensi Palu is the site of this research. This study is a qualitative-descriptive. The respondents included the principal and four teachers who were directly involved in tarbiyah islamiyah activities. Data was gathered through an in-depth interview technique and presented following the reduction and triangulation processes. The findings of this study revealed that: 1) the tarbiyah Islamiyah integration process took two forms, that is integration into Islamic religious education subjects and integration into extracurricular activities that were held every weekend. Integration using Fogarty's shared model; 2) Tarbiyah islamiyah in schools implements a limited boarding school system; the authors refer to it as "semi-boarding school"; 3) Tarbiyah islamiyah teaches social values and characters such as obedience to parents and teachers, respect for others, politeness in relationships, caring for others, tolerance, respect for other religions, and visiting the sick. The application of social character is carried out verbally and nonverbally through school culture. These social characters are the foundation of character education in schools, which supports the national education curriculum's aims. Educational institutions should implement it to achieve national education goals in developing students social characters.  
Integration of Islamic Education Curriculum to Enhance the Social Character of Vocational High School Students Hatta Fakhrurrozi; Masturah Minabari; Fatimah Saguni; Sitti Nadirah
Ta'dib Vol 26, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Mahmud Yunus Batusangkar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31958/jt.v26i1.7237


Adolescence's middle years are fraught with problems that force them to make good or bad decisions in their social interactions. Schools play an important role in guiding students' development in the right direction. The purpose of this research is to investigate a model for integrating the Tarbiyah Islamiyah curriculum in order to improve the character of students. The vocational high school Bina Potensi Palu is the site of this research. This study is a qualitative-descriptive. The respondents included the principal and four teachers who were directly involved in tarbiyah islamiyah activities. Data was gathered through an in-depth interview technique and presented following the reduction and triangulation processes. The findings of this study revealed that: 1) the tarbiyah Islamiyah integration process took two forms, that is integration into Islamic religious education subjects and integration into extracurricular activities that were held every weekend. Integration using Fogarty's shared model; 2) Tarbiyah islamiyah in schools implements a limited boarding school system; the authors refer to it as "semi-boarding school"; 3) Tarbiyah islamiyah teaches social values and characters such as obedience to parents and teachers, respect for others, politeness in relationships, caring for others, tolerance, respect for other religions, and visiting the sick. The application of social character is carried out verbally and nonverbally through school culture. These social characters are the foundation of character education in schools, which supports the national education curriculum's aims. Educational institutions should implement it to achieve national education goals in developing students social characters.  
Sakaya: Balia Tradition Transformation in The Kaili Tribe Community of Palu, Central Sulawesi Hatta Fakhrurrozi; Saepudin Mashuri; Ilham Dwitama Haeba; Ulfun Khoirotun
el Harakah: Jurnal Budaya Islam Vol 24, No 2 (2022): EL HARAKAH
Publisher : UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18860/eh.v24i2.17238


The social changes of the Palu community after the 2018 disaster affected the values, attitudes, behaviors, and perspectives of some religious groups in society, which in turn forced the Balia tradition to transform as an adaptive step. This qualitative research aims to find the transformation of Balia by using an ethnographic approach. The research location was in the cities of Palu and Sigi. The sample was determined twice using the snowball technique and convenience sampling, which resulted in five respondents. Data was collected using depth interviews and analyzed using triangulation. This study found that Balia has transformed into a new form adapted to the community's needs and demands, called Sakaya. The term Sakaya is intended for someone who can be a medium or a means of communication with supernatural beings. Sakaya is not a colossal ritual but a personal ritual. The transformation occurs in the second aspect of Balia and does not leave the primary aspect. As a result, these rituals have become more effective, efficient, inexpensive, and easily accessible to the public. Another finding of this research is that the function of the Sakaya is extended beyond Balia, which includes economic, social, and political aspects, which makes it more acceptable in the social life of the Kaili tribal community.  Perubahan sosial masyarakat Palu pasca bencana 2018 berdampak pada nilai, sikap, perilaku, dan cara pandang sebagian kelompok agama di masyarakat, yang pada gilirannya memaksa tradisi Balia bertransformasi sebagai langkah adaptif. Penelitian kualitatif ini bertujuan untuk menemukan transformasi Balia dengan menggunakan pendekatan etnografi. Lokasi penelitian berada di kota Palu dan Sigi. Penentuan sampel dilakukan sebanyak dua kali dengan teknik snowball dan convenience sampling, yang menghasilkan lima responden. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara mendalam dan dianalisis menggunakan triangulasi. Kajian ini menemukan bahwa Balia telah menjelma menjadi bentuk baru yang telah disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan dan tuntutan masyarakat, yang disebut Sakaya. Istilah Sakaya ditujukan untuk seseorang yang mampu menjadi media atau sarana komunikasi dengan makhluk gaib. Sakaya bukanlah ritual kolosal, melainkan ritual pribadi. Transformasi terjadi pada aspek sekunder Balia dan tidak meninggalkan aspek primer. Alhasil, ritual-ritual tersebut menjadi lebih efektif, efisien, murah, dan mudah dijangkau oleh masyarakat. Temuan lain dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa fungsi Sakaya diperluas di luar Balia, yang meliputi aspek ekonomi, sosial, dan politik, yang membuatnya lebih dapat diterima dalam kehidupan sosial masyarakat suku Kaili.