Imam Sholahudin
Universitas Jember

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analisis pengaruh jumlah sudu terhadap unjuk kerja blower sentrifugal type back ward dengan honeycomb dan tanpa honeycom Achmad 'Ima Duddin; Digdo Listyadi Setyawan; Santoso Mulyadi; Imam Sholahudin; Ahmad Adib Rosyadi; M Asrofi
STATOR: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Mesin Vol 5 No 2 (2022): JURNAL STATOR
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Mesin

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Centrifugal blowers are machines or tools that are used to increase gas pressure or suction with a final pressure not exceeding 2000 Pa. The impeller blade is the most important part of the centrifugal blower which influences the performance of the blower. The rotation of the electric motor that is connected directly to the impeller is something that can affect the performance of the blower. Honeycomb is a component that is used to obtain fluid flow that is in the same direction, uniform, and stable. This study observed the effect of the number of blades on the performance of backward type centrifugal blowers using honeycomb and without the honeycomb. Variations used are the number of blades 13 and 15 using honeycomb and without the honeycomb. Tests were carried out at 400 rpm, 500 rpm, 600 rpm, and 700 rpm. From the results of the study, it was found that the fewer the number of blades, the higher the performance of the blower. Giving honeycomb at the output blower produces a more fluid or even fluid flow. In blade 15 the data distribution value is closer to the average value indicated by a smaller standard deviation value. This is due to the design of the blade impeller between the blades more tightly so that the air produced will be more tightly or evenly distributed, but has a lower wind speed.
PENGARUH PENAMBAHAN Mg DAN Sr TERHADAP KEKERASAN KOMPOSIT ADC12/nano-Al2O3 DENGAN METODE STIR CASTING Ahmad Al Kautsar; Salahuddin Junus; M Trifiananto; Imam Sholahudin; Aris Zainul Muttaqin
STATOR: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Mesin Vol 6 No 1 (2023): JURNAL STATOR
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Mesin

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Metal matrix composites generally use Aluminum (Al) as its matrix because of its low density, high processing, and high ductility. Ductility is an important factor that must be possessed on the metal matrix composite because the amplifier used is rigid and brittle. Alumina (Al2O3) is used as a reinforcing particle in a metal matrix composite because it has good thermal stability and hardness as well as a high Young modulus. Aluminum-silicon alloys (Al-Si) are excellent alloys of good melting, which have a good surface, without brittleness, and are excellent for cast alloys. The addition of magnesium (Mg) resulted in a modified rate of silicone eutectic for Al-Si-Mg, with enhanced magnesium (Mg) levels, increased alloy tensile strength but a decreasing percent elongation value. Strontium (Sr) is a common element used to modify eutectic and Si-shaped phases of rough acicular into finer and rounded fibrous forms. A metal matrix composite with a nano-sized Al2O3 particle amplifier can be fabricated using stir casting method with the addition of Mg as a Al2O3 wetting agent. Test results of the addition of Mg, Sr, and nano-Al2O3 to the highest hardness of ADC12 / nano-Al2O3 composites were found in ADC12-8Mg-0.03Sr / 2.5nano-Al2O3 variation at 78.92 HRB.