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Faktor-Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Efektifitas Pelaksanaan Telemedicine Fajar Kurniawan; Niaty Sauria; Lisnawati Lisnawati; Andriyani Andriyani
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52365/jond.v2i2.515


Pemanfaatan layanan telemedicine merupakan salah satu kebijakan yang strategis guna meminimalisir kontak fisik antara dokter dan pasien dalam upaya pengendalian penyebaran penyakit. Telemedicine memang memiliki banyak kelebihan, tetapi ada beberapa kekurangan telemedicine untuk konsultasi dokter online yang perlu diketahui, seperti sulit mengakses telemedicine, kurang membangun ikatan dengan dokter dan ada penyakit yang tidak bisa diperiksa secara online. Desain penelitian ini adalah systematic review dengan melihat secara sistematis jurnal dan artikel rentang tahun 2020-2022 pada google scholar, portal garuda, dan science direct. Dalam melakukan pengumpulan artikel tentang faktor pelaksanaan telemedicine, penulis melakukan pencarian dengan menggunakan kata kunci yang sudah disusun dan setelahnya dilakukan seleksi dan dihasilkan sebanyak 27 artikel dan diseleksi kembali menjadi 5 artikel saja dikarenakan artikel tersebut memiliki struktur kurang lengkap dan berbentuk review artikel. Hasil review diketahui dari ulasan mengidentifikasi dari 5 (lima) artikel tentang telemedicine memiliki beberapa inovasi yang dapat digunakan dalam mengamati, mengantisipasi, dan mengobati beberapa penyakit tertentu, namun dalam penerapan telemedicine terdapat hambatan antara lain berasal dari sumber daya manusia dan sarana prasarana yang digunakan telemedicine dimana masih banyak masyarakat dengan kalangan menengah ke bawah yang belum dapat mengoperasikan internet maupun handphone berbasis internet. Terdapat korelasi yang kuat dengan himbauan pemerintah untuk pencegahan penularan penyakit pada masa pandemic ataupun infeksi nosokomial. Secara kemanfaatan, telemedicine adalah salah satu solusi masalah kesenjangan pelayanan kesehatan pengetahuan, sikap, kepercayaan, aksesbilitas, peran lingkungan sekitar, penilaian kesehatan individu, dan persepsi manfaat bagi masyarakat.The use of telemedicine services is one of the strategic policies to minimize physical contact between doctors and patients in an effort to control the spread of disease. Telemedicine does have many advantages, but there are some drawbacks of telemedicine for online doctor consultations that need to be known, such as difficulty accessing telemedicine, a lack of building bonds with doctors, and the fact that some diseases cannot be examined online. The research design is a systematic review by systematically looking at journals and articles spanning 2020–2022 on Google Scholar, Garuda Portal, and Science Direct. In collecting articles on telemedicine implementation factors, the author conducted a search using the keywords that had been compiled, and after that, a selection was carried out, and 27 articles were produced and re-selected into 5 only because the articles had an incomplete structure and were in the form of an article review. The results of the review are known from the review, which identified five articles about telemedicine that have several innovations that can be used in observing, anticipating, and treating certain diseases. But in the implementation of telemedicine, there are obstacles, including those coming from human resources and the infrastructure used by telemedicine, where there are still many people from the lower middle class who cannot operate the internet or internet-based mobile phones. There is a strong correlation with government appeals to prevent disease transmission during pandemics or nosocomial infections. In terms of benefits, telemedicine is a solution to the problem of gaps in health services in knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, accessibility, the role of the surrounding environment, individual health assessments, and perceptions of benefits for society.
The Effect of Burnout on the Performance of Nurses at Aliyah I Hospital in Kendari City in 2023 Muhammad Al Rajab; Fajar Kurniawan; Marheni Fadillah Harun
International Journal Of Health Science Vol. 3 No. 2 (2023): July : International Journal of Health
Publisher : Politeknik Pratama Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55606/ijhs.v3i2.1552


Performance is the work of an employee qualitatively and quantitatively in carrying out his duties in accordance with the obligations imposed on him. The purpose of this study was to see how burnout affects the performance of employees at RSU Aliyah I Kendari City in 2023. Using complete sampling, the population consists of 42 permanent nurses. Data collection methods include observation, interviews, and distributing questionnaires. Chisquare is the analytical approach used. Based on the research findings, 11 (68.3%) of the 16 respondents who experienced burnout in the low group performed well in the good category. Furthermore, 17 (65.4%) of the 26 respondents in the high burnout category were satisfied with patient satisfaction. On the other hand, the value of ρ<1. We get α = 0.031 < 0.05 and Ho is discarded. Therefore, at Aliyah I General Hospital in Kendari City in 2023, burnout can be interpreted as affecting nurse performance. Efforts to improve performance must pay attention to the comfort of nurses' work, need to pay attention to the skills and workload of nurses, and foster a sense of responsibility.
Correlation between Clean and Healthy Behavior and ARI Incidence in the Work Area of the Morosi Community Health Center, Konawe Regency Tawakkal; Ira Nurmala; Lisnawati; Fajar Kurniawan
Indonesian Journal of Contemporary Multidisciplinary Research Vol. 2 No. 3 (2023): May, 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/modern.v2i3.4371


Morosi Community Health Center in 2020 with a total of 6392 visits seen from data on the 10 biggest diseases, namely ISPA 672, Hypertension 360 visits, joints and connective tissue 132 people, nerves 2 (two) visits, stomach ulcers 384 visits, Diabetes Mellitus 48 people, Dyspepsia 156 people, Diarrhea 216 people, eye disease 30 people and other diseases 4,392 people. The aim of the study was to analyze the relationship of PHBS factors with the incidence of ARI in Morosi District, Konawe Regency. This research method is quantitative, the research results are known. It is known from the results of the Chi-Square test that the value of 56,071 is greater than X2, so it can be concluded that there is a significant relationship between PHBS and ISPA events and the Phi value is 0.438 which means it has a moderate relationship. The conclusion is that there is a moderate relationship between PHBS and ISPA
Relationship between Gravidity and Low Birth Weight in Kendari City Hospital Lisnawati; Tawakkal; Ira Nurmala; Fajar Kurniawan
Indonesian Journal of Contemporary Multidisciplinary Research Vol. 2 No. 3 (2023): May, 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/modern.v2i3.4372


This study aims to determine the relationship between gravity and the incidence of low birth weight in Kendari city hospital. This research method is quantitative, the sample of this research is 58 respondents. Research results It is known from the results of data analysis that the chi-square test value is obtained, namely the calculated X2 value is 10,434 or greater than the X2 table with a value of 3,841, and it is known that the P value is not greater than Alpha (0.005 <0.05). This can be interpreted that the independent variable meme is related the dependent variable with the closeness of the variable relationship can be seen from the Phi value, which is 0.424 which lies in the range of the coefficient interval 0.40-0.599 which can be concluded that there is a relationship with a moderate level. It is recommended to provide more Health Education for pregnant women as an early detection of the risk of LBW
Edukasi Penggunaan Layanan BPJS Kesehatan bagi Masyarakat Di Kecamatan Lakara Palangga Selatan Kabupaten Konawe Selatan Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara Rania Fatrizza Pritami; Muhammad Al Rajab; Sultan Andilah; Marheni Fadilah Harun; Fajar Kurniawan; Fitri Kurniawati; Noviani Munsir; Tawakkal Tawakkal; Andriani Andriani; Lisnawati Lisnawati
BARAKTI: Journal of Community Service Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Maret
Publisher : PT. Sangadji Media Publishing

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Permasalahan mengenai BPJS kesehatan diantaranya masih ada masyarakat yang belum tercover sebagai peserta, masyarakat masih belum memahami mengenai cara mendapatkan dan tahapan dalam pengobatan dengan menggunakan BPJS mulai dari rujukan pelayanan kesehatan tingkat pertama ke rujukan pelayanan kesehatan tingkat paling tinggi. Masyarakat juga juga belum mendapatkan informasi secara maksimal mengenai jaminan kesehatan BPJS. Metode pemecahan permasalahan dalam pengabdian masyarakat menggunakan edukasi oleh dosen dan mahasiswa pada masyarakat, Tahapan pelaksanaan kegiatan pada pengabdian masyarakat ini yaitu menggunakan metode penyuluhan atau edukasi oleh dosen dan mahasiswa. Konsep metode edukasi meliputi: 1) tahap orientasi; 2) pre test; 3) resolusi, 4) Post test Memberikan materi meliputi: 1) pengertian BPJS; 2) jenis-jenis BPJS; 3) pelayanan-pelayanan dalam BPJS; 4) pembayaran iuran BPJS; 5) prosedur pendaftaran BPJS; 6) manfaat BPJS ; 7) alur kepesertaan BPJS; 8) Alur pelayanan BPJS; 9) hak dan kewajiban peserta BPJS. Hasil pengabdian masyarakat memberikan materi tentang BPJS selama 30 menit. Kegiatan sosialisasi mengenai pemanfaatan layanan BPJS kesehatan dalam pemenuhan kesehatan sehingga masyarakat lebih produktif dan mendapatkan pelayanan kesehatan yang terpenuhi secara komprehensif dan bertanggung jawab
Kebijakan Pemerintah Indonesia dan Thailand dalam Penanggulangan HIV AIDS Fajar Kurniawan; Lisnawati; Tawakkal; Ira Nurmala; Evodius Nasus
Journal of International Multidisciplinary Research Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Desember 2023
Publisher : PT. Banjarese Pacific Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62504/bz63xg07


Introduction:  WHO's global health sector strategy 2022–2030 on HIV goals to reduce HIV infections from 1.5 million by 2020 to 335,000 by 2030, and deaths from 680,000 in 2020 to below 240,000 by 2030. The Southeast Asia Regional Action Plan (RAP) for HIV (2017–2021) provides a clear vision of "zero new infections, zero HIV-related deaths, and zero discrimination" and a goal to "End the AIDS epidemic as a health threat by 2030".  Methods: Qualitative research by understanding the phenomenon of what the research subjects experienced, In this study, the authors used a descriptive method, which aims to describe the facts of the Indonesian government's policy and the Thai government's policy in tackling HIV AIDS cases in each country. Results: People diagnosed with HIV should be offered and associated with antiretroviral treatment (ART) as soon as possible after diagnosis and monitored periodically using clinical and laboratory parameters, including tests to measure the virus in the blood (viral load). Indonesia's policies in dealing with HIV AIDS are: Government Policy, Treatment, treatment and support for PLHIV, Conducive Environment, Sustainability of Countermeasures. Meanwhile, Thailand's state policy is: Prevention, Treatment and treatment, Cooperation in countermeasures and creating a conducive environment for PLHIV. Conclusion: It is known that in principle, the prevention and treatment of HIV AIDS refers to the world health organization and is developed based on the needs of each local government by looking at several ethnicities, races and religions as strategies in accelerating their prevention